How to clean the maxillary sinuses at home: folk methods, effective recipes

How to clean the maxillary sinuses at home: folk methods, effective recipes
How to clean the maxillary sinuses at home: folk methods, effective recipes

Cleaning the maxillary sinuses at home should be done regularly, especially with frequent runny noses or physiological disorders of the nasal passages that prevent the natural outflow of mucus. With inflammation of the sinuses, home treatment fades into the background and becomes an auxiliary therapy, however, doctors do not recommend completely abandoning such manipulations as washings and nasal instillations.

Competent complex therapy, combining the use of pharmacological drugs and alternative methods of treatment, will reduce the time of illness and eliminate the threat of secondary infection.

severe runny nose
severe runny nose

Ways to wash the sinuses

The easiest and safest way to wash the maxillary sinuses at home is to inject nasal sprays made with sea water. Unlike conventionalsaline solutions, the composition of pharmaceutical preparations includes a large complex of mineral compounds that have a beneficial effect on local immunity. This method of irrigating the nasal cavity is ideal for children, and adults, depending on the severity of the symptoms, can choose any other option for cleaning the nose:

  1. Draw in the treatment solution into the nose from a deep plate or cup. Pressing one nostril with a finger, the patient leans over the cup with the solution, the open nostril slowly draws in the liquid "to the stop". Do this 5-7 times with each nostril, then cough and blow your nose.
  2. Instillations with a pipette. Tilt your head first to one side, then to the other, inject 3-4 drops of the selected agent into each nasal passage, then blow your nose thoroughly.
  3. Active flushing. Fill a small douche or neti pot with the product and, tilting your head to the side, inject all the liquid into the upper nostril with a continuous lingering stream so that the spent medicine exits through the other nasal passage.
  4. Inhalations. Breathe in the steam while leaning over a bowl of hot healing solution and covering your head with a towel.

An important condition for carrying out any manipulation of washing the maxillary sinuses at home is not to go outside, and also not to take a bath or use a hair dryer for at least 30 minutes after the procedure.

Nasal lavage
Nasal lavage

Nose rinses with saline solutions

How to clean the maxillary sinuses at home in the most budgetary way? Using ordinary table s alt, which hashigh disinfecting effect. To prepare the solution, take boiled warm water (200 ml) and dissolve a little in it, about a third of a teaspoon of coarse non-iodized s alt. The crystals must be completely dissolved, and the precipitate must be drained.

Washings are carried out in any convenient way, but it is best to focus on your condition when choosing a method: at the initial stage of the disease, you can apply drip irrigation of the sinuses, and with severe nasal congestion, use a Chinese teapot or a medical pear. If severe dryness occurs in the nose after the procedure, the amount of s alt in the preparation of the solution should be reduced or replaced by washing with a special saline inhalation.

For inhalation, take a linen or cotton napkin, soak it in a hot saline solution prepared in the way already described, and put it on the patient's face, lying in a relaxed state. The treatment time is 10 minutes, after which the face must be wiped dry.

Chinese teapot and s alt
Chinese teapot and s alt

Sinus cleansing with vegetable juices

How to clean the maxillary sinuses at home? If you are not allergic to vegetable juices, you can use fresh beetroot or carrot juice, filtered through 6 layers of gauze. Ready juice, using a pipette, is injected into each nostril 3-4 drops, and then blown out along with the mucus.

There are other recipes for homemade nasal remedies with natural vegetable juices:

  1. Soak a gauze knot with fresh onion juice, massage the bridge of the nose and sinuses with it.
  2. Dilute 50 ml of beetroot juice in100 ml of saline, add 0.5 tsp of liquid honey, rinse the nose with this product from a syringe.
  3. Combine 1 teaspoon of potato juice with 1 teaspoon of red onion juice, add a drop of honey to the mixture, instill this solution into the nose 3-4 r / day. If the medicine is prepared for a child, then the composition is supplemented with a quarter teaspoon of vegetable oil.

If after using vegetable mixtures in the nasal cavity itching or burning is felt, you need to soak a cotton turunda with vegetable oil and treat the inside of the nose.

beetroot juice
beetroot juice

Propolis against sinusitis

Before cleaning the maxillary sinuses at home with both propolis and other bee products, you should make sure that the patient is not allergic to them. The manifestation of such an allergic reaction as swelling of the nasal mucosa will lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition, this may negate the effect of the previous stage of treatment

For the treatment of maxillary sinuses at home, alcohol and water tinctures of propolis are used:

  1. Pour 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed propolis ½ cup of medical alcohol, remove the mixture for 7 days in a dark place. Strained infusion diluted 1:1 with sea buckthorn oil, use it for instillations 2 r/day.
  2. Dilute 1.5 tbsp. spoons of propolis grated on a fine grater with a quarter cup of boiling water, leave the solution for a day, strain. An aqueous solution can be instilled into the nose 3-4 r / day.

