Discharge smells like onions: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Discharge smells like onions: causes, diagnosis, treatment
Discharge smells like onions: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Reproductive he alth of a woman is the key to personal and family well-being. Therefore, you need to be attentive to various deviations in your body. Many women are embarrassed by uncharacteristic vaginal discharge. This is one of the most common problems that are addressed to the gynecologist. In particular, the discharge smells like onions - what does this mean? Why does it occur? And does it need to be alarming? Let's talk about it in more detail.

Why does a woman's discharge smell like onions?

Onion smell from the vagina is not normal. A he althy woman should not have any odors from the perineum at all. However, the discharge may have a slightly sour, but not pungent, odor. This is due to the peculiarity of the microflora. In particular, with the fact that lactic acid bacteria live in the vagina, which create a "home" from an acidic environment.

why does discharge smell like onions
why does discharge smell like onions

And if the discharge smells like onions, what does that mean? This type of secretion suggests the presencepathologies in the body. We will talk about them further.


Unpleasant smell from intimate areas brings discomfort to a woman. It is inconvenient to go to the pool, fitness room and other public places. This is an aesthetic discomfort. But not all diseases are harmless, and can be transmitted by household means.

However, a woman's greatest fear is to push her man away during intimacy. Moreover, unpleasant odors during intercourse can be aggravated.

If the discharge from women smells like onions, and this was not the case before, then you need to take a closer look at additional symptoms of an anxiety condition. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to analyze the clinical picture. Pay attention to the nature of the discharge:

  • color - transparent, cloudy, white;
  • amount of discharge - scarce or abundant;
  • consistency - liquid, curdled or creamy;
  • smell - absent or discharge smells like onions.
discharge from women smells like onions
discharge from women smells like onions

The last sign is the reason most often for a woman's psychological discomfort. It is the specific smell that prevents a normal sex life.

Discharge smells like onions: reasons

Vaginal discharge is an unpleasant situation that leads to a gynecologist. Changes in the functioning of the female reproductive system can be caused by many factors. Some have an external side of origin, affecting the body through the environment. Others are directly related to the violation of internal processes: hormonal metabolism, immunesystems, etc. Most often, several negative factors are combined.

Vaginal discharge is the natural state of the genital mucosa.

discharge smells like onions
discharge smells like onions

Why does discharge smell like onions? Such an uncharacteristic smell of vaginal discharge can be normal if the day before the woman ate a large amount of onions and garlic. However, in this situation, the discharge cannot smell like garlic. But the breath of a woman, the skin can retain a specific smell for a long time. However, it should pass literally in a day.

In other cases, the smell of onion from the vagina is considered a sign of an imbalance in the microflora of the external genital organs.

The main possible pathologies, due to which the discharge has the smell of onions, will be discussed further.

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis)

This tricky medical term refers to vaginal dysbacteriosis. In women, this disease is common. Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the balance of microflora.

The bacterial environment in the vagina is quite mobile, the ecosystem is constantly changing in it. It is based on lactobacilli. It is they who perform a protective function. By converting glycogen into lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide is released.

Such an acidic environment and the presence of peroxide inhibit the growth of pathogenic flora. It is created by staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and anaerobic bacteria. These numerous "residents" coexist peacefully until the number of lactobacilli decreases.

vaginal dischargesmell of onions
vaginal dischargesmell of onions

As soon as this situation occurs, the "conditioners" multiply rapidly, without causing significant discomfort. Only before the start of the menstrual cycle can the nature of the discharge change dramatically. The only characteristic sign of this pathology is white discharge, smelling of onions. Sometimes this smell is complemented by the smell of rotten fish.

Reasons for the development of dysbacteriosis:

  • frequent douching with a solution of soda or a decoction of chamomile;
  • using contraceptives (suppositories, creams) or condoms treated with N-9 (nonoxynol-9);
  • change of sexual partner;
  • use of antibiotics to treat pathologies that are not related to the genitourinary system.

The development of inflammation in the internal genital organs (uterus, appendages) is the main danger of the disease.

During pregnancy, dysbacteriosis can cause premature birth, complications during childbearing and directly during childbirth.

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush)

Every woman has faced this unpleasant disease at least once in her life. Vaginal candidiasis provokes the Candida fungus. It progresses rapidly in a favorable microclimate of the vagina.

white discharge smells like onions
white discharge smells like onions

Accordingly, it causes significant discomfort, namely:

  • bad smell, discharge smells like onions;
  • abundant cheesy discharge that begins to appear 10 days before the onset of menstruation;
  • itching, burning, feeling of dryness andtightness in the genitals;
  • inflamed genitals are covered with a coating that looks like sour milk;
  • painful urination with burning sensation;
  • Pain worsens during intercourse.

