The question of how to get rid of nausea with VVD and prevent its occurrence in the future worries many people. Vegetovascular dystonia is a disease based on an imbalance in the function of the sympathetic division of the nervous system. This pathology is an interdisciplinary problem that attracts the attention of doctors from many speci alties.
Therapists admit the cardiac pathogenesis of this disease. As for neuropathologists, they see its main source in violation of the functions of the parts of the nervous system. Psychotherapists, in turn, consider it appropriate to carry out psychological correction for such patients. In the article we will talk about the symptoms of VVD - nausea, dizziness and headache, and also learn how to get rid of them.
Basic information about the disease
The work of the internal organs is controlled by special autonomic nerves that control metabolism along with digestion, body temperature, blood circulation andsleep. They are an ambulance for the body and provide a timely response to changes in atmospheric pressure and other factors.

The fact is that all processes that occur without the conscious participation of the person himself are subject to the autonomic nervous system. But with excessive loads, long experiences and strong negative emotions, it fails.
VSD is unpredictable in its manifestation and consequences. Its manifestations are characterized by pulse instability along with emotional lability, increased pressure, nausea, and dizziness. With VVD, the clinical picture directly depends on age. This pathology stimulates the development of many diseases and is characterized by the involvement of the psycho-emotional sphere of a person.
Clinical manifestation of pathology
One of the most common manifestations of this disease, despite the variety of various clinical forms, is angiodystonic cerebral syndrome. It can be expressed by cerebral symptoms, which include:
- headaches;
- dizziness;
- nausea and vomiting;
- photophobia;
- fainting;
- tinnitus.

Failure of the nervous system can affect the state of human he alth. At the same time, the vessels narrow and expand unexpectedly and randomly, involving many organs and various body systems in pathological processes. Symptoms of vascular dystonia may be permanent ormanifest in fits.
How does nausea appear with VVD
The digestive system has a powerful regulation that interacts with the nervous system. The work of the digestive organs depends on this interaction. Overexcitation, which is provoked by stress, leads to an increase in the intensity of myocardial contractions, because of this, the vessels of the skeletal muscles and the heart expand. Blood flows from the esophagus to various organs, and the functioning of the digestive system, in turn, stops. Against the background of all this, the esophagus does not expand and signals that it is not ready to receive products. The body tries to get rid of food and causes nausea.
Against the background of VVD, nausea can be provoked by a violation of the outflow of bile, and in addition, the release of pancreatic juices as a result of intestinal spasm. Due to the malfunctioning of the nervous system, reflux can occur, in which stomach contents are thrown up into the esophagus, which causes pain and nausea. Unpleasant sensations along with vomiting that occurs in the larynx and contraction of the esophagus are signs of nausea. It often precedes vomiting or appears on its own.

Often, nausea and vomiting in VVD are additionally accompanied by dizziness, weakness, faintness and pallor of the skin. By the way, constant nausea in this disease, which is not associated with excitement, may indicate diseases of a somatic nature in the form of cholecystitis or gastritis.
Pain in the head and dizziness on the background of VSD
We have already said that nausea and headache often accompany VVD. The latter with this disease has several differences. For example, in its strength it lags behind a toothache or other type of pain. In this regard, if the headache is sharp and strong, then this is not VSD at all.
Her constant feeling, accompanied by frequent dizziness, fainting, unsteadiness of gait, nausea and weakness, and in addition, ringing in the ears, on the contrary, testifies precisely to VVD. In such patients, headaches and dizziness often occur in the morning, immediately after waking up, within 5 minutes. But they can accompany a person all day, from morning to evening.

Moreover, in most situations, when the torso is tilted, pain can intensify and become pulsating. The symptom usually disappears during sleep, when a person's consciousness turns off. Nocturnal headache is not typical for VVD. But when it appears, the whole head or only certain parts of it may hurt.
In addition, there may be a pulsation of blood vessels in the temples along with discomfort in the neck and nape. Sometimes there may be a feeling of congestion in one ear. Headache in the presence of VVD, as a rule, does not depend on pressure indicators, and also does not respond to the use of pain medications. Usually, against the background of this disease, the pressure is only slightly deviated from the norm.
Osteochondrosis is the main symptomatology
There is nausea with VVD and osteochondrosis. Studying the overall picture of the symptoms of these two diseases, it is necessaryunderstand that their manifestations are largely similar. With osteochondrosis, in conjunction with VVD, people may experience very severe pain, which is similar to intercostal pain, but in terms of the intensity of its manifestation, it is several times more noticeable. Light palpation along with tapping may aggravate it.
Against this background, it becomes difficult for people to perform even simple physical work. Patients with VVD and osteochondrosis may experience a threefold decrease in motor activity. Doing mental work also becomes difficult and sometimes even impossible. With osteochondrosis and VVD, nausea and weakness are noted simultaneously.
How to explain the mechanism of the appearance of muscle weakness in VVD? The reason lies in carbohydrate metabolism. It is no secret that these compounds are one of the main sources of energy that the body draws from food. The stock of this valuable substance is constantly stored in the human liver and muscles in the form of glycogen and is consumed as needed.

To get energy from the muscles, a person must move: biochemical processes are designed in such a way that glucose is released from glycogen only during exercise, and in a passive position it practically does not enter.
That is why doctors are sure that you can expel the described feeling by performing active, intense movements. And the reasons for this are that the self-awareness and consciousness of the patient become too vulnerable. There is a fear of performing unnecessary movements, and life in such cases is reduced to the implementation of exclusivelyhousehold needs.
Deficiency in willpower leads to the fact that a person cannot endure even mild pain, which is accompanied by panic attacks. Such patients are anxious for any reason. Their panic attacks are accompanied by rapid heart rate, chills, tremors, severe dizziness, nausea, and a significant fear of death.
How to get rid of these symptoms with VVD?
The key to adequate therapy is correct, and at the same time, timely diagnosis. Therapy is prescribed, as a rule, by a neurologist, therapist and psychiatrist after the diagnosis has been established.

For the prevention of fainting, physical therapy is needed along with tempering procedures and general strengthening drugs. Situations that provoke loss of consciousness and lead to destabilization of the nervous system should be avoided. It is very important to walk daily in the fresh air for at least three hours. Emotional tension perfectly eliminates a night's sleep with a total duration of eight to ten hours.
How to get rid of nausea?
Especially unpleasant with VVD nausea. Neurological failure of the stomach requires stabilization of all digestive processes and awareness of the existing psychological problem. Medical therapy is of secondary importance. The most important thing is the desire of the patient to cope with his disease. He must definitely relieve tension, of course, sedatives will help him.

If nausea persists, therapy should becomprehensive and include the following items:
- Absolute exception of foods that are heavy on the stomach.
- Normalization of the psychological state through sedatives.
- Physical activity.
- Rest along with getting rid of fears and obsessions.
- Use of painkillers under medical supervision.
VSD and nausea: reviews
People who have long suffered from surges in blood pressure and headaches, as well as nausea, write in the reviews that they were helped to recover from the problem by good rest and getting rid of regular stress that poisons life.
Others managed to normalize their psychological state by taking sedatives. In addition, they report that the hobby for feasible sports also helps to cope with the symptoms that manifest themselves against the background of VSD. Stay he althy!