Almost 90% of teenagers face such a problem as acne on the skin. Unfortunately, adult women and men are also not protected from the appearance of rashes. Acne can suddenly appear even after 35 years and affect not only the skin of the face, but also the body. Getting rid of acne can be difficult. Improper actions can lead to spots, scars and even scars.

Sebum disease
Not all people understand what acne on the face is. This is one of the most common skin diseases. It can affect not only the face, but also the chest and back. Mostly observed in adolescents, but often present in adults.
Acne on the skin appears due to pathological changes that occur in the sebaceous glands, as well as hair follicles. The glands produce a secret, which is a mixture of certain fats. This substance has a bactericidal effect and protects the epidermis from the penetration of pathogenic flora. In addition, the secret is involved in thermoregulation and protects the skin fromdehydration, making it supple and elastic. Its deficiency leads to dryness and flaking.
For various reasons, the secretion of sebum may increase. In this case, it does not have time to come to the surface and begins to accumulate in the glands and follicles. Gradually it hardens, and its bactericidal effect decreases. There is a slow activation of the coccal flora.
Dust and remnants of cosmetics, as well as dead epidermal cells, begin to stick to sticky sebum. The sebaceous plug increases in size and stretches the walls of the pore. This is an excellent environment for the development of bacterial flora. If the immune system is strong, it copes with the infection, and the pus that forms as a result of this fight accumulates under the epidermis. Thus, pustules appear. If you remove one such pimple in non-sterile conditions, the bacteria will spread to other areas and the problem will only get worse.
Infection does not always develop in a blocked gland or follicle. The sebaceous plug gradually increases, its tip oxidizes and darkens under the action of oxygen. Teenagers rarely turn to specialists with the question of whether it is possible to squeeze blackheads. As a result, their wrong actions harm the skin. In the event that the cause of the pathology is not eliminated, squeezing out the acne is useless and dangerous. In place of the removed cork, a new one quickly appears. And if the manipulation was carried out without observing the rules of asepsis, the problem can be significantly aggravated.
Types of rashes
What is acne on the face and how to treat the pathology,the dermatologist should explain to the patient. Pimple is a rather vague concept. In order to choose the most effective method of treatment, the specialist must determine the cause and type of acne. Comedones can be inflammatory or develop without infection.

The following types of rash are distinguished:
- Blackheads. They belong to non-inflammatory species. Formed if the congestion from the greasy plug is close to the surface of the pore. The acne on the body looks like a small black dot and has a size of 0.2 to 2 mm. If the fat is of a liquid consistency, then the pore is slightly enlarged, and its contents are odorless. A thick secretion can give off an unpleasant odor when it is removed. Mild blackheads are normal.
- Whites. Just like black ones, they belong to non-inflammatory species. In this case, a congestion forms at the bottom of the pore and forms a cystic thrombus. It has no exit to the surface. In the people, such formations are called millets. Whiteheads on the body and face are not as easy to remove as blackheads. To extract the contents, the pimple must be opened with a sterile needle.
- Nodule, or papule. This is a non-voluminous type of comedone. It refers to inflammatory manifestations. Such comedones look like small dense balls on the skin. Painful on palpation. Often, such acne leaves behind keloid or atrophic scars. Papules form as a result of an immune response to inflammation.
- Abscess, or pustule. Acute inflammatorycavity element that has purulent contents. Its shape is hemispherical, flat or cone-shaped. A white loose head is visible on the surface, inflamed areas and hyperemia are visible along its edges. Such red acne on the body and face can be located in the subcutaneous fatty tissue or dermis. Superficial in most cases are resolved without a trace. Deep ones can leave scars.
Acne stages
The skin of the face and body can be affected by several types of rashes. For a full recovery in this case, an integrated approach is required. Treatment can take several months or even years. Luckily, this rarely happens.
Acne has the following stages:
- Easy degree. On the face and some parts of the body, you can notice a small amount of blackheads or blackheads. There may be single pustules with yellowish heads. The number of all formations does not exceed 20 pieces.
- Medium degree. On the face and upper part of the neck, an impressive amount of blackheads is noticeable. In addition, there are several pustules.
- Severe degree. Acne on the skin is noticeable in very large quantities. There are pustules and nodules. Pus-filled cystic masses may form. Even with successful treatment of severe acne, the patient may remain scarred. It can be both imperceptible depressions on the skin, and deep recesses of irregular shape. Often they are painted in a darker color.
- Conglobate, or spherical, acne. The most severechronic rash. These are bumpy, painful formations that have a bluish tinge. They can occur not only on the face, but also on the scalp, arms, buttocks and abdomen. The treatment is long. Success is possible only with an integrated approach.
- Lightning Rosacea. Occurs suddenly.

