Proper care for cancer patients: features of the organization of care

Proper care for cancer patients: features of the organization of care
Proper care for cancer patients: features of the organization of care

Cancer is one of the most serious diseases. Patients with this disease need special care. The right psychological approach is of great importance. After all, people with malignant neoplasms are often emotionally unstable. The features of caring for cancer patients are described in sections of the article.

Steps of therapy

Cancer pathologies require long-term treatment. First, the patient is in the hospital, where examination, surgery and other medical measures are carried out.

preparation for surgery
preparation for surgery

Then he is sent home. Before starting therapy, relatives should ask the doctor about the need to purchase drugs or conduct additional diagnostic procedures. The specialist, in turn, must inform the patient's family members about the features of caring for cancer patients, the principles of nutrition, hygieneevents. These aspects are determined by what form of cancer and at what stage a person has, and what treatment he receives. After a course of procedures in a hospital, the time comes for discharge. Relatives should take the patient home with them as soon as possible. The environment of the hospital has a depressing effect on the physical and mental state. Properly organized cancer care at home allows patients to be in a comfortable atmosphere.

Possible concerns

Relatives of an individual with cancer are certainly shocked when they learn about the diagnosis of a loved one. They have a lot of questions for doctors, one of which is: is it possible to get infected with a malignant neoplasm? To date, the exact causes of the disease are unknown. Experts say that cancer infection is unlikely. However, many avoid close contact with patients, and this deprives patients of the emotional support they need. The individual feels the nervousness of relatives, and this contributes to the deterioration of already weakened he alth.

cancer treatment in hospital
cancer treatment in hospital

Such situations are common. It should be remembered that the care of cancer patients requires a careful, tactful and sensitive approach to patients.

Difficulties faced by relatives. Ways to overcome them

Close people who care for an individual with cancer are in a difficult situation. They have to combine caring for a relative with duties at work and householdproblems. Additional monetary expenses and negative experiences worsen the situation even more. Seeing a mental he alth professional helps the patient's family members cope with the trials. It is desirable that relatives go to the doctor's appointment with the patient. This allows you to accurately learn about medical procedures, directions of therapy, side effects of drugs. Patients may be embarrassed to ask a specialist about treatment.

conversation with a doctor
conversation with a doctor

They fear they won't be able to understand the doctor's explanations.

What should relatives know?

When organizing home care for cancer patients, family members need to find out some aspects. Before going to the doctor, it is advisable to make a list of questions. Here are the most important ones:

  1. What medical measures should be taken to determine the form of cancer?
  2. What type of oncopathology was diagnosed, at what stage?
  3. What therapy is needed?
  4. Are there other options for treatment through compulsory he alth insurance or in private institutions?
  5. What are the side effects of drugs? Can they be softened?
  6. How long will the medical procedures take?
  7. How often should events take place?
  8. When should I see a doctor outside of appointment hours?

The doctor's answers to these and other questions should be recorded.

Features of physical care of relatives for cancer patients

Relatives of the patient must complyatypical actions: elimination of symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, bandaging, use of medical devices, hygiene procedures. To effectively cope with duties, it is necessary to write down a list of tasks to be solved in advance. It is important that the patient takes part in self-care. You can ask other family members or friends for help. Information provided by the doctor in writing, as well as medical devices, should be stored in a convenient place. For effective care of patients with oncological diseases, it is important to create an environment in the home that is as comfortable and safe as possible for the patient. He should have more room to move. Handrails should be placed next to the bathroom and toilet, and a stool should be placed in the shower. Relatives should learn in advance how to use the necessary medical equipment. You can ask a nurse or doctor to write step-by-step instructions. It is necessary to clearly find out which drugs are given to the patient, their dosage. Medicines should always be in a convenient place. Relatives need to have instructions for medicines with them in order to know about the effect of funds on the body. If the patient's family members are unable to cope with all the responsibilities, specially trained personnel should be hired to provide nursing care for cancer patients.

Features of monitoring and control of the state. Selected aspects of the regime

Regular measurement of body weight is of great importance. Weight loss is one of the symptoms of complications. Also, the medical staff is obliged from time to timetime to check body temperature. All results of observations of the patient must be recorded in the documents.

procedures in the hospital
procedures in the hospital

It should be remembered that in case of development of metastasis in the spinal column of a person, they are placed on a wooden shield, which is placed under the mattress. Some patients need small walks in the fresh air and regular airing. This aspect is important in the organization of medical care for cancer patients with tumors in the lungs. Fluid that is often secreted from the respiratory tract during illness should be collected in spittoons. These devices are washed daily in hot water, treated with turpentine and bleach. If laboratory tests are needed, the biomaterial is placed in a vessel, which should also be disinfected regularly.

Features of the diet

An important rule of caring for cancer patients is that they should be provided with nutritious, tasty and varied food.

nurse giving food to patient
nurse giving food to patient

It is necessary to exclude cold, hot, spicy, fried and heavy dishes. If the patient suffers from a malignant neoplasm of the stomach at a late stage, he is given easily digestible foods (sour cream, cottage cheese, boiled fish, broths, steamed cutlets, chopped fruits and vegetables, tea with sugar, liquid cereals). In case of violation of the patency of the digestive tract, the patient is prescribed a mixture. Sometimes you have to feed with a probe. Patients often have stool retention. In thissituations apply bowel lavage and laxatives (Vaseline oil, rhubarb, magnesium sulfate). A diet of liquid and nutritious foods is recommended. If a patient is diagnosed with severe obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, he undergoes surgery.

Difficulties associated with pain

One of the important features of caring for cancer patients is the need to eliminate severe discomfort. The tumor and its metastases cause extremely unpleasant sensations. The only way to get rid of pain in the later stages is to use drugs prescribed by a doctor.


If the individual is in the hospital or at home under the supervision of a nurse, medical staff need to follow the medication schedule.

Psychological and ethical aspects

There are a number of rules that a doctor and loved ones must follow when communicating with a patient. Specialists are not recommended to tell the patient the diagnosis. In the documents that are given to the individual, terms related to oncology should be replaced with more neutral ones. Although the question of whether it is worth telling the patient about the pathology is considered ambiguous. There is a category of patients who, having heard about the diagnosis, direct all their efforts to fight it. Other patients experience shock, give up. The tactics of the behavior of relatives should be based on the characteristics of the character of the individual. Physicians should also consider this aspect. For example, do not place people with severe forms of pathologies in the same room with newcomers, as well as those who have an early stage. After being released toDuring the period of home care for cancer patients, it is important not to allow the individual to withdraw into himself. One should treat a relative kindly.

communication and support
communication and support

Illness should only be mentioned when necessary. It is better to talk about topics related to family, work, plans and interests.
