Every day science goes forward, new medicines are invented, new useful properties of various plants are found. Currently, there are a lot of different new medicines and nutritional supplements, which, judging by the advertising, save and treat all diseases. Among the new drugs, a natural-based drug stands out, which, in accordance with the instructions, relieves almost all incurable ailments, restores youth and improves the quality of life. Many consumers are interested in: "Is a product like Laktomarin a scam or is it really a remedy?"
What is Lactomarine?
The tool with such a universal action is called "Lactomarin". The instruction attached to it claims that this product helps to heal the stomach and intestines, heart and blood vessels, is used in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis, cleanses the body of toxins and strengthens the immune system, reduces weight and improves thyroid function, and generally rejuvenates organism.
However, there are few official indications for the use of the remedy (according to the inscription on the jar itself): chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascularsystem, an additional source of soluble dietary fiber (alginates) and iodine.
According to official permits (posted on the website), "Lactomarin" is a specialized food product for dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system; an additional source of soluble dietary fiber (alginates) and iodine.

Consumer Reviews
On many sites you can read positive comments about the use of the drug "Lactomarin". Reviews indicate that with the start of using the product, the function of many systems and organs has normalized and even improved:
- constipation, flatulence disappeared, the intestines began to work "like clockwork";
- stopped suffering from heartburn and heaviness in the stomach;
- the ulcer "healed";
- prostatitis disappeared, potency increased;
- improved overall he alth, increased efficiency and good spirits;
- pain in the heart disappeared, migraine does not bother, blood pressure returned to normal;
- patients with varicose veins are no longer bothered by pain in the calf muscles and cramps;
- in patients with diabetes, sugar returned to normal, and there were no “jumps” in the blood, and some patients even note a decrease in concomitant symptoms;
- immunity improved: there were no colds, chronic inflammatory diseases did not bother with exacerbations;
- liver "cured";
- offno trace of calculous cholecystitis and urolithiasis;
- weakness disappeared, and hemoglobin level exceeded normal levels;
- in case of poisoning of various kinds, the body quickly returned to normal, even s alts of heavy metals were excreted;
- cancer patients notice a significant improvement in well-being;
- the skin was cleared, and there was no trace of blackheads and pimples on the face;
- in seriously ill patients, the dosage of drugs was almost halved;
- external and internal application resulted in rapid rejuvenation and weight loss in a short period of time.

All consumers who advertise the official website for the sale of "Laktomarin" convince with their reviews that it is simply impossible to live without this remedy, consultants will tell doubters about the benefits and excellent effect of the drug. On the Internet, they indicate the phone numbers of those who have already fully recovered. You can even call the lucky ones and they will answer you. And everyone unanimously advises to buy this particular product. Of all natural remedies, it is the best! He will save you from imminent death and prolong the days of your life. If you didn’t feel a positive effect in the first month of taking it, for example, your bowel function didn’t improve (and this should happen quickly, literally after a few days of taking Lactomarin), as consumer reviews report, then you didn’t get a patented drug, but another fake scam. The action should be felt from the first days, because this natur althe drug is simply stuffed with useful microelements and substances.
Consultants will not only praise Laktomarin for you. Where to buy and how to use it correctly will tell you more. However, oddly enough, if you refuse to purchase, no one will call and persuade you to your phone number. According to the consultants themselves, the remedy is so effective and popular that if you do not understand that it will save you from all he alth problems, then this is your business. Others who are smarter will be he althy and beautiful, but you.. in general, are the blacksmith of your own happiness.
What doctors say
Among many different natural remedies, the popularity of the product "Lactomarin" has recently grown. Reviews of doctors can be read on many sites. Allegedly, practicing doctors are simply surprised by all the positive changes that occur with patients who take Laktomarin. This is pure PR: a real specialist has no time to sit and write reviews about the appointment and positive dynamics of a healing drug (only if such a remedy saved him or someone close to him). Usually this is done by copywriters and marketers who persuade doctors to share their experience in using such products.

