Chinese herb: useful properties, recipes, applications, reviews

Chinese herb: useful properties, recipes, applications, reviews
Chinese herb: useful properties, recipes, applications, reviews

Recently, pharmacology has moved far ahead, and people have learned to cope with many seemingly incurable diseases. It is considered very interesting that various Chinese herbs are very popular in the modern world, while increasing their positions relative to the traditional method of treatment. So why are people still looking for healing methods in Eastern cultures? Are Chinese herbs really that effective in fighting various diseases? These and other issues should be looked into in more detail.

East and herbal treatment

East can be called the only place on the planet where people are so reverent about their spiritual state. It was in the East that all kinds of teachings were born, the purpose of which was to develop the soul, as well as to harmonize internal energy.

Herbs in a cup
Herbs in a cup

In Eastern culture, the concept of the person himself is elevated to a cult, and the process of self-improvement is the highest goal. The basis of almost all teachings are the main phenomena that combine absolutely everything in themselves.this world: the female power of Yin, the male power of Yang, as well as the energy of Qi. All these three concepts are recognized as fundamental to all Eastern knowledge about life and energy. It is not surprising that these components became the basis of the foundation in phytopharmacology, which is very popular in traditional medicine of the East.

The best plants in traditional Chinese medicine and their properties

The Chinese have been actively using and studying herbs for thousands of years to treat various diseases. Reviews of Chinese herbs say that such non-traditional medicine for us is quite effective in the fight against various ailments. However, in order not to harm your he alth, you need to know exactly which plants for which diseases should be used. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with several Chinese herbs and their indications in more detail.


People call this plant a prayer rosary. Outwardly, this Chinese grass is a climbing shrub, its branches can grow up to one and a half meters in length. Under natural conditions, the abrus grows in the southern regions of China, as well as in some regions of East India.

The crimson bright seeds of this plant are used as a rosary. They are slightly toxic, that is, they can cause vomiting. These seeds are believed to be able to prevent camphor from evaporating if stored with camphor.

As a medicinal preparation, this herb is used as an anti-febrile, diaphoretic, and expectorant. In addition, this healingChinese grass is able to remove parasites from the human body that are under the skin.

Herbs and spices
Herbs and spices

Acacia chain

Traditional Chinese medicine recipes use the juice of this plant. Chinese sources claim that this remedy has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, and also neutralizing effects. Currently, acacia juice is used as a stimulant, cleansing, vasoconstrictor and hemostatic agent.


The root of this plant has become popular due to its aphrodisiac properties, it is used as a stimulant of the nervous system. Ginseng root is widely used in modern medicine. Even a few thousand years before our era, the Chinese recommended using ginseng root for hepatitis, problems with potency, during menopause, and also for weakness after past illnesses.

Before the mass harvesting of Chinese grass, these plants had to be found only in the wild. That is why ginseng herb was a very expensive and rare drug. Only very we althy people in China could afford ginseng root.

Chinese Angelica

This plant is also called female ginseng, or angelica. In Chinese medicine, angelica is a highly sought-after medicinal plant. The dried roots of this Chinese herb, the photo of which is presented in this article, are used for headaches, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, osteoarthritis,anemia, weakness and hypertension.

Angelica chinensis
Angelica chinensis

In ancient times, female ginseng was widely used for the first symptoms of menopause, including to suppress hot flashes.


Despite the fact that mushrooms cannot be attributed to plants, they still occupy an honorable place in Chinese traditional medicine. The Chinese people knew about the medicinal properties of many varieties of mushrooms even more than 5000 years ago. Chinese medicine uses more than 50 different mushrooms to fight tumor diseases. In addition, there are species that are prescribed to combat insomnia, with reduced immunity, as well as sexual dysfunction. The most popular is the Reishi mushroom, which the Chinese people learned from the Japanese.

Goji Berries

In China, goji berries are traditionally added to various dishes, and are also used to make medicines. The Chinese believe that these fruits are considered the real treasure of the nation. They are used as a tonic, tonic, as well as a vitamin remedy. Goji berries are used to fight many diseases. Currently, in the west of China, doctors are still studying the properties of this product.

Coptis Chinese

When considering Chinese herbs in medicine, it is definitely worth mentioning Chinese Koptis. This plant has been used since ancient times to treat bacterial and parasitic infections that are localized in the gastrointestinal tract. This plant is included in the 50 main medicines of Chinese medicine. Just recently, the alkaloid berberine was discovered in Koptis, which is responsible for the main properties of this plant. Thus, Chinese Coptis can be used for irritable bowel syndrome.

Dried herbs and tea
Dried herbs and tea

Naked licorice

The root of this plant is considered an essential ingredient in many Chinese traditional herbal medicines. This Chinese herb is used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, hepatitis, the common cold, depression, heartburn, and more. The root of this plant is also used as a natural sweetener. Modern medicine in China recommends using this plant as a mucolytic agent for respiratory diseases.


This plant has been known to Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years. First of all, astragalus is used as a means to normalize metabolism, increase the body's resistance, improve digestion, prevent infections and heal wounds. Scientists are currently considering the use of astragalus to fight HIV, cancer, chronic infections, and liver and heart disease.


