Metabolic disorders in the human body, its consequences

Metabolic disorders in the human body, its consequences
Metabolic disorders in the human body, its consequences

The human body is a very complex biological, chemical and physical mechanism. And his work largely depends on how he is connected with his environment and how strong this connection is. In other words, the activity of all human organs depends on metabolism, i.e. chemical and biological processes that ensure the growth and proper development of cells. Vital elements are involved in this: proteins, fats and, of course, carbohydrates. Each of them performs a specific function. Proteins are the builders of cells, and fats, together with carbohydrates, regulate the expenditure of energy needed for these purposes. In addition to them, vitamins and various minerals provide all possible assistance in metabolic processes. Oxygen plays a significant role in this matter.


Metabolism and its components

Growth and development of any organism is carried out in two directions, which occur simultaneously. This is assimilation (synthesis) - the formation of new substances and their assimilation, and dissimilation - the breakdown of organic substances with the formation of decay products, whichare excreted from the body. These complex interacting phenomena occur in stages. First, nutrients enter the human digestive tract with food and water and are absorbed into the mucous membrane of its walls. Then they are carried by blood to all organs. There they are absorbed, and the decay products are excreted from the body. The role of human metabolism is enormous. It coordinates the work of all systems as a whole, providing them with everything necessary and removing from them everything superfluous, unnecessary and harmful. In order for the organism to work smoothly, it is necessary that there be a wise balance between these two processes - synthesis and decay. If it is violated, a person begins to overcome various diseases.

human metabolism
human metabolism

Causes of metabolic disorders

Among them, one can single out heredity and the consequences of various diseases, but most often these are the wrong way of life of a person and his diet. Food must be balanced. Both the lack of beneficial micronutrients, for example, during certain diets, and their overabundance with excessive abuse of high-calorie, especially fatty foods, are very harmful. Timely removal of waste products from the body is also important. A sedentary lifestyle, oxygen starvation can cause constipation, and, consequently, metabolic disorders.

the role of metabolism
the role of metabolism

Consequences of metabolic disorders

Such a process, of course, does not lead to anything good. Improper metabolism of a person can be the cause of various diseases. Carbohydrate metabolism disorder is diabetes. Improper metabolism of fats contributes to the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which, in turn, leads to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Untimely removal of toxins from the body clogs it and poisons it, causing a number of chronic diseases. The result of improper metabolism is obesity, gout, diabetes insipidus, serious damage to muscles, bones and other systems. Children are especially hard hit by metabolic disorders, they may have a delay in growth and development.

Prevention of metabolic disorders

A balanced diet and the elimination of cholesterol foods will help ensure proper metabolism. A sufficient amount of oxygen activates metabolic processes in tissues. Proper selection of vitamins and microelements will ensure good activity of water-s alt metabolism in cells. Stevia, a popular seaweed, can be of great benefit.
