Productive cough: what is it? Causes and features of treatment

Productive cough: what is it? Causes and features of treatment
Productive cough: what is it? Causes and features of treatment

Coughing is a reflex action that clears the airways of mucus, dust or smoke. With its help, the body tries to get rid of the irritant that causes it. Cough is usually a symptom of numerous diseases. Under which it can be dry or wet. If such moments are clear to practically every person, then for many it remains a mystery when they hear such a thing as a “productive cough”. What it is and how it can be caused will be discussed in the article.


So what is a productive cough? In search of an answer to this question, one should turn to the medical classification.

what is a productive cough
what is a productive cough

Productive cough is a cough that produces mucus or phlegm. It can be caused by various pulmonary pathologies and diseases, the treatment of which requires an individual character.

Now, knowing what it is - a productive cough, you can consider the causes of its occurrence. Such knowledge will certainly help the patient in consultation with his doctor anddiscussion of further therapy.

How do you know if a cough is productive or unproductive? Nuances

In order to find out what kind of cough torments a person, you should listen to the symptoms. A non-productive cough tends to come from the upper airways (throat) and a productive one from the lower (trachea and bronchi).

It is worth remembering that the approach to the treatment of these types of cough is significantly different. Therefore, therapy is selected solely on the basis of a doctor's examination and taking into account his recommendations. Do not resort to self-prescribing medications without consulting a specialist.

causes of productive cough
causes of productive cough


Wet cough most often occurs as a result of exposure to the body of infections, bacteria or viruses. It should be understood that the entire respiratory system is covered with a mucous membrane. Mucus performs many useful functions, of which the main ones are keeping the airways moist and protecting them from various irritants. When the body is fighting an infection, it produces more mucus than usual. Thus, the main reason for a productive cough is the presence of pathologically dangerous irritants in the body. Which the body is trying to get rid of.

As a rule, a wet cough may indicate such diseases:

  1. Bronchitis. This is inflammation in the bronchi, which is usually caused by various viruses. The disease can become chronic (often caused by smoking).
  2. Pneumonia. This is an infection in the lungs caused by bacteriaviruses or fungi. This condition ranges in severity from mild to life-threatening.
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The disease is a group of conditions that damage both the lungs and the tubes that carry air. According to doctors, the main cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is smoking.
  4. Cystic fibrosis or cystic fibrosis. It is a genetic condition of the respiratory system that is usually diagnosed in early childhood. It causes the production of thick, sticky mucus in the lungs and other organs.
  5. Asthma. Although people with asthma most often suffer from a dry cough, a small group of patients produce persistent excess mucus. Which causes chronic wetness as well.

Having considered what a productive cough means, what its nature is, and what diseases can cause it, it is worth understanding what treatments exist.

Causes in children

In children, a productive cough is usually caused by a viral infection. Asthma is another common cause.

In addition, a productive cough can be caused by pneumonia or whooping cough. However, these causes are extremely rare.

productive cough drugs
productive cough drugs


To diagnose the cause of a cough, a doctor first needs to know how long it has been going on and how strong it is. A simple physical examination is usually sufficient in most cases.

If the cough continuesfor a very long time, worsening, or other symptoms such as fever, weight loss, headaches, fatigue, etc., your doctor may order additional tests.

Additional testing may include a chest x-ray, lab testing of blood, sputum, urine, etc.

productive cough treatment
productive cough treatment

Drug therapy

If a person is diagnosed with a productive cough, treatment should begin immediately. As a rule, based on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medications that can alleviate the condition and remove this unpleasant symptom.

Preparations for productive cough can be divided into two groups:

  • expectorants;
  • mucolytics.

Expectorant drugs increase the secretion of the respiratory tract, which facilitates the process of sputum discharge. Mucolytics are a group of medicines that, like expectorants, thin the mucus, making it less thick and viscous, making it easier to cough up.

what does productive cough mean
what does productive cough mean

List of drugs for wet cough

Having found a productive cough in a patient, the doctor tries to find the most suitable medicine in a particular case. There are a number of expectorants and mucolytics that are recommended to be taken to remove sputum, information on which is presented in the table below.