Quite often, the Chinese herb ginger is used to make tea. It is an aromatic plant whose roots are used for medicinal and culinary purposes. Chinese healers used this plant for digestive disorders, nausea, colds and coughs, and to improve blood circulation during heart disease. Ginger is very effective for diarrhea. It should be noted that many Chinese traditional home remedies contain the rhizomes of this plant in their composition. Various Chinese herbal ointments are also made using ginger.

In Russia, ginger has gained its popularity due to its fat-burning properties. That is why this Chinese herb is used for weight loss. Ginger root is used to make refreshing drinks with the addition of other ingredients that promote weight loss.

Dried roots and fruits
Dried roots and fruits

Chinese Ephedra

This ingredient is one of the oldest herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. The fact is that the composition of this plant contains a strong alkaloid ephedrine, as well as pseudoephedrine. They help fight asthma, runny nose, colds, and hay fever. In addition, alkaloids can increase blood pressure, stimulate the work of certain glands and the cardiovascular system.


This plant belongs to the Umbelliferae family, which has been used in Chinese medicine for over 2000 years. In China, this herb is used to combat liver diseases, ulcers, arthritis, as well as existing mental disorders. In addition, Chinese healers recommend using this plant for those people who have a weakened immune system.

Lotus seeds

Lotus seeds can be used as a medicinal raw material, as well as a culinary seasoning. Chinesetraditional medicine recommends the use of lotus seeds for diseases of the spleen and liver, as well as for diarrhea. This plant has a pleasant taste, and at the same time stimulates appetite. Therefore, this Chinese herb is used for mass gain.


It should be noted that aconite is a potent poisonous herbaceous plant. If you increase the dose of using this herb, you can get poisoned. In traditional Chinese medicine, properly prepared aconite is used in conjunction with other medicinal herbs to combat impotence, infertility, arthritis, frequent urination, and rheumatism.

Dried herbs and roots on the table
Dried herbs and roots on the table

Chinese lemongrass

The main medicinal properties of Schisandra chinensis herb are a tonic, adaptogenic and stimulating effect during increased physical exertion, mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion, sports, asthenic syndrome and depression. The main feature of this plant is that lemongrass does not cause sleep disturbance and overexcitation of the nervous system.

Recipes for making medicines

For the treatment of gastritis, you need to take 10 g of silkworm cocoons, dry them in the oven, and then grind them into powder. Use ready-made powder twice a day 30 minutes before meals. This remedy is washed down with boiled warm water.

For the treatment of constipation, take 1 glass of fresh cow's milk, add 100 g of bee honey, mix everything well, put on fire,boil. After that, add 100 g of paum onion stalk. Before this, carefully grind the ingredient in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry, add to milk and honey. Boil the product again on fire, cool. The finished drug is taken in the morning on an empty stomach only fresh.

To eliminate vomiting and alcohol intoxication, you need to take 200 ml of infusion based on kombucha. This remedy is drunk in small sips throughout the day.

When peeling the skin on the hands, you need to take 40 g of licorice root, grind it, place it in a container, pour half a glass of drinking alcohol 95%. Let it brew for 36 hours. After that, the mixture is squeezed out, applied as a rub three times a day.


There are many effective Chinese herbs for weight loss. The most popular of them are the following:

  1. Ephedra is a powerful stimulant of metabolic processes. There are many positive reviews about the Chinese herb ephedra. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this plant increases blood pressure, causes a disorder of the central nervous system, insomnia and tachycardia.
  2. Hellebore is a very famous weight loss herb in Chinese medicine. People who have tried it on themselves claim that it not only makes them lose weight, but also makes them look younger.
  3. Cayenne pepper. In order to lose weight, this seasoning simply needs to be added to dishes, which stimulates metabolism. In addition, cayenne pepper improvesdigestion.
  4. Green tea. The fact is that green tea contains antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which are simply necessary for those people who are on a diet. To get the most out of green tea, it is recommended to add lemon to it.
Spices and herbs on the table
Spices and herbs on the table

It is also necessary to single out those plants that can reduce appetite. These include the following:

  1. Fucus and spirulina algae, flax seeds, angelica officinalis. The fact is that after use in the gastrointestinal tract, these herbs swell or form mucus, due to which they envelop the mucous membrane and stretch the walls of the intestine or stomach. As a result, a person has a feeling of fullness.
  2. Rosemary, turmeric, ginger increase energy expenditure, which burns more calories than usual, resulting in weight loss.

To prepare your own herbal tea for weight loss, you need to take one herb of different actions, which were described above. Pour one tablespoon of the finished mixture with one glass of water, steam for 20 minutes, let it brew. Ready broth for weight loss should be brought to the required volume, diluted with boiled water. The remedy is taken in half a glass twice a day before meals for 2 months.

Chinese herb reviews

During treatment with traditional medicine, for the safety of your he alth, you must strictly adhere to dosages and recipesherbal infusions. Nowadays, despite the progress of pharmacology, many people prefer to use various remedies based on Chinese herbs to treat various diseases and ailments. Reviews of these products indicate that they are very effective.

People also note that a variety of ginger-based drinks are quite effective for weight loss. But for this, in parallel, it is necessary to adhere to the correct diet and diet.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that herbal treatment is the basis of Chinese traditional medicine, while in our country such recipes are only an addition to the main therapy. In any case, they must be treated with caution, following all the recommendations of the attending physician.
