With constant colds, infection with viral infections, reduced performance and fatigue, pills to increase immunity in adults and children can help. Pharmacies offer a huge selection of effective remedies to restore the body's defenses.
Medical experts disagree about the need for such drugs for seasonal illnesses, but with reduced performance, they can not be dispensed with.
Admission rules
All medicines have certain restrictions and side effects. Therefore, before therapy, you must carefully read the features of the application:
- Clearly follow the dose indicated in the annotation to the drug.
- Pills for raising immunity are not recommended to be combined with alcoholic beverages.
- If a nettle rash occurs, as well as allergies, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, it is necessarystop taking the medication.
- If a person leads a wrong lifestyle, then the use of immunostimulating drugs may not have the desired effect.
Immunity can be significantly increased only with an integrated approach:
- taking medications;
- doing moderate physical activity;
- proper nutrition;
- good rest and sleep;
- lack of chronic diseases of internal organs.
Pills for raising immunity in children and adult patients will be useless if these points are violated.

Reasons that lead to a weakened immune system:
- Unhe althy diet, hunger strikes, lack of protein and fat in the diet.
- Infectious and fungal lesions.
- Pancreatitis (a group of diseases and syndromes in which there is inflammation of the pancreas).
- Toxic hepatitis (an inflammatory disease of the liver that develops as a result of the pathological action of toxic substances on the body).
- Cholecystitis (different in etiology, course and clinical manifestations of the form of inflammatory lesions of the gallbladder).
- Pyelonephritis (non-specific inflammatory process with a primary lesion of the tubular system of the kidney, predominantly of bacterial etiology).
- Glomerulonephritis (a disease that affects the renal glomeruli, the tubules of the interstitial tissue).
- Increased physical activity.
As a result of these conditions, there may be a decrease in the body's resistance to viral loads. A person becomes weaker, working capacity and endurance worsen, complications of chronic diseases arise, susceptibility to viruses and infections increases. In this situation, effective pills for raising immunity in adult patients and children can help.
Pharmacological actions
Immunity is a set of reactions of the protective functions of the body, the task of which is to maintain the stability of the internal environment.
The body's ability to resist viruses must be regularly stimulated. Good drugs to increase the body's defenses (in adult patients and children) cope with the problem only with the right therapy, and not from time to time. What are the best immune boosting pills to drink?
All drugs to increase the body's defenses are divided into the following types:
- vegetable;
- bacterial;
- vitamins;
- immunomodulating;
- homeopathic;
- immunostimulants;
- interferon preparations;
- drugs containing nucleic acids.
Herbal preparations
Medications with adaptogenic effects that increase immunity in adults are also very popular among patients due to their low price and a minimal set of negative reactions and restrictions. Herbal medicines with adaptogenic action:
- Eleutherococcus extract;
- ginseng root;
- Chinese lemongrass tincture.
But the most popular drug for apathetic state is echinacea. This plant is part of a large number of medicines that improve the functioning of the immune system. The most famous is "Immunal", which is based on echinacea juice, saturated with mineral components. The drug is produced in the form of drops (they are approved for use by children from twelve years old) and tablets.
Pharmacological agents with ginseng root extract in the composition not only have a positive effect on the immune system, but also give vigor and vitality, improve performance. In addition, this substance has a beneficial effect on potency.
Vitamin-mineral complexes
Most he alth conscious people consume dietary supplements and vitamins regularly. Among them, there are those that are designed to increase the body's resistance to viruses and infections. List of Immunity Boosting Pills for Adults:
- "Doppelgerz Active" with magnesium and B vitamins.
- "Cold Season Alphabet".
- "Supradin".
- "Gerimax".

According to the instructions for use, it is best to use such vitamin-mineral complexes in a long course - from one to six months. With a shortage of useful components, a slow accumulation occurs, andthe effect will not appear immediately, but only in the second or third month of constant use.
When taking vitamin-mineral complexes, it is necessary to completely exclude alcohol, since ethyl alcohol interferes with the absorption of magnesium, iron, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine. Hot drinks leach calcium out of the tissues and disturb the hormonal balance, which also adversely affects the protective functions of the body.
Vitamin C plays a special role in eliminating an already existing viral infection. With its deficiency, immunity weakens. For this reason, ascorbic acid is included in the structure of most drugs to eliminate influenza. Individuals with reduced immunity should include foods rich in ascorbic acid in their diet.
You need to pay attention to B vitamins. Immunologists usually prescribe treatment for patients with intramuscular injections of cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, as well as thiamine, nicotinic acid, riboflavin. These drugs improve the functioning of the central nervous system, have a mild sedative effect, stabilize sleep, eliminate anxiety and irritability. What pills for raising immunity are prescribed for an adult patient?

Bacterial medicines
Such drugs to increase the protective functions of the body in adult patients may contain fragments of bacterial structures, their use activates the immune type response to pathogens.
List of good immune boosting pills:
- "Ribomunil".
- "Likopid".
- "Imudon".

