Any process in a woman's body is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms. The cervix changes its position during ovulation, as well as before and after it, so gynecologists can easily determine what is the current cyclic day and what are the girl's chances of fertilization. To examine an organ, it is important to take into account some nuances.
Where is the cervix located

It is a thin long channel between the uterus and the vagina. Through it passes the rejection of unnecessary cells and follicles. These cells, when released into the vagina, form menstrual flow.
It is located in the depths of the vagina at a distance of 8-12 centimeters in front of the rectum and behind the bladder, in which the back surface is connected to the cervix.
The probability of bearing a child depends on its size, since women with a short neck, in most cases, cannot bear a baby. This organ plays the most important role during childbirth, because from its location and disclosurewill depend on the delivery process.
What the doctor sees by the condition of the cervix
Each organism is purely individual. As a result, all women have different sizes of cervix. Its length depends on the characteristics of the body, the age of the patient, the bearing of the child.
On different days of the menstrual cycle, the structure of this organ changes. The cervix may have a hard or soft surface. The external pharynx is localized on it. Through it, secretions enter the vagina. It may also change.
The state of the cervix before ovulation

The organ before ovulation is located lower than usual. Its surface is almost dry and hard, and the pharynx is completely closed. Here is how the cervix behaves on different cyclic days:
- On 4-5 days the neck will be narrow, hard, elastic to the touch. The degree of firmness of the uterus resembles the tip of the nose to the touch. After menstruation ends, the organ is first closed with a stopper so that microbes do not get inside the uterine cavity. In this case, there will be almost no mucus, as a result of which, when analyzing cervical secretions, it will be very dry. As a result, spermatozoa will move slowly and fertilization will not occur.
- On the 7-13th day of the cycle, the cervix slowly begins to shorten, open, rise. The cervical canal is slightly dilated. At the same time, the follicle begins to mature, which will soon become an egg that can be fertilized. Until the moment of ovulation, the walls of the organ will be wet, a slimy secret will begin to form. This is how the female body prepares for probable conception.
How the state changes during ovulation
Scientists have found that this time in some way affects the state of the cervix. At this stage, the organ will be slightly raised and ajar. At the same time, the cervix of the uterus during ovulation is soft, looser in consistency, there will be a secretion that looks like glue.
At the same time, the cervical canal expands, the pharynx becomes round or oval. This phenomenon is called by gynecologists the "Symptom of the pupil". When examining the cervix during ovulation, it is noticeable that it is slightly moist, enlarged in size. The thing is that the cork that blocked it is liquefied.

The cervix during ovulation will feel like the tip of the nose to the touch. Inside you will find a kind of mound. It is shortened and localized high. The uterine canal will be slightly open. Just before the critical days, the passage will narrow. If conception has occurred, the cervix will become soft and loose to the touch.
The time that will be most favorable for pregnancy lasts a maximum of two days. If fertilization does not occur, the egg will die, and its empty shell will come out with bloody secretions during critical days.
Cervix after ovulation
At the end of this period, the opening is closed again. As a result, the organ will be protected from the ingress of pathological microorganisms. His position at the moment will also change: he will take a position in the middle, become hard, dry. The uterine canal will close and stretch in length.
Secrets will become more viscous, thicken, decrease in volume. So nature made sure that infections and new spermatozoa did not get into the body, since an embryo can already develop in it. As a result, it is extremely difficult to get pregnant during this period.
The cervix after ovulation, if conception has occurred, will have a completely different state. She will rise to the same height as during ovulation. The body will become drier and firmer. If fertilization does not happen, it will be exactly the opposite.
Days before period

What is the cervix after ovulation a few days before the start of critical days? On the 25-26th day of the cycle, the cervix, as a rule, completely descends. There will be a small low passage through which the shell of the follicle of a mature egg will exit. At this time, the cervix will become softer.
It is almost impossible to get pregnant during this period. This can happen only at those moments when hormonal changes occur, endocrine disruptions occur, there are some pathologies.
Cervix after ovulation if conception occurs
At an early stage of pregnancy (from 2 to 7 days), the walls of the uterus will be very soft, loose. Doctors may not know if you're pregnant by looking at your cervix until after 14 days, because before that, early pregnancy symptoms will look like your period.
After the moment of conception, the walls of the cervix will begin to gradually narrow, anddensity will increase. Thus, the body protects the uterus from dangerous bacteria entering it. When examining the cervix, you can notice the fact that it has changed color. It will become a little bluish due to the rapid flow of blood. By feeling, you can already determine whether a woman is pregnant or not.
About the 23rd week of pregnancy, the cervix will be completely closed to prevent germs from getting inside. However, after 23 weeks, her condition will change. It will begin to shorten greatly, due to the pressure of the child. Cervical reduction is necessary to support the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid.
Before childbirth, the cervix will not change its position, but will shorten. It happens that it “dubs” due to the high level of density in order to avoid the entry of pathogenic substances into the uterine cavity. So the woman and the baby will be protected from premature birth.
Abnormal condition of the cervix

In almost all cases, the cervix closes after ovulation. It is very difficult to determine by palpation. The fact of closure can be established by ultrasound. After ovulation occurs, the cervix descends and begins to close. If this does not happen, some tests may be prescribed to rule out pathologies of the reproductive system.
If the condition of the cervix during and after ovulation is in doubt, you should consult a gynecologist. In almost all cases, the non-standard behavior of the organ indicates the onset of pregnancy. If the cervix remains hardafter ovulation is a sign of conception. In rare cases, this is a sign of certain diseases.
Self examination rules

- The cervix cannot be examined during menstruation. This can introduce bacteria.
- Examine the cervix during and after ovulation at most once a day.
- You need to examine yourself regularly to track the dynamics.
- The procedure is performed daily at the same time, for example, in the morning at 8 o'clock.
- If any pathologies of the reproductive system are found, it is better not to diagnose.
- Before performing the procedure itself, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, cut long nails, remove rings. It is ideal to sanitize your hands or wear sterile medical gloves.
- If you undertook to examine yourself on your own, you need to get to know the structure of the female genitourinary system better.
For the examination to go well, you need to take a comfortable position. You can take a squatting position, sit on a chair or toilet, lifting one leg, placing it on an object (sink, washing machine, etc.).
After that, gently insert the middle finger with the index finger into the vagina. Gently feel everything that is located inside. You need to find the desired tubercle, since it is he who is the object of the examination. After a little practice, it will become easier to see the difference.
A few days before the onset of menstruation, the cervical canal willajar, so it is very easy to bring pathogenic microorganisms into the body. To avoid this, try to carry out all manipulations under sterile conditions. The organ can easily be injured, so it is better not to make sudden movements.
If you feel tingling in your cervix

Tingling is often felt during critical days. If you feel a tingling sensation during ovulation, this may indicate the presence of pathologies:
- Endometriosis. This is when endometrial cells accumulate in various organs of the female reproductive system. If it comes to complications, this pathology can affect ovulation, the menstrual cycle, lead to primary or secondary infertility.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system of an inflammatory nature and pyelonephritis.
- Cystitis is the most common disease of women and girls of different ages. For its treatment, it is better to consult a doctor.
- Cervical cancer (growths). This is one of the worst diseases. If it is detected in time, the oncology of this localization is treatable. The presence of such a pathology can also be indicated by small spotting during the entire cycle, including the time of ovulation.
It is important to know what condition the cervix is in during and after ovulation in order to closely monitor your he alth and consult a doctor in case of unpleasant and unusual symptoms.