Cervical erosion (ICD-10 N86 - medical classification code for diseases) is a widespread disease. Most often, a woman finds out about him by chance, during a routine examination or when registering during pregnancy. What procedures does the doctor prescribe and what to do with cervical erosion? The answers to the most common questions can be found in this article.
What is cervical erosion, is it dangerous?
This diagnosis is quite common, and at least 30% of women face it. But not everyone understands whether it is dangerous. Cervical erosion is a small defect on the mucous membrane in the form of an ulcer. The disease is successfully treated if not started. If left untreated, erosion can cause various diseases, including cancer, and can sometimes interfere with conception.

The disease is divided into pseudo-erosion and true. The first occurs in young girls and women withan increased level of estrogen in the blood and consists in the release of the prismatic epithelium beyond the cervix. The true one is a wound in the form of a red spot on the mucous membrane.
Causes of erosion
The most common disease triggers:
- Sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, genital herpes and others.
- Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs - thrush, colpitis, vaginitis and others.
- Mechanical injury to the mucosa - after an abortion, childbirth, due to hard sexual intercourse.
Erosion can be provoked by a drop in immunity, menstrual irregularities, as well as early sexual activity and hormonal imbalance.
Symptoms of disease
Basically, a woman learns about the presence of erosion at a scheduled examination by a gynecologist. This situation occurs because the disease mostly proceeds without severe symptoms. Rarely, cervical erosion bleeds, and then the woman herself turns to the gynecologist with complaints about the appearance of blood during intercourse or between periods. Less commonly, patients notice mucopurulent discharge or feel pain during intimacy. This may be due to the appearance of an infection that enters the wound and worsens the condition of the disease. In the presence of severe symptoms, the treatment of cervical erosion and the recovery period may be delayed.
Erosion diagnostics
Already at the initial examination, the doctor detects the disease. But one visual diagnosis is not enough, and the gynecologist conductsa number of standard activities:
- Detailed examination in the gynecological chair.
- Tests to be tested in the lab for infections that may be causing damage to mucosal tissue.
- Oncocytology - a study in which material is taken from the cervix and checked for the presence of cancer.
- Colposcopy - examination of the damaged area with a device that can magnify the image several times.
- Biopsy - a detailed examination of the area of damaged tissue to make an accurate diagnosis.

The use of additional research methods allows the gynecologist to identify the exact cause of the disease, as well as learn about the features of its development.
Can you get pregnant with cervical erosion?
Disease reduces reproductive function. Many women are interested in whether it is dangerous. Cervical erosion does not cause infertility, but can affect the course of pregnancy against the background of low immunity. If the general condition of the woman's body is normal, then pregnancy can contribute to the treatment of erosive diseases, as well as other pathological transformations. During the bearing of a child, hormonal changes occur, which prevents changes in epithelial cells. Also, the disappearance of menstruation has a positive effect on the atrophy of the affected area and can contribute to the restoration of the epithelium. It is advisable to cure the disease before conception in order to avoid unwantedconsequences.
Planning pregnancy with erosion
Before conception, it is desirable to undergo a complete examination and treatment, which requires a long time. You should also withstand 1-2 months until the tissues of the cervix are fully restored. Subject to this period, the risk of relapse, as well as the occurrence of inflammatory processes, is minimal. To treat erosion, the doctor can apply the cauterization method, which requires accuracy and perfect execution. If unsuccessfully performed after this procedure, scars and scars are sometimes formed, which provoke injuries and ruptures in childbirth.

Therefore, it is important to choose an experienced doctor and a reputable clinic for this procedure. After cauterization, the onset of pregnancy can occur with complications and requires regular medical examination. Is it dangerous? Erosion of the cervix weakens the walls of the vagina, making them more susceptible to the pain of prenatal labor, which can cause tears. Therefore, it is advisable to wait until the body is fully restored.
Cervical erosion in nulliparous women
The disease is most common in parturient women. Causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women differ:
- Complications after an abortion.
- Infectious diseases.
- Viral infections.
- Advanced inflammatory disease.
- Hormonal failures.

