Vitamin E (tocopherol): reviews of doctors and customers

Vitamin E (tocopherol): reviews of doctors and customers
Vitamin E (tocopherol): reviews of doctors and customers

Improve well-being, skin and hair condition, get rid of drowsiness and rejuvenate the body - all this is possible with tocopherol, reviews of the use of which prove its effectiveness.

Tocopherold acetate capsules
Tocopherold acetate capsules

Mechanism of action of tocopherol

Vitamin E (aka alpha-tocopherol acetate) is a natural antioxidant that helps minimize the effects of free radicals in the human body. Numerous reviews of tocopherol prove its high efficiency not only for the general improvement of blood vessels and tissues, but also when planning pregnancy. It is no coincidence that tocopherol is called the “fertility vitamin”, because with its deficiency there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion. A sufficient amount of this vitamin, on the contrary, contributes to the successful course of pregnancy.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E

The story of the discovery of vitamin E

In 1922, researchers Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop conducted experiments in the laboratory. Rats fed only lard, milk fat and yeast began to have difficulty reproducing. Observationsshowed that adding lettuce leaves and wheat germ oil (containing vitamin E) to the diet of the experimental subjects improved the situation.

Until now, fish oil was thought to promote fertility, but scientific evidence has proven that it is tocopherol acetate, which scientists have quickly become public about, that is useful for restoring and maintaining the functional state of reproductive function in men and women.

Natural sources of "vitamin of youth"

Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate), the reviews of doctors about which prove the effectiveness of its regular intake, can be obtained by enriching your diet with the following products:

  • cabbage;
  • pine nuts;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pistachios;
  • almonds;
  • sea buckthorn;
  • lettuce;
  • liver;
  • parsley;
  • rosehip.

Almost all types of nuts, including cashews and hazelnuts, contain the “vitamin of youth.”

Vitamin of youth from food
Vitamin of youth from food

As the reviews show, alpha tocopherol is a must-have for girls on a weight loss diet. Doctors recommend that those who refuse products containing natural vitamin E take encapsulated tocopherol, this will prevent brittle hair and nails and improve skin condition.

Vitamin E helps you lose weight?

There is an opinion that taking tocopherol helps to slightly reduce weight. And this is not just a publicity stunt - there is a scientific justification for this.mechanism.

Vitamins alpha tocopherol acetate, reviews of which among pharmacists are positive, contribute to the normal absorption of zinc. In turn, due to the normalization of the level of zinc in the body, the production of insulin decreases - which means that the person's appetite decreases.

Endocrinologists agree that tocopherol has the ability to positively influence metabolism, accelerating it. In addition, while taking chromium and vitamin E, according to doctors, the level of cholesterol in the body decreases. The joint intake of manganese and tocopherol, reviews of which boil down to the rapid elimination of toxins from the body, also contributes to a slight weight loss and the formation of beautiful lines and curves of the female figure.

Nutritionists remind that taking vitamin E helps only with an integrated approach to weight loss - without exercise and restrictions on fried and spicy dishes, you should not expect a pronounced effect.

Benefits of Vitamin E
Benefits of Vitamin E

How does vitamin E deficiency manifest?

As the reviews show, vitamin E (tocopherol) helps to increase the overall tone of the body, accelerate growth and improve hair structure, and also has a positive effect on reproductive function.

How does a lack of tocopherol manifest itself:

  1. General weakness, anemia, general distraction.
  2. Involuntary termination of pregnancy, violation of the process of attachment of the embryo to the uterus.
  3. Changes in the overall hormonal background.
  4. Painful menses,loop failure.
  5. Brittle nails, split hair, dry skin.

As the reviews show, tocopherol may not be enough for children. Symptoms in this case will be:

  1. Frequent colds as a result of a decrease in the body's defense reactions.
  2. Violations in the work of housing and communal services.
  3. Complaints of blurred vision.
  4. Dry skin, itchiness and scratching.
  5. Incoordination.

Impact on reproductive function

In the 20s of the last century, it was found that with regular intake of tocopherol, the epithelial tissue of the testes in men is in good condition, which contributes to rapid and effective conception.

A sufficient level of vitamin E in the body of a pregnant woman helps to bear a he althy fetus, without developmental pathologies.

