How long does nicotine come out of breast milk: timing of withdrawal, the consequences of smoking, medical advice

How long does nicotine come out of breast milk: timing of withdrawal, the consequences of smoking, medical advice
How long does nicotine come out of breast milk: timing of withdrawal, the consequences of smoking, medical advice

Smoking is one of the most common bad habits. Unfortunately, tobacco is highly addictive, so sometimes even after giving birth, women who smoke cannot resist a cigarette. Some believe that a few puffs won't do any harm, others decide that problems can be avoided by switching to hookah or e-cigarettes. Some new mothers even decide to transfer their child to artificial nutrition, just not to give up their favorite addiction.

Cigarette in hand
Cigarette in hand

It is worth dispelling a few myths related to how long nicotine comes out of breast milk and whether it harms your beloved baby.

Why breastfeeding is so important

Mother's milk becomes practically the only source of essential vitamins and microelements for the baby. In addition, natural nutrition is a kind of medicine. Mother's milk helps support the child's incompletely formed immune system.

It is important that duringduring breastfeeding, the baby was not harmed. Therefore, any mother should find out how much nicotine comes out of breast milk and what harm this bad habit can do to the baby.

Main myths

Many girls comfort themselves with legends they read online or heard from their girlfriends. Therefore, it is worth dispelling the main myths about smoking and breastfeeding once and for all.

Cigarette and food
Cigarette and food

It is believed that the toxins of tobacco smoke are literally broken down by the milk itself. Of course, this is not true. In fact, the natural nutrition of the baby is saturated with all the poisons that the mother inhales into herself. In addition, women often begin to smoke in the presence of babies, because of which the crumbs receive a double dose of poison.

The next myth is related to the fact that the taste and useful properties of milk do not change from smoking. This is also not true. The baby's nutrition acquires a very unpleasant taste, which is why the newborn may completely refuse breastfeeding.

In addition, the volume of milk is also reduced. Nicotine negatively affects lactation.

How fast does nicotine leave breast milk after one cigarette

Some ladies believe that having smoked just one cigarette, they cannot harm the child. But, unfortunately, this is not true either. If we talk about how much nicotine comes out of breast milk, then it is worth considering the fact that the breakdown of this harmful substance begins only a few hours after the puff. Most poisons are excreted in the urine, like any other harmful substances. Respectively,partial cleansing occurs only after 15 hours. If we talk about completely getting rid of nicotine, then it will take a day.

Besides, do not forget that after the elimination of nicotine, cotinine (the decay product of the poison) will be present in the body for some time.

Happy baby
Happy baby

Given that the baby must eat quite often, there is no point in arguing how much nicotine comes out of breast milk. You need to completely abandon the bad habit for at least a few months, until the baby switches to complementary foods.

If mother smokes frequently

In this situation, it is much easier to completely transfer the baby to artificial nutrition than to calculate how long nicotine comes out of breast milk. It is easy to guess that with constant smoking, harmful substances not only do not have time to leave the body of a woman, but also accumulate in it.

If a mother of a baby smokes 10 cigarettes a day, then it will take a very long time to cleanse the body.

What affects the rate of nicotine elimination

Of course, at a younger age, metabolic processes occur much faster. Other factors also affect how much nicotine is excreted from breast milk. For example, a lot depends on the he alth of the mother, the period of smoking and her lifestyle.

woman with baby
woman with baby

If a woman has kidney problems, the process of removing toxins becomes longer. The he althier these organs are, the faster the nicotine leaves the body of the mother of the newborn. However, even if a woman neverthere were no medical problems, before 2 days after the last puff, you should not offer the baby a breast.

Cigarettes themselves affect how much nicotine comes out of breast milk. The stronger they are, the longer the poison will leave the body of a nursing mother. Nicotine is excreted the longest if the lady prefers chewing tobacco.

How to be

Stress and postpartum depression often lead to the fact that a woman literally cannot contain herself. In this situation, she is torn between the desire to relax and not harm the baby. If you really want to smoke, then you should first feed your beloved child, and then express all the remaining milk into a bottle and put it in the refrigerator.

Inhales the smoke
Inhales the smoke

Then the woman can smoke one cigarette. However, after that, she should not allow the baby to breastfeed for at least 48 hours. During this time, you will have to make do with stored milk and dry mixes.

How long can you feed a baby with milk if you smoke an electronic cigarette

Some ladies believe that the process of so-called vaping does not burn, so this type of smoking can not do much harm to the baby. Of course, when smoking electronic cigarettes, a person does not receive carcinogens, but nicotine does not disappear anywhere.

Accordingly, even when nicotine comes out of breast milk, its decay products still remain in the mother's body. This means that you will have to wait as long before breastfeeding as after smoking a regular cigarette.

If smoking hookah

Hookahs do not carry such harmful effects. However, it is difficult to call them an alternative. Firstly, if tobacco is used during smoking, then nicotine, tar and other harmful components enter the body. In addition, excessive smoke that enters the mother's body adversely affects the composition of milk and lactation levels.

Smoking harmless, as it seems to many, hookah, causes addiction and leads to negative consequences. Therefore, doctors recommend giving up any type of smoking. If there is no strength to endure, then it is better to smoke a cigarette first, and then feed the baby, as described above.

smoking mother
smoking mother

Why is smoking dangerous for babies

Nicotine is very toxic, so it primarily affects the nerve fibers. Mother's smoking negatively affects the work of the baby's heart. The child becomes more restless, constantly crying. There is a risk of developing meteosensitivity, problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

According to research, the so-called sudden infant death syndrome is associated precisely with the ingestion of nicotine into the small body of babies. If both parents smoke, then the child is even more at risk, as he becomes a passive smoker and at the same time poisons himself with toxins through the mother's milk. Therefore, you should not risk the he alth and mental development of your child. It is better to give up the negative habit.
