A biochemical indicator of blood, which determines the average amount of sugar in an individual, that's what glycated hemoglobin is. Its rate is in the range of four to six percent. In another way, it is also called glycosylated hemoglobin. It is considered one of the signs that signal diabetes.
What is glycohemoglobin (Hba1c)?
The protein hemoglobin is part of the red blood cells. It is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues and organs, and removes carbon dioxide from the body. If sugar penetrates through the erythrocyte membrane, then it reacts with hemoglobin, as a result of this interaction, glycated hemoglobin is obtained. Being inside red blood cells for three to four months, hemoglobin will be a constant indicator. Then, together with glycated hemoglobin, it undergoes transformation in the spleen.

Monitoring deviation fromthe norms of sugar and glycated hemoglobin in the blood are carried out both in diabetic patients for regular monitoring of the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream, and in he althy individuals for the purpose of prevention and early detection of pathology. Every diabetic is obliged to maintain a safe level of sugar, since only in this case the risk of serious consequences is minimized. An analysis of glycosylated hemoglobin helps to detect diabetes at an early stage, that is, before symptoms appear. This test reflects your average blood sugar levels over the past three to four months.
Blood test for glycated hemoglobin. What does normal mean?
Reference values are in the range of 4.8 - 5.9%. The results are interpreted as follows. Glycosylated hemoglobin (percentage):
- 4 to 6, 2 - the individual does not have diabetes;
- 6, 5 and above - have diabetes;
- from 5, 7 to 6, 4 - the condition is regarded as prediabetes.
When deciphering the results of the study, doctors take into account the following factors that affect the final result. Patient Availability:
- abnormal forms of hemoglobin;
- anemia;
- profuse bleeding;
- iron deficiency;
- recently transfused blood. The latter's liquid preservatives are high in glucose.

In addition, the analysis is not able to reflect changes in blood sugar, for example, when glucose is elevated, but glycated hemoglobin is normal. Also in severe(labile) diabetes mellitus does not show sharp fluctuations in glucose.
Advantages of glycosylated hemoglobin analysis
The advantage of this type of research is:
- The psycho-emotional and physical state does not affect the accuracy of the results.
- It is allowed to donate biomaterial at any time of the day, regardless of food intake. However, some doctors recommend doing this procedure on an empty stomach for more accurate results.
- Medication other than anti-diabetic also has no effect.
- Seasonal infection or a cold does not distort the results of the study.
- Detection of diabetes in the early stages of development.
- Allows you to control how diabetics adhere to restrictions and keep sugar levels within acceptable limits.
Disadvantages of testing for glycated hemoglobin
These should include:
- The cost of research is more expensive than for glucose.
- Not all medical organizations perform this analysis.
- For individuals diagnosed with anemia and hemoglobinopathies, it is not suitable.
- Analysis can show that glycated hemoglobin is elevated, and glucose is normal at the same time. This phenomenon is possible with a low concentration of thyroid hormones.
- Not really a good option for expectant mothers, since glycohemoglobin reflects increased glucose after three months. During this period, it is quite realistic to take certain measures to normalize it. In addition, sugar begins to rise from the sixth month of pregnancy.
What is glycated hemoglobin and its norm?
This is one of the indicators of blood, which is determined by biochemical means. The limits of the norm are from four to six percent. It gives information about the glucose content for the last three months. When compared with a conventional study or glucose tolerance test, the analysis for glycohemoglobin wins in all respects. According to the results of the test, the necessary therapy is prescribed, which contributes to a significant improvement in the quality of life of the individual.
Doctors use Hba1c as an indicator of diabetes control. It is not influenced by any factors. If the level of glycated hemoglobin is within the acceptable range, then the individual has a minimal risk of diabetes progression and a good carbohydrate metabolism. Above six and a half percent increases the risk of diabetes.

Children's allowable limits correspond to the norm of adults.
For individuals with diabetes, the rules are different. The allowable rate for them is up to eight percent.
Regular values of glycohemoglobin (%) in men
Consider the norms of glycated hemoglobin in the blood of men:
- from 4, 5 to 5, 5 - up to thirty years;
- from 5, 5 to 6, 5 - from thirty to fifty years;
- above 7 is over fifty.

