Many people, especially women with varicose veins, are upset by the unaesthetic appearance of their legs, covered with a web of purple vessels or swollen veins. To eliminate this defect, some decide to remove the veins with a laser. And such a desire is fully justified. The use of such an innovative procedure helps to avoid the following dangerous manifestations of varicose veins: trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, which are detected in every fourth patient.
Possibilities of surgical treatment of veins
A phlebectomy operation, in which the entire vein is removed, is very painful and traumatic, while the likelihood of infectious complications is high. With microphlebectomy, only part of the vein is removed, and such an operation is also accompanied by various complications, and scars remain on the skin of the legs. Sclerotherapy, which causes blockage and desolation of the vessel, can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, laser vein removal is the best treatment.
Laser coagulation is a modern method of treating vein disease, the introduction of which into clinical practice has justover 10 years ago. In such a short period of time, laser treatment has brilliantly demonstrated its safety and effectiveness.
How does it work?
Endovenous laser coagulation is a bonding. Thanks to the laser energy, the affected vein is sealed. The procedure takes place in the laboratory, does not involve any incisions and lasts 30-40 minutes.

Laser treatment doctors conditionally divide into two stages:
- implementation of the effect on the saphenous vein, in which the valves are disrupted, due to which the blood does not move properly;
- effect on the tributaries of the main veins affected by the disease.
Ugly veins protruding from under the skin are the result of a certain disease. The cause of all varicose lesions is the main saphenous vein, in which the valves for certain reasons have ceased to close, contributing to the reverse flow of blood. After laser coagulation, a qualitatively soldered vein remains in its place, however, blood circulation through it stops, as a result of which its movement is carried out through other, he althy veins. Thanks to this procedure, the patient does not remember his problem the very next day.
Indications for surgery
With the help of endovasal laser coagulation, varicose veins of any prevalence and localization are effectively eliminated. Most often, such surgery is used for diseases of the vessels of the legs.

Before a patient is sent for removal of leg veins with a laser, he is necessarily consulted by a phlebologist surgeon and laboratory and instrumental examinations are carried out.
Benefits of laser treatment
If the patient is diagnosed with varicose veins,laser coagulation successfully copes with the main tasks. This is:
- elimination of varicose syndrome;
- complete relief from venous insufficiency.

Before the advent of the laser, all other treatments could not so easily, quickly and effectively rid a person of swollen veins.
Thus, laser treatment has the following advantages:
- no hospitalization required for surgery;
- possibility of simultaneous treatment of both legs;
- Short operation duration;
- Using only local anesthesia;
- patient goes home after 1-3 hours of treatment;
- excellent cosmetic effect;
- low rate of complications after surgery.
Contraindications for surgery
Although laser photocoagulation has almost supplanted other methods of treating varicose veins, in some cases this method cannot be used. For example, with changes in the deep veins of the legs, such treatment will be ineffective, as with advanced forms of varicose veins or the occurrence of specific complications (trophic ulcers, varicose dermatitis).

The operation becomes technically difficult or requires special training if the patient has increased bleeding, obesity, severe chronic diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Surgery technique
If a person is diagnosed with varicose veins, laser removal of such a pathology is carried out as follows. First, the doctor makes a small incision on the leg, after which a light guide is inserted into the damaged vein. It is such a device that is a source of laser radiation having a certain wavelength. With the help of a laser, all the blood is forced out of the vein, as a result of which the walls of the vessels collapse and completely stick together, and the blood flow in such altered vessels stops completely.
After the operation, blood circulation begins to be carried out in the course of deep veins located inside the muscle tissue and which are not visible during external examination. Laser coagulation does not leave scars, hematomas and other cosmetic defects.

If laser vein removal was performed, the consequences of such surgery may be as follows:
- Occurrence of periodic pain and burning sensation in the tissues along the cured vein. This happens due to the individual reaction of the body to a burn.
- In the area of intervention, tissue compaction may persist for a long time, which resembles a suture after a caesarean section.
- Along the operated vein may formhematomas due to poor blood clotting, as well as as a result of errors during the intervention.
- There is a feeling of tension under the knee when the lower limb is fully extended.
- The body temperature often rises due to inflammation.
- After removing the veins with a laser, a repeated relapse of the disease is possible. This happens if during laser coagulation the areas of the affected perforating veins were not affected.
After laser coagulation, rehabilitation does not require special attention. After the operation, the patient can stand up on his own. First, he should sit for a while, then slowly get up. This helps to prevent vascular collapse after prolonged lying. The patient does not feel any pain in the legs, only slight tingling may occur at the insertion site.
If laser vein removal was performed, during rehabilitation it is necessary to wear special compression underwear for a long time (2 months), which contributes to the complete cessation of blood flow inside the superficial veins and eliminates swelling in varicose veins.

In the first week after the operation, you should not engage in heavy physical exertion, lift weights, visit saunas and baths.
Laser vein removal: reviews
After studying the reviews of people who have gone through this operation, we can conclude that almost everyone was satisfied with the intervention and did not regret it at all. They're niceI was surprised that on the same day they were able to go home and only a very small percentage of patients had minor complications.
Thus, if ugly veins appear on the legs, indicating varicose veins, it is best to have an operation. Removal of veins with a laser helps to permanently get rid of this pathology, but if the rehabilitation period is not carried out correctly, then a relapse of the disease is possible.