Many are familiar with lily of the valley-valerian drops. It is a sedative drug of plant origin. It has a calming and hypnotic effect, relieves some spasms, increases myocardial contractility. Based on this, we can conclude that the medicine is beneficial. However, it can also be harmful. To prevent drops from adversely affecting he alth, you must strictly follow the instructions.
Composition and dosage form
Lily of the valley-valerian drops consist of two components of plant origin. The medicine is made on the basis of tinctures of lily of the valley and valerian.
The drug goes on sale in vials made of dark glass. Each container contains 25 ml of the drug. The liquid appears to be transparent. Its color may be brown or reddish brown.
Indications and contraindications

Drops made on the basis of tinctures of lily of the valley and valerian are prescribed as part of complex therapy for those people who complain of increased nervous excitability, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, and sleep disturbance. The tool is often included in the treatment of chronic heart failure I-II functional class.
The medicine has a number of contraindications. It should not be used if myocarditis (damage to the middle muscle layer of the heart) or endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart) is diagnosed. It is forbidden to be treated with drops for hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Another contraindication is related to age. Landyshevo-Valerian drops are not prescribed by doctors until the age of 18. And so that children do not accidentally take the medicine and do not harm themselves, adults should keep the bottle out of reach.
Instructions for use

Drops are intended for oral administration. Single dose - 20 drops. In just a day, you can take the medicine no more than three times. The drug should not be taken for a long period of time, because too long treatment adversely affects he alth. The maximum allowable course indicated in the instructions for lily of the valley-valerian drops is 1.5-2 months and no more.
Be sure to be careful in the use of the medicine if:
- there are any diseases of the liver, brain;
- has had a craniocerebral injury in the pastinjury;
- has a drinking problem.
The period of use of the drug may be accompanied by side symptoms. The instructions for use of lily of the valley-valerian drops say that in some people the components cause allergies, headaches, and muscle weakness. Prolonged use of the drug provokes the occurrence of such a delicate problem as constipation.
Additional information

Those taking drops should consider:
- The maximum daily dose of this drug contains approximately 0.65 g of ethyl alcohol;
- drug enhances the medicinal effects of sleeping pills and other drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system;
- during the period of application of lily of the valley-valerian drops, it is recommended to drive a car with caution and perform work that requires increased attention and quick response;
- experts are not aware of cases of overdose, but despite this, it is impossible to ignore the recommended doses in the instructions and take more drops.
Drops made from tinctures of lily of the valley and valerian - OTC drug. It is valid for 24 months from the date of manufacture. During this period, it is important to properly store the medicine, because the safety of medicinal properties depends on it. Sunlight should not fall on the bottle with drops. A favorable storage temperature is no more than 25 degrees.