Mouth guards for bruxism: effectiveness, application features, types and reviews

Mouth guards for bruxism: effectiveness, application features, types and reviews
Mouth guards for bruxism: effectiveness, application features, types and reviews

Bruxism is a very unpleasant disease associated with periodic contraction of the masticatory muscles. Both children and adults suffer from this phenomenon. In order to preserve tooth enamel, it is necessary to use special mouthguards from bruxism. The article will tell you about the types of such mouthguards and when you should resort to their use.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is called involuntary strong clenching of the jaws, causing a characteristic grinding. A similar phenomenon is observed in many children during teething. Bruxism usually goes away by 7-8 years of age. Some adults may not even be aware that they have such an ailment, because symptoms most often appear at night.

mouthguards for bruxism
mouthguards for bruxism

The main symptom of pathology is a strong gnashing of teeth. An unpleasant sound will surely be heard by a bedmate and may even be somewhat frightened of such a phenomenon. The problem must be reported to a loved one and how you canSeek professional medical attention early. Treatment of bruxism is the prerogative of the dentist, but in some cases, additional consultation with a neurologist may be necessary.

Treatment of disease

With such a diagnosis, treatment should be selected exclusively by a doctor. Therapy should begin by establishing the causes. Experts say that the main factors lie in the psycho-emotional state of a person. Bruxism can occur against the background of stress, overexertion, long-term use of antidepressants.

Tooth enamel suffers the most from this disease. Mouthguard against abrasion of teeth with bruxism will help maintain the normal condition of the teeth. Devices are worn at night to control the masticatory muscles. If the problem is left unattended, you can get a number of serious consequences: periodontitis, chipping and loosening of the teeth, pain in the jaw and head, increased sensitivity of the teeth.

What is a kappa?

The most effective method of protecting tooth enamel is a mouthguard, a dental appliance made from modern biopolymers. This is a transparent design that should be worn on the dentition. When worn, such a device does not cause discomfort, allergic reactions and discomfort.

mouthguards for bruxism individual
mouthguards for bruxism individual

The main advantage of kappa is the ability to relieve tension caused by muscle spasm. This allows you to save the patient from morning pain in the lower jaw. Mouthguards for bruxism also allow you to saveintegrity of orthopedic systems, dentures.

By minimizing the risk of stressful situations, avoiding strenuous activities before bedtime and allowing the body to completely relax, you can prevent the next bouts of grinding at night.

Indications for use

Dental appliance must be used by persons suffering from chronic bruxism. The disease can cause displacement of the dentition and loosening of individual teeth due to constant strong friction. The mouthguard will hold your teeth in place and prevent major bite changes.

mouthguards for bruxism price
mouthguards for bruxism price

Bruxism mouthguards are individual devices that are made specifically for a particular patient. Only in this case, you can expect benefit from this device. Kappa must fully comply with the characteristics of the dentition and the structure of the jaw of a particular patient. A person suffering from involuntary grinding of teeth should definitely contact a dental technician who will take measurements and make a mouth guard.

It should be borne in mind that the kappa cannot affect the cause that caused the development of bruxism. The main purpose of the dental appliance is to protect the dentition and enamel.

Daytime mouthguards

If a patient suffers from the rare daytime form of bruxism, the doctor may recommend that daytime mouth guards be worn throughout the day. They will help to completely prevent the erasure of tooth enamel and rarefaction of teeth. After all, even in the daytime, the patient does notcan always control the clenching of the jaws. The daily bruxism mouth guard is transparent and completely invisible to others.

The advantage is that it does not interfere with talking, making sounds, drinking and eating. Such a device is also called a tire.


Wearing this type of mouth guard has its own characteristics. First of all, it concerns the installation. In the oral cavity, the daily mouth guard is located deep enough to prevent complete closure of the jaws during the next attack. Installation should only be carried out by a specialist. It is important that the design is selected according to individual dimensions. Slight discomfort may be felt in the first days of wearing a mouthguard.

Making a mouthguard

When bruxism is important to choose the right size and type of mouth guard. The specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the jaw, the age of the patient. A splint is made according to a pre-made impression of the dentition. For production, special materials are used, consisting of two layers. The outer part of the mouth guard must be firm, and the inner part must be soft, which ensures comfortable wearing and effective protection.

