Urine analysis is one of the most common and informative laboratory tests. It is not surprising that it is prescribed for the diagnosis of various diseases, as part of preventive medical examinations. The indicators that are studied here give an idea of both the state of the urinary tract and kidneys, and the presence of inflammatory processes, their nature, help to identify common diseases.
What are the causes of poor urinalysis in women? What does this or that deviation from normal indicators indicate? What can be judged by the color and transparency of the collected urine? These and other topics will be discussed further.
If we turn to the norms of urine analysis in women, we will see that the color of urine should be in the range from light straw to amber. It is determined by the blood pigments contained in the liquid, the concentration of other substances dissolved in it.
If a person drinks a lot of liquid, then, accordingly, the color of his urine will be lighter. At the same time, morning urine is somewhat darker than daytime, evening, which is associated withnight abstinence from urination.
It is important to note that many foods and medicines can change the color of urine, so here deviations from the normal color are also not pathological. For example, cephalosporins can color urine almost light red, sulfonamides brown, riboflavin bright yellow.
But there are also pathological causes of poor urinalysis in women:
- Brown, yellow-green, beer colors. Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
- Dirty red color. Kidney diseases. The color indicates the presence of blood in the urine.
- Milky white. High concentration of phosphates and fats in the body.
- Almost black. Observed with the destruction of erythrocyte cells and hemolytic anemia.
- Practically colorless urine. Indicates polyuria, pyelonephritis, diabetes and diabetes insipidus.

According to the norms of urine analysis in women, urine should be transparent. If it is stored for several hours, sedimentation is allowed.
If the urine is cloudy for several days, this indicates inflammatory processes in the body. Urine becomes cloudy due to the high content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, s alts, epithelial cells and dead bacteria in it.
Specific gravity
This characteristic is one of the most important in the analysis of urine. Specific gravity is a measure of the specific gravity of a fluid, reflecting how well the kidneys filter blood.
Normal readings:
- Adults: 1012-1025.
- Children: 1004-1005.
During the day, this indicator fluctuates depending on the amount of water drunk and food eaten.
Diagnostic criterion: the presence of glucose and protein in the urine, which exceed the specific gravity of urine.

Normal adult urine will have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. It must be said that the pH of urine also depends on the human diet. If he eats mostly plant foods, the reaction will shift towards alkaline (up to 8.0). If animal protein is preferred, the reaction is more acidic (about 4.5).
An acidic environment is more favorable for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Why acidification of urine often indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the body.
Proteins (protein)
Protein in urine. What does such an indicator mean? Normally, there should be no protein in the urine at all. But if on the eve of collecting urine there was a serious physical activity or a person ate raw protein foods (milk, raw eggs), then an increase in this indicator to 0.033 g / l will be non-pathological. It is not alarming and the content of some protein in the urine of a newborn.
In other cases, proteinuria (the presence of protein in the urine) indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys, tumor formations and other serious conditions of the body.
The cause of poor urine analysis in women in this case can also be pregnancy. Here the content of protein in urine is normal. But still in the first trimester this is the reasonto suspect overt or latent pathology of the kidneys. Protein in urine in 2-3 semesters in large quantities is a symptom of preeclampsia. The woman needs to be rushed to the hospital.

Normally, human urine does not contain sugar. A small amount of glucose is allowed if the patient ate a lot of sweets the day before. However, here it is required to retake the analysis already when abstaining from sweets.
The cause of sugar in the urine of a woman is diabetes. The filtering ability of the kidneys has its limits. If the blood glucose level exceeds the normal values twice, then the excess sugar will be excreted in the urine. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is given a blood glucose test.
Ketone bodies
No acetone is normally present in urine (ketone bodies). Ketone bodies are formed during the breakdown of fats, indicating a disturbed metabolism. Since normally, the body draws energy from the glucose that comes with food. Or glycogen when it is deficient. Even when glycogen stores in the liver are exhausted, the body begins to produce energy from fat reserves.
This process is also evidenced by the specific smell of urine - it gives off acetone. As for children, ketone bodies in their urine can be detected during exhaustion or strong physical exertion. If ketone bodies are found along with elevated glucose levels, this indicates the development of diabetes.
The reason for poor urine analysis in women in this category may also be food poisoning, diarrhea. In a leaflet withBy the results of the analysis opposite "ketone bodies" you can see different combinations:
- "+" - slightly positive result.
- "++" or "+++" is positive.
- "++++" - a sharply positive result.
Accordingly, the more pluses, the higher the concentration of acetone in the urine.

