A child has a long runny nose: causes and methods of treatment

A child has a long runny nose: causes and methods of treatment
A child has a long runny nose: causes and methods of treatment

Many parents are faced with such a problem in children as a runny nose. Snot appears in children due to the fact that the immune system is not yet strong enough, and any infection immediately clings to the baby, primarily clogging the nasal passages. What should I do if my child has a runny nose? What is its cause and what methods to treat? Consider in this article.

Symptoms and stages of rhinitis in children

Chronic runny nose in a child symptoms
Chronic runny nose in a child symptoms

If the nasal mucosa is he althy, it is a barrier to pathogens. Often the protective functions of the mucosa are reduced, especially under adverse conditions. A runny nose occurs in a baby when infections penetrate the mucous membrane and begin to actively multiply there.

Rhinitis often occurs in children due to some features of the growing body:

  • the baby's immune system is formed before the age of ten, before this age it cannot actively resist viruses andbacteria;
  • Nasal passages in children are narrow, the cavities are small, and with the slightest formation of swelling, nasal congestion occurs;
  • babies still don't know how to blow their nose, bacteria actively multiply in the remaining on the wall and dried mucus (this causes a long runny nose in a child).

Most often, a runny nose goes through three main stages: irritation, serosity and the appearance of mucopurulent discharge. The first stage is accompanied by dryness in the nose, burning, possibly a slight increase in temperature. At the second stage, mucus in the nose begins to actively form, congestion and lacrimation occur. The third stage, which appears on the 4-5th day, manifests itself brightly. Blowing your nose produces yellowish-green mucus with an unpleasant odor.

Most often, the third stage is the final one, lasts only a couple of days and the symptoms begin to subside. At this stage, and for a speedy recovery, it is important to use local medications, for example, children's "Tizin", which will kill the hotbed of pathogenic microbes in the nose and relieve swelling.

In addition, the use of a drop will protect the baby from complications, because an infection from the nasal cavity can easily penetrate inside, infecting the throat and upper respiratory tract. Prolonged nasal congestion can also lead to hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation, since the baby's breathing is blocked through the nose.

Types and causes of the development of a runny nose in a child

tyzine for children
tyzine for children

Specialists divide the common cold in children into several types that differ in the waytherapy depending on the causes.

Types of rhinitis:

  1. Spicy. It occurs most often, accompanying SARS or a cold. The cause can be viruses, sometimes bacteria and fungi. Hypothermia, temperature changes, dirty air, sinusitis, or the presence of adenoids can trigger the appearance of snot. Develops rapidly, accompanied by headache.
  2. Chronic. A bit like an acute form, but the symptoms are not so pronounced. Nasal breathing is disturbed gradually, first laying one passage, then another. The voice may change. The cause of the development of a protracted viral rhinitis is untreated acute rhinitis, hormonal and endocrine disorders, bronchial asthma.
  3. Chronic hypertrophied. Nasal breathing is difficult constantly and for a long time. In this case, the baby suffers from a headache, may not smell and even lose the quality of hearing. This form occurs due to inflammatory processes that affect the sinuses, maxillary passages and tonsils located in the pharynx.
  4. Atrophic. It rarely occurs in babies, accompanied by an unpleasant smell of mucus secreted from the nose. Nosebleeds are possible due to the formation of dry crusts on the walls. If the pathology is started, the nose may be deformed due to the compaction of the bone part. This effect is called "duck nose".
  5. Nonspecific (vasomotor) rhinitis in children. This form of a runny nose can appear even in he althy children, since it is not caused by viruses or bacteria. Rhinitis of this form is of two types: allergic andneurovegetative. The first option can have both seasonal and year-round form, as it occurs under the influence of certain allergens. The second type is associated with disorders of the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system. It can also be provoked by malfunctions of the thyroid gland.
  6. Medical. Occurs against the background of the abuse of drugs for vasoconstriction. As a result of prolonged exposure to a drop or spray, the mucous membrane swells and atrophies.
  7. Traumatic. It occurs due to mechanical damage to the septum in the nose. Often accompanied by copious discharge from one nasal passage.

When should I urgently see a doctor?

cold inhalation
cold inhalation

On average, a runny nose in a child does not last more than ten days. If it drags on for a longer time, we can talk about a chronic runny nose in a child. In this case, it is important not only to choose the right treatment, but also to identify the root cause of the pathology. You should still see a doctor for this.

