A significant moment in the existence of the virtual world was the introduction of games that took place in real time. This brought billions of dollars in profits to the developers of electronic gadgets, but it was a psychological blow to the unprepared psyche of society. Someone used unusual games without any problems and continued their usual life, while the other person disappeared at the computer for days, forgetting about everything else. What is gambling addiction and how to deal with it?
What is this?

Gambling addiction is a kind of psychological disorder. It lies in the excessive love for virtual shooting games, fighting, racing and more.
In the dangerous category of entertainment, the first place is occupied by online games. As strange as it may sound, even too long gameplay could lead to a tragic end. October 2005 was remembered for the fact that a minor girl died in China. The investigation found out incredible details of the incident: the child played World of Warcraft for several days in a row, and during this time he neverI drank water and didn't eat. In her honor, the game developers have implemented a virtual funeral.
How much children and teens depend on being able to play on the computer

Modern young generation spends at least 6 hours at a computer or phone during the day! Electronic devices have a huge impact on the fragile children's psyche, and often their own parents increase it. The main reason is that it is difficult not to succumb to the temptation to put the child at the computer, and calmly do other things yourself. So many mothers and fathers use the benefits of civilization, justifying themselves by the fact that it is better for the child to be at home under supervision than somewhere on the street.
More knowledgeable parents are working to prevent children from addiction to computer games. This is a more difficult path, but it is the most correct one - you just need to optimally distribute the child’s free time, determining when he will study, attend his favorite circles and engage in a hobby of interest, and what time to rest and gain strength. A properly motivated child who knows what to do with his time and what he can earn through his studies will not depend on the number of hours spent at the computer.
The group of children who are prone to game addiction to computer games includes abandoned teenagers who lack attention from loved ones, who are notorious or intimidated by society, and those who acutely feel the lack of something in real life. Virtual worlds provide an opportunity, at least temporarilyforget about your problems, plunging into a non-existent reality.
First signs of gambling addiction and prevention measures
Sick child begins to complain of weakness, frequent pain and dizziness. Developing dependence does not leave free time for hygiene procedures or communication with friends. The child prefers a laptop and a phone, interrupting by irregular snacks and refusing other pastimes. In the presence of such symptoms, we can safely talk about the presence of addiction to computer games in a teenager. Don't ignore this!
In order to protect a young gamer from a similar trap, it is necessary to strictly control the time that he spends at the computer. Scientists have long proven that it is better not to allow a child to play virtual games until at least the age of seven. If such isolation is not possible for some reason, then it is desirable to impose restrictions on "Internet time" up to 30 minutes for elementary school students, and up to an hour for older students. But in this case, in order not to spoil the relationship with the child, it is necessary to provide him with a suitable alternative, such as a section that has long been of interest or classes in paid courses. Family games or chatting with friends can be a good substitute. Feeling needed and directing unrealized energy in a more useful direction, the child will not plunge into the world of virtual entertainment.
Game addiction development in adults. The core of the problem

