In the entire history of mankind, the average height has only increased. This may be due to both changes in living conditions and selection. One way or another, but the height of 158 cm is considered small in our country. But residents of some other countries might argue with this statement.
Short rise
With the spread of model beauty standards, it has become customary to consider the tallest people as beautiful as possible. This has caused many petite girls to be seriously concerned that it may not make them as beautiful as they would like. However, if the girl is still in her teens, then she should not worry about this, at least until she reaches the age of 18-20. But even after this age, some people can grow another couple of centimeters.
But if the desired age is reached, and the height has not risen above the mark of 158, you still should not worry. This is considered above average in many countries.

Averages per person by country
Not all countries can call a woman's height of 158 cm small. ATArab countries, for example, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, this is quite normal for a resident. And Indian girls are even lower on average: it is believed that an Indian woman grows up to an average of 152 cm.
But even in European countries there are those for whom the height of 158 centimeters will not seem small. It is believed that the smallest Europeans live in Spain. The averages there reach 160 cm, which is not much higher than 158.
But the pygmies from the Congo are rightfully considered the champions of short stature. Adult pygmies are quite short due to their living conditions. Even a man in this tribe grows to a height of 158 cm extremely rarely. Whereas women on average have a height of about 125 cm there. A pygmy woman simply will not understand the concern of a modern "one and a half meter" girl about the lack of length of her body.

Ideal parameters
The attempts to calculate the so-called "ideal" growth do not stop. It is already known that for greater harmony in relationships, a man should be taller than a woman. And the greater the difference, the stronger the relationship will be. But if the reasons for this are more or less clear, then the essence of the concept of ideal growth varies depending on who exactly does the research.
One of the last calculations shows that 173 centimeters would be ideal for a woman, and 188 centimeters for a man. Considering that the average values of this parameter for residents of most countries, including European ones, fall significantly short of these figures, it is difficult to say to what extent these figuresclose to the truth.
What affects growth
Changes occur every day and every hour in the human body. However, growth changes significantly only during childhood and adolescence. Moreover, for boys, it is adolescence that brings the maximum increase in body length. Everyone knows cases when a guy grows up literally in a year, although before that he thought that he would remain small all his life.
Sharp changes are not so typical for girls. But at the same 15 years, they also should not worry that the height of 158 cm will remain with her forever.
But there are situations when a person is abnormally short or, conversely, tall. Both situations can be associated with simple heredity (very tall or short people among relatives), or with certain diseases.

A person whose pituitary gland does not produce enough growth hormone during childhood can be short. Sometimes this in itself is a consequence of the disease, but in some cases the person simply remains short and does not feel any other he alth problems. For some cases, treatment is provided in the form of hormone injections, but it is not shown to everyone. It also makes no sense for adults to undergo such treatment, because the hormone increases growth only in children. For an adult, taking somatotropin can result in disruption of the endocrine system.
Pros of being short
For a woman, the main advantage will, of course, be a significant increase in the femininity of the impression produced. Many peoplethey will answer that little girls are very cute, you want to take care of them. Although, for a girl with character, this may seem like a disadvantage, but in some situations, small stature can be useful.
Also, being small tends to put less strain on the spine, which means smaller people are less likely to suffer from spinal problems. This does not mean that you can completely stop caring for your bones, but the modern pace of life makes you rejoice at any relief.

The first is, of course, dissatisfaction with this among men. Most guys who are 158 cm or slightly taller are looking for ways to visually increase it. But there are those who simply try to impress people by using their other positive aspects. In addition, for the Spaniards, small stature is not an obstacle to being considered one of the most manly men in Europe.
Also a purely functional disadvantage of short stature - it is hard to see in the crowd if you stand behind everyone, and it is also difficult to reach the high shelves in the store. But in this case human mutual aid comes into play. As a rule, a person is successfully let forward and helped to get what he needs.

There is also evidence that short stature may be genetically linked to an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Scientists believe that every 6.5 centimeters in height reduces this risk by 13%. However, in the same publication, the authors point out that a he althy lifestyle shouldlead not only to short people. It is the life of the person himself that ultimately has the greatest impact on the state of the heart and blood vessels.
Visual magnification
The main way to visually become a little taller is, of course, to choose the right clothes. Girls for selection should use a few tips:
- Stay away from baggy clothes. It is better to choose something fitted, as clothes without a shape will make the silhouette heavier.
- It is better not to create contrasting images, but to use either plain clothes or clothes of similar colors. This tip also applies to men.
- Girls of small stature are better off choosing a high waist rather than a low waist. The latter makes the legs appear shorter.
- A little girl, like no one else, will fit skirts just above the knee. This is the best option that will lighten the silhouette, while midi skirts or long skirts will make their wearer look even lower.
- Well, a well-known classic, which also needs to be recalled: vertical stripes need to be said "yes", and horizontal ones need to be said "no". This advice probably does not need additional explanations.

In any case, no matter how tall a person is, first of all you should look at his character, outlook on the world, upbringing. External data matter only during the first meeting. Further, people are interested in completely different things, which can be corrected with the help ofclothes are already much harder.