Tablets "Tabex": reviews of smokers and doctors, side effects

Tablets "Tabex": reviews of smokers and doctors, side effects
Tablets "Tabex": reviews of smokers and doctors, side effects

Regardless of the reasons that push a person to decide to say goodbye to smoking, he will be able to cope with this addiction only if he successfully overcomes the so-called nicotine withdrawal. One of the easiest ways is to try Tabex. According to reviews, it was this tool that helped many return to life without cigarettes and tobacco smoke.

Are smoking cessation drugs really effective?

Fortunately, there are more and more people willing to give up their unhe althy addiction every day. But only a few are able to cope with their problem on their own. Basically, in order to quit smoking, people are forced to resort to the use of various methods and means. Among the assortment of "miracle pills" that promise to get rid of addiction, most of them turn out to be useless dummies in practice.

However, this does not mean that there are no effective anti-smoking drugs. If you believe the reviewssmokers, Tabex is very popular with consumers. Those who quit smoking with its help do not hide the fact that the drug really reduced cravings for nicotine without compromising their well-being and mood. But there are also opposite opinions. Let's try to figure out if Tabex smoking pills are really so good. Reviews of doctors about various drugs always have a special weight, so in our article we will turn not only to the responses of ordinary consumers, but also to the comments of doctors.

By the way, experts, when drawing conclusions about the admissibility of using a particular drug, are primarily guided by the results of clinical trials. It's no secret that for the most part reviews about Tabex (however, like about other popular products), printed on advertising booklets, found on the pages of various Internet portals, television are not always true. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to blindly trust what they say. Often positive feedback is paid for by unscrupulous manufacturers, and praises with discontent and indignation are the machinations of insidious competitors. In this case, you can unquestioningly believe only scientific facts.

Tabex from a medical point of view

And the official pharmacology says that Tabex is a registered drug for the treatment of nicotine addiction, the active component of which is the alkaloid cytisine. Such a chemical compound is obtained from creeping broom. It is curious that this substance has a similar mechanismaction with nicotine, but it is less toxic, therefore, a higher therapeutic index is determined for cytisine. This chemical compound, like nicotine, promotes increased secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla and excitation of the respiratory center.

tabex reviews of smokers
tabex reviews of smokers

Smokers in reviews of "Tabex" note that at the beginning of the course of treatment, there may be jumps in blood pressure. The occurrence of this reaction is explained by the cholinomimetic properties of cytisine, which quickly activates the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system. After a few days of taking Tabex, the side effect, according to reviews, disappears. Doctors have their own explanation for this: accumulating in the body, cytisine begins to suppress the relationship of nicotine with receptors sensitive to it.

Laboratory tests and research

It is impossible to discount the fact that no experiments with the aim of a detailed study of the pharmacokinetics of Tabex in humans have been conducted to date. This means that it is impossible to predict with absolute certainty how the drug will be perceived by the body.

The medicine was created in Bulgaria at the end of the last century. In the same place, it underwent a number of clinical experiments on animals, the results of which demonstrated a high rate of absorption of cytisine into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. But at the same time, it turned out that the active substance penetrates the body only partially. The degree of resorption of the main component after oral administration in small rodents was 42%, and in rabbits -a little over 30%. In mice, cytisine reached its maximum concentration 2 hours after ingestion, and in rabbits, literally half an hour later. The compound accumulates mainly in the adrenal glands, kidneys, and liver.

With parenteral intravenous administration, the half-life of cytisine from the body of rodents is about three hours, and with oral administration of Tabex, a fifth of the dose leaves the body within a day.

What are Tabex tablets

At first glance, this remedy is no different from other pharmacy products. In reviews of Tabex tablets, patients pay attention to the fact that the drug is drunk easily - this is especially important for people who have an increased gag reflex. The pills are round and convex on both sides, covered with a filmy light brown shell. Tabex is produced in blisters of 50 pcs. There are 2 blisters in one carton.

We'll have to disappoint those who, having read positive reviews about Tabex, hope to get rid of tobacco addiction by simply taking pills: the pills themselves are not a nicotine substitute. You need to use Tabex for only one purpose - to overcome the withdrawal syndrome. Many smokers in their reviews of Tabex confirm that it was this drug that saved them from smoking, but it would be more correct to say that it provided support during the period of nicotine withdrawal.

