This article will present instructions for use, reviews and analogues of "Afobazole". This is a drug from the group of tranquilizers, which has a moderate activating effect in combination with the relief of anxiety. It has a very soft effect. It does not cause the development of drug dependence and does not provoke a withdrawal syndrome after stopping its use. The presented drug is used to treat anxiety in adults, which is caused by various factors, such as upcoming surgery, stress, mental disorders, neurasthenia, adjustment disorders, and so on.

Reviews about "Afobazole" abound.
Composition of the drug
This drug is available only in the form of tablets for oral administration. Tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape with a chamfer. "Afobazol" is sold in cardboard packaging and in glass jars. As an active ingredient, the drug contains fabomotizole in an amount of 5 or 10 milligrams per tablet. Tablets that havea dosage of 5 milligrams, are called "Afobazol 5". The drug with a dosage of 10 milligrams - "Afobazol 10". As excipients, the composition of the drug includes the following components:
- potato starch;
- magnesium stearate;
- lactose monohydrate;
- microcrystalline cellulose.
Indications for use
"Afobazol" is taken in order to relieve anxiety, which is associated with the following conditions:
- Rejection of a person from the bad habit of smoking. Especially for people with many years of smoking experience.
- Development of generalized anxiety disorder.
- Development of neurasthenia along with impaired adaptation.
- The presence of a chronic somatic disease that occurs with alternating attacks and times of rest, which brings a person a sense of helplessness along with mortal danger. For example, we are talking about bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, coronary heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, systemic lupus erythematosus, and so on.
- Presence of cancer.
- Dermatological pathologies that cause a person to feel fear, anxiety, awareness of their own inferiority and other similar feelings that make him doubt the possibility of being in society. For example, something similar can happen with psoriasis, lichen, and so on.
- Development of anxiety-induced insomnia.
- Development of neurocirculatory dystonia.
- Presence of premenstrual syndrome.
- Conditionalcohol withdrawal.
According to reviews, "Afobazole" is especially effective in eliminating anxiety in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and in addition, in the presence of premenstrual syndrome and neurocirculatory dystonia. In accordance with the research of scientists, this particular drug is considered the best option, helping to stop depression, anxiety, tearfulness and depression, which is typical for people suffering from heart disease.
Reviews on the use of "Afobazole" confirm this.
Pills are taken immediately in full dosage. You can not increase the dose gradually, as they have a mild effect, which is why it does not take time for the body to get used to the drug. In addition, you can abruptly stop taking Afobazol. It is also not required to gradually reduce the dosage in order to subsequently discontinue the drug. There is no withdrawal syndrome with this drug.
The ability to abruptly stop taking the drug at any time is explained by the fact that it does not provoke drug dependence in people, and therefore does not cause withdrawal syndrome, which is extremely difficult to tolerate, being a real scourge of tranquilizers.
The ability to start taking the drug at the required dosage immediately with an immediate cessation makes it very simple, and moreover, affordable to use. There is no need to first increase the dose of the drug to the required one for three weeks, and after the end of the course of treatment, also slowly reduce it for the purpose of subsequent cancellation.

According to reviewsand instructions for "Afobazole", the ease of use of the drug makes it possible to take it in a trial mode: take the pills for five weeks, wait for the full effect to appear, and then evaluate whether the remedy is suitable for this or that patient personally. In the event that it fits, you can continue to take it. But if not, you will have to stop taking it on the same day, switching to other medicines.
As part of the transition from Afobazol to other drugs, it is important to remember that its effect lasts for two weeks. To avoid an undesirable reaction of the body, it is recommended to start taking another drug two weeks after the first one is cancelled.
Physical dependence in a person occurs with the systematic use of certain drugs that directly affect the nervous system, accelerating the work of its cells. Over time, the previous dose is not enough to achieve the result, the amount of the drug has to be increased. Without medication, the nervous system does not perform its functions. Most tranquilizers are physically addictive. This is due to the nervous system getting used to the action of the drug.
This is confirmed by the instructions for "Afobazole" and the reviews of doctors.
As soon as the use is stopped, withdrawal symptoms may develop. What does this mean? The person wants to continue therapy. Similar sensations occur when quitting smoking, only they are even stronger. Benzodiazepines provoke symptoms of drowsiness, while anxiety is relieved, calm comes and epileptic convulsions are eliminated. But due to relaxation smoothmuscles, the work of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and other organs worsens. This group of drugs is physically addictive.
How should I take Afobazol?
This remedy should be taken after meals. It must be swallowed whole and must not be chewed or chewed. The tablet should be washed down with some plain water without gas.
Optimally, it is worth taking the medicine 10 milligrams three times a day, observing approximately equal intervals between doses. With such a regimen, a single dose is 10 milligrams, and a daily dose is 30. The duration of standard treatment, as a rule, is from two to four weeks, after which it is required to stop taking the drug. Four weeks later, you can again undergo a course of therapy with Afobazol. Reviews of patients will be considered at the end of the article.
If necessary, and solely under the supervision of the attending physician, it is allowed to increase the dosage of the drug to 20 milligrams three times a day, and the duration of continuous treatment - up to three months. True, any increase in dosage of more than 10 milligrams along with a duration of administration of more than four weeks should be carried out only after consulting the attending physician. It should be borne in mind that Afobazole can be used in repeated courses, but it is important to observe an interval of at least four weeks between them.

