This article will cover brief instructions and reviews for cough syrups for children and adults.
Cough is considered a symptom of any cold or respiratory infection. Syrups for this disease are a popular dosage form used in the treatment of such conditions in humans. The advantage of syrups is that they are very pleasant to the taste, and, in addition, they are easily dosed and taking a medicinal composition with a liquid texture against the background of an irritated throat mucosa is much easier than medicines in the form of tablets.

Immediately before you buy a syrup, you should consult your doctor. When choosing a drug, the nature of the cough is taken into account along with the individual characteristics and age of the patient, since in each individual case contraindications with other nuances are likely. About which cough syrup is better, what is included in itcomposition and how to apply it correctly, we will tell in our article.
Cough is a protective and reflex reaction of the body to irritation of the respiratory system, which is caused by infection. Thanks to this reflex, the lungs and bronchi of a person can be cleared of sputum, and, in addition, of pathogens, which, in turn, facilitates breathing and prevents possible complications. A cough is unproductive when it is dry and productive when it is wet. The dry form exhausts a person and exhausts him, depriving him of appetite and sleep. In this regard, first of all, it is important to transfer it to a wet form, ensuring production with sputum discharge, which will make it possible to soothe an irritated throat.
Reviews of cough syrups only confirm their overall effectiveness, such cough remedies do an excellent job with their immediate task. They can be used to treat adults and young children. So, depending on their principle of action, syrups are divided into several of the following types:
- Antitussive form of syrup is used in the presence of a dry and unproductive cough.
- Expectorant syrups are used in the presence of a productive cough, which is accompanied by sputum production.
- Doctors prescribe mucolytic syrups against the background of a wet cough with thick sputum.
Classification of syrups by composition and mechanism of action
Depending on the composition with the mechanism of action, cough syrups are divided into several groups:

- Syrups for dry cough. This type effectively blocks the cough reflex and helps to alleviate it. Prominent representatives of this group are the drugs: Tusuprex, Sinekod, Codelac Phyto, dry cough syrup Tussina Plus, Broncholitin, Linkas and Codeine.
- Syrups that promote sputum discharge against the background of a wet cough are primarily Gedelix along with Pertussin, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambroxol, Omnitus and Stoptussin.
- In addition, there are syrups that are used in the presence of a wet cough, they are made on the basis of herbal ingredients. We are talking about an extensive group of medicines, which includes drugs that have expectorant and mucolytic effects. Syrups that are prepared on the basis of marshmallow are considered popular and effective. Also, these syrups are made with the addition of extracts of plants such as licorice, ivy, primrose, thermopsis or plantain. As an example of drugs that contain the active components of these plants, it is worth mentioning "Gedelix" along with "Gerbion", "Doctor Theiss", "Doctor Mom" and "Codelac broncho".
Cough syrup should be selected depending on the desired result. In this case, one should take into account the fact that antitussive and mucolytic drugs have the opposite effect, and therefore cannot be combined in any case. When a wet cough appears, it is extremely dangerous to drink medicines that suppress the cough reflex, as they block the process of sputum separation. Concerninga thick secret can accumulate in the respiratory organs, increasing the risk of a purulent complication. Thus, you should not self-medicate and before you start taking any of the above drugs, you need to clarify your diagnosis and consult a doctor.
Let's take a look at the best cough syrups.
Using Linkas Syrup
This combined herbal preparation has antitussive, expectorant and bronchodilator properties. The syrup can stop the cough reflex, eliminating spasms in the respiratory system. The drug fights the process of inflammation, providing an analgesic, and at the same time a general tonic effect. The composition of the medicine includes an extract of hyssop, as well as plants such as violet, marshmallow, pepper, galangal and jujube. Such a successful combination of natural herbal ingredients allows you to further soften the inflamed mucosa, reducing sore throat, showing antiseptic, bactericidal and sedative function. This confirms the instructions for use for cough syrup.

She also prescribes the use of the drug in the development of infectious and inflammatory lesions of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a cough with sputum difficult to separate. The presented drug has almost no contraindications, except for individual sensitivity. This syrup can be used from the age of six months. The standard dose for small patients is half a spoonful of medicine three times a day. As for adults, for them this dose is doubled, itstake up to four times a day. The cost of the described syrup starts from one hundred and thirty rubles.
Children's cough syrup "Doctor Mom" is also popular.
Doctor Mom Syrup
Another combined drug with expectorant and bronchodilator effects is Doctor Mom. It is based on extracts with extracts of plants such as licorice root, basil, turmeric, aloe, nightshade, ginger, pepper and elecampane. This drug is used to treat dry cough, which accompanies diseases in the form of bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis. This medicine is approved for use by adults and children from the age of three.