Treatments for nulliparous patients
There are manysparing methods of cauterization of erosion. For this, laser therapy and chemofixation are used. Treatment is best done in specialized centers under the supervision of experienced professionals. The advantages of these methods are the absence of pain and a short recovery period. In this case, you should not postpone treatment until childbirth, as the disease can develop into a cancerous tumor. For young girls, the classic methods are not suitable: burning or freezing, since there is a possibility of scarring. They, in turn, will negatively affect the process of childbirth and can provoke breaks. Women who have not given birth can also use medication. Regular examination by a gynecologist will help to identify the disease in time, since erosion occurs most often without symptoms, which can lead to negative consequences.
Medicated treatment
If the gynecologist detects an inflammatory process and the results of the Pap test show 1-2 degrees of dysplasia, then he can prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs before the colposcopy and biopsy. In this case, the cause of the disease may be chlamydia and gonococci, less often viruses.

Treatment can be carried out with special suppositories or tablets, depending on the pathogen. Upon completion of the course of procedures, the gynecologist prescribes repeated tests. Drug treatment can be prescribed if a large area is identified that captures the vaginal mucosa.
The procedure is carried out in several ways:
- Electrocoagulation- cauterization of the diseased area with electric current. A few years ago, this method was the main method of treating cervical erosion. At the moment, it is of little demand, as it often leads to scarring, bleeding and deformities.
- Cryodestruction - freezing of the affected area with liquid nitrogen. The most popular method due to its low price. This method can be applied to nulliparous women, since it does not leave a scar, which favorably affects the course of childbirth. But after cryodestruction for several days, abundant watery discharge may disturb. Also, the procedure is not suitable for large lesions - more than 3 cm and in the presence of scar tissue, which is often observed in women who have given birth.
- Laser coagulation - this method acts directly on the affected area, which must be removed. It is used under local anesthesia, for this they make an injection of "Lidocaine". With this method of treatment, bleeding may rarely occur. But laser treatment is not recommended for nulliparous women.
- Radio wave treatment - the essence of this procedure is that a high-frequency wave stream is directed to the affected area, which leads to the evaporation of the affected areas. The method is not in demand due to the high price. But this method is suitable for women who have not given birth and have given birth, which will be the best treatment for cervical erosion for them.

Before using one of the described services, you need to undergo a histological examination of the affected tissues. It could bebiopsy, Pap test and colposcopy. Such a thorough examination is necessary to exclude the presence of oncology, which is treated by other methods. During cauterization, a woman may experience pain in the uterus, since exposure to her neck causes cramps similar to menstrual syndrome. After the procedure, you need to refrain from intimacy for some time and carefully monitor intimate hygiene. Do not bathe, bathe or douche for cervical erosion until the wound is completely healed.
Folk remedies
The use of this method of treatment is possible if the erosion of the cervix is mild. The most popular folk remedies:
- Sea buckthorn oil - contains useful substances and vitamins that accelerate the healing process of wounds. For treatment, a cotton swab is taken and soaked well with oil, then it is inserted into the vagina. Leave it on for a few hours, and preferably all night. For the procedure, it is better to use a special swab with a string for easy removal after the procedure.
- Honey - wrapped in gauze and inserted into the vagina for 3-4 hours. The procedure is carried out once a day. Can be used together with onions, for this they make a recess in it and add honey. Next, the product is baked in the oven, cooled and inserted into the vagina in gauze. For treatment, 10 procedures are required.
- Propolis has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. In the treatment of erosion, an ointment is used, which can be prepared independently. For this it is necessarymelt 100 grams of vaseline, adding 10 grams of propolis there. The agent is impregnated with a tampon and placed in the vagina for 10-12 hours, preferably at night. Carry out the procedure 1 time per day for 10 days.

So, erosion is a common disease that manifests itself in the form of an ulcer on the cervix. Most often, a woman has no complaints and symptoms. Treatment of cervical erosion is carried out by the medical method, cauterization, as well as folk remedies. The disease can lead to serious consequences and provoke the appearance of cancer, so you should regularly visit a gynecologist in order to detect erosion in time.