Doctors recommend that all men after the age of forty takeanalysis for Hba1c to have information about the concentration of sugar in the blood. It is at this age that most individuals are overweight. Being overweight is one of the main causes of diabetes. You need to take care of your he alth.
Regular values of glycohemoglobin (%) in women
Acceptable limits under the age of thirty years - 4-5; from thirty to fifty - 5-7; over fifty is an acceptable figure, as in men. An analysis for this indicator is recommended for the following people at risk:
- age over forty;
- overweight or fluctuations;
- taking hormonal medications;
- earlier onset of atherosclerosis;
- with persistent hypertension and some other pathologies.

The rate of glycated hemoglobin in pregnant women depends on the age of the expectant mother. For example, 6.5 - in young, and in late-born - 7.5. However, experts advise checking the glucose concentration during this period by other methods.
Glycohemoglobin target for diabetes
Eight years ago, the WHO approved the threshold for glycohemolobin to establish diabetes mellitus, and it was six and a half percent. Exceeding its norm in such patients indicates frequent jumps in blood sugar. This phenomenon is observed with improper medication, the presence of pathological processes associated with the metabolism of carbohydrates.
However, not all diabetics are recommended by doctors to reduce this indicator to the norm practicallyhe althy individual. Its low level significantly increases the risk of hypoglycemia, the consequences of which are more dangerous than high sugar. In addition, its acceptable range depends on the presence of existing complications and age:
- For severe complications: for the young up to seven, for the elderly up to eight percent.
- Minor complications: young up to six and a half, older up to seven and a half percent.
Causes of low glycated hemoglobin
If this figure is below four percent, then this indicates a low level of glucose in the blood, large blood loss, anemia. Hypoglycemia occurs when the concentration of glucose becomes less than three and a half millimoles per liter. This condition is dangerous for the life of the individual. Glycated hemoglobin is below normal for the following reasons:
- neoplasm in the pancreas;
- adrenal insufficiency;
- prolonged exercise;
- hereditary fructose intolerance;
- long-term low-carb diet;
- overdose of hypoglycemic drugs;
- some rare genetic anomalies;
- chronic kidney failure;
- anemia;
- malaria;
- alcoholism.
Causes of increased glycated hemoglobin
Glycated hemoglobin above normal means that there is a long-term stable increase in blood sugar levels in the blood. This phenomenon is not in all cases considered a harbinger of diabetes. Such a diagnosis is made when glycosylated hemoglobin exceeds six and a half percent. In addition, a violation of carbohydrate metabolism can also occur from a failure of glucose tolerance or an increase in fasting glucose. This condition is called prediabetes. Levels may also increase for the following non-diabetic reasons:
- after spleen removal;
- high concentration of fetal (fetal) hemoglobin in the baby;
- lack of iron in an individual's body.
If the factors listed above acted as provocateurs of an increased level of glycohemoglobin, then over time it will return to normal values.
It is important to remember that a sharp decrease in this type of hemoglobin is not recommended for diabetics, as there is a high probability of complications in the small vessels of the kidneys and eyes. An annual reduction of one or one and a half percent is considered the most optimal.
Available for everyone ways to stabilize glycated hemoglobin

To achieve the targets you need:
- Proper nutrition - increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet. Eat low calorie dairy products. Eat more oily fish and nuts. From spices, give preference to cinnamon. Minimize sweets and high-calorie foods.
- Stress management - doing breathing exercises, meditation or yoga. Eliminate bad habits gradually.
- Regular physical activity - at least thirty minutes a day, combininganaerobic and aerobic exercises. The more activity, the closer to the normative values of glycated hemoglobin.
Why take a glycohemoglobin test?
What is glycated hemoglobin and its norm in the analysis, what does it show? As a result of the interaction of glucose with hemoglobin, this compound is formed, the norm of which is the same for all sexes and ages. The advantage of this test for diabetics is that with it;
- Determine what concentration of sugar was in his blood for the last three months.
- Evaluate the effect of ongoing pharmacotherapy. If necessary, make adjustments.

Now you know what glycated hemoglobin is and its norm. With regular research, you can identify a dangerous disease at an early stage and completely recover. If there are fluctuations in glycohemoglobin levels, then careful monitoring of the concentration of sugar in the bloodstream is necessary. It is not recommended to independently interpret the results of the research.
Situations when a single analysis showed that glucose is elevated, and glycated hemoglobin is normal - this is not a pathology, but nutritional errors, i.e. the individual is he althy, but ate a lot of sweets before the study. If you have any questions, seek the advice of a qualified he althcare professional.