How to restore the mucous membrane of the throat with folk remedies and medicines?

How to restore the mucous membrane of the throat with folk remedies and medicines?
How to restore the mucous membrane of the throat with folk remedies and medicines?

All people on the planet have experienced severe pain in the larynx. This painful condition is associated with the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane. First of all, microbes, viruses or bacteria get on it, because it is a natural protective filter for various infections. The epithelium that covers the entire surface of the larynx, the inner part of the throat, along the way of air entering the lungs, produces a special viscous secret. It consists of:

  • macrophages that have the ability to grab foreign cells - bacteria and toxic particles;
  • granulocytes (one of the types of granular leukocytes);
  • T-helpers, which are helpers of lymphocytes in the immune response.

It is these substances that protect the ENT organs from pathogenic microbes. If inflammation begins in the throat, this indicates a decrease in immunity, the body is weakened and cannot cope with the disease.

In the article, we will consider how to restore the mucous membrane of the throat with medicines and folk remedies, the reasonsinflammatory processes, how to alleviate the condition with a diet and additional restorative procedures.

Why does my throat hurt?

Pharyngitis is not associated with any season. You can also get sick in the winter cold from hypothermia or SARS, in the off-season - from increased dampness or humidity, in the spring immunity from a lack of vitamins decreases, in the summer people often drink chilled drinks or eat ice cream, stay in air-conditioned rooms. Inflammation of the mucous throat can appear from insufficient humidity in the room, dryness irritates the membrane, and the larynx begins to tickle.

In areas with a poor environmental situation or the presence of large industries, people inhale polluted air. Sometimes inflammatory processes in the ENT organs are caused by a lack of vitamins A and E, B and C. After a decrease in immunity, the protective mechanisms of the throat mucosa are no longer so strong, the resulting failures are transmitted to the glands that produce a viscous secret.

The throat suffers from both a lack of mucus and an excess of it, causing an obsessive cough and hyperemia of the larynx. Therefore, it is very useful to know how to restore the mucous membrane of the throat. Treatment of the patient must begin at the first symptoms so that the inflammatory process does not sink lower into the bronchi or turn into a severe form of follicular tonsillitis.

Symptoms of disease

It is easier for an adult to understand an incipient illness than for a child. However, people often continue to perform daily functions and ignore the onset of pharyngitis. Treatment usually begins when the symptoms are already so obvious that they interferevital activity. This is wrong, because it is much easier to stop the course of the disease at the very beginning than to cure the advanced form.

The doctor examines the throat
The doctor examines the throat

Consider the first signs:

  • sore throat, constant dryness, which makes you want to drink something warm or cough;
  • itching and pain when swallowing;
  • appearance of a runny nose;
  • red rims can be seen on the tonsils in the mirror, sometimes white patches of pus appear;
  • there is a general weakness of the body, a person gets tired faster.

The patient, already with such signs, should think about how to restore the mucous membrane of the throat. Consider how you can alleviate the condition at home.

Methods for eliminating irritants

Doctors give advice like this:

  • It is best to try to breathe through the nose, this will protect the mucous from drying out and will not cause additional irritation.
  • If the nasal passages are blocked, instill drops. It is best to use products containing oils, as they do not dry out the mucous membrane.
  • Drink more liquids - warm (not hot) teas, water, non-acidic juices, rosehip broth or raspberry compote.
  • Give up the bad habit of smoking. Tobacco smoke irritates the throat even more.
  • If you have high acidity or gastroesophageal reflux, sit on a strict diet, because stomach acid can only increase throat irritation. You can not eat spicy and s alty foods, fried and smoked meats, sour foods and raw fruits and vegetables. Foodshould be fractional, crushed and warm. Neither cold nor hot food or drink should be consumed.
  • Don't tense your throat, keep quiet, especially outdoors during the cold season.

If the room is dry due to heat in summer or central heating radiators in winter, then get a humidifier. If not, place a bowl of water on the windowsill or hang a damp washcloth over the radiator. Clean your room more often.

Medicines for sore throats

Depending on the cause of the inflammation in the throat, the doctor prescribes the following types of medicines:

Medicines for sore throat
Medicines for sore throat
  • Antiviral drugs - "Arbidol" or "Interferon", "Cycloferon" or "Amiksin". There are quite a few of them on sale, only your doctor can prescribe the right option.
  • Antibiotics - the penicillin series is used, for example, "Amoxicillin" or "Macropen". You need to drink medicines twice a day at regular intervals.
  • "Loratadine" or "Diazolin" are antihistamines that will relieve irritation.
  • If the throat disease is of a fungal origin, then Nystatin or Fluconazole is prescribed.

