Disorders of the nervous system are considered one of the most common problems. They cause sleep problems. There are many different drugs that have a sedative effect on the body. Their main disadvantage is the presence of side effects and contraindications. As an alternative, you can use aroma oils for sleep. They help to cope with nervous disorders in adults and children. The main advantage is their natural composition, which eliminates the harmful effects on internal organs.
Key Benefits of Aromatherapy
Aroma oils for sleep are much better than sedatives or sleeping pills. Their healing properties were known in antiquity, and they are very popular. Thanks to a lot of research, these drugs have many advantages over drugs:
- have a minimum of contraindications;
- made from natural ingredients;
- result of applicationvisible almost immediately;
- contribute to the treatment of various chronic diseases;
- increase immunity;
- have general strengthening and rejuvenating properties.

Essential oils can achieve the same results as sedatives.
Effectiveness of aromatherapy
Aroma oils for sleep are considered a fairly effective sedative. Human nasal passages have many receptors that respond to odors. When molecules of oil concentrates hit them, signals are sent to the brain that provoke certain emotions. Depending on the smell, hormone levels, heart rate and blood pressure are affected. Aromatherapy helps achieve results such as:
- relax after a hard day;
- has a beneficial effect on sleep quality;
- tones the body;
- uplifting;
- relieves stress and depression.

Aroma oils for sleep are recommended for use with increased irritability and reduced concentration, which often happens with insomnia. Their advantage over sedatives is that they reduce feelings of anxiety without causing side effects.
Soothing oils
The greatest demand is for oil concentrates that promote relaxation. They help to neutralize the effects of a strongstress and reduce the excitability of the nervous system. Soothing aroma oils for sleep are recommended to be used in the afternoon. It is worth noting that when combining esters that contribute to the fight against stress, one must take into account their impact on each other.

Lavender can complement any oil except rosemary. Ylang Ylang should not be mixed with tea tree oil. Not the best combination is fennel with mint. It is also not recommended to mix cypress and chamomile oils. Coniferous aromas are well complemented by citrus. In this case, grapefruit, lemon, orange are well suited. Answering the question about which aroma oil is better to use for sleep, it must be said that it is considered a good remedy:
- cedar;
- lavender;
- geranium;
- patchouli;
- incense oil;
- daisies.
Pine nut oil is quite often used for restless sleep. It helps to eliminate signs of nervous exhaustion, charging the body with energy. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to drop a few drops into the aroma lamp before going to bed. Aromatherapy session helps to calm down and promotes faster falling asleep. To enhance the effect, oils such as:
- sage;
- juniper;
- cinnamon;
- lemon;
- bergamot.
Camomile aromatic oil has a strong analgesic effect. It goes well with other aroma oils. The desired result is achieved in the first 30 minutes of aromatherapy. A few drops of oilchamomile is added to bath water and massage cream. It helps to eliminate tension and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
When choosing aroma oil for a good sleep, you need to pay attention to lavender. It is considered a universal remedy in the fight against various disorders of the nervous system. To complement the rich aroma will help:
- jasmine;
- patchouli;
- bergamot;
- orange;
- geranium;
- sage.
Oil formulations containing lavender help drive away bad thoughts and have a calming effect on the body.
Incense is recommended to use right before bedtime. Its effect is due to a pleasant aroma with light fruity notes. For general healing of the body and normalization of the mental state, you need to add a few drops of oil to the aroma lamp.
When the first signs of nervous disorders appear, experts recommend using geranium oil. It has soothing and analgesic properties. The main indication for use is stress. It is also used to remove toxic substances from the body. Combined with lavender, it works well for insomnia.
Patchouli oil is used to achieve a relaxing effect. It is recommended to mix it with other aromatic oils that have a calming effect.
Sleep oils
Many are interested in what aroma oil for sleep is best to choose so that it has the best possible effect. Rose oil has a calming effect. It's good for emotionalwomen. Experts recommend using it for panic attacks, as well as to eliminate feelings of anxiety.
Vetiver essential oil has a sweetish tart aroma. It is ideal for relaxation. The smell has a positive effect on the human nervous system, normalizes the work of biorhythms, and also reduces the risk of panic.

Ylang-ylang oil is another good sleep aid. It is suitable for adults and children. Due to its mild sedative properties, this remedy has a calming effect on a person, improves sleep quality, and also drives away night anxiety.
To determine which aroma oil for sleep is best to choose, you need to initially understand the reason that provoked insomnia. To relax and improve the quality of sleep, you need to use tools such as:
- rose, chamomile, lavender - help eliminate anxiety during sleep;
- cedar, tangerine, juniper, myrrh, cypress, orange - provide fast falling asleep;
- Vetiver, Frankincense, Vanilla – relieve tension.
Aromatic sleep oils for adults can be used externally for massages or aromatic baths. You can also use a few drops internally.
Rules of application
Aromatic oils for good sleep can be used in a variety of ways, in particular, as follows:
- using an aroma lamp;
- adding to bath water;
- using for massage;
- applyingon pillow;
- taking by mouth.
During the application of the oil, it should not be allowed to get into the mucous membranes and eyes. Even if pure products come into contact with the skin, they can cause severe irritation and burning.
The most commonly used oils using an aroma lamp. However, if it is not there, then you can simply moisten the napkin with water, drop a few drops of the product on it and put it on the fireplace or radiator. You can put a few drops on a regular light bulb. As it heats up, the liquid will gradually evaporate and release a pleasant fragrance.

