What is autism? With its development, a person begins to have problems with adaptation in society, speech and psychological he alth. If autism is diagnosed in a child of 3 years old (symptoms will be noticeable already at this age), then there is a chance that in the future the baby will not have problems in communication and learning.
In Russia, there are not many opportunities for correcting a child's behavior, so timely treatment is the task of parents. It is necessary to pay attention to how the child behaves at an early age, perhaps if he has this disease, it will be possible to avoid its development. In the article we will tell you what kind of disease - autism. Symptoms, causes and treatment will be given below.

About illness
In the last century, the described disease was quite rare. However, 1 child is already suffering among88 children, while 50 years ago this statistics was more positive - 1 per 10 thousand children. It should be noted that boys are more susceptible to this disease than girls. Much of the research on autism is done in the USA. In Russia, there are no official data on the number of autistic children: such a calculation is not conducted. Although in fact there are no less of them in the state than in the same America, where they are dealing with the disease and looking for ways to eliminate it.
Why more and more children are suffering from autism is unknown. Doctors can only say that, probably, the disease is caused not by one factor, but by a combination. Among the possible causes of various forms of autism are mutations in genes, damage to the central nervous system, problems with brain development, hormonal disruptions, viral infections, mercury poisoning, a large amount of antibiotics, chemical intoxication.
However, doctors have not fully figured out which of these causes really lead to the disease. But it is 100% clear that a hereditary predisposition leads to autism. At the same time, during pregnancy, the development of the brain of a child can be affected by an infection or severe stress, which ultimately leads to the formation of the described disease.

Easy form
How does autism manifest itself in a 3 year old child? Symptoms directly depend on the form of the disease.
The mild form is a problem in which, in the case of correct and timely treatment, maximum adaptation in society can be achieved. Such children most often graduate from school, universitywithout too much trouble. It is not so difficult for them to find a job and fulfill themselves. However, how to determine that the form of the disease is mild?
There are criteria that affect the severity of the disease. It is about behavior, the ability to communicate and interact with other people (strangers).
Mild autism includes atypical autism without additional medical conditions, such as mental retardation, Asperger's syndrome, and high-functioning autism.