Symptoms that should see a specialist:

  • A runny nose that lasts more than two weeks (may be caused by bacteria).
  • Rhinitis is accompanied by severe headache or ear pain, in which case a runny nose can provoke the development of meningitis, sinusitis or otitis media (antibiotics are often prescribed for prolonged runny nose in children with such symptoms).
  • Bleeding appeared, and the general condition of the baby worsened (this may indicate nasal diphtheria).


Prolonged runny nose in a child appears more often than in an adult. This is provoked, first of all, by weak immunity, narrow nasal passages, lack of glands that cope with infections and allergens. In the absence of therapy, rhinitis in a baby can last up to a month. Then it becomes chronic, and complications arise.

To treat rhinitis in children, doctors have a comprehensive approach, several methods are used at once:

  • washing the nasal passages;
  • inhalations;
  • vasoconstrictive drops for a certain period to avoid addiction;
  • taking vitamins in courses;
  • treatment of other diseases, if any.

Young mothers often ask how to cure a long runny nose in a child up to a year old who is teething. In this case, only washing up to six times a day will help. The preparations that are used can be either in the form of drops or in the form of a spray.

Also helps with a runny nose, regardless of the cause of its occurrence, the creation of a certain microclimate in the room. It is important to carry out wet cleaning daily in the room where the child is located, maintain the temperature no higher than +23 ° C and no lower than +21 ° C, you also need to ventilate the room often. All this will have a positive effect on microcirculation in the nasal passages.

With a runny nose, if there is no high temperature, you can and should walk in the fresh air, regardless of weather conditions, experts say.

Drug therapy

How to treat protracteda runny nose in a child?
How to treat protracteda runny nose in a child?

It is worthwhile to be careful when choosing a medicine for children with a cold. It is important not only to relieve inflammation and minimize the possible risk of complications, but also to use those remedies that will not have a significant impact on the he alth of the child's body. Therapy should be as effective as possible, but at the same time safe.

Remedies for prolonged runny nose in children are classified into groups:

Vasoconstrictor (decongestant) - relieve increased swelling of the mucous membrane, due to which nasal congestion is removed, but the cause (virus or infection) is not affected. They are divided into groups: drugs with naphazoline ("Sanorin", "Nafthyzin"), with xylometazoline ("Otrivin", "Xilen"), with oxymetazoline ("Nazol", "Nazivin", "Afrin"). These drugs are often prescribed to children for instillation at night, the duration of therapy is no more than a week. Nasonex has a good decongestant property; for children with prolonged rhinitis with congestion, courses can be prescribed. For example, a few weeks before the onset of allergic rhinitis to pollen. It is important to clarify the dose with the doctor, as well as familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Emollient and moisturizing. These are preparations based on sea water, which are also prescribed as a prophylaxis for infants to wash the nose. They can be used up to 4 times a day, there are no side effects and age restrictions. The most popular products are Aqua Maris, Marimer and Aqualor.

Antihistamines. Most often prescribed for children with allergic andvasomotor form of rhinitis. These can be syrups, drops and sprays ("Erius", "Vibrocil" and "Nosefrin").

Antiseptic. They have an antimicrobial effect, are prescribed for infectious rhinitis. But their long-term use can dry out the mucous membrane and lead to a decrease in local immunity. The following drugs stand out here: Dekasan, Miramistin and Sialor.

Antibacterial. They are prescribed for bacterial rhinitis, have immunomodulatory and immunostimulating properties. Do not apply without a doctor's prescription. Here you can highlight the drug "Kipferon" with a runny nose caused by bacteria, "Isofra", "Tobradex" and "Bioparox".

Phytotherapeutic methods

aqua maris for a cold
aqua maris for a cold

In the treatment of rhinitis in children, especially those that occur in an acute form, physiotherapy is of great importance. The most well-known and used method is inhalation. This procedure helps to moisturize the mucous membrane, thin the mucus and actively secrete it.

Experts do not recommend breathing over boiled potatoes, as this can lead to burns of the mucous or sensitive skin of the baby. Assigned to children with a runny nose inhalation with saline, a solution of sea s alt with the addition of essential oils.

Another effective physiotherapy method is KuV-therapy, when the treatment is carried out with the help of ultraviolet rays. As a result of exposure directly to the focus of infection, all pathogenic microbes are eliminated. Most often prescribed for vasomotor and infectious rhinitis inespecially severe cases, when it is necessary not only to remove the inflammatory process and reduce manifestations, but also to increase local immunity. In addition, this procedure contributes to the production of melanin and vitamin D. It is prescribed for the frequent occurrence of runny noses in children, but is not carried out at elevated temperatures.

