Can lice appear from nerves: myth or reality?

Can lice appear from nerves: myth or reality?
Can lice appear from nerves: myth or reality?

Frequent worries and stress have a negative impact on human he alth. This is due to the fact that the body becomes weakened, respectively, it cannot cope with the problems that haunt it. As a rule, bacteria and viruses begin to actively develop from this, and it is they that contribute to the onset of diseases. There is an opinion that sometimes even lice start from nerves. Is this statement correct? This issue should be carefully considered.

Many people think that lice are something shameful, as they only infect people who do not take care of their hygiene. In fact, this is not so, because pediculosis can be in a person who very carefully monitors the cleanliness of his body. Consider why this disease can develop and how to overcome it.

What is head lice?

Before considering whether lice can appear from nerves, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with exactly how they will look. First of all, you neednote that lice live in the hairline. The main danger is that they can live without food on a person's personal belongings for a long time. It is wrong to assume that lice can die in water while washing their hair. Lice feed on blood, so when their body fills with it, it changes color from gray to red.

lice from nerves myth or reality
lice from nerves myth or reality

In just 24 hours, the parasite can drink 1 ml of blood in 2-3 bites. A person who has got these insects may feel constant itching, because when bitten, the saliva of the parasite gets into the wound, it is the main irritant.

In favorable conditions, a female will be able to lay 100 eggs in just 27 days. It must be remembered that lice are insects that do not have wings, but this does not prevent them from moving quickly.

Connection of head lice and nerves

Some people wonder if lice can come from nerves? There is an opinion that insects in the form of larvae already exist on the head, which are sleeping and can become active at the right time. In fact, this simply cannot be. Scientists have already proved the fact that pediculosis can develop only if a person has been in contact with an infected patient. In this case, direct contact should occur, which consists in the contact of the hair of a he althy and sick person, lice can also get on clothes, and from there it costs nothing for them to move to the head.

Indirect contact transmission of head lice

When asked if lice can get from nerves, the answer will definitely be negative. But forInfection of a person, in addition to direct contact, is sometimes sufficient and indirect. Transmission routes can be as follows:

A person can use personal items of someone who is already infected, such as a hairbrush, hat or hairpins

lice from nerves in humans
lice from nerves in humans
  • It is forbidden to use the bed linen of a person who is infected, for example, it is forbidden to sleep on the pillow of a pediculosis patient.
  • You can become infected with lice in public transport if you lean on the headrests where an infected person used to sit and nits remained there.

Talking about the fact that lice can appear in a person from nerves is a fiction. And, most likely, it is connected with the fact that due to a stressful situation, the body weakens - this provokes various diseases and attracts all sorts of parasites.

How infection occurs

The transmission of parasites occurs in public places where a large number of people accumulate. Most often, infection occurs in the subway, a bathhouse or even a hospital. Most often, children suffer from pediculosis. Scientists conducted a huge number of experiments and came to the conclusion that not all people are attractive to lice. It is believed that lice are very sensitive to different smells, and most of all they are attracted by the smell of people who are precisely in a state of anxiety - hence the opinion that lice come from nerves. As a rule, people who are not just worried, but are in a state of serious stress are most infected.

lice from nerves myth or reality
lice from nerves myth or reality

In suchsituations, the human body begins to produce special hormones that have a special smell. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that lice cannot appear spontaneously from nerves.

Lice in a child from nerves

Children are at risk for head lice and are most exposed to this disease. Having carefully studied the statistics, we can safely say that almost every fifth child was infected with pediculosis. The main reason lies in the fact that the body of a little man is much weaker than that of an adult.

lice start from nerves
lice start from nerves

But with all this, lice from nerves in children, just like in adults, cannot appear on their own.


