Female-type obesity in men: causes and features

Female-type obesity in men: causes and features
Female-type obesity in men: causes and features

Obesity in medicine is called a serious increase in body weight due to the growth of fatty tissues. Men who receive this diagnosis weigh at least 25% more than normal, women - 30%. At the same time, not only the lifestyle that a person leads, but also a host of other factors leads to obesity.

female-type obesity in men
female-type obesity in men

Overweight problem

The main sign of female-type obesity in men is the concentration of adipose tissue in the waist and hips. In contrast to this type, the main characteristic of male-type obesity is excess weight located in the upper body. This disease causes a lot of malfunctions in the work of internal organs, and also negatively affects the appearance.

Female-type obesity in men provokes an increase in the load on the spine and legs. Reproductive function also begins to suffer. In the case when excess weight gain is accompanied by an increase in the amount of fat in the abdomen, this indicates that adipose tissue is located both under the skin and around the internal organs. This leads to their displacement, and eventually tocirculatory disorders. At the same time, fat easily penetrates the liver, which creates an additional burden for it. When a person begins to play sports, as well as restrict himself in nutrition, the fat around the internal organs is excreted first. That is why at first the result is not so noticeable.

Female-type obesity in men is fraught with serious consequences: heart attack, cancer, sudden cessation of breathing during a night's sleep (otherwise called sleep apnea). Also, overweight negatively affects intimate life, complicates physical education and sports.


Despite the abundance of factors, most often female-type obesity in men is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, as well as the constant use of high-calorie foods. The psychological state of a person plays a big role here.

female type obesity in men photo
female type obesity in men photo

According to statistics, those who are constantly exposed to various stresses and depressions are more likely to “seize” their condition, and therefore gain weight faster. This lifestyle is fraught with various diseases - for example, disorders in the hormonal system.

Most often, female-type obesity in men occurs among the older generation. However, there is a special form of the disease that is common among young patients - hypothalamic obesity. If in most cases weight gain is due to malnutrition and a passive lifestyle, then in this case the reasons lie in the work of the hypothalamus.

Obesity of thistype, in addition to a set of extra pounds, is accompanied by a number of other symptoms - high fatigue, thirst, sleep disturbances. At the same time, the weight increases regardless of how correctly the diet of a man with female-type obesity is composed. At the same time, pink striae may appear on the surface of the skin. Fat is deposited on the waist, abdomen, hips. The pancreas is also involved in the pathological process, which provokes fluctuations in insulin in the blood.

female-type obesity in men causes
female-type obesity in men causes


There are families where the problem of excess weight is passed down from generation to generation. In laboratory studies, scientists observed entire families of experimental animals that were overweight. These observations emphasize the importance of the hereditary factor in the occurrence of female-type obesity in men. At the moment, scientists have not established to what extent the genetic factor influences the development of obesity, and to what extent it is the result of an unhe althy lifestyle. The fact that lifestyle plays a big role here is evidenced by studies of identical twins who live in various conditions.


One of the main causes of female-type obesity in men is low levels of the main male hormone, testosterone. It is he who is responsible for the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in adolescence, as well as for sexual desire. The more of this hormone in the blood, the more pronounced masculine qualities become: muscle strength, hair growthmasculine and others. Testosterone regulates almost all processes in a man's body, including a direct effect on the metabolic rate. It is believed that if this hormone is normal, then obesity does not threaten a man. However, everything changes when it begins to be produced in insufficient quantities.

The easiest way to suggest low testosterone levels is to measure your waist. If it is more than 104 cm, then there is a high probability that testosterone is produced in insufficient quantities. In order to get accurate data, you need to take a blood test.

One of the characteristics of female-type obesity in men is that not only reduced testosterone levels lead to the accumulation of extra pounds, but obesity itself provokes a decrease in the production of this hormone. It turns out a vicious circle. Lack of testosterone can reduce the effectiveness of the chosen weight loss program. A set of extra pounds in teenage boys is also dangerous. After all, it provokes a decrease in testosterone production, which can lead to a delay in puberty.

female type obesity in men treatment
female type obesity in men treatment

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

In the case when the diet is changed, and exhausting loads in the gym do not bring results, most likely the reason for gaining extra pounds is low testosterone. You can assume a lack of male hormone in the body by the following signs:

  • Reduced sexualfunctions.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders (high irritability, nervousness, fatigue, memory impairment).
  • Somatic disorders (increase in fat mass, decrease in muscle tissue, breast enlargement, problems with urination).
female type obesity in men features
female type obesity in men features

Female-type obesity in men: treatment

The main way to get rid of extra pounds is to change your diet. In order to choose the right diet, you need to consult with a specialist. The basic rules for fighting obesity are usually as follows:

  • Restrict sweets, starchy foods and fatty foods.
  • Increase in the daily diet of fruits and vegetables.
  • Incorporate a variety of foods into your diet.
  • Eat low fat dairy products;
  • Reduce the amount of sugar in your daily diet.
  • When drinking alcohol, you need to remember that no more than 20 g of alcohol should enter the body per day.
female-type obesity in men causes and treatment
female-type obesity in men causes and treatment

Since it is almost impossible to fight female-type obesity without diet, the patient will have to seriously reconsider his eating habits. The spread of the problem of excess weight among the population is partly due to the popularity of fast food, as well as the high pace of life, when people do not have time to have a normal meal during the working day.

Physical activity

Proper nutrition must be combined with physicalloads. It can be gymnastics, long walks, cycling, swimming, tennis, volleyball. In order to move more, you can get off a few stops earlier on the way home, walk instead of riding in transport, refuse to use the elevator. To have a result, it is extremely important to do this constantly.

Exercise helps maintain good he alth and fight female-type obesity in men. Photos are a great way to motivate yourself to exercise for those who are overweight. You can take a photo before the start of classes, then after a month, two, and so on. Seeing real progress, a person gets much more motivation to act.


A good way to fight female-type obesity in men is bodybuilding. This type of exercise allows you to lose weight safely and permanently. However, only on condition that classes will take place regularly. Although the goals in the case of weight loss may not be as sky-high as those of professional bodybuilders, this method can be used to combat obesity.

You can often hear the question of whether gaining muscle mass will prevent weight loss. In the event that a person is specifically interested in reducing body weight, this assumption is correct - in the process of building muscle, this will not happen so quickly. However, for those who would like to reduce the amount of adipose tissue, they should take into account: every time the muscle mass increases by a kilogram, the metabolism accelerates. And thisallows you to get rid of fat faster.

female-type obesity in men bodybuilding
female-type obesity in men bodybuilding


The causes and treatment of female-type obesity in men are always determined by the doctor, so you can not engage in self-therapy - this can be harmful to he alth. Hormone therapy in the fight against obesity is still the subject of scientific controversy. Some believe that without it it is impossible to achieve success in the fight against extra pounds, others are sure that testosterone will increase without outside interference when excess weight is gone. One way or another, testosterone deficiency is now recognized as one of the leading factors in weight gain. Therefore, hormone therapy is indicated for all men who have low testosterone levels.