The doctor can offer the patient a standard splint. However, an individual kappa for bruxism will be more effective. The construction will take some time. The cost of a personal mouthguard will differ from the finished product, which has standard sizes.

making a mouthguard for bruxism
making a mouthguard for bruxism

The cast is made using a special mass,having a dense and at the same time elastic consistency. After applying the mass, the patient must clench his teeth. A plaster casting is made from the resulting cast. This manipulation is already performed in the laboratory.

Mouthguards are made using safe and soft materials. Bioplastic and biosilicone have high functionality. In the production process, a molding machine is used, in which the conditions necessary for the production process are created - high temperature and pressure. The last step is lamination.

Finished product fitting

After the tire is made, the patient must come for a fitting. The specialist installs the mouth guard and checks it for inaccuracies in the design. If defects are found, the product is sent for correction and revision.

Night mouthguards

During sleep, a person cannot control the clenching of the jaws, so wearing mouthguards is mandatory to maintain the integrity of the dentition and enamel. This type of tire is not intended for daily use. The patient can install them independently. The fitting is done by a specialist in a dental office to prevent discomfort and discomfort.

bruxism mouth guard transparent
bruxism mouth guard transparent

In addition to using a mouth guard, you need to do auto-training, learn how to relax after a hard day's work. Dental appliance should be used daily to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent damage to tooth enamel. Mouth guard for bruxism, the cost of which will depend on the materialand is calculated individually, periodically replaced by a new fixture.

Repositioning mouthguards

In rare cases, mouthguards can be used for bruxism, designed not only to prevent friction, but also to correct the position of the mandibular joint. They have the maximum protective and healing effect.

Mouth guards for children

Babies of all ages can also suffer from nighttime teeth grinding. The cause of this phenomenon may be heredity, the period of teething, neurological disorders. To preserve the integrity of the tooth enamel, doctors recommend the use of splints that the child should wear at night.

Mouthguards for bruxism in children should be appropriate for the size and characteristics of the jaw. It is recommended to make the device individually. The finished design is not always effective and can cause gum chafing and discomfort.

Typically, the symptoms of bruxism in babies disappear after teething. However, this problem should not be ignored. Timely diagnosis will help to identify the true cause that led to the development of such a phenomenon. Kappa must be used during the treatment of the underlying ailment that caused the appearance of gnashing of teeth. The device can be installed on one or both jaws.

Proper care

Mouth guards for bruxism are in almost constant use. That is why it is important to know how to properly care for the product in order to avoid the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

kappa from abrasion of teeth with bruxism
kappa from abrasion of teeth with bruxism

Care of the device is to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Required to clean the tire after each use with toothpaste and brush.
  2. For washing use warm water, the temperature of which should not exceed 60 ° C.
  3. Store the tire in a special individual container.
  4. Kappa should be protected from high or low temperatures and from direct sunlight.

Mouth guards for bruxism: reviews

Faced with the problem of nighttime teeth grinding, many begin to look for ways to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon. With symptoms of bruxism, patients turn to the dentist and other specialists (if necessary). Orthodontists recommend the mandatory use of special mouthguards for bruxism.

mouth guards for bruxism reviews
mouth guards for bruxism reviews

The price of such devices is the first thing patients are interested in. The cheapest option is a ready-made tire. It can be purchased for about 3000 rubles. Patients who have used ready-made mouthguards find many disadvantages in it. One of the significant disadvantages is the need to adjust the size, otherwise the mouthguard will constantly fly off the teeth.

A finished mouthguard lasts 4-6 months. After that, the material begins to gradually wear out and ceases to provide the necessary protection.

The custom mouthguard is the most effective way to combat bruxism. The design of such a product willexactly match the structural features of the jaw and will not cause discomfort during use. An individual mouth guard for bruxism, the price of which ranges from 6-10 thousand rubles, according to patients, does not injure the gums and is convenient to use.

The cost of production will depend on the rating of the dental clinic, the work of specialists, the material used.
