The skin on the knees and elbows, compared to other parts of the body, is more susceptible to external influence and dryness, because it is located in the place of the most mobile joints. That is why the skin here needs special care and attention, which most people do not do. The problem needs to be solved only when it becomes significant: severe itching, pain, severe irritation on the elbow. Often a rash on the elbows is the result of poor hygiene, but it can also be a sign of illness. So don't be irresponsible about even a small and insignificant rash.

Causes of rash on elbows
The skin on the elbows and knees is a rather unusual location for rashes, so do not ignore the irritation on the elbow. Most cases are symptoms of an allergic reaction, but similar symptoms may also indicatecertain infectious diseases such as rubella or chickenpox. In this case, the rash may also be accompanied by fever, general lethargy, rashes all over the body.
Irritation on the elbow, which is accompanied by itching, may be the result of such diseases:
- eczema;
- urticaria;
- psoriasis;
- mycosis;
- atopic dermatitis;
- scabies;
- granuloma annulare;
- molluscum contagiosum;
- follicular keratosis.
There are other, more serious illnesses, so don't put off seeing a doctor for too long. If only one arm is irritated at the elbow, make sure it is not a reaction to an insect bite.
Methods for treating rashes
The method of treatment of irritations in the crook of the elbow is selected depending on the cause of the rash. Most often, irritation on the skin can be cured at home, without visiting medical institutions (hospital). Usually, the doctor prescribes antibacterial and hormonal drugs in the form of ointments, antibiotics, as well as a special moisturizer to get rid of dryness.
Remember that self-treatment of skin irritations on the elbows can only aggravate the situation, since all medicines have their own contraindications and side effects. So it is better to entrust the treatment to a professional.
And now it's worth figuring out what disease can cause rashes and how to get rid of it. It is allowed to use alternative methods of treatment. Honey is considered a good product. If not onallergy, then you need to apply it to the affected areas. In addition, use decoctions of chamomile officinalis, take herbal baths. Removes inflammation and curd, which must be applied to the skin. Fresh and sauerkraut has the same effect. Among the useful herbs and yarrow. One of the folk remedies for skin irritation. Boil pomegranate juice over low heat for half an hour, cool, mix in a ratio of 1: 1 by volume with honey. Store in a dark cool place. Lubricate the skin several times a day.
Psoriasis is a hereditary disease that can manifest itself at any age. Even irritation on the elbows of a child for this reason is not a rare occurrence. By the way, the exact causes of its occurrence are still not fully known. There is an assumption that psoriasis may be the result of impaired metabolism, stressful situations, severe infectious diseases or injuries on the skin.
It manifests itself in the form of peeling and redness of the skin. The main thing is to notice the first signs of the disease in time and consult a doctor for timely treatment, otherwise the rash will spread throughout the body, and then it will be more difficult to get rid of it. Psoriasis is dangerous for its complications: it can be arthritis or inflammation in the joints.
The rash with psoriasis is very itchy, small pimples appear from the very first days. Birch tar, baths with celandine, as well as photo and ozone therapy help to eliminate symptoms. In most cases, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs, salicylic or ichthyolointment, antihistamines, and topical zinc supplements.

Urticaria blisters occur as a result of an allergic reaction. At the site of the rash, swelling appears on the skin and it looks like a nettle burn, which is why the name of the disease was appropriate - urticaria. In most cases, antihistamines are enough to treat the disease. Usually, Zodak, hormonal drugs, Claritin and enterosorbents help well.
This disease causes irritation on the elbows and is manifested by a small rash on the inside of the elbow and on the knees. In the early days, these are small pimples-vesicles under the skin. The rash causes itching, and when scratched, fluid appears. By the way, eczema can be a manifestation of complicated atopic dermatitis.
To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to remove all possible sources of allergens from the environment: pets, avoid dust, hide down and feather pillows. To reduce symptoms, the use of sedatives, naphthalene and tar ointments, Bepanthen and Panthenol is recommended.

