The problem of hair loss today is familiar to every second person. The formation of bald spots on the head is equally common among both men and women. You can fight hair loss in various ways, for example, using homemade masks or professional hair care products.
A unique method has also been developed to help restore the beauty of curls with the help of medicines. However, plasma therapy for hair is the most popular. This procedure has proven itself in the market. And today it is in demand among various segments of the population.

Plasma therapy - what is it?
Plasma therapy is a cosmetic procedure performed by means of injections. This manipulation helps to stop the loss, and also favorably affects the general condition of the hair. This technique involves the introduction of injections into the subcutaneous layers of the human head.
The material is prepared from blood plasma taken from the patient himself. As a result, an injection prepared from the biomaterial of the individual who is to undergo this procedure is injected into the affected areas. Plasma therapy for hair is prescribed exclusively by a specialist. Only a trichologist can accurately say whether a patient should resort to this manipulation.

What injections are used in plasma therapy?
From the name "plasmolifting" it follows that the injection is created on the basis of the biomaterial of the patient himself. Blood is taken from the client's vein, after which it is sent to a special laboratory for further processing. Experienced doctors will place it in a centrifuge, where it will be cleaned of red blood cells and other elements. So they get plasma, which will be dominated by platelets. They are necessary for the procedure, as they are able to awaken the hair follicles, accelerate the regeneration of the scalp and slow down the process of cell death.

How is the procedure going?
The patient needs to familiarize himself with the rules of the procedure before a decision is made to go for plasma-lifting. Clinics carry out the manipulation in stages:
- The patient is collecting blood from a vein.
- Plasma purification in progress.
- The client's scalp is treated with an antiseptic.
- Injections are given to the places of greatest damage: where bald spots and bald patches are located.
After the procedure, the doctor will advise the patient on how to care for the hair in the coming days, andwill issue a reminder. The whole procedure will take no more than 40 minutes.
What recommendations does the doctor give before the procedure?
Before getting poisoned by plasmolifting of the scalp, the client is advised to undergo a consultation. A trichologist examines the patient's skin under a microscope. This is necessary in order to make a decision on the procedure of plasmolifting. The fact is that not every person this manipulation will give a positive result. So, if the client's hair is not capable of regeneration (there are no small fluffy hairs on the bald patch, which are visible only under a microscope), then the procedure itself does not make any sense.
Also, the patient will need to take a complete blood count. Only after receiving the results it will be possible to talk about whether plasma therapy for hair is allowed for the person who applied. On the eve of the procedure, it is advisable not to eat, since this manipulation is carried out on an empty stomach. Fatty, spicy, starchy foods are best excluded a few days before the appointed date. On day X, you need to wash your hair. The procedure will take place under conditions of absolute sterility to avoid the possibility of infection.

What recommendations should be followed after plasmolifting?
At the end of the procedure, the patient is advised to adhere to some restrictions. So, for 2-3 days, the client is forbidden to wash his hair, as well as touch her skin. For a week after plasmolifting, a person should not make hair masks: both homemade and from a series of professional products.
Five daysit is not recommended to visit places such as a bath, sauna, hammam. Swimming in the pool should also be avoided. And, of course, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the scalp, as well as ultraviolet radiation. All precautions are necessary to prevent infection. In a week, you can return to your normal lifestyle.

Indications for plasmolifting
The procedure is not assigned to everyone, but only to those people who really need this procedure. So, plasma therapy for hair is recommended in the following cases:
- Oily seborrhea (hair becomes greasy in less than a day).
- Dry seborrhea (presence of dandruff).
- Bald patches and bald patches on the head.
- Poor hair condition caused by external factors. For example, after unsuccessful staining, chemistry.
- Weak, brittle, split ends.
- Alopecia.
The last disease is of several types. So, genetic alopecia is not treated by plasmolifting. Manipulation at best will give only a temporary effect. Acquired alopecia can be eliminated with plasma therapy. However, the result will last no more than two years, after which the procedure will need to be repeated.

Contraindications for plasmolifting
Any cosmetic procedure can be harmful if it is contraindicated for the client for one reason or another. So,plasma therapy should be excluded if the following factors are present:
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Exacerbation of a chronic disease.
- Any colds (SARS, acute respiratory infections).
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Various psychological illnesses.
- Period of menstruation.
- Oncology.
- Infectious diseases (herpes, hepatitis).
- Bad blood test (abnormalities).
- Low platelets.
In order not to harm, it is strictly forbidden to decide on the procedure without consulting a doctor!
Patient testimonials
Every person who plans to try this procedure on himself is interested in the opinion of patients who know for sure what plasma therapy for hair is. Negative reviews, for example, are extremely difficult to find. Many girls and guys say that plasmolifting either has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, or is neutral.
The client who was prescribed plasma therapy by the attending physician can expect an amazing effect. The results in this case will be impressive. People who have done the procedure say that a he althy look returns to the hair, and its volume increases significantly. Also, from the manipulation, you can expect the acceleration of hair growth, the rapid overgrowth of bald spots and bald patches.

Cost of procedure
Plasmolifting of the scalp has one significant drawback - it is overpriced. This procedure is not affordable for every patient. In order toto achieve a worthwhile result, it is necessary to conduct at least two sessions. And this is with minor problems or with a problem that has just appeared. On average, each client needs to complete a course consisting of 6-12 procedures!
Decision alone costs money. After all, before the manipulation, it is necessary to consult a trichologist. The doctor will decide whether plasma therapy for hair is necessary for a particular client. Clinic prices vary greatly. So, the cost of one injection averages about 6,000 rubles. Provided that the client can be assigned 10 procedures, 60 thousand rubles will have to be spent on the entire course!

Alternative remedies for hair loss
Not every person decides to resort to plasma therapy. Other methods can be used in the fight against hair loss. So, many girls trust their curls to traditional medicine. In order to stop the loss, they put various masks on their heads. Among them: mustard, oil, pepper. Also, ladies use professional products designed to restore hair and prevent hair loss. In addition to masks, medical treatment is also practiced. So, in order to fight, various nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes are used.
Another way is darsonvalization. This term refers to the restoration of hair through a procedure based on current discharges. We are talking about the treatment of impulsive current. This method is gaining more and more interest from modern people,suffering from the problem of hair loss. However, according to statistics, it is the plasmolifting procedure that is the most perfect, effective, although it requires considerable costs and has a temporary effect of up to two years.