The gaming industry has longcrossed the bar for children's entertainment. Developers, trying to increase their audience, have adapted some of the virtual games to the more fastidious preferences of adults. Their efforts were crowned with success. Although in theory it seems impossible that a mature person would waste their time, most of them still got hooked on the “gaming needle”. And this is fraught with a lot of problems.
Why are there so many adults, sometimes even older people, among individuals with gambling addiction to computer games? The reasons for this phenomenon lie on the surface. Virtual existence is much simpler than real life. It is easy to realize all your desires here, and any modesty and low self-esteem cannot become a hindrance. In computer territory, no regalia is needed, and therefore it is much easier to achieve significant status and an enviable position. Therefore, an unrealized adult personality easily falls under the influence of virtual perspectives.
The category of potential victims of the gaming industry includes people with a minimum outlook. Most of society is engaged in interesting activities: reading books, knitting, making wooden fakes, and so on. They have something to do with their free time, so they are unlikely to pay attention to computer games. If a person could not find an occupation close to him in spirit, then it is not surprising that he begins to spend more and more time on the phone and laptop.
An equally common cause of game addiction is a lack of communication. If a particular person does not have the usual social circle or family, he tries to getmissing social interaction in virtual worlds taking place in real time. Groups of players gather here to discuss gameplay details and real-life news.
Reasons for game cravings
Some real-life factors can contribute to the development of painful cravings for games. Leading positions are occupied by certain traits of a human character: an unstable psyche, an incompletely formed level of self-control, unfulfilled desires in real life, and so on.
Psychological problems can be mentioned next. These include various phobias, pathological conditions of anxiety and depression. Stepping into the expanses of the virtual world, people with mental problems protect themselves from the influence of real life, realize themselves and achieve a more stable state of mind, but for a very short time.
A less common reason for this addiction is virtual rewards. Many games have a built-in reward system for certain actions, which attracts people to continue playing the game. Getting the next reward and waiting for the next one causes a certain reaction in the human body, which increases the concentration of dopamine (the so-called pleasure hormone) in the blood. The body gets used to the pleasant sensations, and in the future requires a repetition of the dose. A similar reaction occurs in novice drug addicts who regularly use specific drugs.
There are more banal possibilities for developing addiction to games - inability to manage one's time or being too strongpassion for the internet.
Development stages
Specialists have identified certain points that can hint to people around them that they are obsessed with addiction to computer games. What to do with it varies depending on the stage the patient is in. Consider them in more detail:
- initial - a person periodically plays computer games, but does not attach much importance to this, and after the completion of the next cycle quickly forgets about them, doing other things;
- passion - the ability to play on the computer becomes a must-have daily activity; if for some reason it is not possible to reach it, then time is cut off for other necessary things so that there is a chance to plunge into the next game;
- addiction peak - the patient plays at the slightest opportunity, neglecting the desire to eat or satisfy other basic needs; he devotes a minimum of time to sleep, does not pay attention to hygiene at all, and when trying to remove a distraction from him, he aggressively rushes, protecting his electronic gadget;
- fading of affection - a person gradually moves away from his painful passion, remembering real things; this is a very shaky position, and at the slightest irritant, the patient can return back: a new version of the game, problems in the family, and so on.
The transition from step three to step four can take a few days or a couple of decades. During this period of time, a person can cause irreparable harm to himself.
Signs of gambling addiction

So far there is no concrete opinion on whether such obsession should be considered a disease or not. But the psychiatrists who are members of the ARA do not deny the negative consequences that result from excessive enthusiasm for virtual games. This is minimal sleep, being fired from work, lack of personal hygiene, and so on. Therefore, the treatment of gambling addiction remains a topical issue.
ARA have created a special list of conditions for diagnosing a person's condition. If a patient who came to them for examination has at least some of the signs indicated in it, then he is unconditionally recognized as a gamer:
- The patient's mind is completely occupied with games. Even while doing other things, he constantly waits for a free moment to play.
- The Possessed constantly indulges in feelings of aggression, anxiety or longing if he is distracted from the game process or there is no opportunity to play for a long time.
- The potential gamer regularly increases the time spent at the computer and plans to buy a more powerful gadget.
- Even under the influence of the craving for the game, a person understands that he needs to spend less time at the computer, but he is not able to overcome himself.
- The patient gradually forgets about other interests and close circle, spending more and more time playing games.
- A gambler cannot give up his addiction, even when his quality of life begins to suffer: irregular sleep, job loss, impending financial bankruptcy, conflicts within the family, and so on.
- Sick man does not speakthe truth about the amount of time spent at the computer, cheating in a smaller way.
- With the help of the game, the patient tries to forget about current problems and tormenting feelings at least for a while.
- The patient plays, knowing that he will soon lose his job, will not see people close to his heart, and so on.
Scientific evidence for the existence of such thrust
One curious experiment has been documented. The Charite educational institution assembled a study group of 20 people who were shown electronic pictures of their favorite virtual entertainment for a certain time. They reacted in the same way that alcoholics or longtime drug addicts would at the sight of their favorite dose.
Nottingham Trent University has a similar study in its arsenal with a larger audience of 7,000 people. 12% of people met all the requirements of gamers, 19% of them, who are part-time users of the social network Facebook, found signs of a strong craving for games.
But along with the fans of this theory, there are its opponents. Some scientists think that the criteria by which computer obsessions are found exaggerate the prevalence of this addiction. As evidence, they cite the fact that the symptoms of gaming obsession are very similar to drug addicts or gambling addicts, but certainly not people who are madly addicted to computer games. That is, we can conclude that we are talking about a disease.
Although gambling addiction is not recognized as an independent disease, dozens of doctors confirm thatthe fact that excessive fascination with the virtual world can be dangerous for any person. At a young age, it can develop into mental or physical disability, endow with unnecessary complexes, and deprive older people of their personal lives, put an end to their careers and endow the formed nature with unnecessary aggressiveness. Therefore, his further recovery depends on the close circle of a potential gamer, and in more severe cases, the help of specialists is recommended.
Expert opinion on gambling addiction

