Why does she cramp her legs in her sleep? This phenomenon can be uncontrollable and quite intense. The condition varies in duration. Pain can also be of varying degrees. In this review, we will look at how to deal with this problem on our own, as well as what complications arise.
Development mechanism

Why does a person cramp his legs in a dream? Let's describe the approximate stages of the onset of seizures:
- Under the influence of various adverse factors, the body begins to feel a lack of such an important compound as adenosine triphosphoric acid.
- As a result, lactic acid accumulates in tissues.
- Elevated levels of metabolites lead to insufficient muscle relaxation and the appearance of spontaneous cramps in the lower extremities.
The appearance of the considered nocturnal phenomena can also be associated with a violation of the nervous regulation of the muscles. This can lead to a decrease in the threshold of excitability andmuscle contractions even under the influence of weak nerve impulses.

Let's take a closer look at why he cramps his leg during sleep. Seizures can appear suddenly, for no particular reason. In some cases, these sensations pass on their own and do not require medical intervention. Doctors say that spasms of the lower extremities can be caused by certain factors:
- changing the nature of motor activity;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- psycho-emotional overload;
- hypothermia;
- long stay in unfavorable climate.
Very often, night cramps appear in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. As a rule, the cause of the development of spasms is a situation when, after a long stay in a sitting position, a person begins to actively move. Often in a dream he brings the legs of athletes together after forced inactivity.
The reason for the appearance of convulsions is, as a rule, increased nervous excitability. The contraction of muscle fibers in this case can be triggered by worries, worries and stress.
The development of seizures can provoke many exacerbated chronic diseases. Diseases that cause convulsive syndrome include varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, endocrine pathologies. These violations have a negative impact on the entire body, including muscle tissue. As a result, the patient may develop spontaneous muscle contractions at night.
To the emergence of the syndrome in question leads to a long stay in the cold. The situation is aggravated in the presence of the factors listed above. If leg cramps appear regularly, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the pathology and undergo a certain course of therapy. Pathology in the absence of proper treatment can lead to such unpleasant consequences as osteochondrosis, flat feet, degenerative processes in the lower extremities.
Why do I get cramps at night?

This aspect should be given special attention. What to do if you cramp your leg while sleeping? First of all, it is imperative to deal with the reasons that caused this phenomenon.
Let's consider the most common factors:
- Deficiency of minerals and vitamins (potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B6): the lack of these elements occurs due to malnutrition. As a result, disturbances occur in the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems. Seizures and spasms are the most common manifestation.
- Physical overload: very often in a dream he cramps his legs after serious physical activity. Also, convulsions can appear with an uneven alternation of physical activity and rest. The appearance of such a state is also associated with the lack of intervals between muscle contractions and relaxation.
- Failure to drink, dehydration: when large volumes of fluid are lost by the body, the removal of s alts responsible for the normal functioning of muscle tissue can be accelerated. Spasms in the lower extremities occur inin the event that the active loss of fluid was not compensated by the drinking regimen. For normal functioning, the human body must receive 20 ml of fluid for every kilogram of body weight.
- Sudden changes in temperature: with heat stroke or hypothermia, muscle spasm begins to develop. Changes can cause sudden temperature fluctuations - more than 10 degrees.
- Nervous tension and stress: negative emotions can provoke disturbances in the body, including convulsive contractions of muscle fibers. Stress also causes the release of hormones that cause potassium deficiency.
Why does it bring legs together at night, during sleep? Some diseases can also cause similar symptoms. The development of a convulsive syndrome is caused by metabolic disorders, various injuries, toxic and food poisoning. Cramps in the legs often signal the occurrence of pathologies of the lower extremities. One possible cause is varicose veins.
Cramps in the calf muscles
So what do you need to know about this? Why in a dream reduces the calves of the legs? Cramping in this area is usually associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes during the day. Also, unpleasant conditions occur with flat feet or thrombophlebitis. Cramps can still appear due to excessive dieting. In this case, the body experiences a lack of minerals and vitamins.
Why do you cramp your toes

One of the causes of cramps that spread to the toes isserious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthrosis or arthritis. In this case, muscle spasms may be accompanied by pain and numbness. Toes often reduces after hypothermia. The cause of an unpleasant symptom is also ill-fitting shoes, overweight, frequent stress, malnutrition and pregnancy.
Toe cramps often bother those who are on a protein diet. This diet leads to the removal of calcium from the body. As a result, involuntary contractions of the muscles of the foot in various departments may occur.
Cramps in legs during pregnancy

