Parents combine some antipyretic drugs. The child's body can react to the toxic substances of medicines, so pediatricians are advised to take groups of medicines with the same properties at intervals. Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibufen D are considered the safest for children. However, their effect can be observed after a few hours. How long can Nurofen be given after Paracetamol, what effect should be expected from a double dose of antipyretics?
Action "Paracetamol", suppositories for children under 12

The pediatrician has the right to prescribe several medicines for fever to the child with a frequency of use once every 4-6 hours. Observing time intervals, children should first be given a less concentrated drug. "Paracetamol" is available in suppositories, whichconvenient for rectal use for children from 0 to 12 years. The action of the drug begins in 20-30 minutes. But how long can Nurofen be given after Paracetamol to a child?
Please note the following:
- An organism infected with SARS does not always respond quickly to antipyretics.
- A strong infection attached to the body after a cold or bronchitis can "keep" the temperature.
- It is not recommended to bring down the fever to 38.5 degrees so that the baby can fight the disease on his own.
"Paracetamol" remains in the blood for about 4 hours. Its action is aimed at local immunity, therefore, it cannot cope with serious complications after SARS or acute respiratory infections. In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
How does Nurofen work?

"Nurofen" is similar to "Paracetamol" only in effect, they both lower fever, only the active substance in 5 ml of Nurofen suspension is ibuprofen, as well as glycerol, citric acid, sodium citrate and chloride. Candles "Paracetamol" contain 0.08 g of the active substance and solid fat. Imagine that you are giving your child a double dose of an analgesic and an antipyretic. This will cause hepatonecrosis. The dosage should be calculated according to the instructions:
- children under 1 year old take 1 suppository, which contains 125 mg of the active substance;
- children under 3 years old can take 2 suppositories of 125 mg or 1 suppository of 250 mg;
- childrenover 3-4 years old take 2 suppositories of 250 mg at a time.
"Nurofen" relieves fever only after 40 minutes. Its action lasts for 6 hours. Similarly, "Paracetamol" can not take the drug in excess of the dose. Therefore, the doctor indicates how long Nurofen can be given after Paracetamol.
Intervals and durations
If the baby needs to bring the temperature down to 39 degrees, it is recommended to insert a candle with the amount of 125 or 250 mg of the active substance into the anus. After 30 minutes, a reaction is observed. As a rule, the high temperature drops to 37.5-37.8 degrees. Then the body fights the infection on its own.

If the temperature does not go astray, there is no point in giving a drug that does not help. Therefore, parents are advised to use an analogue, but how long can Nurofen be given after Paracetamol?
Please note:
- Action "Nurofen" lasts 6 hours. The temperature drops to the norm of the body.
- It is allowed to give the child according to the instructions up to 4 times a day.
- "Paracetamol" should be taken 2-4 times a day.
When compiling a treatment regimen, it is important to know how long Nurofen can be given after Paracetamol. If the effect of the latter is weakly expressed, after 4 hours you can give 2.5 ml of Nurofen. This is a single dose based on the age of the child. More than 10 ml should not be taken. Therefore, given the composition"Paracetamol", taking "Nurofen" according to the instructions (4 times a day maximum) is divided by two. Medications should be alternated at intervals of 4-6 hours.
When the temperature does not drop, what to do?
It also happens that the temperature does not fall, the fever persists, the child is not able to fight the temperature on his own. So, how long can you give Nurofen after Paracetamol? Komarovsky notes:
- The interval between taking one drug is 6 hours.
- The interval between similar means is 4 hours.
Therefore, giving the child one medicine, the same should be taken no earlier than 4 hours later. The same drug should be taken at least 6 hours apart.
Expert opinion: what do pediatricians say?

In the composition of "Paracetamol" there are active substances that have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. The latter is so insignificant that it can be neglected. Therefore, an analogue is prescribed - "Nurofen" or "Ibufen". They can relieve pain, reduce temperature, fever, and have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Paracetamol contains only an analgesic and an antipyretic. In "Nurofen" - a complex of substances. Paracetamol will help an adult with the primary symptoms of a flu or a cold, but not a child.
If the disease has dragged on, it makes no sense to treat it only with candles. "Paracetamol" maintains the temperature so that it does not rise, say,until the next dose of Nurofen. For example, after "Nurofen" the temperature rose, but 6 hours had not passed. They give "Paracetamol" to prevent the temperature from rising, and after 4 hours they give "Nurofen" again. If we are talking about a re-infection, acute respiratory infections, after how many days can Nurofen be given after Paracetamol? In this case, there are no restrictions, since the substances leave the body within half a day.