In today's busy world, quite a few people devote the necessary time to their own he alth. And this is not good. Densitometry refers to non-invasive diagnostic methods that detect bone density and mineral mass. This study allows you to confirm the presence of bone tissue disorders, as well as determine the degree of the disease. Densitometry captures the slightest changes in bone loss and is able to detect violations at the initial stage, when osteopenia has not yet transformed into osteoporosis and the patient can be cured. In this review, we will consider in detail what densitometry is, how this procedure is performed, its types and features.

Let's take a closer look at this. How is bone densitometry performed? The technology depends on the method of examination. There are several main methods fordensitometry. These include:
- Ultrasound densitometry: is one of the safest and most advanced methods for determining bone density.
- Photon absorptiometry: Based on the ability of bone tissue to absorb radioisotopes. The monochrome version of the examination measures the density of peripheral bone tissues, while the dichrome version measures the degree of loosening of the spine and femurs.
- X-ray densitometry: Considered the most accurate method for determining bone mineral mass.
Depending on the type of study selected, as well as the conditions of its implementation, there may be significant differences in the results. Therefore, if a patient is undergoing treatment for osteoporosis, it is recommended that changes be monitored using the same equipment. This will avoid misinterpretation of the survey results. If there are problems with bone density, the procedure should be done at least once every 2 years. Let us consider in more detail what ultrasound and X-ray densitometry are, how this examination is carried out and what diseases it can detect.
Ultrasonic technique: features

Let's dwell on it in more detail. Ultrasonic densitometry is one of the most modern and safe methods for determining bone density. The description of the method allows us to say that this type of examination reveals even a minimal loss of bone density of 3-5%. X-ray examinations help to detect diseases only with significant violations, while the ultrasound technique can detect even minor changes in bone density. During the procedure, the doctor also evaluates the elasticity and stiffness of the bones.
Now let's talk about the process in more detail. How is bone densitometry performed by ultrasound? The principle is based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves from the surface of the bones. This type of examination has the following advantages:
- no radiation exposure;
- test time;
- availability;
- painless;
- can even be used to screen pregnant women.
Ultrasound diagnostic method allows you to determine the density of bone tissue in the heel or toe area. In some cases, such surveys are insufficiently informative. For example, if it is necessary to study the tissues of the spine or femur, it is better to use a different examination method, which will be discussed later.
X-ray densitometry

What is it and what is its peculiarity? Many patients are interested in how densitometry of the spine and hip joint is performed. To examine these departments, it is necessary to use the X-ray method, which is based on measuring the absorption of rays by bone tissues. The power of X-ray radiation during densitometry is 100 times less than duringstandard examination.
For what parts of the body can X-ray densitometry be used? How is the procedure carried out? Typically, this research method is used to examine the spine, femoral neck and lumbar. These bone elements are of low density and require special attention to themselves. The patient receives a small dose of radiation, so this technique is considered more dangerous than ultrasound.
When appointed?
When is densitometry required? The description of the examination gives the following indications for the procedure - the presence of diseases that are characterized by a change in bone mineral density.
May be required in the following cases:
- to control the use of calcium-based drugs;
- complex therapy of osteoporosis;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- after 40 for women, and after 55-60 for men.
Causes of osteoporosis
What can change bone density? What factors lead to this? Here are just the most common ones:
- The use of drugs that reduce bone mineral density: psychotropic substances, anticonvulsants and diuretics, oral contraceptives, corticosteroids.
- Early menopause.
- Presence of fractures caused by minimal trauma.
- Birth of three or more children, long period of breastfeeding.
Risk groups

