After the nuclear accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, TINRO-center (Vladivostok) developed such a tool as Laminal. Instructions for use, analogues are presented in this article. The abstract suggests its use as an effective sorbent. How effective it is, we will consider in this material.
What does the drug include

When it became necessary to create a tool that could protect the he alth of the military who work in adverse conditions (for example, nuclear scientists), Laminal was developed. Instructions for use, the composition of the product indicate its safety for humans. It has a gel-like consistency and green color and contains the following ingredients:
- free sodium alginate;
- a number of trace elements, including iodine;
- fiber;
- pigments;
- protein compounds;
- lipids.
Description of tool components
"Laminal"(instruction for use indicates this) is not a drug. But this is not a reason to believe that it does not have any medicinal properties.
Thus, the key structural polysaccharide of kelp, called alginic acid, is found in Laminal as a water-soluble s alt and retains its high molecular weight structure.

Unlike the original component of the drug - seaweed - it has the following properties:
- adhesive;
- sorption;
- acts as an enterosorbent;
- is a prophylactic for the treatment of the digestive tract.
Drug certification
Biogel has a large number of certificates and is marked with various quality marks. In particular, he is the winner of the "100 Best Goods of Russia" and "Russian Brand" awards. In the CIS, the drug "Laminal" is widely used. Instructions for use in Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Belarus are the same, if you, of course, purchased the original product. It is important to find out when purchasing the presence of the EurAsEC certificate of the Customs Union.
Analogues of the drug are rare. One of them is the Lamifaren biogel. It has similar properties and is also produced in Russia. In what cases is it used or the original drug - "Laminal"?

Instructions for use contains the following information:
- works as an enterosorbent, removes toxins from the body, excess nutrients (lipids and allergens), various toxins and heavy metals;
- auxiliary drug for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases;
- as a source of dietary fiber, which puts in order the intestinal microflora (treatment of dysbacteriosis);
- contains organic iodine, carotene, chlorophyll, polyunsaturated fatty acids and trace elements.
There are also cosmetic functions of the drug "Laminal".
Instructions and how to use the product
If we are talking about the treatment of gastroenterological diseases, then the drug is prescribed in its pure form 1-3 times a day, 20-40 grams. Take it half an hour before a meal, dilute it with warm water, juice or milk. You can add sugar, syrup or jam.
When a patient suffers from dysbacteriosis, "Laminal" is mixed with a fermented milk product based on bifidus and lactobacilli. And with diabetes or impaired metabolism, it is taken in its pure form or with permitted additives.

As a cosmetic product (masks and body wraps) "Laminal" is used in its pure form or together with aromatic oils. It is applied to the body or face in a thin layer, and then washed off with warm water without detergents.
It is recommended for gastroenterological diseases to take the remedy together with sugar or fruit syrup. If juice is used, it should be from non-acidic varieties of fruit. Forto improve the human condition, you need to take the drug for 15-30 days every day. All these recommendations are contained in the instructions for use attached to the Laminal tool. There are practically no contraindications to its use, with the exception of individual intolerance to iodine.
What is alginate?
This substance is the result of the processing of brown algae. Alginic acid has a high absorption capacity. And alginates have no color, smell, taste, do not react to heating and have a high level of viscosity. They consist of different fractions of uronic acids. Alginates are widely used in the treatment of diabetes. In most cases, this gives positive results. They are used for the production of pastes, suspensions and liquids for burns, as well as for the purpose of thickening a number of solutions. In rare cases, alginates are a component for dentures and hemostatic drugs. In addition, they help to activate the work of vaccines against viruses and cure diseases of the digestive tract.
The action of alginates and the elimination of toxins
Alginates adsorb stable metals and their radioisotopes, in particular cesium and strontium. But the latter is difficult because it has a metabolic pathway similar to calcium. So, according to research, Laminal works. The instructions for use confirm their results and indicate that alginates are capable of removing heavy metals and strontium. They also contribute to the release of toxins that accumulate in the body after drug treatment.
The use of "Laminal" in oncological diseases

Several years ago, clinical trials of the drug were conducted at the Children's Oncology Center in Vladivostok. With their help, scientists studied the effectiveness of the drug after radiation and chemotherapy.
The ten-day course helped to achieve noticeable results in the treatment of second-degree dysbiosis. It could last longer with a more serious form of the disease. If the biogel was used for toxic syndrome, then the improvement occurred after 10-20 days. And to reduce the frequency of relapses of bowel dysfunction during chemotherapy, you should drink "Laminal" for 20 weeks every three months. Often such treatment provokes metabolic disorders. The manual says that with oncological diseases and severe intoxication, the patient's condition is greatly facilitated by the drug "Laminal". Unfortunately, the instructions for use do not contain reviews, but we will provide them later in this material.
Reviews about the tool
Patients have different opinions about the drug. Some say that the improvement took place and the result was very noticeable. Others write that it helps, but not from all the diseases that are listed in the instructions for its use. In addition, among the disadvantages are the high cost of the product, unpleasant taste and smell. That is why it is recommended to take it along with juice, syrup, sugar and other additives that will help neutralize the negative impression ofuse.

Biogel "Laminal" is not only used to treat the underlying disease, in particular the gastrointestinal tract, but also helps to minimize the effects of radio and chemotherapy, and also helps to endure various types of cancer treatment in children and adults.
People who work in hazardous industries often have problems, they need to remove toxic substances from the body. "Laminal" is one of the effective domestic drugs that helps to rid the patient of them and improve his general condition. There are many opinions about it, most of it comes down to the safety of its use.