Drug name Active ingredient Approximate price
"Codelac broncho" Ambroxol from 160 to 260 rubles
"ACC" Acetylcysteine up to 600 rubles
"Bronhobos" Carbocysteine up to 400 rubles
"Ambroxol" Ambroxol from 45 to 100 rubles
"Bromhexine" Bromhexine from 30 to 100 rubles
"Ambrobene" Ambroxol from 150 to 200 rubles
Tatchimpharm cough pills Thermopsis and sodium bicarbonate from 10 to 45 rubles
"Flavamed" Ambroxol up to 200 rubles
"Joset" Thermopsis and sodium bicarbonate up to 270 rubles
"Ascoril" Salbutamol and Bromhexine up to 350 rubles
"Mkoltin" Althea from 10 to 60 rubles
"Lazolvan" Ambroxol from 190 to 280 rubles
"Bronchicum" Thyme Herb Extract up to 350 rubles
"Libeksin Muko" Carbocysteine up to 550 rubles
"Bronchipret" Ivy and thyme herbal extracts from 200 to 350 rubles

The attending physician may prescribe any other drug, guided by the results of the analysis and the general condition of the patient.

what is a productive cough
what is a productive cough

It is important to remember that it is not worth prescribing any drugs for yourself, as this can have serious consequences. Only a qualified doctor can determine the degree of need for choosing a particular medicine.

Auxiliary therapies and folk remedies

In addition to taking medications, very affordable and simple procedures can help to cure a productive cough as soon as possible, namely:

  1. Warm shower and bath. A simple and completely natural way to loosen congested mucus in your chest is to take a warm shower or bath. However, it is worth remembering that this procedure can only be done with a productive cough without fever.
  2. Plentiful drink. Drinking purified drinking water, broths or herbal teas is an excellentan option for maintaining water balance in the body during illness.
  3. Peppermint. If you have mint on hand, you can add it to your tea, which will have a positive effect on overall well-being. This herb contains a compound known as menthol, which can help loosen mucus and expel phlegm from the lungs. Alternatively, peppermint essential oil can be used. It can be applied in small amounts to the temples or between the lips and nose. In addition, you can use oil in an aromatic lamp. Such actions will help saturate the body with useful substances by inhaling them.
  4. Honey. The benefits of honey have been known since ancient times. This natural product is perfect as a means of relieving the symptoms of respiratory, viral diseases, including productive cough. It can be added to warm milk, tea, or simply consumed with a small amount of purified water.
  5. Marshmallow root. This herb has proven itself in the treatment of cough. Many doctors note that marshmallow root is one of the most effective active ingredients used in the manufacture of medicines. At home, teas can be brewed from this herb and consumed in the morning or before bedtime.
productive cough without fever
productive cough without fever

What not to do?

Having figured out what a "productive cough" is, it's important to understand what not to do when it comes to treating this annoying symptom. More on that later.

It is worth remembering that whenproductive cough should not take cough suppressants (which are usually prescribed for non-productive cough). This can lead to mucus stagnation and the development of complex inflammatory processes.

It is important to consider that the use of the following products can adversely affect the treatment process:

  • alcohol;
  • caffeine;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus;
  • fried and greasy food;
  • spices and spicy food;
  • tomatoes and tomato-based products.

Therefore, it is recommended to exclude them for a short time, until the productive cough disappears.


Having examined in detail what it is - a productive cough, it will be easy to understand what methods of dealing with it should be applied. If the doctor makes such a diagnosis, he should prescribe medications that would help sputum get out of the lungs as soon as possible. Expectorants and mucolytics are best suited for these purposes, as well as combined preparations that combine the properties of the two previous ones.

It is worth remembering that during treatment, not only drugs, but also folk remedies can come to the rescue. Honey, herbs, well-humidified air and plenty of fluids are all that will speed up the process of sputum discharge and restore the normal functioning of the respiratory tract.