Atopic dermatitis
If you run an allergy, it can develop into atopic dermatitis. It manifests itself as irritation on the inside of the elbow, accompanied by severe itching. An allergic reaction of the body in this case can be anything, in particular, household chemicals, somedrugs, food and nutrition.
To find out what caused the development of the disease, special tests are done. This is necessary in order to avoid contact with the allergen. For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, antihistamine tablets and topical preparations are prescribed, for example, "Erythromycin" or "Lincomycin ointment", in rare cases antibiotics are prescribed.

Molluscum contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is a viral disease that can be easily obtained at home. Irritation on the elbow from the outside manifests itself in the form of rather large white dense pimples, which, when pressed, become even whiter due to the internal contents. When scratching, the disease quickly spreads throughout the body.
In children, it is practically not treated with drugs, because it is believed that the body must cope with it. Only drugs can be prescribed to strengthen the immune system, in some cases it is recommended to remove the rash with liquid nitrogen. In severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed.
Granuloma annulare
This disease is typical mainly for children under 10 years old. Rashes in the form of small pimples disappear on their own, the granuloma does not pose any threat to he alth and is chronic.
It is not yet clear what causes the development of granuloma annulare. Some experts suggest that it is hereditary. As it appears, so it disappearsThis is a disease without any special causes and consequences. Non-steroidal topical drugs, hormonal or corticosteroid ointments are used to eliminate symptoms. Sometimes in the largest accumulation of pimples, "Diapson" or "Acetonide" is used.

If the irritation on the elbows itches, then this may be a sign of an allergic reaction. Skin flaking may also occur. It is necessary to stop contact with the allergen. The doctor usually prescribes antihistamines and topical preparations to control the inflammatory process.
Allergy is dangerous because it spreads uncontrollably and very quickly. So at the first sign of swelling, immediately take an allergy medication and consult a doctor for help.
Mycosis refers to fungal skin diseases. It mainly occurs in places where the level of sweating is increased: the groin area, the inside of the elbow, on the knees, between the fingers. The rash is accompanied by severe and unbearable itching.
Mycosis rarely occurs on the elbows. But it can develop if the infection of the disease began in this particular place, and also if the disease was launched and began to spread throughout the body.
Griseofulvin or Diflucan are prescribed orally, Mikoseptin or Mycozolon are recommended from local preparations.

Keratosis Follicularis
The common name for the disease is chicks. Most often occurs on the skin just above the elbow areaand on the fingers. Along with rashes, itching and dry skin occur. The cause of the disease can be an insufficient amount of vitamins in the body, stress, cold, as well as disruption of the endocrine system.
Chicks are treated according to the cause of their appearance. Most often, these are special ointments, a balanced diet, vitamin complexes, stopping contact with possible allergens, as well as quartzing the skin.
A favorite place for the "settlement" of the scabies mite is the skin on the elbows, because there it is the most dry and thin. Scabies appears in the form of small red bumps, which then turn into blisters. Symptoms also include severe itching, which worsens at night. The disease is easy to pick up in everyday life: in transport, hospital, kindergarten and school.
When scabies is detected, a course of treatment is prescribed for all family members. It is necessary to disinfect clothes and bed linen well. Usually, the treatment of the disease consists of antihistamines, sulfuric ointment and special lotions. Moreover, it is necessary to treat not only the place of the rash, but the whole body.

What should I do at the first sign of a rash?
- first of all, you need to consult a specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis and competent treatment;
- disinfect and keep the site of the rash clean;
- in no case should you comb the rash, otherwise you can infect;
- with an allergic reaction, itching can be reduced, for example, using a gelFenistil.
In most cases, a rash in the elbow area does not mean anything serious, but this should not be treated irresponsibly either. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right course of therapy. To exclude the possibility of developing a serious illness and various complications, do not self-medicate. It is better to recognize the sore in time and eliminate it immediately, so as not to deal with the consequences later.