Doctor Mom cough syrup is a safe natural remedy that does not cause any side effects. In rare cases, against the background of a tendency to allergies, skin symptoms may appear in the form of a rash, irritation or redness. The standard dosage of syrup for children is half a spoonful at a time. Adult patients require taking a whole teaspoon of the medicine. The duration of the therapeutic course with the frequency of use of the syrup is determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the symptoms. The cost of syrup in pharmacies starts from one hundred and seventy rubles.
Good dry cough syrup can be hard to find.
Marshmallow syrup
The drug based on marshmallow root has a pronounced expectorant effect. Plant mucus envelops the respiratory tract, reducing inflammation and promoting easy sputum discharge. thick andat the same time, a sweetish syrup is used for respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by cough and difficult sputum separation.
The presented drug helps to thin the bronchial secretion, contributing to its excretion. This syrup is recommended for use by adults and children from twelve years of age. Among the contraindications regarding the use is called individual sensitivity along with fructose intolerance. This medication can provoke an allergic reaction. Before direct use, the syrup must be diluted, as it has a high concentration. Take the medicine one spoonful after meals up to five times during the day. The duration of therapy should not exceed two weeks. The cost of marshmallow syrup is forty-five rubles.

Using psyllium cough syrup
Psyllium-based syrup is a natural herbal preparation that has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. The active substances that are present in this medicinal plant are able to increase the production of bronchial secretions, contributing to the thinning of too viscous sputum and facilitating the process of expectoration. On the basis of plantain, several drugs are currently being produced at once: Gerbion, along with Doctor Theiss and Eukabal.
In Gerbion, plantain extract usually comes in combination with mallow extract. Syrup "Doctor Theiss" in addition to these ingredients is supplemented with mint ether. In the preparation "Evkabal" the active substances are an extract fromplantain with thyme extract. Absolutely all of these natural remedies have a pleasant taste and almost no contraindications. Dosage and duration of therapy depend directly on the age of patients and the severity of symptoms. The cost of drugs based on plantain varies from fifty to two hundred rubles.
Reviews of cough syrups for children abound.
Using licorice root syrup
An inexpensive herbal remedy for coughs are preparations made from licorice root. Such syrups work as antispasmodics, they fight inflammation, making it easier to expectorate sputum, softening irritated mucous membranes and providing a tonic, and at the same time, an antiviral effect. These drugs are prescribed to treat cough during bronchitis, pneumonia or laryngitis.
It is worth noting that licorice cough syrup has quite a few contraindications. Such drugs should not be prescribed in the presence of such ailments as heart disease, liver pathology, hypertension, diabetes and hypersensitivity. Among the adverse reactions, there may be an increase in pressure with a violation of the normal functioning of the reproductive system, along with the appearance of swelling. The dosage of such drugs for children is selected according to their age. At one time in warm water, the syrup is diluted in the number of drops equal to the age of the child. The price of licorice cough syrups is around fifty rubles.
Joset Syrup
This drug leads to liquefaction, and, in addition, to expectoration of sputum, relieving bronchospasm. Thus, it is used for chronic bronchitis, as well as against the background of diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and other bronchopulmonary pathologies. This syrup is orange in color and contains salbutamol along with bromhexine, menthol and other excipients.
The drug has a sour and at the same time sweet taste, and at the same time a pleasant aroma. The doctor prescribes the medication, as there are many different contraindications regarding its use. For children, "Joset" is used from the age of six. The medicine can cause an allergic manifestation with adverse reactions from the activity of various systems, therefore it is recommended to take it with caution, without exceeding the indicated dosage. The average price of syrup is about two hundred rubles.
Syrup "Pertussin"
The active ingredient in this cough syrup is thyme extract, which provides a mucolytic and expectorant effect. This medicine is used to improve sputum discharge during cough, accompanying diseases in the form of whooping cough, tracheitis and bronchitis. As indicated in the instructions for cough syrup. It can also be used for children.