Hormonal rash
Dermatologists are often asked why acne appears on the body and face. The reasons are the same for everyone, regardless of gender and age. The correct identification of the main factor in the appearance of rashes is the most important step in the fight against pathology.
Most often, hormones are to blame for the formation of acne. They stimulate the skin to produce more secretion. The pores cannot cope with such volume and become clogged. Sebum mixes with the cells of the epidermis and clogs them.
It is known that the skin is a hormone-dependent organ. Therefore, rashes most often appear during puberty, as well as in women before menstruation, during menopause or during pregnancy.
Rashes can also be triggered by gynecological diseases that are associated with hormonal disorders. In addition, the intake of anabolic hormones or androgens can negatively affect the skin. Often the condition of the dermis worsens after the abolition of oral contraceptives.

Affects the condition of the skin and the thyroid gland. If its function is increased, then the patient begins to appear pustules. In the event that the hormone is not produced enough, the skin becomes dry. Besides. inflammatory elements and acne appear.
Causes of deterioration of the skin condition helps to determine the blood test for sex hormones. An ultrasound of the thyroid gland may also be prescribed. Women additionally examine the ovaries and uterus. After receiving all the tests and making a diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe treatment.
Digestion and acne
In the event that the test results did not show the presence of a hormonal imbalance, the patient should pay attention to the work of the gastrointestinal tract and nutrition. Cleansing the face and removing blackheads will not give any result if the intestines work with disorders. For example, dysbacteriosis provokes the development of pathogenic microflora. It releases toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body.
Acne can occur due to an imbalance in the diet, when the menu is dominated by flour, refined, spicy, fatty and sweet foods. Sugar is especially dangerous for the skin. It raises insulin levels, which stimulate testosterone production. In turn, this hormone affects the production of sebum. Its quantity increases, it becomes more viscous. In other words, every time you eat a bar of chocolate, your blood sugar spikes. And with it, testosterone. It is important to ensure that there are as few such jumps during the day as possible.

Sometimes, in order to cleanse the skin, it is enough to adhere to the following rules:
- Stop eating soups made with strong meat broth.
- Eat several servings of fresh greens and fruits daily.
- Include whole grains and legumes in your diet.
- Exclude any canned food.
- Eat only fresh food. Do not cook for several days in a row.
- Drink at least two liters of clean water.
- Refuse alcohol and coffee.
- Separate protein and carbohydrate intake.
- Muffin and sweets should be replaced with dried fruits. Those people who cannot imagine their life without chocolate can use black. It is better to refuse dairy.
- Exclude smoked meats, fried and s alty foods from the diet.
Other causes of acne
Acne on the face, as well as acne on the back in women and men, appear not only due to hormonal failure or malnutrition. There are many more factors that can spoil the condition of the skin. Among them are the following:
- Heredity.
- Hyperkeratosis. There is an accumulation of dead skin cells that clog pores. The causes of hyperkeratosis are not fully understood. It is believed that such disorders can provoke a lack of vitamins A and C. In many patients, the condition worsens in winter, under the influence of cold air, and closer to summer, the skin clears up.
- Demodekoz. A he althy person has no more than two mites per 1 cm of skin. A patient may have more than 60 of them. Parasites are activated with a decrease in immunity, as well as with local use of corticosteroid drugs.
- Stress. A strong shock can activateadrenals.
- Humid climate and heat.
- Contact with toxic substances.
- Pathogenic microflora living on the skin. For example, staphylococcus aureus, fungi.
- Self-removal of blackheads without following the rules of asepsis.
- Reaction to cosmetics.
- Taking certain medications. For example, those that contain iodine, bromine, lithium, fluorine or barbiturates.
- Overactive sebaceous glands.
- Mechanical damage to the skin.
Dermatologist treatment
Abscesses and large acne on the body and face should be treated under the supervision of a dermatologist. After the doctor receives the results of all the necessary tests, he will be able to prescribe the necessary therapy. Depending on the causes of the development of the pathology and its stage, the following procedures can be prescribed:
- Phototherapy. Suitable for the treatment of advanced forms of acne. Light flash destroys bacteria and also smooths out scars. In the event that the procedure is performed in the summer, the skin will need to be protected with sunscreen cosmetics.
- Mechanical cleaning. This procedure has both supporters and opponents. However, it is quite often used to cleanse the skin.
- Chemical peeling. The procedure allows you to put in order the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as cleanse and renew the skin.
- Ultrasonic cleaning. Most suitable for skin with the first stage of acne. In more advanced cases, it may be ineffective.
- Fractional laser. Manipulation allows you to completelyrenew skin. Not only pimples are eliminated, but also fine wrinkles. The disadvantage of the procedure is the length of the recovery period. You will have to stay at home for a week until the top layer of skin is completely peeled off.
- Mesotherapy. The cosmetologist saturates the skin with the vitamins and medicinal substances it needs.
- Plasmotherapy. In the first stage of acne, positive changes can be seen after the first procedure.