Specialists of alternative medicine recommend for the prevention of sinusitis or induring the treatment, drink a course of propolis oil. To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of crushed propolis with hot, melted butter (80 g). The mixture is heated until slight signs of boiling appear and, with continuous stirring, simmer for another 10 minutes. The hot mass is rubbed until completely homogeneous, then taken orally 1 teaspoon an hour before the main meals.

Propolis from sinusitis
Propolis from sinusitis

St. John's wort from sinusitis at the initial stage

How to clean the maxillary sinuses at home, enhancing the effect of an antibiotic prescribed by a doctor or stopping the development of the disease at the very beginning? Naturopaths advise at the first sign of sinusitis to wash the nose with a decoction of St. John's wort, prepared by brewing 5 g of dry grass with a glass of boiling water. After cooling and straining, the decoction is poured into the neti pot and washed.

The same infusion can be used orally in half a glass 3 r / day for two weeks. It should be noted that this method of treatment is only suitable when sinusitis has not yet passed into the purulent stage.

St. John's wort from sinusitis
St. John's wort from sinusitis

Treatment of Kalanchoe

Treatment of sinusitis with Kalanchoe juice has one drawback - the effect of the procedures does not last long and is urgent in case of emergency removal of pus and mucus from the nasal cavity. Ready juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, and alcohol tincture for washing - about a month.

To make juice from a he althy plant, cutseveral large leaves, keep them for several days in the refrigerator, wrapped in thick paper, and then pureed in a mortar. The resulting thick is filtered through 6 layers of gauze, the juice is poured into a glass container, where it should stay for about a day before large particles settle to the bottom. After the prescribed time, the juice can be used by instilling it into the nose 1-2 drops several times a day.

How to wash the maxillary sinuses at home using Kalanchoe? They take 7 fleshy leaves of the plant, crush them in a mortar until a slurry is obtained and pour a glass of medical alcohol. Within 10 days, the tincture should ferment in warmth, after which it can be used for regular washing, after diluting it with boiled water 1:20.

Kalanchoe from sinusitis
Kalanchoe from sinusitis

Heats and compresses

Best of all, washing and other ways to get rid of the pathological secret act after thorough heating of the sinuses. The easiest way to clean the maxillary sinuses at home with dry heating is to attach a linen bag filled with table or sea s alt calcined in a frying pan to the nose bridge.

Immediately after warming up, you can start washing or make an application, which should be kept for at least 6 hours. In this case, the honey compress prepared in this way has proven itself to be excellent:

  • warm up in a water bath 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey;
  • mix honey with egg yolk;
  • with continuous kneading, pour rye flour into the mixture until it is dense, not spreadingmass.

The warm dough is formed into a cake, which is superimposed on the problem area. A piece of cellophane is applied over the honey compress, and gauze rolled up in 6-8 layers is applied over the cellophane. The dressing is fixed with a plaster.

Blitz recipes for sinusitis

Below are a few more effective options for how to clear the maxillary sinuses at home:

  • dissolve 1 tablet of mummy in 1/2 cup of warm boiled water, instill this solution into the nose 4-6 times a day;
  • brew 5 g of dried calendula flowers 200 ml of boiling water, leave the mixture to cool, strain, rinse the nasal passages with it 2-3 times a day;
  • buy a ready-made extract of cyclamen in a pharmacy, instill the medicine in the nose, according to the instructions.

You can reduce the intensity of pain in the bridge of the nose and prepare for the washing procedure with the help of two chicken eggs. Eggs are hard-boiled, wrapped in a cloth and pressed against the wings of the nose for 10-15 minutes.

Special Instructions

In no case should piston mechanisms (syringes) or large syringes be used to wash the nose at home. Medicine given into the sinuses under strong or uneven pressure can enter the middle ear cavity and cause otitis media.

With special precautions, doctors recommend starting procedures for people with physiological disorders in the structure of the nasal passages or suffering from frequent nosebleeds. It is categorically impossible to perform rinsing with inflammation of the ear of any etiology, existingtumor formations in the nose or individual intolerance to any of the elements of the drugs used.