And if a professor of medicine, the developer of Lactomarin, writes on the official website that this natural remedy removes toxins from the body, and the components in its composition have an antitumor effect, are effective against viruses and bacteria, then this is a serious statement that needs verification. No serious doctor wants to tarnish his reputation or make his colleagues laugh.
There is a sure way to find out if this is true or not - to find the research results of a miracle cure (if there are any, of course). A pleasant surprise, but Lactomarin has them. In the public domain there is a scientific article on antioxidant properties, a few more on the use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and another one in obese patients. There is also one, so to speak, review article (fresh, 2017) about its effectiveness.
The frequent mention of the term “fucoidan” by the authors attracts attention. It is found both in the text of their works and in the title of one of the articles. If you enter it into a search engine, it turns out that this is, indeed, some unexpectedly effective component of brown algae. It has antiviral, antitumor, and cholesterol-lowering and rejuvenating effects. What is most surprising, "Pubmed" (the official scientific library with open access) gives out a bunch of studies (for some reason, a lot of Japanese) of this fucoidan in a variety of diseases - from influenza to leukemia. And yes, they write that it is effective.
Expert Tips
Good doctors are always a bit of a philosopher, what do they say? If the remedy is shown to you and is not contraindicated, while you also believe in it, then take it to your he alth. By nature, it does not have any side effects. But there are contraindications. On a jar of gel indicated: individual intolerance to the components of the product, hypersensitivity to iodine. Miracle gel consultants do not advise taking with increasedthyroid function (hyperthyroidism); and acute kidney disease (such as acute pyelonephritis).
Advanced experts (from among those who speak at international symposiums with their reports) are unanimous that any drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect and does not have side effects is a must have for a modern person, especially a city dweller. It turns out that the latest discoveries of scientists prove that chronic inflammation is literally the root of evil, the beginning of all diseases and premature aging. To take such a remedy, if you are lucky enough to find it among others ineffective, should be several courses a year. Proven. Period.

In any case, if you have a desire to purchase a product such as "Laktomarin", but in doubt, consult a specialist.
Composition of the product
Beautiful and enticing advertisement for the product "Laktomarin" reads:
- there are no analogues in the world;
- environmentally friendly product;
- he alth from the depths of the sea;
- brown algae are not harvested in the polluted sea, but in clean Far Eastern waters;
- development based on innovative technologies;
- the natural composition of seaweed is not damaged due to the correct cooking technology;
- the cell membrane of plants is carefully opened, and therefore all the beneficial substances of algae are just waiting to enter the consumer's body;
- Up to 90% of fucoidan saved, not a single milligram wasted.
All thesesmart and beautiful statements are comparable to the price that distributors ask for a jar. It turns out that the miracle gel was produced using a special technology, and the developer even has a dissertation on this topic, defended at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. In the network, by the way, there is an abstract in the public domain. It says that up to 90% of fucoidan can be preserved in the gel, and preservatives and other joys are not used in the production, because the algae themselves suppress fungi and bacteria.