Severe form
Unlike mild autism, in children 3 years of age, a severe form of the disease manifests itself in highly noticeable problems: a person practically does not talk, does not pay attention to people, his behavior may be disturbed. Such children need to be treated, special educational programs should be carried out, attempts should be made to correct their behavior, and after that, rehabilitation should be carried out. Sometimes even the most serious therapies are not enough for a child to have a successful and fulfilling life. Such people get a disability.
To determine autism in children 3 years old, the doctor selects the test in accordance with complaints. According to the results of the diagnosis, atypical autism with the development of mental retardation, Rett, Heller syndrome, as well as a hyperactive disorder that develops in parallel with mental retardation can be detected. It is these diagnoses that are considered severe forms of autism.
Signs and symptoms of autism in children
In order to understand in time that a child has problems, it is necessary to observe his behavior from an early age. This should be doneparents. It is not necessary to wait until the child reaches the age of 3 years. Signs of autism in children, the very first, appear as early as a year and a half and 2 years of age.
Autism is a disease that has common symptoms. Let's look at the most common ones:
- Speech. Violation of speech to one degree or another occurs in all forms of the disease. Speech may develop with a delay or not develop at all. An autistic child does not want to walk until the age of one, constantly pronounces the same sounds, words, as a result, by the age of 2, the vocabulary is about 15-20 words. If you do not start treatment, then by the age of 3 the child will begin to have problems with the pronunciation of these words. However, people with autism are quite creative, so they can make up their own words, and they also have a good memory, they are able to repeat words and phrases they have ever heard, like parrots. These people talk about themselves in the third person. They do not use names or pronouns.
- Emotional contact. The child has no desire to contact anyone, including parents. They do not look into the eyes, do not want to hold hands, practically do not smile. They don't like emotional contact or physical contact. Such children are similar to blind and deaf people, since they do not notice that someone is talking to them, in addition, autistic people are unlikely to single out their parents among all those around them.
- Socialization. If the child is in some company, he may feel discomfort and other unpleasant sensations. When an autistic person grows up, they feel anxiety in society. If somebodyaddresses the child and he notices this, then he will probably hide somewhere. Such children do not play with others and do not have friends. Autistic people enjoy being alone more because it helps them feel less emotional about not being able to connect as they get older.
- Aggression. This is an important sign of autism. People suffering from it are able to harm themselves and others, while any situation that upsets the baby can cause aggression. In 30% of all cases of negative outbreaks, the child's aggression is directed at himself.
- Interest in toys. He is not. A child with autism does not know how to play with cars, dolls and other devices. Such children are not able to invent something, since their abstract thinking is practically not developed. For example, if you ask a child to make you tea in a toy bowl, then he will not interfere with the air or, in the absence of a spoon, will not be able to notice it. Such children can reproduce only those actions that they have previously seen or heard. Many autistic people can use toys outside of the box. For example, spinning the wheels of a car for several hours. Some sick children may recognize and use only one toy.
- Changes. The behavior of autistic children is stereotypical, they do not like any changes. For a long time they can repeat the same thing, do the same thing. They like a clear schedule and adherence to the rules. If something happens differently than the child is used to, for example, you have to move to another apartment, or someone puts the toys in the drawer incorrectly, then the child will behaveaggressively, crying and worrying a lot.
All cases of illness are different, because each person is individual. Some have all of these problems, while others are only slightly different from other children. With mild forms of the disease, the child will be able to finish school, get a higher education, find a job and even start a family. Such cases of successful behavior modification are observed in Western countries, where a lot of attention is paid to autism.
In some children, autism can manifest itself not only in behavioral problems, but also with the body. For example, babies may have weakened immune systems, problems with the pancreas and with sensory perception. Seizures may occur, and bacteria and yeast can proliferate in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis of autism in children
Many parents who notice problems in their child may be wondering how to define autism. In order for a doctor to allow the development of this problem in a child, there must be at least three problems: communication difficulties, stereotypical behavior and lack of desire to communicate. As mentioned above, all symptoms appear before 3 years in most cases. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the child is taken to a neuropsychologist who conducts appropriate tests.
The doctor does not watch the child all the time. This is done by the parents and then told to the doctor. When talking with parents, the doctor can use generally accepted tests that allow you to find out the condition of the child. We are talking about"Children's Autism Rating Scale", "Autism Observation Scale" and so on. These tests are sufficient to establish a diagnosis. And then the question of whether it is possible to cure autism in a child of 3 years is already raised. And it all depends on what form and symptoms of the problem.
Diagnostic problems
Unfortunately, to find a doctor in Russia, you will have to try hard, because in our country there are few specialists who are trained to treat the corresponding disease. It often happens that the pediatrician does not notice anything strange in the child, and the parents do not tell the really important symptoms. Ideally, if there is a suspicion of autism, you need to go through a medical commission, where a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a psychologist and an autism spectrum doctor should be present. They also invite a teacher from the kindergarten that the child attends.
Another feature of Russian medicine is the confusion in diagnoses. Some cases of autism are not so advanced that doctors can safely make a correct diagnosis. This is a serious problem, as autism is not treated in the same way as mental retardation or schizophrenia, the symptoms of which are often similar to those of a 3-year-old child.
Parents should take this issue as seriously as possible, because if the child is not treated from childhood, the chance that he will have a normal social life becomes less and less every year.
Treatment and correction of autism in children
All methods and rehabilitation programs are developed inAmerica. Regardless of what signs of autism are present in children of 3 years old, all ways to eliminate the disease are based on active communication and games. If the form is mild, then parents, with a serious attitude to the issue, will most likely succeed in making the child a social person. In severe forms of the disease, problems may appear, but this is associated with the development of mental retardation and other side diseases. In Russia, there are few doctors who specifically treat autistic children. But you still need to find a psychiatrist. Choose your kindergarten and school carefully. With children, behavior correction should be carried out absolutely everywhere: at the doctor, at home, in all places that the child visits. Parents need to show love and care.
To reduce the manifestations of autism in children 3 years old, you need to follow the recommendations:
- A child needs to be taught the necessary skills for later life. For example, to teach you how to brush your teeth yourself, you should often repeat this in front of him and with him. Even if the child has already learned this, repeated "lessons" should be held regularly.
- The child's daily routine should be clear. He himself will not violate it, and therefore parents must also observe it. You can not break the rules, otherwise the child will show aggression. Trying to change the environment or habits of the baby will also lead to his rebellion.
- Try to communicate with your child more often. Spend a lot of time with him. If the baby does not respond, then do not be offended. Repeat stubbornly sentences, his name. No need to shout, scold or punish. If aautism was discovered at an early age, then you can often pick it up. At this age, he will not protest much, and by the age of 3 he will get used to emotional contact with his parents. If the case is severe, then cards can be used instead of speaking.
- An autistic child should not be tired. You need to take a break between games or classes. At the same time, leave him alone at such moments. Exercise with your child to keep him fit.
- Don't stifle the initiative. No need to rush or force to do something. You need to have great patience to raise a child. An autistic person should perceive the house as a place where he is comfortable and calm. The same should apply to parents. An important task of mom and dad is to make sure that the baby is not afraid of them and notices.
- The child should be taken outside more often, be sure to take them to kindergarten and school. At first, the baby will resist, but after a while he will still understand that he can talk with others, play with them and this is also exciting.

