The demographic situation in the country has improved in recent years. Not the last role in this was played by modern clinics focused on preserving the life and he alth of mother and child. The perinatal center (Syktyvkar) is a narrow-profile medical institution where the main goal is to continue life.
The Perinatal Center (Syktyvkar) was opened in 1971, but then institutions of this type were called maternity hospitals. The reorganization took place in the late 90s, the clinic received the opportunity to provide services on an expanded spectrum and a new name - "Komi Republican Perinatal Center".
More than 200 women can stay in the inpatient department of the clinic at the same time, the outpatient appointment is open to all categories of citizens. Services are provided not only for pregnant women, but also for newborns. The specialized clinic annually attends about 3.5 thousand births per year, which is 32% of all births taking place in the republic.
"Komi Republican Perinatal Center" in Syktyvkar provides special attention to premature and weak children -the first four months of life are spent under the supervision of a pediatrician of the center who comes to the house. The clinic employs five hundred people, of which 84 are doctors of the highest and first category.
Over a decade of work, doctors have managed to reduce the infant mortality rate by 2.7 times, the mortality rate of babies in the first year of life has decreased by 2.2 times. The medical staff has extensive experience and high-quality professional training, which has made it possible to drastically reduce the number of obstetric complications. Indicators in all areas have improved significantly due to the fact that a modern perinatal center (Syktyvkar) has appeared in the republic.

The administration and doctors of the clinic see their task not only in delivering children, but also in accompanying a new person from the moment of birth to the appearance of children. The Republican Perinatal Center in Syktyvkar provides assistance to residents not only of the city, but also of remote areas of the region. Specialists conduct telephone consultations, and in case of complications at any stage of maintaining pregnancy or obstetrics, they deliver the patient to the clinic. Telemedicine is seen as a promising direction in the development of services, with its help it will be possible to help a much larger number of patients.
The Perinatal Center (Syktyvkar, Pushkina, 103) is not only a clinic, but also an educational and methodological base for the obstetric service throughout the Komi Republic. The main tasks are:
- Education of Republican doctorsmunicipal medical institutions in specialized speci alties (obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, neonatologist, therapist, etc.).
- Professional development of doctors and medical staff of the clinic, development of practical skills, recertification.
One of the promising areas of activity and development in the center is the nursing of premature newborns, whose weight has not reached 1 kilogram. Today, Russian medicine has many opportunities, and most children can go out. The second direction of development is an effective diagnosis of the condition of a pregnant woman and a child, in which pathologies, developmental abnormalities and other diseases are detected in the early stages. The protection of motherhood and childhood is the most important task for the clinic.

Republican Perinatal Center (Syktyvkar) has branches:
- Outpatient. The department offers a range of services, including consultations, biochemical tests in the early stages of pregnancy (ultrasound, diagnosis verification, invasive diagnostic methods, etc.).
- Consultative and diagnostic clinic where experienced obstetrician-gynecologists, neurologists, ophthalmologists, neonatologists and other specialists conduct appointments, as well as functional diagnostics.
- Inpatient obstetrics department, where a range of tests of the fetal condition (ECG, ultrasound, DMP, etc.) is performed.
- Department of obstetrics.
- Department of neonatal care (resuscitation, respiratory support, diagnosis of diseases of the central nervous system,rehabilitation, etc.).
In the clinic, in addition to practical, advisory assistance, educational work is carried out on the basis of the Family Center. The lectures are aimed at young people and older children. There is also a “Miracle of Birth” school organized to prepare couples for parental responsibilities.

High tech
Conception and childbirth are not smooth for everyone, in some cases, research, treatment and high-tech medical care are required. The Perinatal Center (Syktyvkar) invites everyone interested to contact the in vitro fertilization department.
According to statistics, about 15-20% of married couples in Russia suffer from infertility. "Komi Perinatal Center" (Syktyvkar) has a modern IVF department, where the diagnosis of men and women is carried out in order to identify deviations in the reproductive function. Based on the results of the analyzes and a thorough study of all data (including daily habits, anamnesis of diseases of previous generations, etc.), treatment is prescribed.
If traditional methods did not help, then an artificial insemination procedure is prescribed - IVF. The procedure is implemented under the following conditions:
- Consent of both partners to conduct it.
- The absence of inflammatory, infectious and chronic diseases in both partners.
- The absence of pathologies in both partners.
You can get treatment and IVF under the compulsory he alth insurance program. In SyktyvkarThe center has created a queue for the procedure, you can follow its movement online. Anyone can use the services on a commercial basis. To date, the perinatal center has given birth to 641 children and made dozens of families happy.

Patient Reminder
Scheduled visits to the perinatal center of Syktyvkar are carried out in the presence of a referral from the attending obstetrician-gynecologist at the place of attachment. Paid services are carried out according to the current price list. Reception is conducted by highly qualified specialists.
There are several programs in the center:
- Pregnancy management and support program.
- Birth preparation school for both parents.
- Birthing Complementary Services Program.
- Gembank Stem Cell Preservation Program.
- Program for postproductive women.

A perinatal center (Syktyvkar) is popular with many women. Reviews with positive ratings tell about the professionalism of all staff, friendly attitude towards women and babies. Many warm words have been said about the care that women in labor receive at every stage, right up to the moment of discharge. Patients recommend contacting this center, because they received the best conditions for childbirth, pregnancy support. It is indicated that the entire range of analyzes was carried out in the shortest possible time.
Negative reviewsthey talk about not very comfortable living conditions, mention that there is one toilet and shower per floor for the entire number of patients, and there are a lot of them. Due to the fullness of the departments, doctors do not have time to pay attention to each woman in order to answer all the disturbing questions.

Useful information
The perinatal center is located in the city of Syktyvkar on Pushkin street, building 114/4 (main building). At the address - Pushkin Street, building 103 - there is a consultative and diagnostic department.