Medicines containing interferon
Maximum effectiveness of drugs in this category have the initial stages of a cold. They effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Increase the body's resistance with constant use.
Good pills to boost immunity:
- "Viferon".
- "Anaferon".
Nucleic acid preparations
These are stimulant drugs, the principle of action of which is based on the induction of interferon, and drugs that contain nucleic acids help to boost immunity in adult patients and adolescents. According to the method of penetration into the body, nucleic acids are divided into natural and synthetic.
The latter are produced in the form of lollipops, by sucking which, you can quickly neutralize the unpleasant symptoms of the flu. These medicines are prescribed to patients to boost immunity (with tonsillitis, rhinitis, otitis media).
List of main drug names:
- "Sodium nucleinate".
- "Half-Day".
These are medicines that increase the body's defenses, bringing low levels to standard levels. The most used are:
- "Levamozol".
- "Bemitil".
- "Dibazol".
- "Imunofan".
- "Pyrogenal".
They are used in congenital and acquired immunodeficiency. Medications have certain limitations. When starting therapy, you must thoroughly read the annotation.
The use of such drugs is indicated for certain conditions and diseases:
- Secondary immunodeficiency (diseases of the immune system that occur in children and adults, not associated with genetic defects and characterized by the development of repeated, protracted infectious and inflammatory pathological processes that are difficult to etiotropic treatment).
- Malignant neoplasms.
- Decrease in the body's defenses after a course of chemotherapy.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Diabetes mellitus (a chronic metabolic disorder, which is based on a deficiency in the production of one's own insulin and an increase in blood glucose levels).
- Chronic infectious processes in the body.
Homeopathic remedies
The main principle of the pharmacological action of homeopathy is that like cures like. If high doses of choline cause fever, then the intake of low concentrations of this component, on the contrary, neutralizes the symptoms of fever. Homeopathic immunity pills work in the same way.
Mushrooms, herbs, animal organs, flowers, tree bark, snake and spider venom are used as raw materials for the production of such medicines. The main active ingredient is diluted to a minimum concentration - often we are talking about hundredths of a milligram. Many doctorsare biased towards homeopathy, and some, on the contrary, consider it a panacea.

List of the most popular homeopathic remedies that can be purchased at the pharmacy, claimed to increase immunity:
- "Echinacea".
- "Mucosa Composite".
- "Galium-Hel".
- "Engystol".
- "Delufen".
How to take Echinacea tablets to boost immunity?
According to the instructions for use, the drug should be taken after meals. Single concentration - 1 or 2 tablets, daily - 3-4 pieces. The duration of therapy is not less than seven days, but not more than eight weeks.

Immunomodulating agents
These drugs that can improve both humoral and cellular immunity are called immunomodulatory. The most famous drug of this group is Kagocel. It has a minimum of prohibitions and adverse reactions. Under the supervision of a doctor, it can be used to treat acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in women in the "position". "Kagocel" is often prescribed to children as a preventive measure to prevent viral illnesses, as well as during quarantine.
"Anaferon" shows increased activity in bronchopulmonary pathological processes, as well as herpes. The drug is used both for treatment and for prophylactic purposes against SARS and influenza. As a rule, forsmall patients exist - "Anaferon" for children. Adults need to use the classic drug with the highest content of the active ingredient.
List of the best medicines to boost immunity
List of the best remedies that have a minimum amount of negative effects and an affordable price:
- "Immunal" shows increased activity in rheumatoid arthritis, as well as infectious diseases of the lungs, leukemia, during recovery after surgery. Produced in the form of tablets, drops, powder for making a solution. Approved for the treatment of children from one year old, subject to the use of the drug in the form of drops.
- Probiotics ("Acipol", "Linex", "Bifiform") are pills for raising immunity through the intestines.
- "Kagocel" is an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. Shows increased efficiency in the herpes virus, SARS. Doctors often recommend using Kagocel for prevention.
- "Amixin" belongs to the class of immunomodulatory drugs and is an inducer of interferon synthesis. Of the negative reactions when using it, allergies, rashes and diarrhea are observed.
What other drugs help improve immunity? As a rule, the following pharmacological agents are prescribed:
- "Cycloferon" exhibits antiviral, as well as immunomodulatory, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug helps to reduce the content of carcinogens in the blood. One of the restrictions for admission is the age of the patient up to 4 years. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets, ampoules for injections, as well as liniment.
- "Timogen" is available in the form of a cream for external application, as well as a solution for injection and spray. The main active ingredient is glutamine tryptophan. It has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects, it is allowed to use it for preventive purposes to prevent viral diseases in children. Positive dynamics can be seen already after a month of constant use.
- "Glycine" - these pills for raising immunity under the tongue must be kept until completely dissolved. The drug increases the amount of immunoglobulins in the blood. Improving immunity, as well as the ability of the body to resist pathogens, leads to a decrease in the likelihood of catching an infection.

How to choose the right drug?
To choose a more suitable remedy for the prevention and treatment of viral and infectious diseases, you need to contact a medical specialist. Once the diagnosis is made, medication will be prescribed. Dosage and duration of therapy depend on the individual characteristics of a person - height, gender, body weight, the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs, age, living conditions, physical activity.