The human body is amazing - each organ clearly performs the function assigned to it, and the whole system is debugged and can work continuously for many years. There are organs that grow throughout life, and there are those that do not change throughout life or these changes are insignificant. The nose and ears of people grow throughout life, the bones of the feet and hands too. Spongy bones are constantly increasing in size, and tubular - only up to a certain age. In men, the front of the skull grows, and this changes facial features.

There are also pathological changes in the size of certain organs. So, with hypertension, the heart can increase, and the kidney increases if the second one is removed. Does the human eye grow?
How the visual apparatus changes throughout life
You can find a lot of information that some organs havepeople increase in size throughout life. And there is. But do eyes grow during life? There is evidence that it is not, and they can be considered true in a certain sense, because the size of the eyes remains almost the same all the time. But to be completely accurate and objective, it is worth noting that a slight increase in this organ still occurs.
From birth

When a baby is born, the diameter of his eyeball is 18 mm and this size changes significantly during the first year of life. When asked whether the eyes grow from birth, we can confidently answer: yes, they do! In the future, this growth is quite insignificant, from infancy to adulthood, almost nothing changes. In adolescents, the eye socket is up to 21 mm in diameter, while in an adult it is only 24 mm. So, for the entire period, the increase can be 6-7 mm. But the eye consists of different parts and each of them develops in its own way: for example, the lens increases constantly, but the pupil begins to decrease after 20 years.

Of course, there are always pathologies, they arise due to different circumstances, but the result suggests that something is going wrong. In different periods, scientists conduct experiments in order to better understand how the human body works and how it works. First of all, all experiments are carried out on animals, and if they are successful, then they are gradually introduced into work with people. To find out if a person's eye is growing and what it isaffects, studies have been conducted on chickens. The ophthalmic fluid in the embryo was pumped out through a tube, and the intraocular pressure decreased. At the time when the chick was ready to hatch, it turned out that the eyeball had not grown to its size, the retina continued its usual growth and was now enlarged and formed folds. The exact reasons for the growth of the eyeball could not be found.
A period of active growth

If we analyze in detail whether the eye grows with age, then we can note the main stages in this process. The active period of change falls on the first two years of life. In the same period, the formation of the visual cortical center occurs. When a baby is two months old, the oculomotor nerves stop developing. Since that time, reactions appear that provide synchronous movement of both eyes. Here light is the main stimulator of the entire visual system. Light sensitivity does not fully mature until age 14.
The sensitivity of the cornea in a baby is practically absent, and by the year it becomes the same as in an adult. Visual acuity can develop up to 7 years.
Amazing eye device

In fact, it is not important whether the eye grows, but how correctly the development of all its elements occurs. At different ages, the development of certain skills of the child occurs, which means that changes occur at the biological level. For example, in order to correctly form color vision,the baby needs to be attracted to the game with bright toys. Binocular vision can fully mature with muscular balance, and this will happen only after the baby learns to walk or crawl.
If your eyes seem to grow
Very often, adults pay attention to the fact that children have large open eyes, but as they grow older they will become normal, the shape of the face and its individual features will change, because the skull grows, but the eyes do not. We can see only 1/6 of the eyeball, and visually this view does not change much even from school age. But sometimes parents begin to notice that the child's eyes have become larger, and sometimes this impression is also formed regarding an adult. The question arises, does the eye grow or does it just seem so? What's Really Happening?
Visually, it may really seem that the eye has become larger, but this already indicates he alth problems and you need to see a doctor. Such a protrusion of the eyeball may be due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland, for example, with Basedow's disease. This can also happen if the muscles that hold the eyeball in the orbit relax. This does not mean that the organ is growing, just due to violations, it began to look larger.