Side effects while taking the drug
According to reviews of "Afobazole", as part of the likely side effects, the drug can provoke various allergic phenomena, as well as a headachepain that usually resolves on its own without requiring special treatment.
Some people may experience intense sexual desire a few days after starting the remedy. Doctors and scientists do not attribute such an effect to a side effect, but are associated with the relief of tension, and in addition, with the removal of anxiety.
Contraindications for use
The presented drug is contraindicated in patients with the following diseases:
- The presence of individual hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.
- Human intolerance to galactose.
- The appearance of lactase deficiency.
- Glucose and also galactose malabsorption.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- The patient is under eighteen years of age.
Analogues of the drug
On the pharmaceutical market, this drug has analogues, as well as synonymous drugs. True, only one drug, which is called Neurofazol, is a synonym. This synonym contains the same active ingredient as Afobazol. But "Neurofazol" is used in the form of intravenous droppers, which makes its use not convenient enough, and therefore limited. At its core, Neurofasol is intended exclusively for use within specialized departments of medical institutions, and Afobazole can be used independently at home or at work. Instructions and reviews confirm this.
Except for this synonymthere are analogues containing other active ingredients, but having the most similar effect, aimed at combating anxiety. So, today the following tranquilizers belong to the analogues of Afobazol: Adaptol, Divaza, Noofen, Mebix, Stresam, Tenoten, Fezanef, Fenzitat, Elzepam and others medicines.
Which remedy is considered better than Afobazol?
In medical practice, the concept of "the best drug" is not used, doctors prefer to use the term "optimal". The fact is that for each specific person in a specific situation, any one, maximum, two means are best suited. It is these drugs that are most effective in a given situation, and are considered optimal.

It is important to understand that the optimal medicines for each person will be different drugs. Moreover, even for the same patient in different situations, different drugs may be optimal. Thus, it is simply impossible to calculate the two “best” drugs that would ideally suit everyone without exception in any form and variant of anxiety. That is why for someone "Afobazol" will be the best remedy, while another will need a different drug, which for him will be the ideal option.
According to reviews and instructions for use, "Afobazol" is an anxiolytic with a moderate effect, well helping many people to relieve anxiety. Indeed, some patients reportthat for them its effect is not enough, since anxiety is not stopped, and the emotional state is not approaching the required one. This category of patients prefers to use anxiolytics with a more powerful anti-anxiety effect. Such drugs include the following drugs: Phenazepam, Diazepam and Lorazepam.
The above tranquilizers are also classified as benzodiazepines, which have a pronounced anti-anxiety effect, which, however, is combined with a feeling of drowsiness, lethargy and depression, which is absent from Afobazol. It is about such powerful tranquilizers that the rumor usually says that they introduce a person into a state of “vegetable”, in which, along with anxiety, the desire to do something disappears. An intermediate position between powerful benzodiazepine drugs and Afobazol in terms of the intensity of the anti-anxiety effect is occupied by the following medications: Chlordiazepoxide, Gidazepam and Oxazepam.
Among the listed drugs, Gidazepam is often used to relieve anxiety, which is considered by many people to be the best in comparison with Afobazol. In addition to these medicines, there are a fairly large number of drugs that have anti-anxiety effects, but, as already reported, the “best” drug should be selected individually.