Tabex tablets reviews of doctors
Tabex tablets reviews of doctors

Due to the similarity of cytisine and nicotine, the absence of cigarettes goes unnoticed by the smoker. At the same time, the patient does not develop addiction to the currentsubstance tablets "Tabex". Unlike nicotine, cytisine does not have such a detrimental effect on the entire body. Regular intake of "Tabex" at first completely compensates for the body's need for nicotine.

How it works

Where can I get truthful information about the side effects of Tabex? From user reviews. It should be noted right away that often the cause of a negative reaction of the body to the drug is smoking with the simultaneous use of tablets. To fight this addiction, first of all, you need to give up cigarettes. In this sense, there should be no room for doubt. Every time a person, taking Tabex, will “break down” and return to his addiction, he will have a rather unpleasant reaction, similar to poisoning.

Judging by the numerous reviews, Tabex tablets with their side effects just trigger the very mechanism that makes the smoker reduce the number of cigarettes smoked every day. Does anyone want to constantly experience severe nausea, dizziness, weakness that occurs after every smoke break? All this ultimately forces the smoker to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked to zero.

In fact, the main principle of action of Tabex is based on the replacement of nicotine with cytisine. Regular intake of tablets causes the body to have a false sensation of smoking a cigarette due to receiving the required dose of a substance similar to nicotine. This method of treatment is good in that the patient does not experience any physical suffering associated withthe abolition of cigarettes. Although it is possible that the psychological barrier will be much more difficult to overcome.

Who is not suitable for this medicine

No reviews about Tabex are needed to understand the main thing: tablets will help only if you strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. In addition, not only the correct mode of application of this remedy is important, but also the consideration of contraindications. Despite the fact that Tabex is available without a prescription, smokers should still consult their doctor.

The manufacturer does not guarantee getting rid of nicotine addiction to smokers with many years of experience over the age of 40-45. With extreme caution, smoking pills should be taken by those patients who suffer from arterial hypertension. In heart failure and mild forms of coronary heart disease, it is advisable to consult a cardiologist before use. Other pathologies should also be taken into account, in the presence of which taking the drug can provoke serious side effects. According to doctors, Tabex requires caution from patients with diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal ulcers, liver and kidney failure. In addition, the effects of cytisine are difficult to predict in some forms of schizophrenia.

Absolute contraindications include:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • various forms of cardiac arrhythmias;
  • recent stroke or acute myocardial infarction;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • galactosemia;
  • under 18 and over 65;
  • pregnancyand lactation.

It is also impossible to use Tabex if you are allergic to any of its components.

Let's turn to the instructions

So, are you determined to quit smoking? Then read the instructions first. According to her and the reviews, Tabex smoking tablets should be taken orally: swallowed whole, without chewing and drinking plenty of water. The regimen largely depends on the first three days of using the remedy.

tabex smoking pills reviews side effects
tabex smoking pills reviews side effects

At first, Tabex is taken one tablet every 2 hours, but you can't drink more than 6 tablets per day. One pill contains 1.5 mg of cytisine, which means that you can take no more than 9 mg in one day.

With normal tolerance, the desire to smoke will begin to weaken after 2-3 tablets of Tabex. There are more reviews of side effects in the first three days of use than in subsequent periods of treatment. Actually, the advisability of further taking the drug depends on how this stage will pass. During the first three days, the number of cigarettes smoked should be reduced as much as possible.

Take pills preferably between smoking episodes, if any. Each time it is important to increase the interval between smoke breaks. If nicotine addiction, despite taking Tabex, remains as strong after three days, you can no longer take the drug. The pills will have to be put aside for 2-3 months, after which a new treatment attempt should be made.

If everything goes according to plan, that is, after three days of taking"Tabex" in a smoker, the desire to smoke noticeably weakened, treatment should be continued, adhering to the scheme described below:

Treatment period From Day 4 to Day 12 From 13th to 16th day From 17th to 20th day Day 21 to 25
Total daily pills 5 4 3 2
Interval between each dose 2, 5 hours 3 hours 4-5 hours 6-8 hours

Thus, during the last days of the course, the daily dose will be 3 mg of cytisine. At the same time, during the first five days of taking Tabex, it is recommended to completely stop smoking. To consolidate the effectiveness of drug treatment, narcologists advise taking a course of psychological support for patients with nicotine addiction.

