Among the millions of plants on our planet, there are universally recognized beauties from whom you cannot take your eyes off, but there are completely inconspicuous ones that have found a place for themselves among stones, under fences, along roads and paths. Without thinking, we trample them with our feet, destroy them along with the weeds. But sometimes such modest representatives of the flora can be of great benefit. One of them is a herbaceous plant for open ground, budra ivy. She rarely attracts the attention of ignorant people, since her appearance is of no interest. But herbalists and traditional healers have long appreciated its beneficial properties and actively use budra in their potions.
Botanical description
Without a doubt, many of those who have suburban areas or go on vacation in nature have seen the ivy-shaped boudra more than once. The photo reminds her of what she looks like.

It is unlikely that this perennial weed has attracted anyone's attention. Outwardly, she is completely unremarkable. In some way hercan be called a cover plant, as it has creeping roots that give multiple shoots. An overgrown ivy-shaped boudra covers the ground with a green carpet. Its thin stems are never longer than 50 cm. Each has small green leaves. They are located on petioles 2-3 cm long. Leaves growing from the root have longer petioles. Both the stem and the leaves of the plant are covered with delicate thin hairs. Budra flowers are also small, tubular. The color of the petals is most often lilac, but can also be lilac, pinkish, almost white. They open from July and decorate the plant until the beginning of autumn.
A distinctive feature of budra is its pleasant smell, due to which it is called dogmint or spice.
Growth area
Ivy-shaped budra is a grass that can be found in many parts of Russia, including Siberia and the Far East. It grows in Transcaucasia, in Kazakhstan, in Georgia. In some states of America, it is considered a malicious weed. She feels great in bushes and pastures, under trees in the forest thicket and in glades open to the sun, in meadows and near human habitations, where she takes places along fences, near dumps, in the far corners of the garden. If its growth is not controlled, due to its creeping rhizomes, budra can occupy the entire area.

What substances are found in the plant
Budra ivy in its leaves, stems and flowers contains:
- Tannins.
- Carotene.
- Bitterness.
- Saponins.
- Ascorbicacid.
- Amino acids.
- Resins.
- Choline.
- Essential oil.
- Iridoids.
- Alkaloids.
- Potassium.
- Manganese.
- Molybdenum.
- Zinc.
- Titanium.
- Acids (succinic, tartaric, feluric, sanapic, acetic).
- Phenolcarboxylic acids.
- Cysteine.
- Methionine.
Useful properties
Due to its pleasant smell, the budra ivy plant has long been used by culinary specialists as a condiment. In pharmaceuticals, it is used to flavor certain drugs. In official medicine, budra preparations are used to treat lung diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, pneumonia), some diseases of the liver, urinary system, and thyroid gland. It is used externally in the complex therapy of skin ailments.

Traditional medicine uses this herb more widely. Healers are sure of such healing properties of ivy-shaped budra:
- Expectorants.
- Antiseptic.
- Wound healing.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Diuretic.
- Anti-sclerotic.
- Anti-cold.
What ailments helps to get rid of
Useful properties of ivy-shaped budry allow it to be used to treat such diseases:
- Colds (helps avoid serious consequences of hypothermia).
- Bronchitis.
- Inflammation of the lungs.
- Tracheitis.
- Asthma bronchial.
- Broncho-pneumonia.
- Angina (drink teas and gargle).
- Sinusitis (taken orally and instilled in the nose).
- Problems with the thyroid gland.
- Dropsy.
- Liver cancer (as part of complex therapy).
- Any inflammation of the genitourinary system.
- Tuberculosis.
- Any ailments accompanied by convulsions (relieves spasms).
- Diseases of the intestines and stomach.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Helminthiasis.
- Kidney stones.
- Headaches.
- Severe cough.
- Scrofula.
- Dermatitis.
- Gout.
- Toothache.
- Stomatitis, gingivitis.
- Hearing loss.
- Varicose.
- Has a healing effect on fractures.
- Applied externally for burns and other injuries.
As you can see, the list is quite impressive.

Who should not use this herb
Possesses not only healing properties of ivy-shaped budra. And she also has contraindications. It is important to remember that this plant is poisonous. Therefore, everyone, without exception, should use it for culinary or therapeutic purposes with caution.
Healers and doctors do not advise drinking drugs from budra under the following conditions:
- Hypertensive crisis.
- Lactation period.
- Pregnancy.
- Reduced acidity.
- Lactation period.
- Problems with blood clotting.
- Kidney failure.
- Individual intolerance.
- Allergy.
- Children's age.
Side effects
Contraindications for ivy-shaped budra are quite serious. If people do not pay attention to them or use drugs from the plant in high doses, the following reactions may occur:
- Abdominal pain.
- Excessive sweating.
- Nausea.
- Profuse salivation.
- Vomiting.
- Pulmonary edema.
- Headache.
- Impaired breathing.
- Irregular heart rhythms.
If the listed symptoms appear, it is necessary to give the patient any adsorbent available in the house and call an ambulance.

