To this day, many do not know whether a psychologist helps. It seems to others that any psychologist is a real magic wand. Others, however, are convinced that this is nothing more than pumping money, and there will be no real benefit from visiting such a specialist. Let's consider some situations in order to understand how productive cooperation with such a professional will be.
About depression
A lot has been said and written about whether a psychologist helps with depression. To understand whether you can count on the help of such a specialist, you need to understand what depression is. As many believe, this is just the tip of the iceberg, made up of an abundance of negative emotions. Of course, a psychologist can help with this condition, moreover, his assistance is one of the most effective ways to leave the disease in the past. With depression, a person's activity decreases, mood is depressed, problems with sleep are observed, and other disturbing phenomena are possible. Often the condition is observedwhen a person begins to think about his successes, prospects, done, created, and also tries to formulate what he lives for. A well-to-do person will not have such a state. The foundation of depression is dissatisfaction with anything in your life.

You can suspect that you need the help of a psychologist, if the mood is bad, you can’t rejoice at anything, but sadness is constant. Even if something positive happens in life, such a person does not experience positive emotions. Her mental activity is lowered, the pace of thinking is slower than average, there is difficulty in formulating thoughts and a tendency to relive negative situations that happened before many times. Motor activity decreases, the person is drowsy, loses appetite, desire to work. If the condition progresses, suicidal thoughts come.
Can I help?
Not knowing how to get out of this situation, a person thinks about whether a psychologist helps with depression. Yes, indeed, in such circumstances, a qualified specialist in the field of the human psyche can provide invaluable assistance. When he first starts working with a client, the doctor tries to identify the root cause of the condition. It is taken into account that there are several types of depression, but in general, the methods of dealing with depression are similar. Personal orientation, individuality of work with the patient is very important. It is necessary to lower the degree of experience and allow the needy to realize why this is happening. Several techniques are known to be effective ininteractions with depressed people.
To find out for yourself if a psychologist helps, in case of depression, you can contact a psychoanalyst. Such a specialist will study both the current state and the features of focusing the attention of the needy on goals. It is taken into account that depression also has a positive aspect - a person returns to the root causes of what is happening in his life today. The task of the psychoanalyst is to help in this and to identify the roots of the problem. He overcomes the barrier of rationalization, that is, the state in which a person gives incorrect, untruthful answers to questions related to his psychological and emotional status. Interacting with a psychoanalyst, a person realizes the true root causes, understands where and when she made mistakes.

Psychoanalysts: features of interaction
Understanding whether psychologists help, it is worth taking a closer look at the features of the work of psychoanalysts in case of depression. Such specialists pay special attention to the causes of current events, which lie in infancy. It is believed that the most severe course of depression is due to this period. For example, if a woman suffered from postpartum depression, if she did not have the opportunity to create close contact with the child, he will develop prone to depression. Moreover, the oppressed state will certainly be severe. The psychoanalytic approach allows not only to determine the root cause of the condition, but also provides a lasting effect on the person, which means getting rid of the depression of the psyche.
Ifthere are doubts about whether a psychologist helps in case of depression, it is worth taking a closer look at specialists working on NLP technology. It is considered to be one of the most reliable approaches in the fight against oppressed suckling. Such techniques are aimed at studying one's own hidden resources, reserves of energy and strength. The doctor helps a person to define values, formulate needs, starting from the need to formulate new positive attitudes. The doctor does not address the negative experience experienced earlier, but teaches the person to behave differently. NLP is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in which you formulate life goals and help the client achieve them. Working with the needy, the doctor influences him through all channels of information transmission.
Studying how and why, and whether psychologists help people in general, we have to admit that there are a lot of methods of influencing a person, and all of them can be used for the benefit of a person. The individual perceives information with taste buds, visual organs, by smell and through touch, through the organs of hearing. A psychologist who can work in all these areas gives the client the opportunity to understand depression, the strength to cope with it, as well as new patterns of action in life, allowing them to achieve greater success without harming their own psyche.

Positive and cognitive psychotherapy
If you ask if a psychologist will help a teenager who knows a person, he will probably answer in the affirmative. A particularly good method in the case of teenage depression is consideredpositive psychotherapy. This approach assumes relatively short cooperation. The doctor stimulates the mobilization of the internal forces of the client, who then deals with the current problems himself. Often, this approach is resorted to in the event of a family conflict. Key principles are reliability, harmony, consultation. As a result, the person's value system expands, apathy disappears. The doctor helps to cope with low mood, stimulates the person to make new plans, find incentives.
The cognitive approach is pretty close to NLP. The task of the doctor is to make the person realize the fallacy of their beliefs. The doctor explains that such mistakes are the root cause of the depressed state. He conveys to the individual the significance of the conflict between true and distorted goals, teaches him to relate to himself and his status differently, conveying to the client that it is the attitude towards oneself that is the first step towards complete recovery.
Art to help people
If a person doubts whether a psychologist helps a child, one can complain to such a person to get acquainted with the peculiarities of treating people of different age groups through art. Art therapy is especially good for depression. Any person strives to realize himself and his abilities, talents. Not having this opportunity, a person is subject to negative emotions. Art therapy allows you to cope with the root cause of the condition. Specialists involved in this area are well aware of how difficult it is to identify the sources of depression, how long it sometimes takes to work with a client to identify them. Art therapyallows you to reduce the manifestations of depression during the search for the root causes of depression. If depression is still only at the initial stage, art therapy allows you to cure it completely. This option is good when working with children, teenagers, adults.
A similar direction is isotherapy. Here the work is realized due to the ability of the person to draw. Through the drawing, the weakened ability to feel emotions is replenished. The doctor evaluates the choice of colors, the nature of the strokes, the order of the image details, the pressure used for different parts of the image. For the layman, these nuances are invisible and seem unimportant, but the professional knows exactly how to interpret and analyze subtle moments.