Real reviews of smokers about side effects

Tabex has many advantages over analogues and other methods of smoking cessation, but after analyzing the many comments from patients, we will try to make a kind of rating of common side effects.

In the first place is a headache - every second smoker complains about this symptom, which arose as a result of the use of Tabex tablets. A few days after the start of taking the drug, the state of he alth stabilizes. Most often headacheworries those who are unable to abruptly give up cigarettes and continue to smoke cigarettes, albeit in smaller quantities.

Smoking while taking Tabex often causes nausea and, in some cases, vomiting. Diarrhea or constipation, pain in the epigastric region and intestines can join these dyspeptic disorders. These symptoms are more likely to bother in case of an overdose, so you should not take more than the recommended amount of tablets.

tabex pills side reviews
tabex pills side reviews

In third place in the rating of side effects - dry mouth and a specific metallic taste, which most often serves as a manifestation of hidden problems in the digestive system. In addition to these reactions, patients may experience an increase in appetite or, conversely, its complete absence.

As for the cardiovascular system, in the reviews of smokers about Tabex, tachycardia attacks, drops in blood pressure, and a feeling of squeezing in the chest are often mentioned. For some, shortness of breath increases, especially with physical activity, and sweating increases. There are frequent cases of an allergic reaction to the components of Tabex, which is an absolute contraindication to the further use of the drug. As a rule, all side effects disappear without any medical intervention after a few days or after the completion of the course.

Feelings of people who take Tabex

Mostly there are positive reviews about this tool. Some patients respond negatively to the drugremedy due to side effects such as irritability, nausea. Most ex-smokers claim that Tabex helped them get rid of nicotine addiction in a short time.

It is impossible to judge the effectiveness of the pills by the results of the first day, but still some changes come very quickly. Patients, having started taking the drug, literally after a few hours notice how the taste of cigarettes changes. Of course, on the first day, the desire to smoke does not disappear, you still want to inhale tobacco smoke, but new sensations prevent you from enjoying the once-pleasant pastime. Tobacco products, which have always been a pleasure, suddenly become bitter and unpleasant. Moreover, bitterness, as many note, is felt not so much in the mouth as in the throat itself.

On the second day, the burning sensation noticeably increases, and cigarettes almost completely lose their characteristic taste. Approximately by the fourth day, smokers have an increased appetite and an increased craving for food. This side effect can be explained by the fact that the body is trying to find a replacement for one habit with another. At the same time, the annotation to the drug mentions the possibility of a sharp weight loss. Also, most users, sharing their impressions about the use of Tabex, complain about increased thirst, which leads to the consumption of large amounts of water.

In some patients, thoughts of aversion to cigarettes are born, in others, the head begins to hurt even with passive smoking, that is, when inhaling tobacco smoke. Despite the emerging aversion to cigarettes, on the psychologicallevel of desire to smoke may still remain.

tabex smoking pills reviews of doctors
tabex smoking pills reviews of doctors

Many begin to experience nicotine withdrawal from the fifth or sixth day of treatment. The smoker may feel tired, reduce concentration, become irritable. Often there is apathy, and the same thought is constantly spinning in my head about how good it would be to inhale tobacco smoke. The use of Tabex alone, according to doctors, is not enough during this period. To improve their well-being, smokers are advised to monitor their blood pressure and blood sugar levels, as well as take antidepressants.

Patients who give in and go along with their desires will be tormented by a severe cough and a condition similar to food poisoning. This moment becomes a turning point for many: some reach the end and, without exaggeration, become winners, others continue to smoke as before, complaining about the inefficiency of the drug and leaving negative reviews about Tabex against smoking wherever possible.

If the desired result has not come, this does not mean that the drug turned out to be a "dummy". The main task of the drug is to reduce the physical craving for nicotine, but you will have to deal with the psychological aspect of the problem on your own. In this sense, success depends solely on the smoker, or rather, on his motivation, desire to quit smoking and willpower, well-known to everyone.

Should I buy these smoking pills

In addition to the positive feedback on the application,"Tabex" has a number of other advantages. The demand for this drug does not stop growing and is in no way inferior in positions to anti-nicotine patches and other pharmaceutical products. The popularity of Tabex can be explained by its low price and natural composition. To date, the cost of funds in Russia varies from 800-1150 rubles per pack. The price of Tabex, according to smokers, is acceptable for everyone. The amount of money they spend each month on cigarettes can be much more than the cost of a 25-day course of treatment for nicotine addiction. Along with an affordable price, the possibility of over-the-counter purchase and use of Tabex can also be called a plus.