Budra ivy during mass flowering (end of spring) forms whole flower carpets. However, bees do not visit her flowers very actively. From 1 hectare of plant thickets, you can get a maximum of 19 kg of honey. The product is light yellow in color, very fragrant and tasty. Its main advantage is the content of many useful substances that are present in the plant. So, there are buds in honey:
- Micronutrients (potassium, molybdenum, magnesium, zinc, titanium).
- Organic acids.
- Saponins.
- Flavonides.
- Minerals.
The use of this product helps to restore strength in the body, raises and strengthens the immune system, eliminates metabolic disorders, is an excellent prophylactic against colds.
It can be eaten in its pure form on a spoon daily. If inadd chopped walnut kernels to this honey, you will get an excellent tool for restoring male potency.
You can also make drinks from budry honey. The easiest way is to dilute a spoonful of the product in a glass of water. To get a drink that works more effectively, you need to add lemon juice to it.
Budry honey should not be consumed by people who are prone to allergic reactions and those who have contraindications to bee products.
Preparation of tincture
Healing properties of ivy-shaped budra are manifested in tinctures prepared from it. They can be cooked with alcohol and vinegar. We remind you once again that when using this plant, you must strictly observe the proportions and dosage.
Here are some recipes.
1. On vodka. Any glass container with a lid is suitable. One part of the collected, washed and chopped fresh grass is poured with ten parts of vodka. Close container tightly. Place it for 10 days in a place inaccessible to the sun and children. At the end of this period, the tincture is filtered through a cloth and put in the refrigerator. Apply it inside 20 drops before meals. This tool helps with problems with the digestive tract, genitourinary system, headaches, infectious diseases.
2. On vinegar. 20 grams of dry raw materials are placed in a container and poured with ordinary vinegar, which is taken in 100 ml (half a glass). Insist for a week, shaking occasionally. Used externally to treat skin diseases.
3. Lotion. Take in equal quantities (any) vodka and decoction of budra, mix. It turns outa good remedy for acne, which you need to wipe problem skin.

Preparing decoction
Budra ivy shows medicinal properties not only in alcoholic potions, but also in products prepared with water. Mostly dry raw materials are used. We offer several recipes:
1. It is necessary to take a soup spoon without a big slide, place it in a cup, pour 220 ml of boiling water. Place all this in a bowl of water, slightly larger than a cup in volume. Put on fire and simmer for about half an hour. The water in the larger bowl should boil a little. Remove from fire. Cool down. Strain. To the broth prepared in this way, add boiled water to make the volume equal to 200 ml. Ready product to take 50 ml before meals.
2. Pour five soup spoons of grass with cold or hot water (in this case there is no difference) and boil for about 5 minutes. Strain. Use for compresses or baths. You cannot take such a remedy inside!
3. Pour a soup spoon of grass with 1 liter of water and boil for about 10 minutes. Cool slightly. Use for inhalation in diseases of the pulmonary system and for rinsing the mouth.
Procurement process
Budra ivy has a growing season from spring to frost, but it is harvested for medicinal purposes, as a rule, during its mass flowering. Only the upper (ground) parts of the plant are suitable. The rhizome is not used. You need to cut the stems in the morning or in the evening, when there is no longer dew on the leaves. Since this plant creeps along the ground, in the collectionalmost always there are extraneous fragments (last year's dry stems, other small plants). Therefore, the collected raw materials must be carefully sorted out. After that, it is spread in the shade on paper or canvas. The layer should be no more than 3-4 cm. You can also bring the budra to readiness in the dryer. The temperature should be maintained no higher than 35 degrees. Ready-made raw materials taste very bitter, easily broken. It is placed in glass jars and stored for no more than 12 months.

Folk recipes
We offer several ways to prepare potions from ivy-shaped budra, which folk healers use in their practice:
1. Take a dessert (without a slide) spoon of grass, pour 500 ml of white boiling water, cover the container with a napkin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Strain. Take with menopause 1/3 cup. Infusion drink warm, before meals.
2. Place a teaspoon of raw materials in a thermos, pour 200 ml of boiling water, close. Withstand at least 2 hours. Filter. Healers recommend this remedy for liver cancer at various stages. The resulting infusion should be divided into 4 parts and drink them per day. At the same time, before taking, add budra juice (up to 15 drops) to each serving, which is prepared as follows: twist freshly picked raw materials in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, mix with vodka (1: 2).
3. Infusion of budra and yarrow. Place 2 soup spoons of yarrow in a porcelain dish, add 200 ml of white boiling water. Insist half an hour. Place 1 soup spoon of budra in a separate bowl, add 200 ml of boiling water. insist 20minutes. Both infusions filter and mix. The resulting remedy is instilled into the nose for chronic rhinitis. It can also be used for inhalation.
4. A collection that includes a boudra. It is used to treat chronic inflammation of the lungs. Take two soup spoons of budra and poplar buds, add a spoonful of elder flowers, pour 220 ml of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Drink in 5 doses.
5. You can prepare another collection, also used for pneumonia. It includes such herbs taken in equal amounts: coltsfoot (leaves), yarrow, Veronica officinalis, ivy-shaped budra. All components are well mixed, take a soup spoon of the resulting mixture, pour 250 ml of white boiling water, cover with a napkin, leave for a quarter of an hour, filter. You need to drink this infusion during the day.
All recipes use dry raw herbs.
Not many people know about the ivy-shaped bud as a medicinal plant. More often it is considered a malicious weed, therefore it is ruthlessly destroyed. Therefore, there are very few reviews on the network about its medicinal properties. Basically, this herb is used externally, as they are afraid that it is poisonous. Respondents report that lotions from her decoctions remarkably help relieve bruises, swelling, pain after bruises. Compresses and baths made on the basis of budra decoctions are effective for gout, leg fatigue, and various rashes.