In the article, we will consider how to give Aquadetrim to children.
One of the most important vitamins for young children is considered to be the well-known vitamin D. In order to prevent its deficiency, many children are prescribed drugs that contain it. One of the most popular means should be called Aquadetrim. How to give it to a child? First of all, you need to figure out what time of day it is prescribed, how many drops to take and when the medication is not required.

Issue form
Aquadetrim is produced in liquid form, that is, in drops. This clear, colorless liquid may be slightly opalescent. These drops have an anise flavor. One medicinal package is a 10-ml vial equipped with a stopper in the form of a dropper. Now let's move on to the composition and find out what ingredients are used to make the remedy in question.
How to give a child "Aquadetrim" withvitamin D, we will tell below. In the meantime, let's talk about its composition.
The active ingredient is colecalciferol. This is the name of vitamin D3, which in one milliliter of the drug is 15 thousand units. Thirty drops of the drug are placed in 1 milliliter. One drop of this medicine contains 500 units of vitamin D.
The additional ingredients of the product are citric acid along with sodium hydrogen phosphate and macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate, as well as benzyl alcohol and purified water. The sweet taste of the drug is provided by sucrose added to the composition, and a special smell is achieved due to the anise flavor. Next, we will find out how the described medicine and vitamin D act on the children's body, how to properly give Aquadetrim to a child.
Impact principle
"Akvadetrim" is a medicine that affects the exchange of two very important minerals in the child's body. One of them is calcium, and the second is phosphorus. The drug regulates their metabolism, as a result of which the bones are mineralized, and the children's skeleton develops correctly.
This medicine contains vitamin D in the form of D3. This is a natural type of vitamin that is formed in the skin of people under the influence of the sun's rays. In that case, if compared with the D2 form, then cholecalciferol has an increased activity (by about twenty-five percent).
How many people are interested in giving Aquadetrim to children.
This drug is very important for the absorption of phosphates and calcium s alts in the intestinal region, it is responsible for the transport of these compounds throughthe human body and their entry into bone tissue. Also, the drug "Aquadetrim" has an effect on their removal from the body through the kidneys.
Without the adequate amount of vitamin D that this medicine helps to provide, a child's bone calcification along with myocardial function, muscle tone, blood clotting, parathyroid function, immunity and nervous system may be impaired. Deficiency of this compound in food or as a result of little exposure to the sun is the main cause of rickets.
So, is it possible to give the child "Akvadetrim"?

During childhood, the main reason for prescribing medication is the need to prevent hypovitaminosis D and the consequences of this problem, that is, rickets. In addition, this drug is prescribed for medicinal purposes in the presence of a diagnosed vitamin D deficiency and against the background of rickets, if the disease has already developed in a child. In addition, the use of Aquadetrim is advisable to prevent or treat such diseases:
- If osteomalacia is present.
- Due to the development of hypoparathyroidism.
- In case of hypocalcemic tetany.
- With pseudohypoparathyroidism and other rickets-like diseases.
"Aquadetrim" is recommended for multiple pregnancy or pregnant women in a state of drug and nicotine addiction. Appointment for newborns and infants is indicated for insufficient insolation and vitamin D deficiency. The instruction allows use in case of defectivenutrition, as well as as part of complex treatment for alcoholism and cirrhosis, obstructive jaundice and liver failure.
At what age is it allowed to take?
How to give "Akvadetrim" to newborn children? Instructions for use indicate that the medicine in question is given to babies who are already four weeks old. This means that the drug is completely contraindicated in the neonatal period. But it is not recommended to give this remedy to a monthly child without consulting a doctor. This is due to possible adverse reactions and the risks of overdose. For these reasons, both babies under one year old and older children, for example, at the age of two or five years, only a doctor can prescribe Aquadetrim.
Instructions for use prohibits "Aquadetrim" to give in the following cases:
- When the sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug in the child is increased.
- In the event that the baby has hypervitaminosis D.
- When calcium oxalate stones are found in a child's kidneys.
- If the blood test shows an excess of calcium, that is, with the development of hypercalcemia.
- When calcium is detected in the urine (analysis indicates hypercalciuria).
- In the event that the baby has kidney disease, as well as insufficiency of this organ.
- When pulmonary active TB is diagnosed.
- In case the patient is diagnosed with sarcoidosis.
The medicine is used very carefully if the child has a small anterior fontanel at birth (thisindicates a predisposition to its earlier closure). Against the background of the rapid overgrowth of the fontanel, the drug is not prescribed to children.
How to give Aquadetrim to a one-month-old baby, you must definitely find out in order to avoid the development of side effects.