Verbal and beyond
To find out if psychologists help you find yourself and cope with depression, you can refer to the literature on fairy tale therapy. Tales are folk art based on real situations. The characters of fairy tales face different situations and experiences, cope with them. A psychologist helps a person to understand the plot of the legend and apply it to himself. Thus, the person gets rid of the horror of loneliness, leaves despair in the past and learns how to overcome the feeling of hopelessness. In addition, one can realize that a person is not the only one who has faced such a problem. Under the influence of such treatment, the manifestations of psychological deviations, depressed psychoemotional status noticeably weaken.
Non-verbal, but also effective treatment - sand therapy,allowing a person to express their desires through figures in the sand. A person creates objects and explains to the doctor why he built such a form, in such a style. The person explains what the individual elements and their location mean to him. All this allows you to realize what caused the disease.
Worth the time?
And, importantly, given the prices for these services: is it worth the money? They talk about whether psychologists help, reviews of many people who in one way or another are faced with mental problems. There are a lot of stories about those who overcame depression by seeking help from a professional. People are happy to share their experience. As can be concluded from the reviews devoted to whether psychologists help, if you managed to turn to a reliable professional, the help was more than substantial. Persons who had previously struggled alone with difficult situations, difficult internal problems, were finally able to find a way out. Many admit that the psychologist saved their lives. People who are deeply depressed often contemplate suicide. As can be seen from the reviews that tell whether psychologists help with depression, it was the specialists in this area who made it possible to abandon thoughts of parting with life.
However, there are also negative experiences: sometimes people turn to unqualified staff of bad clinics, psychologists who are irresponsible about their work. Cooperation with such persons is just a waste of time and money.

Family counseling
Seconda direction that is as popular as the treatment of depression is counseling from psychologists, psychotherapists who help people who find themselves in a difficult situation of family conflict. This is done by highly specialized specialists who know all the nuances of interpersonal relations within a social cell. Sometimes ordinary people, finding themselves in a difficult situation, think about whether a psychologist helps in family relationships, or is it a waste of time and effort. As can be inferred from the varied responses and experiences of many families around the world, a qualified professional really helps, and the benefits of attending a course of treatment are invaluable and have enabled many to keep families together.
It so happened that many of our compatriots do not know if family psychologists help, since visiting such specialists is condemned by society. It seems that only unhe althy, abnormal people go to psychologists. If others find out that a certain couple visits such a doctor, unpleasant rumors can spread. It so happened that people do not pay too much attention to physical he alth, and even more so to mental he alth.
Is it useful?
If you ask an average person if a child psychologist helps, if a psychotherapist is useful for depression, if you need to go to a specialist if there is a family conflict, you can often hear a negative answer. Many people think that this is redundant and useless. But professionals have a different opinion, believing that experienced psychologists are really very important. Family psychologists, for example, allow you to deal with internal conflicts in the family, andThis means that communication between relatives will become more effective. This is useful for spouses and for different generations. A psychologist must have a specialized education, practical skills, a theoretical base that allows him to conduct systemic treatment. You can practice different working methods.
The very direction of such therapy appeared in the middle of the last century. For a psychologist, the family is a self-organizing social system, the components of which dynamically interact with each other. The family is both a permanent and a developing social unit subject to exogenous and endogenous influence. For the treatment to be effective, you need to come to the reception with your family. Visiting only one person does not give any result. The task of a professional is to assess the problems of clients, restoring the family as a whole. To do this, use specialized methods and tools. The doctor works with the family, while talking with each member individually, identifying directives, attitudes, erroneous judgments common to all persons. The positioning of the family relative to the rest of the world is determined, the connections within are identified. For this, genograms are created.

When useful?
As can be concluded from the reviews devoted to whether a family psychologist helps, it makes sense to contact such a specialist only when current problems are his area of expertise. However, according to experts, if at least one of the members of a social cell offers to visit such a professional, this is already a significant marker of badly deteriorated internalrelations. They usually go to a psychologist if disharmony covers the intimate, emotional ties of the spouses, if one of them is unfaithful. It is recommended to visit a professional in case of a generation gap and if the child has social problems of interacting with the public. A psychologist is visited if the child is aggressive or bullied. It will not be superfluous to undergo a course of psychotherapy against the background of the death of a loved one or other loss that cannot be coped with. If children or parents have mental disorders, addictions, if development deviates from the norm, it is also worth going to see a family psychologist.
If you visit a family psychologist, the doctor will help a teenager decide on a profession, understand himself and his personality. The choice of a future child is a period when numerous conflicts arise in the family. In order to cope with them more effectively and not disturb the peace between relatives, you can come to a specialist, an independent person who is able to correctly interact with all interested persons.

As can be inferred from the reviews on this practice, in most cases (if a good psychologist is chosen) visiting is beneficial to all family members. People are more successful in finding compromises, and it becomes easier for children to determine a productive path and fulfill themselves in life.