Autism Medication and Nutrition
When the doctor tested for autism in children 3 years old, interviewed parents and made a diagnosis, it is urgent to start treatment.
Autism is rarely treated with drugs, as drugs won't help. They can be used when some symptoms become too dangerous, for example, a child begins to show aggression towards someone, but it is not possible to calm him down. The same appliesphysical activity, depression and some obsessive desires. In such cases, doctors prefer to prescribe psychostimulants. Depending on the degree of autism, the dosage is selected, but you need to understand that in many cases it is better to try to do without such drugs. They can make things worse.
Medicines are also prescribed for vitamin deficiencies, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Autism symptoms can be alleviated with a special diet. To date, many studies confirm that the disease is associated with metabolic disorders. These children have been found to be hypersensitive to cereal proteins (gluten) and milk (casein), so a gluten-free and casein-free diet is recommended for autism. You also need to completely get rid of those foods that contain chemicals: dyes, preservatives. Give your child less sweets. The diet should contain an increased amount of proteins. In addition, it is worth giving more water to drink.
Remember not to force your child to eat certain things. If he refuses, offer something else.
Regardless of diet, autistics can have problems with vitamins. Often such people have a severe deficiency of most of the nutrients. There are also problems with the production of certain hormones and enzymes. Even with a normal diet, there can be a high concentration of heavy metals in the body.
In each individual case of the disease, it is necessary to select a certain behavioral and drug treatment. Before drinkingany medications, you need to 100% confirm the diagnosis. The doctor should additionally ask what kind of disease - autism. Symptoms on which treatment depends, manifestations - the specialist should pay attention to all this. Therefore, talk to him, maybe the chosen doctor is not the best candidate for treating your child.
When taking medications, you need to regularly monitor whether they are effective or not, as not all children are suitable for the same medicine.

Features of communication with autistics
If your child is autistic or if you have friends with such a disease, it is important to be able to talk to them. You must understand why you should do this and not otherwise. It is enough to follow simple rules of communication:
- Offers. They should be short and clear. Then it will be easier for the child to understand what you say and what you want. It is easier for them to perceive letters, so they can communicate with pen and paper.
- Although such children have problems with abstract thinking, they have figurative thinking. Therefore, in order for the child to understand you faster, draw a diagram or a picture.
- The above describes the symptoms of autism in a child of 3 years old, some of which are problems in communication and difficulty in forming sentences. So give your child time to think. No need to push, shout. Do not ask multiple questions at once. If the child feels calm in a conversation with you, then communication will develop in the best possible way. Be patient.
- Never take offense at silence.
- Start a conversation with a statement. Do not immediately ask how things are or what the child is doing. Better say something. Slowly, in short sentences. And only then proceed to easy questions.
- In speech, use the most simple and accessible words. There is no need to express the same thought in different ways. If the child does not understand something, it is better to repeat the same sentence, so it will be easier for him to perceive the information.
- Signs of autism in a year or two are sometimes already noticeable, so if you are already wondering how to correct behavior, then try to win over the child. Talk to him about topics that interest him. As a rule, such children have only one hobby, and therefore they become experts in this matter. Talk to them about it. So not only will the child become comfortable with you, but you will also let him open up, and you yourself will learn something new.
- Attention to such children should be moderate, but do not let the child feel unwanted. Find a way of care that is comfortable for you and that doesn't annoy your baby.
- To make sure your child is talking to you, choose the time and place that will be comfortable. Then the baby is likely to be able to keep up the conversation.
- Autistic children do not understand hints, jokes, irony, metaphor. Therefore, your task is to speak directly and clearly.

The publication describes the causes of autism in children,symptoms, treatments. Unfortunately, at the moment there are quite a few cases of the development of this disease, so it is important to know how to work with a child correctly and what to do if you find yourself in such a situation.
Your main task is to talk more, pay attention to the child, understand when he is already tired of society. Do not forget to leave the child alone for a while, in between classes. These are the features of autism, even if the child adapts to society, he will still want to spend time alone in adulthood.