You can use essential oils when making baths. They help to relax after a hard day and improve skin condition. You can rinse your hair with a fragrant liquid after taking a shower, so that the smell of oil will remain throughout the night.
Massage is considered a good way to relax. You can add a few drops of aroma oil to a massage cream or gel. You can use special small pads or apply oil on soft toys. This creates a calm atmosphere in the room.
Massage use
Aroma oils before going to bed can be used for massage. You need to do it half an hour before bedtime, as this will achieve the best result. Self-massage in the ear area will help to ensure a good sleep. To do this, apply a massage gel with the addition of aroma oil to the fingertip and massage the inner surface of the earshells.

A massage of the temples, feet, face and neck has a very good effect. You can make your own massage oil. As a base, take olive, corn or sesame. Pour 10 ml of oil into a container and add a few drops of aroma oil. You can prepare compositions such as:
- 2 drops of geranium oil, 4 drops of chamomile, 3 drops of patchouli;
- 2 - lavender, 3 - chamomile;
- 2 - orange, 1 drop each lavender and basil.
For back massage, the best aroma oils are rose, lavender or juniper. When massaging the feet, it is better to give preference to pine collection or rosemary.
Apply on pillow
To fall asleep faster, you can put a few drops of oil on bed linen or pillow. To do this, you can use a combination of several oils, in particular, such as rose, cedar, lavender - 1 drop each. You can also mix 1 drop each of chamomile and ylang ylang essential oil and add 2 lavender.
You can also put the scented mixture on a handkerchief and put it at the head of the bed.
Bath use
To achieve a good result and ensure a sound and restful sleep, you can take baths with aromatic oils. However, for better sleep, you need to follow certain rules, namely:
- bathroom lights should be dimmed;
- choose a scent you really like;
- instead of a hot bath, take a warm one;
- enjoy the treatments for 5-10 minutes and then rinse with water.

In order for the aroma oil to be well distributed, you need to drop a few drops into a container and place it under running water. It is worth noting that essential oils do not dissolve in water, which is why they must first be mixed with alcohol, honey, milk or cream. In this form, the oil is guaranteed not to cause burns or skin irritation.
Oils for oral use
Before taking oils inside, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to their composition. Lavender oil is the best. To do this, put 3-5 drops of the product on a piece of refined sugar and dissolve it in your mouth until completely dissolved.
This procedure should be carried out 30 minutes before bedtime. This will help get rid of insomnia and anxiety.
Oils for children
A moderate amount of aroma oil has a positive effect on the child's body and helps to get rid of many problems. It is worth noting that they practically do not have any side effects on the body.
When choosing aroma oils for sleeping babies, you need to pay attention to those based on chamomile, sandalwood, lavender, orange. Many experts recommend using them in aromatic baths and for massage. In order not to expose your baby's delicate skin to essential oils, you can use them in aroma lamps or soak pieces of fabric with this product.
Lavender oil has antiseptic and soothing properties. It helps to calm down a child who has become too active before going to bed and set him up for a more calmfret.
Orange oil has a positive effect on the baby's psyche and improves mood. A good soothing aroma oil for children for sleep is sandalwood. It helps to relax, activates the immune system, and also helps the body avoid infections. To achieve the desired result, just put 1-2 drops of oil on the aroma lamp.
For older children, you can use aromatic oils of rosemary, cloves, pine, tea tree, fir. In baths, it is advisable to add 3-4 drops of oil, and for massage - add 3-5 drops to baby cream.
Among the variety of aroma oils for sleep, rosemary is best for children. It is very useful for a hyperactive child with poor concentration. In addition, it has disinfectant properties, that is, it eliminates bacteria and viruses, purifying the air from them.
A good aroma oil for children to sleep is tea tree. It relieves inflammation and has wound healing properties, and also helps with a stuffy nose.
Contraindications for use
When choosing aroma oils for sound sleep, you need to remember that they all have certain contraindications that must be taken into account. The main one is considered an allergic reaction to a certain agent. That is why you first need to conduct a tolerance test. To do this, the oil composition is applied to the inside of the elbow for 30-40 minutes. If there is a burning sensation and rashes, then you should not use this oil.
It is undesirable to use soothing aroma oils for pregnant women and people withasthma. It is also recommended to be especially careful if the activity involves an increased concentration of attention. When using bath and massage oil, there should be no cuts or wounds on the body.
According to reviews, aromatic oils relax well, and also have a positive effect on the skin. With constant stress, lavender oil helps. It can be added to a humidifier. This remedy helps to improve sleep, as well as gain strength and energy.
Peppermint oil, according to reviews, helps to calm down and relax. It is well suited for adults and children. By adding a few drops of essential oil to the aroma lamp, you can sleep peacefully throughout the night.