This aspect should be given special attention. Osteoporosis also refers to diseases characteristic of certain age categories of patients. Densitometry is recommended for all categories of patients over the age of 30 belonging to the following risk groups:
- people with a genetic predisposition to osteoporosis;
- Low weight patients;
- with prolonged stay in a state of weightlessness.
- patients with physical inactivity.
Also, bone density should be checked for people with hormonal disorders, in the absence of a balanced diet with insufficient vegetable oils and dairy products. Patients who abuse caffeinated beverages, alcohol and tobacco are still at risk.
Bone density can deteriorate due to poor work and rest schedules and prolonged exposure to stress.
If the patient is exposed to at least one or several risk factors, densitometry should be performed regularly.
We have already considered such a type of examination as ultrasound densitometry, what it is and how it is performed. The method is highly safe and has no contraindications. X-ray type of examination is less sparing. It is better to refuse it to lactating and pregnant women. Contraindications also include inflammatory processes in the lumbosacral region, sohow the patient during the examination simply will not be able to take the desired position.
Preparing for the procedure
So what do you need to know about this? Many private and public clinics today offer a procedure such as densitometry. How is the examination carried out? Do I need to prepare for densitometry? There are no specific preparation measures, but a number of recommendations should be followed:
- During the initial diagnosis of osteoporosis, you should stop taking drugs containing calcium and other substances that increase the content of this microelement in the blood.
- For the procedure, it is better to choose comfortable clothes that do not have metal elements: zippers, buttons, rivets.
- Jewellery must be removed prior to examination.
- If the woman is pregnant at the time of the procedure, the doctor should be informed.
Technology of carrying out

In order to mentally prepare for the examination, it is better for the patient to know about the features of densitometry. This procedure is characterized by the absence of pain and other discomfort. Anesthesia is not required for this type of examination. The technology itself will depend on the type of densitometry:
- Ultrasonic: carried out using portable densitometers that capture the speed of ultrasonic waves reaching the bones. The sensor captures the readings and displays them on the monitor. The device determines the speed for several minutespassage of ultrasound in the area of bone tissue. The doctor during the examination can use both "dry" and "wet" devices. To use the former, a small amount of a special gel is applied to the area under study. In the second case, the limb is immersed in a container filled with water.
- X-ray: stationary equipment is used for the examination. The patient should remove outer clothing and shoes, take a horizontal position on the table. The x-ray machine will be located on top of it. During the procedure, it is necessary to take a fixed position. This will give you the most accurate picture. The scanning console may move over the patient during the examination.
Transcript of results

What do you need to know about this? Now that you know what computed bone densitometry is, how this procedure is performed and what contraindications it has, it is worth discussing the evaluation of the results obtained. During the examination, the operator must record the data obtained and hand them over to the patient along with the conclusion. The key criteria are Z and T. The attending physician will be able to decipher the received data and select the optimal therapy.
- Z-test is designed to compare the results with the average normal indicator characteristic of a group of people of the same age category.
- T-test is designed to compare results with normal density valuesbones for women over the age of 30.
- SD - Used to measure bone density.
If, as a result of the examination, serious excesses or decreases in the Z-criterion were revealed, the doctor may prescribe additional methods of examination.
Who should have regular bone ultrasounds?
It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this aspect in the very first place. You already know what densitometry is, how this procedure is performed and what it is used for. However, in some cases, an ultrasound of the bones may be required. This type of examination is usually prescribed to assess the condition of the surface layers of bone tissue. It is used for injuries, rheumatoid arthritis and infectious lesions. Ultrasound of the bones reveals not only the presence of a fracture, but also improper fusion of bone tissue, ulcerative formations and degenerative-inflammatory processes. This method is widely used to examine children, since at a young age it is undesirable to expose the body to X-rays. The advantage of this method is also that it allows you to detect inflammatory processes in the surrounding tissues.

In this review, we examined in detail what densitometry is, how the examination is carried out, a photo of the equipment, as well as the meaning of the indicators taken. The method of the procedure depends on the diagnosis and the affected area. So, for examining the bones of the spine, lumbar and hip, it is better to usetechnology based on the use of X-rays. Otherwise, ultrasonic densitometry may be used.