In order for a person to become infected with head lice, one stressful situation will not be enough. Often, some people mistakenly assume that they have head lice because they experience itching in the scalp. Such a reaction of the organism is most correctly considered psychosomatic. If a person has been itching in the head area for a long time and at the same time he has recently had a stressful situation, then it would be best to contact a dermatologist and a psychologist. Many people note that pediculosis manifested itself when they were in a stressful situation, but in no case should you look for a connection here, since there is none, so the appearance of lice from nerves is just a myth.

Research scientists

Scientists have long tried to find evidence that pediculosis from stress does not happen, so they brought a fewirrefutable facts worth reading in more detail:

There is an opinion that nits live in a person's head, and when their owner is subjected to serious stress, they begin to activate. In fact, this cannot be, since the parasites do not receive any nutrients, which means that they cannot survive in such conditions

lice from nerves in humans
lice from nerves in humans
  • The second erroneous opinion is due to the fact that during a strong negative impact of stress, a person begins to sweat, which leads to the reproduction of lice, since this is the most favorable habitat for them.
  • People who are not entirely competent in the study of various parasites, when a bump forms on the head, they claim that nits live there, but in fact it is a subcutaneous mite.
  • Pediculosis has nothing to do with genetics and disorders in the endocrine system.

How to tell stress from head lice

In fact, the signs of pediculosis are in some cases quite difficult to distinguish. The fact is that the breeding period is two weeks, it is during this time that adult individuals ready for reproduction can hatch from nits. Lice are considered tenacious parasites, so getting rid of them is not so easy. Stress is a condition that is associated with a criticalstress that not only an adult, but also a child can be exposed to.

lice from nerves in children
lice from nerves in children

Lice and stress have a few common signs to look out for. First of all, this is the occurrence of itching. A person's scalp may itch for the following reasons:

  1. It is not uncommon for scalp dermatitis to occur. It is he who is accompanied by the appearance of red spots, from which it seems that something is crawling on the head.
  2. When asked if there can be lice from nerves, the answer is unequivocal - no, but an allergy may well appear. The fact is that the body, having experienced stress, becomes more vulnerable, so an allergic reaction can occur even to shampoo, from which nothing like this has happened before.
  3. People with hypersensitive skin may experience discomfort from light touch.
  4. Nervous itching is most often localized in the scalp.
  5. If the skin becomes dry and starts to peel off, this can also cause itching.

Several of these signs can lead a person to the idea that he has actively begun to develop head lice. Naturally, as a preventive measure, it is sometimes worth examining the head and, at the first symptoms, consult a doctor who will properly treat or completely exclude the presence of pediculosis.

Treatment of head lice

People who are of the opinion that lice can appear from nerves should know that this is not so and that non-sedatives should be used to combat these parasitesmeans, and special medical preparations. A huge number of folk methods (from kerosene and dust soap to cranberry and mint juice and wormwood decoction) will help to cope with the problem. At the same time, there are remedies that perfectly relieve pediculosis. They are sold in pharmacies in the form of emulsions, shampoos, creams. These are such as: "Pedilin", "Nyuda", "Khigia", "Parasidosis +", "Lavinal" and others. As a rule, they should be used more than once, preferably three times, but addiction can develop to some of these drugs. To remove lice, you have to carefully sort out the hair and comb it out. Despite the fact that the answer to the question of whether lice can appear from nerves is negative, treatment should be approached comprehensively, so it is necessary not only to destroy the parasites, but also to calm the nerves.


It should be noted that pediculosis is a long-studied disease, so you can safely trust the statement of scientists that lice cannot appear on nervous grounds. Naturally, it is not worth completely rejecting the option that a person begins to produce a special hormone during stress, the smell of which parasites like, is not worth it.

can there be lice from nerves
can there be lice from nerves

In particularly complex forms of pediculosis, it is necessary to work together with your doctor, only he will help you choose an effective remedy that will quickly cope with the problem. Given the fact that science answers the question of whether lice can appear from nerves in the negative, it is still worth remembering that you need to monitor your he alth and in every possible wayavoid stressful situations. Thus, it will be possible to strengthen the body, which means that nothing will threaten he alth.