Side effects
Children's body may sometimes react to the drug with the following symptoms:
- Loss of appetite, nausea, muscle pain.
- Vomiting, polyuria, weakness, depression, joint pain.
- Dry mouth and fever.
- Headaches.
- Changes in urine (high protein, white blood cells and hyaline casts) and blood (high calcium).
- Some babies may have sleep disturbance (children do not sleep after medication), constipation occurs, body weight decreases. In addition, an allergy may occur to Aquadetrim, for example, a rash on the skin.
What should I do if these symptoms occur? First of all, cancel the medicine and contact your doctor. The doctor will examine the child, prescribe the necessary treatment and recommend that the food that the baby is fed contains less calcium.
How to give Aquadetrim to children, we will tell further.
Instructions for using the medication
This medicine is given to the baby to drink, dropping the required amount of the drug into a spoonful of water or some other liquid (you can mix the product with baby food). What time of day to give "Akvadetrim"to kid? Treatment is best done in the first half of the day, immediately after meals.
How many drops of Aquadetrim to give a child, every parent should know.
Now we will find out in more detail at what time of day, how many drops and at what age to give this drug to the baby:
- As a preventive measure, this medicine is given to children who are older than one month, one to two drops a day, equal to 500-1000 units of vitamin D. This dosage is sufficient for infants who walk in the open air and receive vitamins from food. How to give Aquadetrim to children under one year old in summer?
- In summer, the dosage can be reduced to one drop, or the drug is completely canceled. The medicine should be taken in the morning after meals.
- For babies born prematurely, exactly like children who were born from multiple pregnancies, the prophylactic dosage is two or three drops of Aquadetrim (which corresponds to 1000-1500 units). The same dosage is recommended for babies if their living conditions are unfavorable for receiving the appropriate vitamin.
- For the treatment of rickets, the dosage of Aquadetrim is set individually, taking into account the course and severity of the disease. The therapeutic norm of the drug is from four to ten drops per day (that is, 2000 to 5000 units). Treatment begins with a dosage of 2000, and then if the child is well tolerated, then the number of drops gradually increases over several days. The drug is taken in the morning after meals.
- How much "Aquadetrim" to give in the treatment of hereditary pathologies, which are called rickets-like, the doctor should determine.

Duration of use
The drug in the presence of rickets is prescribed for four to six weeks under the control of the general condition of the baby and his tests. In the event that therapy needs to be continued, then Aquadetrim is given again after a week break. Treatment is completed when a pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved, then they switch to the prophylactic dosage recommended for all children (from 500 to 1000 units).
But until what age should Aquadetrim be given to a child as a preventive measure? Most pediatricians recommend continuing the use of this remedy for up to two to three years, the use is interrupted only for the summer period. If there are indications, babies are given drops in the summer, and, in addition, at the age of over two years. For a child who constantly consumes foods rich in this vitamin, the doctor will lower the dosage of Aquadetrim. When using this medication, it is very important to observe strict dosing, otherwise an overdose may occur. Let's find out further how it can be dangerous for the child.
How much Aquadetrim should be given to children is indicated in the instructions.
Exceeded dosages of "Aquadetrim" may cause a reaction in the form of loss of appetite, bouts of vomiting, restless behavior, increased thirst, nausea, and abdominal pain. Among other things, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation is possiblealong with the release of urine in large quantities, pain in the joints, muscles, head. Also, sometimes with an overdose, stupor and other mental disorders are observed in combination with weight loss.
At excessively high doses, for example, when a child drank half a tube of medicine, kidney function may be disturbed, pressure increases, and the baby becomes drowsy. In such a situation, there is a risk of eye problems that affect the cornea or iris along with the optic nerve.
Among other things, the excessive intake of the drug in question in the child's body can cause stones in the organs of the excretory system, it is possible that calcium is deposited on the vascular walls, in the internal organs and in the skin. In rare cases, the described medicine can provoke the appearance of cholestatic jaundice.
In situations where children mistakenly drink a lot of Aquadetrim, it is important to immediately stop this drug, give the child plenty of fluids. Since an overdose of Aquadetrim is dangerous to he alth, most often children are hospitalized.
How to give a child "Aquadetrim" with vitamin D, it is important to find out in advance.

Interaction with other medicines
Vitamin D from Aquadetrim will be absorbed much worse if the child is taking Colestyramine, Rifampicin, or anti-epilepsy medications at the same time. When babies are prescribed diuretic thiazide drugs with Aquadetrim at the same time, thenit can increase calcium levels.
After prescribing this drug to a child who is given glycosides, the toxic effects of such cardiac drugs will increase, which threatens with arrhythmias. We do not recommend the simultaneous administration of the drug in question and calcium preparations with a high dosage of this mineral.
Terms of sale and storage
In order to purchase "Akvadetrim" in a pharmacy, you do not need to present a prescription. The average cost of one package with drops of medicine is currently one hundred and eighty-two hundred rubles.
In order for the drug not to lose its properties, it must be kept away from light. At the same time, the air temperature in the storage room should not exceed twenty degrees. To Aquadetrim, however, as well as to other medicines, babies should not have access.
The shelf life of the drug is three years, but immediately after opening the contents are recommended to be used within four to six months. In the event that the pipette turns out to be uncomfortable, then it is quite possible to give the baby the Aquadetrim medicine from a spoon, diluting it with water. Let us find out further what parents write about this medicinal product in their reviews.
There are mostly positive comments about this drug and its use in children. Many parents are convinced that this drug is very important for the normal development of each child, especially in winter. Confirmation of the effectiveness of the remedy for moms and dads is the absence of symptoms of rickets in children who take prophylactic dosagesAquadetrima.

However, sometimes there are also negative opinions, for example, some parents do not like the dispenser in the package, someone considers oil solutions more effective, while others are afraid of a large list of contraindications and adverse reactions.
However, it is worth saying that children tolerate this medicine well. Allergic reactions to it in babies are extremely rare, and provided that the doses prescribed by the doctor are observed, the medication, as a rule, does not cause any side effects.
Every parent should know how to properly give "Akvadetrim" to a child. And also to have information about analogues.
Instead of the considered preparation "Aquadetrim", you can use an aqueous solution with vitamin D3 from various manufacturers. This will be an equivalent replacement, since the described medicine is represented by the same form of vitamin that is dissolved in water.
Also, for children with rickets or in order to prevent this disease, you can replace Aquadetrim with oil solutions, for example, with a medicine called Vigantol. Finnish vitamins in the form of Sana-sol in coconut oil are also a good option. Such a substitute is allowed from two weeks of age.

The average price in Moscow pharmacies is 210 rubles. The drug is approved for use as an over-the-counter drug.
We looked at how to give childrenAquadetrim.