What should be preferred: "Afobazol", "Persen" or "Novopassit"?
"Persen" with "Novopassit" are natural herbal sedatives withalmost identical range of therapeutic effects. They are designed to relieve anxiety, and in addition, feelings of anxiety and other extremely psychologically unpleasant symptoms with manifestations that are associated with increased anxiety.
"Afobazole" is a drug designed to relieve severe anxiety, as well as the associated unpleasant psychological symptoms and somatic manifestations, such as pressure surges and extrasystoles with attacks of rapid heartbeat, and so on.
Thus, "Persen" with "Novopassit" relieve only psychological discomfort, and "Afobazol" additionally eliminates somatic manifestations associated with increased anxiety. In addition, "Afobazol" moderately activates the activity of the nervous system, improves memory and attention, almost without causing drowsiness.
"Persen" with "Novopassit" can be recommended for use only for the purpose of calming when a person suffers from fear, anxiety, tension and other psychological symptoms of nervousness that are not associated with a somatic manifestation. "Afobazol" is recommended to be used in case of appearance not only of psychological symptoms of increased anxiety, but also against the background of the somatic manifestation of this condition, for example, with sweating, palpitations, extrasystole, blood pressure surges, and so on.
Such conclusions can be drawn based on reviews of Afobazol. Instructions for use indicate that the drug does not cause drowsiness in patients, moderately activatingthe work of the nervous system, so the medicine can be safely taken by people who want to lead an active lifestyle, drive a vehicle and negotiate constructively, solving complex problems. Against the background of annoying problems, the medicine allows a person not to "explode" on various issues and occasions. "Persen" with "Novopassit" are not suitable for solving such problems, as they only reassure, but do not dispose to solving any problems.
The choice between Tenoten and Afobazole
Tenoten is a sedative drug with anti-anxiety effect. "Afobazol" also acts as a purely anti-anxiety drug. And this means that Tenoten can have a more pronounced anti-anxiety, and in addition, a sedative effect. This analog can help with anxiety, which is combined with depression. "Afobazol" with a combination of "anxiety" plus "depression" will be ineffective, since it does not have the effects required to treat the condition. Reviews of analogues of "Afobazol" are also available.
In addition, Tenoten has an immediate effect, and therefore it can be used from time to time when the need arises. And the effect of "Afobazole" can develop only after a week of use. This drug is intended for course treatment. It is for this reason that it cannot be applied from case to case, when a person needs to quickly calm down and relieve anxiety for a certain amount of time until a difficult situationnormalizes.
Also, many people note that "Afobazol" can provoke drowsiness, which "Tenoten" does not have at all. In this regard, if necessary, to stay in good working shape, it is recommended to periodically use Tenoten. Its disadvantage is the higher price.
Reviews on the use of "Afobazole" are presented below.

Reviews about this drug are very mixed: among them, approximately two-thirds are positive and one-third are negative. In positive comments, people who took this drug note that it helped them cope with the onset of depression, which was accompanied by severe anxiety associated with difficult life circumstances. People also write that the drug helped in eliminating nervousness and constant breakdowns in others. Reviews about the drug "Afobazol" are not limited to this.
People in their comments note that they have become much calmer in reacting to many annoying things, they have stopped screaming and breaking down, trying to think, and in addition, to solve this or that problem constructively.
What other reviews do people have about Afobazol?
Some patients note that this drug has made them much more balanced, eliminated vulnerability with tearfulness and the ability to take everything too close to heart. Thanks to the effect of the tablets "Afobazole", according to the reviews of the host, self-confidence and one's strength are acquired along with a normal and calm attitude to numerous lifeproblems and concerns.
Negative comments are mainly due to the following two factors:
- Ineffectiveness of the drug in specific situations.
- The development of side effects that were difficult to tolerate, forcing to stop therapy.
According to patients' reviews, "Afobazol" did not improve their condition in some of them and did not eliminate anxiety so much that it became comfortable, which, of course, caused great disappointment and negative feedback.
In others, the drug caused daytime sleepiness, which forced them to stop the drug because they could not continue to work. There are reviews in which patients who have previously taken powerful anxiolytics from the category of benzodiazepines report that, at first glance, the described medicine has no effect at all in comparison with them. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of patients who took Afobazol.
True, these same people say that a similar impression is formed after the recent withdrawal of benzodiazepine drugs, since these drugs are so powerful that the effect is simply lost against their background. In the event that you start taking "Afobazole" two months before the abolition of benzodiazepines, its effect is quite felt, being normal, since anxiety is eliminated no worse, and a state of indifference to everything does not appear.
Reviews of doctors about the drug
Before use, you should visit a medical institution, and not just study the instructions for use.
Reviews of doctors about "Afobazole" is also veryambiguous, as some consider it a placebo, which is completely ineffective, while others call it a completely normal remedy, which has a mild effect and is well suited to people who do not have severe or deep disorders.

Among these two opposing categories of doctors, there is no common ground, as those who consider the drug a placebo do not want to see examples in which the drug has effectively helped. Such a group of experts believes that if the drug is suitable for only sixty percent of the people, then it can not be considered as a good medicine. Doctors with a similar position include benzodiazepines as good remedies, which are guaranteed to relieve anxiety in all patients, but cause a lot of side effects. By the way, among such effects, the main problem is benzodiazepine addiction. The second group of doctors classifies it as a worthy medicine that helps a fairly large number of patients.
Such are the reviews of people after the use of "Afobazol".