"Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiell": description and reviews

"Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiell": description and reviews
"Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiell": description and reviews

Inflammatory processes of an infectious nature cause many serious and life-threatening diseases. Dealing with such problems is not easy, because some types of bacteria require treatment with highly specialized drugs that are effective for a certain group of organisms. Some are attracted by the opportunity to use the drug "Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella" for this purpose. What is this drug? How to apply it? In what cases is this drug effective? This will be the subject of this article.

bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella
bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella


"Klebsiella bacteriophage polyvalent" in essence is a highly specialized immunobiological preparation active against Klebsiella bacteria that can cause a number of diseases dangerous to human life. Mainpurified phagolysates filtrate became the active ingredient of the preparation.

bacteriophage Klebsiella polyvalent
bacteriophage Klebsiella polyvalent

Issue form

"Polyvalent Klebsiella bacteriophage" liquid purified can be applied both topically and orally in a variety of ways (more details on the use and dosage of the drug are described below). The drug is available in ampoules of the following volume: five and ten milliliters. There can be five or ten such ampoules in a package. Also, the drug is available in vials of twenty milliliters each. One pack contains four vials.

Indications for use

"Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella" can be effectively used to combat a variety of diseases that are caused by Klebsiella (the only type of bacteria that is sensitive to the drug in question). So, for example, this drug will successfully cope with various purulent-inflammatory diseases of the nose, throat and ears (for example, otitis media), as well as purulent-inflammatory diseases localized in a completely different way (cystitis, infected wounds and other problems of similar etiology). "Bacteriophage Klebsiella polyvalent" will also help in the fight against ozena, enteric diseases and rhinoscleroma. Sometimes it is reasonable to use the drug in question and as a prophylactic for the potentially possible spread of Klebsiella bacteria in a hospital or any other room.

bacteriophage polyvalent instruction
bacteriophage polyvalent instruction

Mechanism of action

The main active ingredient of the drug are bacterial viruses. They act as follows: the virus enters the bacterial cell, which is sensitive to the effects of this virus, becomes part of its genome and actively affects all metabolic processes occurring inside the dangerous cell, causing its energy starvation. As a result of such processes, the harmful bacterium dies, and the beneficial viral particles actively increase in number and infect more and more foreign bacteria.

This drug thus affects only a few specific types of bacteria (Klebsiella), which provoke the development of a number of dangerous infectious inflammatory processes, regardless of their location and degree of development. It makes no sense to use the drug to fight bacteria of a different etiology. The use of "Bacteriophage" cannot cause the development of dysbacteriosis, that is, it does not have any negative impact on the microflora of the body.

When using the drug by any of the methods described above, phages (viral particles) actively accumulate inside bacterial cells localized in the area of infection. In the initial periods of treatment, the number of active viral particles increases dramatically, but begins to decline to the extent that pathogenic bacteria die. When pathogens are completely destroyed, the concentration of phages is reduced to a minimum. After that, the body's immune system independently destroys what is left of the viral particles.

bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella liquid purified
bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella liquid purified

How to use

As a rule, the drug in question is prescribed for oral administration. Other methods of application are rectal and topical application. The drug should be taken forty to sixty minutes before meals three times a day. However, the dosage varies depending on the age of the patient.

So, children under the age of six months can take no more than five milliliters of the drug orally or no more than ten milliliters rectally. For children from six months to a year, the required dose of the drug is from ten to fifteen milliliters of the drug (depending on the weight of the child) orally or twenty milliliters if the medicine is prescribed for rectal administration. Children from one to three years old should be administered from fifteen to twenty milliliters of the working solution orally and, accordingly, from twenty to thirty milliliters rectally. Children under eight years of age should take twenty to thirty milliliters orally and no more than forty milliliters rectally. Adults and children over eight years of age should take forty milliliters orally and no more than fifty milliliters rectally.

To fight pneumonia, it is reasonable to use the drug in question in the form of an aerosol.

Duration of bacteriophage treatment should be between seven and fourteen days. The exact time of treatment directly depends on the location of the inflammatory process in the human body, the nuances and severity of its course and the individual characteristics of the patient.

If the drugis used as a prophylaxis, then it should be taken only once a day (the dosage in this case should be observed in accordance with the age of the patient).


Neither laboratory studies nor practice have revealed absolutely no contraindications for the use of the drug "Polyvalent Bacteriophage". The instruction, however, recommends strictly observing the recommended dosages in order to fully protect yourself when treating with the drug in question.

bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiell reviews
bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiell reviews

Side effects

"Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella" is considered absolutely safe for the human body. No adverse reactions were found during laboratory tests.

Application features

When using the "Polyvalent Bacteriophage" preparation, the instruction recommends paying attention to the unique nuances of treatment with the drug in question. Such special instructions include the following.

Before starting treatment, which is based on the drug "Bacteriophage Klebsiella polyvalent", it is necessary to undergo a thorough bacteriological study that will accurately identify the causative agent of the disease, identify it, and also study whether it is sensitive to the drug in question.

Interestingly, there is no need to interrupt or cancel treatment with a course of antibiotics while using this drug. Noneantibiotics will not be able to affect the activity and effectiveness of the preparation "Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella liquid purified". The instruction also recommends paying attention to the physical state of the working solution in the ampoule. Shake the vial before use to check for any sediment. If it is found, the drug should not be used in any case. A sign of danger is also any, even the most insignificant, turbidity of the solution in the ampoule.

If this drug is used to restore the skin and mucous membranes after any chemical antiseptics, then before using these areas should be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of water. This requirement is due to the fact that any chemical antiseptics destroy not only bacteria, but also viruses, which nullifies the effectiveness of the drug.

Bacteriophage has no effect on the speed of thinking, clarity of consciousness and concentration.

The use of the drug by pregnant women or during breastfeeding is possible only under the supervision of a competent specialist.

It is important to remember that the drug "Bacteriophage Klebsiella polyvalent" (see photo at the beginning of the article) makes sense to use to combat any infectious diseases only if they are caused by those Klebsiella that are definitely sensitive to bacteriophage.

bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella liquid purified instructions
bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella liquid purified instructions

Interaction withother medicines

"Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella" can be safely used as a parallel therapy with other antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

bacteriophage polyvalent klebsiella what is it
bacteriophage polyvalent klebsiella what is it

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored in compliance with a number of necessary conditions. So, for example, the temperature in the place of storage should be kept within the range of two to eight degrees Celsius. The medicine can be stored for no more than one year from the date of its manufacture. It is important to monitor the expiration date of the drug "Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella", because the effectiveness of the drug and its effect on the patient's body largely depend on this.

Procedure of sale

This drug is usually available by prescription. Therefore, if this drug was prescribed by the attending physician, there will be no problems with its purchase.


Caring for one's he alth, demonstrating respect for life, is an important task for every person. Significant benefit in the fight against infectious diseases of the described genesis is brought by "Bacteriophage polyvalent Klebsiella". Reviews about this drug leave no doubt about its effectiveness. Patients praise the medicine for a quick result and the absence of adverse reactions. According to reviews, the local application of the drug in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation is also incredibly effective.

Quality treatment is the key to productivity in youth andlongevity. Choosing the most effective drugs for your own treatment and the treatment of your loved ones is a serious responsibility. "Klebsiella bacteriophage polyvalent" will be the right solution in this situation.