Vitamin E helps during pregnancy
Vitamin E helps during pregnancy

For women in the postmenstrual period, taking the "vitamin of youth" helps to compensate for estrogen levels. Doctors recommend taking vitamin on a regular basis - it is safer than taking hormonal drugs, and the result is much more pronounced.

Using tocopherol for facial skin

Tocopherol acetate for the face, reviews on the use of which are only positive, helps to preserve natural collagen, improve skin turgor. The use of vitamin E in liquid form for the skin of the face can quickly restore a fresh and rested look, reduce the severity of dark circles under the eyes and saturate the skin with moisture.

Image"Vitamin of youth"
Image"Vitamin of youth"

Many girls use liquid vitamin E as an eye cream. Reviews of this use of tocopherol claim that the effect they achieved in 2 weeks of using the oily vitamin can be compared with luxury creams. Naturally, the cost of using tocopherol is ten times cheaper, and if we compare the volume of eyelid skin cream (on average, it is 15 mg, the cost is from 100 rubles and more) and the volume of alpha-tocopherol acetate, which can be purchased at any pharmacy (50 ml, the price is less than 100 rubles), then the benefits of using vitamin E are obvious.

In addition, many cosmetic brands significantly overestimate the price of the cream, referring to the use of natural extracts and extracts. Vitamin E is a completely natural product - it can be used both in its pure form and to enrich face creams (for this you need to add 2-3 drops of tocopherol to a regular portion of the cream, you need to use this mixture right away).

Tocopherol acetate can also be used instead of lip balm - it instantly softens the skin, eliminates peeling and redness, and with regular use smoothes fine wrinkles around the mouth.

How to get a fresh and rested look in 20 minutes?

Women who did a simple nourishing facial mask three times a week: a teaspoon of vitamin E + the same amount of vitamin A (retinol acetate), noticed changes in their skin - it became more hydrated, traces of post-acne were smoothed out and became less noticeable, and a he althy blush appeared on the cheeks. The mask must be kept on the skin for 20 minutes, afterTo remove the remnants of oil with a dry cloth, for owners of oily and combination skin types, you can remove the remnants of the mask with water, without the use of soap and special products, and then gently wipe the skin with a towel.

Mask for the face
Mask for the face

Mask recipe for acne and flaking skin

Many people are familiar with peeling of the skin of the face, especially in cold and windy weather. You can get rid of it with the help of a mask, the recipe of which is presented below:

- teaspoon of tocopherol;

- teaspoon of honey;

- a tablespoon of yogurt (a product without fruit additives and sugar will do).

Apply a mask on steamed face skin, leave for full effect for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The use of this mask allows you to remove inflammation, even out skin tone and moisturize it. After the procedure, the cream can not be used, the skin will receive a sufficient portion of moisture anyway.

Get rid of stretch marks

Applying liquid vitamin E to the skin of the abdomen, thighs and chest helps prevent stretch marks. A small amount of tocopherol is applied to the problem area after taking a bath or shower - this allows you to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Expectant mothers practice such procedures every evening, and as a result, after the birth of a child, their skin returns to normal, and there are no stretch marks left.

If the problem already exists, it is best to apply oil vitamin with a small amount of mummy - one or two tablets of pharmacy mummy need to be crushed, mixed with tocopherol andrub with massage movements in the problem area. Such a body mask is not inferior in effect and benefits to the skin of the body to some salon procedures, but it is several times cheaper. The main thing in this process is consistency, if you use the composition daily for a month, the result will be obvious.

Vitamin E to improve hair structure

Tocopherol in liquid form can be applied to the hair - from the roots to the ends. For shoulder-length hair, no more than three tablespoons of the "vitamin of youth" are used. It is best to warm the vitamin before applying, for this you can put the right amount of oil in a water bath or dip a bottle of tocopherol in a glass of hot water for 10 minutes.

Luxurious hair
Luxurious hair

This mask can be kept on the hair for an hour or more, many prefer to leave the composition overnight. Vitamin E is easily washed off with shampoo. Often, after applying such masks, no rinse is required - the hair is filled with moisture from the inside, split ends become more well-groomed, the quality and structure of the hair improves, and growth accelerates.