Pharmacy preparations
You can treat acne on the skin at home, but it is recommended to do this under the supervision of a dermatologist. First, you should go through all the necessary examinations to find out the cause of the development of pathology. After that, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary drug, as well as prescribe a treatment regimen.
The following drugs are used to treat acne:
- "Metrogil". A popular remedy that is available in the form of a gel. Destroys bacteria by destroying their protein components. The gel can be combined with other medications or applied under cosmetics. The course of therapy is usually three months.
- "Zinerite". The drug contains erythromycin and zinc. The lotion is applied to the affected areas twice a day. Use the product with caution, as addiction may develop.
- "Zerkalin". Contains alcohol and clindamycin. The agent is applied locally or on all affected areas.
- "Baziron AS". The gel is applied twice a day for a month. In some cases, longertherapy.
- "Adapalene". Effective for the treatment of moderate acne. Recommended for people with dry and sensitive skin. The duration of therapy is two months, the gel is applied once a day.
- "Isotretinoin". The course of treatment is long and can be 24 weeks. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as during its planning. In addition, "Isotretinoin" is forbidden to take with pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
- Ichthyol ointment. Effective for deep ulcers.
- Salicylic and zinc ointment. These drugs are often used to treat acne on the back. First, it is recommended to take a shower using tar soap. Then the ointment is spread in a thin layer over the back, chest and other areas that are affected by acne.
- Vishnevsky's ointment. Accelerates the maturation of abscesses.
- Salicylic acid. Suitable for spot application on inflammation, and can also be used to treat large areas of skin.
If necessary, all of the listed ointments and lotions can be applied to the skin of the body. For example, on the back and chest. This should be done after cleansing the skin.
Recipes of traditional medicine
Many patients feel that acne medications are too aggressive. Therefore, they are looking for safer remedies that can eliminate acne on the body. Treatment can be carried out using traditional medicine recipes. But before using this or that remedy, you should consult a dermatologist.

The following recipes allow you to eliminate acne:
- Apply tar soap foam to the affected areas every day before going to bed. Wash off with water after 10 minutes.
- Add a tablespoon of aloe juice and lemon to the yolk. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
- A clove of garlic is passed through a press. The resulting slurry is applied pointwise to inflammation. Removed after 15 minutes.
- Two aspirin tablets are ground into powder. Mix it with a tablespoon of natural yogurt and 15 ml of mineral water. The composition is applied to the face for half an hour.
- In the treatment of acne, daily lotions from the juice of fresh cucumber help.
- Make quality green tea. After the drink has cooled, the liquid is drained. The leaves are applied to the face, covered with gauze on top. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. It is recommended to repeat it once every three days.
- Fresh lemon juice is applied to the affected areas. After two or three hours, wash with warm water.
It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the appearance of acne on the skin, however, it is possible to minimize the risk. To do this, you must strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, monitor nutrition and choose the right cosmetics. In addition, you should balance the hormonal background, spend more time in the fresh air, give up bad habits. And in the event that inflammation begins to appear on the skin, you should immediately seek help from a dermatologist. Do not wait until the initial stage of acne becomes severe andwill leave scars and scars on the face.