Doctors' comments

Specialists agree, given many years of observation of the effect of this drug, and do not deny that Tabex at an early stage of addiction really helps those who want to quit smoking. However, some experts frankly do not recommend these pills for use.

tabex tablets reviews side effects
tabex tablets reviews side effects

In their opinion, it is impossible to quit smoking, relying only on Tabex - a miracle will not happen. In this sense, willpower training will be a more correct and rational solution. Doctors in reviews of Tabex tablets draw attention to the fact that this remedy is ineffective if used as monotherapy without psychotraining. Many are waiting for magic by simply drinking a course of Tabex. Such patients have absolutely no awareness that nicotine is the samedrug, and nicotine addiction is similar to drug addiction. Treatment for smoking is a serious task that requires overcoming weakness of will, concentration of psychological and physical efforts at the same time.

Besides, like any other medicine, this drug produces not only a beneficial effect, but also a side effect. According to reviews, Tabex smoking pills worsen the he alth of people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system. Given the likelihood of side effects and complications, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before taking the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

It is undesirable to combine Tabex with other medicines. Extremely negative consequences can be expected by patients taking drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the treatment of tuberculosis and drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels. These include Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin, Lovastatin. With the simultaneous use of Tabex with these drugs, the likelihood of damage to muscle tissue cells increases. During the treatment of one of the diseases associated with the use of these funds, it is necessary to consult with a narcologist about the possibility of using Tabex from smoking.

In reviews of Tabex, patients note that this remedy is safe and does not cause any changes in the functioning of the central nervous system, does not affect the ability to drive a car or work with mechanisms. Clinical tests have shown that Tabex does not accumulate inthe body and is quickly excreted from the tissues. Adverse reactions that appear during the use of smoking pills are short-term and do not require medical correction. Nevertheless, we must not forget that continued smoking while taking Tabex with a high degree of probability leads to the development of nicotine intoxication. Patients should refrain from smoking after the completion of the course. One cigarette smoked can negate all previous efforts.

Which is better - Tabex or an electronic cigarette?

Those who use an electronic device to simulate smoking emphasize the following benefits:

  • No ash remains after using an electronic cigarette.
  • With direct inhalation, there is no fetid tobacco smoke, so you can "smoke" such a cigarette even in the room.

At the same time, experts assure that the liquid contained in electronic cigarettes contains nicotine and various flavors that can cause allergic reactions, the development of diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract.

The main difference between Tabex and electronic cigarettes lies in the principles of their action and the mechanism for achieving the desired effect. In reviews of Tabex, they often write that smokers experience psychological discomfort due to the inability to carry out their usual ritual - to hold a cigarette in their hands, to inhale at the right time. At the same time, the tablets help to compensate for the lack of nicotine in the body and stop the withdrawal syndrome, so the general well-beingthe patient is practically unaffected, with the exception of side effects.

tabex reviews doctors side effects
tabex reviews doctors side effects

In comparison with Tabex, according to experienced smokers, the electronic cigarette works on the opposite principle: it does not remove nicotine withdrawal, but it completely replaces tobacco products, so that the patient does not experience psychological discomfort.


With their reviews of Tabex, smokers, or rather, former smokers, confirm that this remedy is an effective medicine for nicotine addiction, which does not contain antidepressants and nicotine. In the vast majority of this drug leave approving responses. Compared to many advertised lozenges, patches, dietary supplements and sprays, Tabex is a really effective remedy at a relatively affordable price.

Side effects that may occur when taking, as a rule, disappear quickly. The drug can be taken in a repeated course if the patient has started smoking again for any reason. The main thing to consider is that after an unsuccessful attempt at treatment, at least 2-3 months should pass.

Judging by the reviews of smokers, "Tabex" will not bring any result if a person does not set himself up properly to fight nicotine addiction. Pills will not help those who are simply forced to take them. To quit smoking, it is first of all important to realize the need for treatment for oneself. In addition, patients who wish to conquer addiction must be prepared to manifesta number of side effects when taking Tabex:

  • nervousness and irritability;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmias.