The standard dose of syrup is one spoon of medicine three times a day, regardless of food intake. Pregnancy along with lactation, hypersensitivity, heart failure and diabetes mellitus are contraindications to the use of the drug. Among other things, taking this syrup can provokeoccurrence of an allergic reaction. The cost of the presented medication is thirty rubles.
An effective cough syrup will help you choose a doctor.
Treatment with Gedelix syrup
This remedy is an effective and high quality cough medicine. The drug is of plant origin, as it is prepared on the basis of ivy extract. The drug quickly relieves spasms, facilitating expectoration due to the thinning of viscous sputum. In addition to ivy extract, the presented medication also contains peppermint oil, eucalyptus and menthol, which contributes to sedative, antispasmodic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
This drug has almost no contraindications and does not contain sugars with ethanol, so it can be used to treat babies from two years old. It is also suitable for diabetics. The only restriction on admission is called hypersensitivity to the main components. The therapeutic effect of the drug occurs within five minutes and lasts up to ten hours. The price of cough syrup is four hundred rubles.
Sinekod syrup
This drug has an antitussive effect, it is prescribed in order to stop an attack of dry cough. The active components of the drug act directly on the region of the brain that is responsible for the development of the cough reflex.

According to the instructions, Sinekod cough syrup makes it possible to suppress a painful attack of coughing, softening it. You can use the drug no more than sevendays in a row, this is enough to achieve a wet form of cough with sputum discharge. The presented syrup is prescribed for children from the age of three. The simultaneous combination of "Sinekod" with expectorant medicines is not allowed. The cost of this medicine is three hundred and fifty rubles.
Let's take a closer look at the instructions for children's cough syrups.
Baby syrups
Children's cough syrups should be safe. They should not cause any side effects. In this regard, it is best for small patients to give funds that have a plant base. Cough syrups are the most optimal dosage form for children. They have a pleasant taste and smell, so such medicines cannot cause rejection or gag reflexes in babies. Syrups are perfectly absorbed, quickly providing the necessary therapeutic effect. The price of cough syrups depends on the region and pharmacy chain.
Good cough syrups that can be used at the age of up to a year are Gedelix and Prospan preparations, they are made on the basis of ivy. The medicine "Prospan" can quickly alleviate the condition in the presence of a dry cough, and "Gedelix" perfectly dilutes, and, in addition, removes sputum. As for syrups that are suitable for taking from the age of one year, such remedies as Gerbion are recommended along with Doctor Theiss, Travisil, Ambrobene and Linkas.
Pertussin syrup and preparations based on psyllium or marshmallow are proven, but at the same time inexpensive medicines. It is also effective to take combinedvegetable syrups. For children over the age of three, Dr. Mom syrup is recommended. Stronger medicines with an antitussive effect, for example, "Sinekod" along with "Omnitus", "Codelac Neo" or "Bronholitin" will also be suitable at this age.
It is important to note that medicines for the treatment of children's coughs must be prescribed by a doctor. Parents are required to strictly follow all the recommendations, avoiding an overdose of drugs and not exceeding the duration of the course of therapy, which is indicated in the instructions for the medicine. Read on to find out what people have to say about using syrups.

Cough syrup reviews
People often turn to the use of syrups as part of the treatment of some form of cough. Most often, syrups are used to treat children, since small patients do not like to take pills and prefer sweet-tasting medicines. Parents in the reviews quite often praise such a drug as "Doctor Mom". Moms and dads like the fact that this drug is produced on a natural basis. It is noted that he copes well with the problem of dry cough in a child.
For adults, doctors often prescribe Bromhexine syrup in the treatment of cough. Patients write that this drug perfectly helps to cope with any kind of cough. True, in some reviews it is noted that someone does not like its taste. Also, people say that with a dry cough, this medicine may not help immediately, but you need to wait a while. Against the background of its use, after about two days, a coughturns into a wet form, and sputum gradually disappears. Any other cough syrup reviews?
Many people also praise Pertussin syrup. People are satisfied not only with its effect in treatment, but also with the cost. As consumers write in their comments, when a cough appears, they immediately start taking this syrup three times a day, thanks to which they get rid of an annoying cough in just a few days.
Thus, even today, in the treatment of cough, syrups are especially loved not only by children, but also by adult patients. The choice of medicines to help fight such an ailment as a cough is quite large, and all of them can boast of effectiveness and relatively low cost.