The history of the official appearance of nurses dates back to 1617. After the opening of the first community, where this profession was taught in more detail, it began to develop. Today, the duties of an operating nurse are no less important than the work of a surgeon. It would be more correct to say that they are an integral part of each other.

Profession Description
A nurse is a doctor's second hand, his indispensable assistant. The classification of the profession, due to the large number of areas of activity, is clearly defined, and it is worth noting that positions are not always interchangeable.
Nurses come in:
- Main. A certified worker with a higher education, whose main task is to clearly and smoothly organize the activities of middle and junior staff. She controls every link of a large mechanism so that all employees perform their functional duties in a timely manner.
- The older one. Usually works in tandem with the managerbranch and primarily performs administrative tasks. She is responsible for supplying the department with medicines and the necessary equipment. Sets the algorithm of actions, schedules of middle and junior staff.
- Guard. Carries out the order of the leading specialist, and is usually assigned to certain patients of a particular doctor.
- Procedural. A nurse performing all manipulations (injection, dropper, sampling). Specialists of this level are attached to doctors who supervise more serious procedures and require an assistant.
- Operating nurse. Member of the surgical department. Her immediate responsibilities are the preparation of the tool base, suture material, linen. During the operation, she is next to the surgeon, and monitors his every action, responds to all requests, requirements.

- Divisional. Assigned to the therapist, present during examinations and consultations. Her competence is the patronage of patients undergoing treatment at home. She is obliged to follow the professional orders of the doctor. The main job is to maintain documentation.
- Diet. Usually works in the canteen at the hospital. Her task is to accurately distribute the menu, according to the appointment of a nutritionist and doctor's recommendations (taking into account a specific pathology).
- Nurse accompanying a specialized specialist, assisting at an appointment with a urologist, cardiologist, etc.
- Junior nurse. Not competent to conductany manipulation. Her job is to run errands, take care of hospital patients.
It is worth noting that each department of the hospital has its own ranks. In surgery, for example, the staff includes a senior operating room, full-time, guard, procedural and junior nurse of the department.
What a specialist should be able to do
After stepping over the threshold of the hospital, the nurse becomes a link between the doctor and the patient. The psycho-emotional state of the patient depends on the actions of the nurse. Each employee may be faced with the fact that the ward needs to be reassured, talked, and provided with professional care.
All nurses, without exception, should be able to:
- provide first aid;
- administer intramuscular and intravenous injections;
- perform essential patient care;
- take samples for laboratory testing;
- control the frequency of taking medications, their preliminary distribution;
- install the drip, control its functionality;
- sterilize instruments;
- maintain necessary documentation;
- prepare patients for surgery, instrumental methods of examination;
- preparing the operating room;
- carry out medical and preventive procedures.
The duties of an operating room nurse (senior or junior staff) do not exclude the possibility that experience and knowledge will ever come in handy in practice.

Who is this job for?
Nurses should have a high level of empathy. The skills of a psychologist are very appropriate to support the patient, to find the right words. Also, the profession is not suitable for fastidious people who are not resistant to stress. Mandatory requirements for personal qualities:
- attention;
- neatness;
- punctuality;
- ability to quickly navigate.
Any nurse begins to comprehend science by studying human anatomy. Even the ability to properly inject depends on this.

Importance of the profession
Today the work of a nurse is in demand. The education and skills of a specialist allow you to find a profession outside the hospital. Beauty salons, massage centers, give preference to employees with even a minor medical education.
To work in the speci alty, you must have a document (diploma of secondary or higher education) confirming the acquisition of knowledge in the speci alty "Nursing". Climbing the career ladder of people with higher education is more rapid, at the same time, having received a college diploma, you can work and graduate from a higher educational institution, gaining work experience at the same time. Also, the combination allows you to consistently, moving up the steps, the position of a doctor.
Detailed job description
To become an operating room nurse, you must have a secondary medical education. Also, the first basics should be obtained in the dressing blockoperating room, where after studying they are sent for an internship. The work in the medical institution is provided by the head physician, on the recommendation of the head nurse (according to the law).
After the registration procedure, the operating nurse comes under the supervision of the head nurse. During surgical operations, the requirements of the doctor and assistants should be immediately followed. While on duty, the operating sister also reports to the doctor in whose shift she works.
Before you begin to fulfill your immediate duties, you should read the job description, know your rights. Work according to clear rules and not go beyond them.

What should an operating room nurse do
The senior officer cannot exceed his authority regarding the operating sister, as the specialist has a list of clear duties that he must perform.
The main tasks of a nurse in the operating room:
- preparation of the hall and all participants in the process, is the responsibility of the nurse of the surgical department;
- timely delivery of the patient to the operating table, correct positioning;
- delivery of the patient to the ward after the completion of the operation;
- control over the availability of instruments and materials, their correct placement, convenient for the doctor;
- the operating nurse knows exactly how many instruments, tampons, dressings were before the start of work, and monitors throughout the process that the items usedreturned to the place;
- the task of the nurse is to monitor compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis of all those present;
- after completing the work, all materials are recounted, processed;
- gowns, masks, underwear, suture material, instruments are sterilized, the quality of the process is monitored by an operating nurse;
- if material for histological examination was taken during the operation, the nurse is responsible for timely delivery;
- keeps material accounting records and prepares reporting papers.
When transferring a shift, or when accepting a workplace, pay attention to the availability of sets of sterile linen, materials, solutions, tools. All consumable and received materials are recorded in the ledger.

Each employee has rights that he must follow in order not to let something important out of control, which may further negatively affect his work.
Nurse authorized:
- give instructions to the nurse in the operating room, when involved in the process of surgical manipulation;
- monitor the correctness of the actions of the nurse;
- check the quality of disinfection, follow the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the operation;
- offer new, effective ways to improve the quality of work for superiors;
- to be interested in the need and urgency of the planned activities;
- participate inmeetings, discussions of issues related to the competence of the operating nurse;
- grow, improve your skills in any way possible.

What the specialist is responsible for
The operational nurse performs her functional duties in strict order. She is responsible for the clear, timely implementation of the actions prescribed in the internal regulations of the establishment.
Responsibilities of the Surgical Department Nurse:
- Know and be able to perform suture and dressing preparation techniques.
- To master the technique and methodology of blood transfusions.
- Provide full assistance to the doctor during endoscopy.
- Navigate during planned, typical operations.
- To be able to quickly and efficiently apply splints, bandages, plaster splints.
- Monitor the he alth of the equipment, timely send for repairs at the slightest failure.
- Monitor the amount of necessary equipment, dressings, the presence of sterile underwear.
- Take part in all possible operations, if necessary, assist the surgeon.
- The requirement for appearance is impeccability (cotton robe, well-groomed hands, short nails).
Failure to fulfill the direct duties of an operating room nurse in surgery can lead to tragic consequences, therefore, before starting work, staff are warned about moral and legal responsibility. Omission of a small detailmay result in unwanted adjustments during the transaction.

The duties of an operating nurse on an operating day begin with the receipt of an order. Even before starting work, she knows the plan for upcoming operations, scrupulously selects sets of tools for each specific case.