Bilirubin, urobilin
Bilirubin and urobilin are the names of bile pigments. The reason for the presence of bilirubin in the urine is the severe pathological processes that occur in the liver, violating the structure of its tissues. In particular, cirrhosis, hepatitis, oncological diseases. Often, an elevated level of bilirubin persists after surgery on this organ and biliary tract.
Normally, only a small concentration of urobilinogen (also a bile pigment) is allowed - no more than 17 µmol / l. Its amount may increase with increased breakdown of red blood cells. It is caused by various diseases. But mostly with infections.
The presence of hemoglobin is the presence of red blood pigment in urine. If it is observed in large quantities, this indicates hemolysis in the vessels of red blood cells. In the case when the pigment is in the urine after the breakdown of red blood cells, there will be no sediment. Urine will be a uniform "varnish" dark red color.
Destruction of erythrocytes in vessels is a serious pathological condition. It is observed during transfusion of incompatible blood, severe burns and injuries, poisoningpotent toxins, malignant tumors.

If the squamous epithelium in the urine of a woman is increased, what does this fact indicate? Epithelial cells are constantly updated and sloughed off throughout life. Those epithelial cells that line the urinary tract, respectively, will be excreted along with urine. Therefore, single inclusions of the epithelium in the urine will be the norm.
But if the amount of transitional or squamous epithelium in the urine of a woman is increased, this indicates a disease of the genitourinary system. But if particles of the epithelium of the kidneys are found in the urine, one can judge the inflammation of the kidney tissues, circulatory disorders in these organs, or poisoning of the body.
The presence of leukocytes in urine is not pathological. The norm for men is 0-3. The norm for women is 0-5. If this volume is exceeded, then the doctor may suspect leukocyturia - inflammation of the urinary system.
The more leukocytes are found, the more intense, the inflammatory process develops on a larger scale. If there are a lot of them, there is a reason to talk about pus in the urine. The most severe degree of inflammation.
It should be noted that the increased content of leukocytes in the urine of women often has nothing to do with pathological processes. May be observed when urine is not collected correctly for analysis.

The presence of red blood cells in the urine of women is not pathological. Normally, their number in the urine of a he althy person is 1-2. If more, then suspectmicrohematuria. If at the same time the urine is colored pinkish or even reddish, this indicates gross hematuria.
Fresh and un altered red blood cells can be found in urine at slightly acidic or neutral pH. If this reaction is acidic, then the erythrocytes will discolor. Then they talk about leached red blood cells.
If erythrocytes got into the urine from the renal vessels, this is additionally indicated by the content of protein and cylinders in the urine. Note that for a short time the level of erythrocytes in the urine can be exceeded with a severe injury, significant physical exertion.
S alts
S alt in the urine of a woman is often not a deviation from the norm. It all depends on the condition of the patient, the reason for which she was assigned the analysis. Therefore, its decryption should still be trusted by a specialist, and not carried out independently.
Additionally, it is necessary to highlight such a phenomenon as urate in the urine of a woman. These are the soluble potassium and sodium s alts found in uric acid. With the appearance of these inclusions in the urine, the disease is associated with uraturia or uric acid diathesis.
These are stones (by their nature - uric acid s alts) of a light yellow or reddish hue. They are rounded and rough. Their formation leads to a love of strong tea, spicy cheeses, spinach, tomatoes, smoked foods, excessive consumption of meat and offal. Causes the formation of urates and alcohol abuse. Uric acid diathesis can be provoked by constant stressful situations, hereditary predisposition, past pathologies - hepatitis, pyelonephritis,pancreatitis.
In pregnant women, another reason for the formation of urates is toxicosis, which often results in dehydration. Also, uraturia in women can provoke an infectious disease of the genitourinary system.
If the nature of the pathology is infectious, then the doctor prescribes treatment against pathogens. In all cases, the main component of treatment will be a diet, the exclusion of harmful foods from the diet, and the stabilization of the water regime.

Normally, the content of a small amount of mucus in urine is also acceptable. But exceeding this indicator indicates the presence of kidney or bladder stones.
However, in relation to women, this indicator can not always be called pathological: mucus can also enter the urine from the genital tract. However, if the values of this indicator are increased, this indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.
As you can see, each of the deviations from the norm in the analysis of urine indicates a certain pathology, illness or wrong lifestyle. Sometimes a single urine test is not enough to make a diagnosis. The study only gives reason to suspect any disease. Therefore, additional diagnostics are mandatory.