Psychologist Christopher Ferguson believes that virtual entertainment does not affect the quality of life of its participants. Therefore, the phenomenon of addiction to computer games does not need treatment. And all the experiments that show inflated rates are based on controversial criteria. Gerald Block, a psychiatrist, has a different opinion. He puts gambling addiction on a par with cravings for sex products. Therapist Steve Pope backs him up, stating that a couple of hours of play is the same as snorting a small line of cocaine. The negative consequences of such a hobby defy common sense: a sick person gradually refuses all connections with his close environment, does not eat or is interrupted by random snacks, forgets about his studies, becomes more aggressive, and so on. But his opinion was severely criticized, accused of bias without any weighty reasons.
Psychologist Ivanov M. S. has his own thoughts on this matter. He warns against role-playing becausethey are based on attracting new people, their gradual entry during the gameplay, and as a result, the disappearance of their own individuality, as a person begins to associate himself with a virtual hero. The main reasons for the popularity of such games are the complete involvement in the process of virtual life with barely noticeable signs of excitement. Without the help of professional psychologists, such gamers will have a hard time, as their personal lives begin to crumble, dissatisfaction with themselves and longing for unfulfilled desires, social exclusion from society, and so on gradually gnaw.
Ivanov was also able to consider certain patterns in the development of gambling addiction. He identified four main points:
- lightly addictive - a habit of regular gameplay;
- strong attachment - a person is increasingly dependent on the time spent at the computer;
- maximum addiction - the patient neglects basic basic needs in favor of computer games;
- small affection - love for the virtual world is gradually declining, and the sick person begins to return to normal life.
Ivanov believes he has found the main lure that keeps more and more new players falling into the addiction trap. This is an opportunity to get away from reality and live a different, more desirable life, associating yourself with virtual heroes.
The Baroness's personal neurologist, Susan Greenfield, has a similar opinion on the matter. She claims that virtual entertainment leads to mental retardation, sohow regularly the nervous system is overexcited. The gambler gets used to a regular excited state, the body begins to depend on such reactions, which can lead to dementia. In proving her theory, she recalls the many modern day trolls that filled Facebook, presenting a good example of the mental degradation of the younger generation. But she was criticized and is still not taken seriously.
Douglas Jantal was interested in this moment and did a little research. He was helped by the American Academy of Pediatrics, who examined almost 3,000 children in detail. The results of this study were disappointing: one in ten children regularly experienced pathological states of anxiety and depression, their interaction with society decreased, and school performance suffered. In search of the cause of each specific case, the doctor constantly came across the dependence on the child's favorite virtual game. That is, the situation could reach the limit if it is not intervened. After treatment for addiction to games, the child returned to normal life on his own.
Disease or not?

No official document contains information about the recognition of gambling addiction as a real disease. Even the international classification of diseases does not accept such a name. But such attempts have been made repeatedly.
Since 2007, the American Physicians Association has been researching the symptoms of gambling addiction. After all the experiments and analyzes, the doctors decided thataddiction is not an independent disease. For a more concrete solution of the issue, additional analyzes are needed, but the results obtained so far do not give good reasons to consider gambling addiction as a psychological disease. Although many experts believe it is necessary.
To this day, there is debate about whether to recognize this phenomenon as a separate disease and whether to think about how to treat gambling addiction, or not to waste time, but to start eliminating depression and attention deficit disorder that lead to such consequences.
How other countries are trying to deal with the problem

Despite the controversial opinion about gambling addiction, in many countries there are special institutions that help to cure or carry out special prevention in the presence of the first symptoms.
Broadway Lodge English Rehabilitation Center has opened a new branch with a narrow specialization, working only with gamers. Their clients are of all ages, ranging from young children to the elderly. The Korean Ministry of Culture has supported this direction by announcing the launch of the Nighttime Shutdown program, aimed at combating the phenomenon of gambling addiction. Its action is based on controlling the time that gamers of different levels spend at their computers. If a hacker is under 19, he will be denied access to all games for 6 hours a day. Other users who abuse the gaming processes are gradually deteriorating internet speed,making it impossible to continue participating in them at least until the end of the current day.
In 2007, a children's rehabilitation camp was built in China. Its employees gathered juvenile gamers from all over the country, and a psychologist worked with them for 10 days. An equally popular way of fighting is the introduction of a controlling program into many games, which negatively affects the virtual character if the game lasts longer than three hours. The Ministry of Vietnam plans to introduce special restrictions - Internet providers and owners of gaming establishments should not allow players to perform virtual activities from 22 pm to 8 am. Representatives of the ministry calm the society, convincing that all actions are aimed at improving the moral character of the younger generation. The society was reassured that soon they would not have to think about addiction to games and what to do if such a disaster affected family members.