It's no secret that many people are concerned about whether a person can get pregnant from a dog or any other animal. We can only guess about the reasons for such questions, but nevertheless, in this article we will try to answer them.

Can a human get pregnant from a dog
It is known that a woman's pregnancy occurs after the fertilization of an egg by a man's sperm. As a result, thanks to the interweaving of identical genotypes, an embryo is formed, which, within nine months of intrauterine growth and development, turns into a full-fledged human child. Geneticists and physiologists emphasize that a woman's pregnancy from any other living organism, including a dog, is impossible for the following reasons:
- human genetic information is encoded in a set of 46 chromosomes, and in a dog - 78, which rules out a positive answer to the question of whether a person can get pregnant from a dog;
- dog genetics carries the development of such organs and systems that
- whatever the size of the dog, its penis will not match the size of the genitals of a woman;
- in order to get puppies, a male and a female must stay in the so-called "castle" for some time, which is formed when the penis is squeezed by the female's muscles. During this process, the fertilization of the egg occurs. In humans, such a process is not provided for by physiology, which means that a dog cannot even fertilize a female egg;
- sex cells of a woman and a dog differ in all parameters (size, shape, chemical composition, etc.);
- a male will feel the call of the reproductive instinct only if he smells the secretion that occurs in a bitch during estrus. In all other cases, he has no sexual excitability;
- The significant difference in the biorhythms of dogs and humans will also play an important role when trying to fertilize.

there is simply no person, based on this, the embryo will not be able to fully develop;

This is not a complete list of obstacles, but the main signs that explain that a person cannot get pregnant from a dog are indicated. As for artificial insemination, the essence of which is the transplantation of a human egg fertilized by a dog into a woman, pregnancy is also excluded due to the above features. In addition, the woman's body will simply reject such an egg as a foreign body. But then there isanother question: “Can a dog get pregnant from a person?” Definitely not! For the same reasons listed above.
Reassuring conclusions
Thus, the question of whether a person can get pregnant from a dog has been answered. And if there is such information somewhere, you should not believe in it, since most often it is the fruit of a sick imagination. After conducting a huge number of experiments on the transplantation and introduction of such "mutants", even in laboratory conditions, experts received negative results, which indicates that such a conception will not occur in wildlife.