Allergic diseases have recently become one of the most common problems of a city dweller. Moreover, not only adults, but also children suffer from them. Allergies can be to dust, animal hair, plant pollen, household chemicals, medicines. And despite the fact that many do not consider this a serious problem, it can deprive a person of working capacity for a long time. And severe cases of an allergic reaction without timely help can cause death. Therefore, most people always have at least one antihistamine in their medicine cabinet. Many are prescribed by a doctor, while others buy what is cheaper. At the same time, such drugs as Tavegil or Suprastin are the most popular.
Allergy is the body's reaction to irritating substances. They enter the respiratory tract, on the skin or in the digestive tract. These substances are perceived by the body as foreign, which leads to the release of histamine. These protein compoundsprovoke allergic reactions. The release of histamine leads to reddening of the skin, the development of edema, itching, tearing and inflammation of the mucous membranes.
To prevent the development of these reactions, antiallergic drugs are used. They prevent the binding of histamine to the cells, which stops all manifestations of allergies. Now there are several generations of such drugs.
- The first generation includes Dimedrol, Diazolin, Fenkarol, Tavegil or Suprastin. They are inexpensive and effective, but can cause drowsiness and other side effects. Their advantages, in addition to the low price, include the presence of a sedative, antiemetic and mild analgesic effect.
- Second-generation drugs include drugs based on loratadine and cetirizine. These drugs have a longer duration of action and do not cause drowsiness. Doctors have been prescribing them lately.
- The third generation of antihistamines include Telfast, Feksadin, Erius. They are non-toxic and do not cause drowsiness.

Indications for use
Both of the drugs in question are antihistamines. They effectively relieve the symptoms of an allergy, but do not act on its cause, therefore, in serious cases, they cannot help. Basically, "Tavegil" or "Suprastin" are prescribed for mild allergies or as part of complex treatment. Indications for their use are the following pathologies:
- seasonal allergicrhinitis;
- atopic dermatitis;
- acute non-infectious conjunctivitis;
- hay fever;
- contact dermatitis;
- lichen simplex;
- urticaria, pruritus;
- angioedema;
- allergic drug reaction.

Characteristics of "Suprastin"
This drug is more popular, as its price is slightly lower than that of Tavegil. A package with 20 tablets costs 120-150 rubles. Although you need to take it 3-4 times a day, it is still cheaper. In addition, "Suprastin" is characterized by low toxicity and goes well with other drugs. Although a side effect in the form of drowsiness is considered its disadvantage, sometimes such a sedative effect even helps the patient. This tool is produced in Russia, it is not used abroad. This is exactly what distinguishes Suprastin from Tavegil.
This drug can be prescribed to children from 1 month. Often it is prescribed for chickenpox to relieve excruciating itching, and even before vaccination to prevent an allergic reaction. It is effective for eczema, laryngitis, dermatitis and psoriasis. Usually it is prescribed as part of complex therapy, even for those patients who have not had allergic reactions before, while taking antibiotics and other potent drugs.

Characteristics of "Tavegil"
This drug is produced in Hungary, it is widely distributed in Western countries. It is an effective antihistaminebest relieves skin manifestations of allergies, such as itching. Its action lasts almost 2 times longer than that of Suprastin, so you need to drink it less often. Tavegil costs 200-250 rubles per pack. She is enough for a course of treatment.
Usually this drug is prescribed for adults and children older than a year with dermatitis, eczema, allergic rhinitis, hay fever. Effective "Tavegil" for insect bites. It quickly eliminates swelling and itching. It is prescribed to prevent negative reactions if it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs. The action of "Tavegil" lasts 8-12 hours, so it is taken twice a day. Moreover, unlike Suprastin, it does not cause severe drowsiness.

Difference between drugs
These antihistamines are equally popular, as they belong to the middle price category, so they are available to every patient. Many believe that they are interchangeable, although this is not entirely true. Only a doctor can decide which medicine is best for each individual case. But some patients who periodically experience allergy attacks can alternate Tavegil or Suprastin. The difference between the drugs at first glance is insignificant, although in fact there are quite a few differences.
- First of all, it is an active substance. "Suprastin" was created on the basis of chloropyramine, and "Tavegil" - clemastine.
- "Suprastin" begins to act almost immediately, so it can be used to stop acute manifestations of allergies.
- "Tavegil" almost does not causesleepiness.
- Children under one year old can only take Suprastin.
- The action of "Tavegil" lasts up to 12 hours, so it is better suited for stopping attacks of hay fever or seasonal rhinitis. You need to drink it only 2 times a day.

Which is better: "Tavegil" or "Suprastin"
For mild allergies, any of these medications can be used. They well relieve itching, swelling of mucous membranes, runny nose. Only it is better for children to give "Suprastin", as it is less toxic. In severe cases (for example, with anaphylactic shock or angioedema), it also does not matter which drug to use, the main thing is that they need to be administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
One cannot definitely say which is stronger - "Suprastin" or "Tavegil". Their action depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of his condition. The drugs have the same effect on the body, have the same contraindications and side effects. They can cause nausea, indigestion, headache, weakness.

What's best for kids
"Suprastin" or "Tavegil" will be prescribed by a doctor to a child in the presence of allergic reactions or to prevent them while taking antibiotics, as well as before vaccination. Both of them begin to act quickly and rarely cause side effects. These drugs relieve skin itching, stop a runny nose, and remove swelling.
What to choose for a child - "Tavegil" or "Suprastin"? This can only be determined by a doctor. There are slight differences in theiractions and contraindications. For example, a baby up to a year old will be prescribed "Suprastin", and at an older age - "Tavegil". For skin itching or insect bites, Tavegil also turns out to be more effective, and for rhinitis, conjunctivitis or dermatitis, Suprastin.

How to choose a drug for treatment
Although both drugs are available and well tolerated, they should not be taken without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can determine which tool is better to choose. It will take into account the severity of the patient's condition, the presence of chronic diseases, age. After all, it is not always possible to take antihistamines. Contraindications for the use of both agents include:
- severe kidney failure;
- lactation and pregnancy;
- attack of bronchial asthma;
- individual intolerance.
But in serious situations, long-term use of antihistamines is sometimes required. "Tavegil" or "Suprastin" to choose in this case? This can only be decided by a doctor. Often both are prescribed. After all, you can not take them for more than a week, as addiction develops. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to alternate these drugs. If neither Tavegil nor Suprastin came up, the doctor may prescribe second or third generation antihistamines: Zyrtec, Fenistil, Loratadin, Claritin.