Syrup "Holosas": review, price, application

Syrup "Holosas": review, price, application
Syrup "Holosas": review, price, application

Cholosas is a natural choleretic drug that improves metabolic processes in the liver. Feedback from patients about the use of the drug is positive, confirming its therapeutic efficacy. Produced in the form of a syrup with a peculiar smell.

holosas review
holosas review

The composition of the product includes an aqueous extract made from rose hips, sugar and purified water. The drugs "Tsikvalon", "Cholebil", "Olimetin", "Odeston", "Gepabene", "Allochol" and others have a similar mechanism of action.

Pharmacological properties

The medical effect of the syrup is due to its composition. Rose hips contain a large amount of vitamins, essential oils, pectins, flavonoids, malic and citric acids, vanillin, lecithin, dextrin. The medicine "Holosas" (reviews of patients say this) improves metabolism and creates a rejuvenating effect. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid and other vitamins, the medicinehas a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The presence of organic acids and pectins causes diuretic properties, while the epithelium of the kidneys is not irritated.

The syrup enhances intestinal motility, stimulates the secretion of the pancreas.

holosas reviews price
holosas reviews price

The drug enhances the secretion of bile, reduces its viscosity and increases the content of cholates. The active ingredients relax the sphincters and smooth muscles of the biliary tract, while increasing the tone of the gallbladder. The disintegration of the drug is produced in the liver, with the formation of hydroxylated derivatives that prevent the development of bacteria (anaerobic).

Indications for use

The medicine must be taken in chronic hepatitis, characterized by impaired outflow of bile, non-calculous chronic cholecystitis, alcohol intoxication. The syrup is prescribed for the treatment of cholangitis, increasing immunity, with metabolic disorders and hypovitaminosis P and C.

Instructions for use

Medication "Holosas" (patient reviews indicate this) must be taken 30 minutes before meals. Babies over three years old are given a quarter teaspoon of syrup, children over 12 years old - half a teaspoon each. three times a day. Adults should consume 1 tsp. syrup "Holosas".

holosas choleretic
holosas choleretic

The choleretic effect is observed with a 3-time daily use of the medication. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the disease.


Do not take syrup whenhypersensitivity to constituent components, diabetes, calculous cholecystitis. The drug is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age, with obstruction of the bile ducts. Take the medicine with caution during lactation and pregnancy.

Holosas syrup: reviews, price, side effects

Patients indicate that after taking the medication, there is bloating and grumbling. Therefore, the syrup should be used together with dill water or infusion of caraway seeds, coriander fruits. Side effects in the form of allergic reactions (reddening of the skin, itching) can be observed with prolonged use of the drug "Holosas". Patient reviews say that the product can be purchased at a pharmacy for 50-70 rubles.