Any stressful situation, depression, an uncomfortable psychological state can provoke a malfunction in the whole body.


This is a disease in which the lining of the vaginal walls becomes inflamed. The infection "dictates" the severity of the form of colpitis. The disease has three forms: acute, subacute and chronic with indolent relapses.

Why does a woman's discharge smell like onions?
Why does a woman's discharge smell like onions?

Characteristic symptoms for colpitis:

  • copious discharge with a frothy texture of a grayish-white hue;
  • Vaginal discharge that smells like onions;
  • swelling and redness of the genitals;
  • dull aching pain in the lower abdomen and genitals;
  • intense pain during and after urination for a certain period of time.

If colpitis has become chronic, the symptoms subside. They can intensify during an exacerbation. In the advanced form of the disease, ulcers can form on the mucous membranes of the genitals.

This pathology must be treated in a timely manner, since colpitis can lead to dire consequences. For example, to infertility.


These are sexually transmitted infections. Among them are syphilis, gonorrhea, venereal granuloma, inguinallymphogranulomatosis, soft chancre. The main danger is that these diseases can also be transmitted non-sexually.

Doctors single out reasons that have nothing to do with the condition of the genitals. The appearance of onion smell in the vagina can be affected by such additional factors:

  • strong reaction to a stressful situation;
  • protracted depression;
  • treatment with antibiotics;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • overindulgence in personal care products that change the pH of the vagina.

Only a doctor can determine the true cause of the onion smell.

When is the smell without pathology?

In a he althy microflora of the vagina there are lacto- and bifidobacteria. They perform a protective function, being in balance. If the discharge has a slightly sour smell and varies in color (from clear to whitish creamy), then this is considered normal.

The following factors influence the physiological changes in secretions in terms of odor strength, concentration and consistency:

  • monthly cycle period;
  • beginning of sexual activity;
  • change of sexual partner;
  • intimacy;
  • pregnancy (especially the first and last trimesters);
  • breastfeeding;
  • taking hormonal drugs (including hormonal contraceptives).

All of these factors affect the female sex hormones, released in large quantities. They "dictate" the smell of vaginal discharge.

The nature of the discharge is determined by the hormonal spectrumin the female body. The main reason for the appearance of a specific smell from an intimate place is a change in the level of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are responsible for a woman's reproductive he alth. Changes in the ratio of these hormones can occur in these situations:

  • second phase of menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives.

Immediately after menstruation, the discharge becomes a transparent sparse color. But they become more viscous and plentiful as ovulation approaches. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the mucous glands of the vagina change their secretions. The discharge becomes creamy, white in color and smells like garlic.

If a woman, apart from an unpleasant smell, is not bothered by anything else, then most likely the reason for the appearance of this aesthetic discomfort lies in physiological changes. Most often this is considered the norm.


An additional examination will be required to identify the exact cause of the unpleasant odor. It is necessary to pass the following tests:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood biochemistry (hormonal spectrum);
  • microscopy and culture of secretions.
discharge smells like onions what does it mean
discharge smells like onions what does it mean

A colposcopy is required to visually assess the condition of the vaginal mucosa.

After receiving the results of all tests, the doctor will be able to tell the exact cause of the unpleasant odor. If necessary, he will prescribe treatment.


Drug treatment includes antibacteri altherapy to reduce pathogens.

For the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, an antiprotozoal agent is prescribed: Metronidazole, Ornidazole.

Be sure to prescribe eubiotics to restore the state of microflora. These are beneficial bacteria that are administered orally in the morning and evening. Eubiotics are taken orally.


Discharge smells like onions - this is an unpleasant symptom that can be prevented. You must follow these medical recommendations:

  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene (wash yourself in the morning and evening with a special gel).
  • Don't douche without a doctor's prescription, as this procedure provokes the development of bacterial vaginosis.
  • You can not wear panty liners all the time, they lead to overheating of the genitals. It is better to put daily during ovulation, when abundant discharge occurs. They need to be changed every two hours.
  • Wear breathable underwear.
  • Keep a he althy lifestyle, do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  • Avoid promiscuity.
  • Always use a condom if you are not sure about your sexual partner.

If you follow simple rules, you can avoid the appearance of an unpleasant onion smell from the vagina. Stay he althy!