There is also UHF therapy, which is carried out using electric current of high or ultra-high frequency. It is prescribed to reduce pain in the acute course of the disease and to reduce swelling. Such a physiotherapy procedure is combined with drug treatment.

How to cure a runny nose in a child quickly at home?

Types and stages of rhinitis in children
Types and stages of rhinitis in children

Drugs in the form of drops or spray should not be used for a long time. But what to do if the child's snot does not go away, how to alleviate the baby's condition? For this, folk methods are effectively and actively used.

Folk remedies for rhinitis:

Garlic juice and oil. You can cure a runny nose in a child quickly at home with this miracle remedy. The juice is squeezed out with the help of garlic, then a couple of drops of vegetable or olive oil are added to the resulting mass. The resulting drops should stand for up to 12 hours, only then apply. The method causes a slight tingling, it is used in children from the age of five.

Aloe juice and water. Take 2 fresh aloe leaves and squeeze the juice out of them. Then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10, instill a few drops in each nostril up to five times a day.

Herbal decoctions andsoda as inhalation. Soda is exactly the alkali that helps with severe nasal congestion or severe mucus congestion. To do this, dissolve 4 tbsp in boiling water. l. soda, you need to let it boil for a couple of minutes. Then the pan is covered with a towel, and the child breathes for up to 10 minutes. It is also useful to breathe decoctions of herbs such as mint, chamomile, eucalyptus.

Foot baths with essential masses and mustard. In the absence of temperature and in the case of an acute form of rhinitis, baths help well. For example, instead of using the children's "Tizin", which can become addictive after 5-7 days of use, it is easy, comfortable and convenient for the child to soar the legs. To do this, dry mustard is dissolved in warm water. It does not bake and does not cause itching, moreover, the baby likes such yellow water. It is important to periodically add hot water, removing the baby's legs from the pelvis in advance, as it should not cool down. They also make baths with essential oils.

What happens if a child's runny nose is not treated?

Prolonged rhinitis in a child causes
Prolonged rhinitis in a child causes

Many are sure that a runny nose is not a serious disease, that it can be left untreated, because it will go away on its own after some time. However, it should be understood that the nose performs several important functions in the body. It not only helps a person to breathe and distinguish odors, but also is a kind of barrier to various viruses and microbes. In addition, the nose is involved in the formation of speech, because with congestion, a nasal voice appears.

If a child has a long runny nose, this may lead tounpleasant consequences in the absence of therapy, which are as follows:

  • disturbances in the work of the upper respiratory tract and the cardiovascular system;
  • deformation of the chest and oval of the face (with nasal congestion, the child breathes through his mouth, which somewhat modifies the facial skeleton);
  • inattention appears, and the quality of memory decreases (this is due to a lack of oxygen, which enters the body naturally, that is, through nasal breathing);
  • delay in physical development;
  • sleep disorder.

In addition, frequent rhinitis in a child can lead to the development of bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases. As a result of a violation of the function of the nose, namely breathing, the cilia on the mucosa cease to do their job. Thus, the baby's body becomes less protected from the effects of allergens. An untreated runny nose or lack of therapy, for example, with vasomotor rhinitis in children, can lead to its transition to a chronic form, the development of sinusitis or otitis media. Then you can't do without antibiotics.


To prevent the frequent occurrence of rhinitis in a child, it is worth resorting to preventive measures. They consist in strengthening the immune system in general, as well as local immunity. It is important, if possible, to exclude or minimize the contact of the baby with allergens, as well as to refuse to visit public places during a flu epidemic.

In the autumn-winter period, it is worth giving the child vitamins, smearing the nasal passages with ointments with antiviral activity oruse essential oils for this.

Also, parents should understand that a runny nose is a disease that needs to be fought, because the infection can go down. Often, after a runny nose, the child's throat becomes inflamed, and bronchitis develops. In this case, "Supraks" is prescribed to the child from a prolonged runny nose and cough, which affects both infections in the nose and descended microbes in the upper respiratory tract. It is important not to start the course of the disease, but to seek help from a specialist in time.


Protracted runny nose in a baby may occur due to exposure to viruses, bacteria or allergens. It is important to treat diseases comprehensively. This includes strengthening local and general immunity with vitamins and proper nutrition, drug therapy and folk remedies to combat rhinitis. In rare cases, antibiotics are prescribed to treat prolonged rhinitis. But they are selected depending on the form of the disease, the cause of its occurrence and the age of the baby. You should not resort to antibiotic treatment on your own. This can lead to the development of side effects and unpleasant complications.

Also, do not start the disease, because if left untreated, the inflammatory process goes down, it contributes to disruption of the upper respiratory tract.