Resorbable tablets

If you do not know how to treat the mucous throat, then check out the list of the most common sucking tablets that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Here are some of them:

"Strepsils" are lozenges with menthol and eucalyptus or honey and lemon, there is a simple version without fillers with vitamin C. Such tablets should not be given to children under 6 years of age. Resorption should begin after the first signs of pharyngitis. Every couple of hours take one lollipop. But per day, the norm should not exceed 12 pieces

  • "Pharingosept" - is prescribed for infection with various -coccal infections. The substance ambazon prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms and reduces itching and pain when swallowing.
  • "Chlorophyllipt". Instructions for use defines this drug as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. You can dissolve green tablets with tonsillitis and erosions of the larynx, they help well even with ulcerative stomatitis and tonsillitis. The preparation consists of a mixture of chlorophylls from eucalyptus leaves. Children, pregnant and breastfeeding women are not recommended to use this drug for treatment, since studies have not been conducted and the effect of exposure has not been studied. It's better not to risk it. Also, the instruction for the use of "Chlorophyllipt" warns that the drug contains sugar, so diabetics should not buy it.
  • "Lisobakt" is good for children. Babies from 3 to 7 years old are allowed to use 1 pc. in a day. Adults - 2 to 3 tablets per day. Be sure to check the medicine for an allergic reaction, as hives are possible.


Dryit is convenient to moisten the mucous membrane of the throat with sprays. These are drugs that spray the medicine directly into the mouth on the larynx, covering all hard-to-reach places. There are rules for the use of all sprays. First you need to take a few sips of liquid. Then turn the spray nozzle towards the open mouth. You only need to press the button once. After spraying, close your mouth and refrain from drinking and eating for a while.

Spray use
Spray use

List some of the popular sprays:

  • "Ingalipt" is an inexpensive domestic drug created on the basis of streptocide. This antibiotic has been used in medicine for a long time and many microorganisms have developed immunity to it.
  • "Stopangin" or "Gexoral". Works well for fungal, bacterial and viral infections. Allowed even for children and pregnant women.
  • The throat spray "Lugol" is also produced under the name "Yoks". The iodine content has an anti-inflammatory effect.


This procedure consists of inhaling small particles of medicinal substance in the form of vapor. People have been treated with inhalations since ancient times, inhaling a soda solution or a decoction of herbs, the medicine gets far into the larynx and respiratory tract. Nebulizers are now popular, where you can use medicines prescribed by a doctor.

herbal inhalations
herbal inhalations

There are simple cheap inhalers where you can breathe through a special spout with a solution of hot water (at least 60 degrees) and essentialoils, using, for example, menthol or eucalyptus, anise or fir. For 100 ml of water you need to drip 10 - 15 drops. After the procedure, do not eat anything and it is best to be silent for a while.

Inhalations with herbs

How to restore the throat mucosa with folk remedies? Suitable decoctions of herbs in the form of inhalation. If the house does not have an inhaler, you can pour 1 tbsp into a simple pan. l. crushed sage leaves in a glass of water, bring the solution to a boil, wait a bit to cool to a comfortable temperature, but not lower than 60 degrees, and lean over the container, covering your head with a terry towel. Breathe through your mouth for 15 minutes. Then take off the cape and lie down in peace.

Chamomile rinse
Chamomile rinse

In addition to sage herb, decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, as well as thyme or oregano can be used for inhalation.


Adults can use frequent rinsing as a treatment. The solution is drawn into the oral cavity, and, raising your head up, you need to pronounce the letter "A". Then be sure to spit out the liquid, you do not need to swallow the microbes back.

A solution called "Sea S alt" works well - 1 tbsp. l. s alt, the same amount of soda and one drop of iodine in a glass of warm water.

Relieves inflammation solution "Furacilin" or "Streptocide", a decoction of chamomile or calendula. You can moisten a cotton swab in it and gently wipe the tonsils.

The article describes in detail how to restore the mucous membrane of the throat in different ways, consult your doctorand start treatment immediately! Stay he althy!