Often in women, while carrying a child, she brings her legs together in her sleep. The reasons are as follows:
- Lack of magnesium, calcium, potassium and glucose in the body.
- Squeezing of blood vessels by a growing fetus. The uterus begins to put pressure on the veins, thereby reducing the outflow of blood.
- Iron deficiency anemia: leads to low levels of hemoglobin and iron in the blood.
Diuretics can also be the cause of leg cramps. Often, cramps in the calf muscles appear due to insufficient motor activity. As a rule, this symptom is observed during the active growth of the fetus (2-3rd trimester). Cramps in the lower extremities in early pregnancy can be caused by morning sickness.
Cramps in the legs in children
Children often complain that they cramped their legs in their sleep. Why can this symptom appear at such an early age? Specialistsbelieve that these manifestations are a consequence of the immaturity of the central nervous system. The processes of inhibition in the child's body are not yet sufficiently regulated. As a result, muscle strain occurs.
Doctors confirm that some factors that influenced the fetus while it was in the womb can lead to the development of a convulsive syndrome in a child. These include taking specific medications by the expectant mother, as well as various diseases she suffered during pregnancy. Birth trauma and viral diseases contribute to the development of the disorder. In addition, even perfectly he althy children can experience leg cramps before the age of 1 year.
Types of spasms
If a leg cramped in a dream at night, and even more so if this happened repeatedly, it is necessary to figure out what character the cramp has.
In medicine, the main types of spasms are distinguished:
- Tonic: with their development, dysfunction lasts from 4 minutes or more. The person cannot control the limb. Any movement is accompanied by the appearance of severe pain.
- Clonic: short-term convulsions, accompanied by pulling of certain muscle groups.
- Localized: Pain and cramps affect a specific muscle and do not affect other parts of the legs.
- Generalized: the pathology extends to the entire muscle system of the limb. Such convulsions are most often a symptom of the development of a serious illness.
Why does she cramp her legs in her sleep? Frequent prolonged convulsions mayindicate the presence of serious disorders in the functioning of the body.
First Aid

What should I do if my legs are cramping in my sleep? Night cramps cause a lot of anxiety. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to deal with such a condition:
- First of all, it is necessary to give the body the correct position. To do this, the patient must lie on a flat horizontal surface.
- Try to unblock tight muscles. To do this, you can try to stretch the affected area.
- If you have severe pain, take a pain reliever. The easiest way would be to drink Paracetamol.
- After providing first aid, the patient should be provided with complete rest. It is advisable not to do any load on the leg throughout the next day.
Self Help
What to do if your legs cramp and no one is around:
- Take a sitting position.
- Step your legs forward.
- Grab the toes of the problem foot.
- Pull them hard.
Try putting your foot on the floor, stand up and walk around. In some cases, it helps to relieve spastic muscle tension with a pin prick in a cramped limb, due to which the nerve endings switch to a new stimulus, and the muscles relax.
If all actions are performed correctly, then soon the discomfort will pass.
If convulsions occur regularly in a dream, you should think about going through a comprehensiveexaminations. First of all, you should consult with a phlebologist. To detect varicose veins, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the veins. You will also need to take tests to clarify the amount of magnesium, potassium and calcium in the blood.
To assess the condition of the lumbar spine, you will need to consult a neurologist. Additionally, you may still need to consult an endocrinologist.
What experts say about the problem
To get rid of cramps at night, doctors recommend undergoing complex therapy. To eliminate this pathology, you need to take special medications, do exercises. Traditional medicine also demonstrates high efficiency.
Women with cramps in the legs are prescribed a course of taking drugs such as Diazepam, Phenytoin, Valproate, Benzonal.
If the cramps were provoked by a deficiency of potassium and magnesium, you will need to take a course of taking vitamin complexes.

To eliminate the convulsive syndrome, it is also recommended to do special exercises.
Here are just a few of them:
- Raising the legs up the wall (the same movement can be used to combat sudden nighttime cramps).
- Raising the legs while sitting on a chair, circular motion of the feet.
- Sharp flexion and extension of the toes.
Workouts are best done before bed. This greatly reduces the likelihood of nighttime seizures.