Brown algae - the main active ingredient of the product "Lactomarin". Its composition: iodine, vitamins, trace elements (there are many, more than 40), amino acids, fucoidan and alginates, fatty acids. As you can see, everything is just useful components. Release form of the drug "Lactomarin" - gel.
Iodine is the most recognizable trace element of seaweed, there is so much of it in Lactomarin that it can cover the body's daily need for iodine.
Fucoidan, as it turned out, has a lot of beneficial effects - it protects against pathogenic microorganisms and the development of oncology, helps the immune system, prevents premature aging, and the list goes on. This component of algae thins the blood and prevents blood clots from forming. This is probably what they mean when the ad says that Lactomarin can help prevent a heart attack or stroke. For this component, the product has a full credit.
Alginates are the very dietary fibers that, according to the instructions for "Lactomarin", supplement the diet. It turns out that they are no less miraculous than fucoidan. Based on themdrugs have been developed for heartburn, bloating (dyspepsia), hyperacidity and wound healing dressings. Alginates are useful not only for the stomach, but also for the intestines - they work on the principle of an “intestinal brush” - they help the body get rid of everything unnecessary. It becomes clear where Lactomarin's indications come from - diseases of the stomach and intestines, this is ensured precisely by alginates.
How to apply the product
So, you still decided to get rid of all diseases with the help of the product "Lactomarin". Instructions for use suggests various ways of ingestion. The minimum dose is 25 g. This is considered a prophylactic dose. The maximum (or therapeutic) dose is 150 g per day. However, there are no clear indications for use, although the recommended therapeutic dose of a product such as Lactomarin is indicated.
The remedy is suggested to be taken in the morning for better absorption, and preferably before meals. This is the only way to fully recover and rejuvenate. It is impossible to get used to such a good product, and it has no side and negative effects on the body.
In general, positive effects are still observed, and you can take the drug "Lactomarin" all your life, with short breaks for 1 month. This is really useful for the body, especially after forty years, when all pathological processes and conditions appear and become aggravated.
How much does the medicine cost
Prices will "pleasantly" surprise: 1 jar, in which 500 mg of "medicine", costs about 3 thousand rubles. One jar is enough for about10 days. In a month it will be necessary to spend 9 thousand rubles. And the minimum course of treatment is 2 months, and preferably 3. Therefore, about 18-27 thousand rubles are needed to feel the real results from taking Lactomarin. The price of preventive treatment is much less - only 4.5 thousand per month. But to prevent diseases, the manufacturer advises taking it according to the standard scheme, 50 g per day. Such is the arithmetic.

Substitutes for "Lactomarin"
Given such expenses for the purchase of Laktomarin (the price of one jar is equal to a fifth of the pension), consumers are wondering if there are any substitutes for the product Laktomarin?
At first glance, the main analogue of this expensive product is sold in a regular grocery store and is simply called: seaweed. This wonderful product contains the same beneficial substances as Lactomarin. Seaweed contains the amount of iodine that is necessary for the body. In addition, it is rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, bromine, folic and pantothenic acids, essential amino acids, a large set of trace elements.
The Japanese believe that such a product must be consumed daily, because it:
- replenishes the lack of iodine in the body;
- regulates thyroid function;
- reduces blood pressure;
- normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
- purifies the blood of toxins;
- is a preventive measure against cancer, including breast cancer;
- normalizes blood circulation in small vessels and capillaries;
- protects against viruses and helps to cure many inflammatory processes;
- rejuvenates the skin: removes fine mimic wrinkles and tightens skin turgor;
- promotes weight loss, because when using kelp in the form of wraps and compresses, the effect of reducing body weight and "lemon peel" - cellulite was noticed.
It is enough to consume only 2 tablespoons of seaweed per day to compensate for the lack of iodine in the body. You can buy dried, frozen and canned cabbage. If the codes E400, E421, E404 and others are written on canned seaweed, then these are not preservatives, but useful elements of kelp. You should not think that seaweed, which is sold in grocery stores, is contaminated with waste oil products or s alts of heavy metals: the suppliers of this product will not risk their reputation, and such products would not hit the counter.
However, according to statistics, although Russians eat seaweed, they often suffer from all kinds of diseases. What's wrong? The fact is that kelp is an algae, which accumulates all its valuable components only by the second year of life. And today, the industry often uses forced grown one-year-old kelp, which, of course, contains iodine and dietary fiber, but is depleted in other components - vitamins, minerals, etc. Is seaweed subjected to heat treatment before getting to our counter? Of course. BUThigh temperature destroys many of those useful components that have accumulated in algae for at least a year of its growth.

Second point - our gastrointestinal tract cannot “open” the cell wall of algae, so even if kelp is correct, two-year-old and not thermally processed, it is extremely problematic to get fucoidan, alginates and other benefits from it! That is why a special technology was developed that carefully, without high temperatures, industrial enzymes and ultrasound, opens algae cells. The output is a gel. It does not require special preservatives, because the natural microflora of algae suppresses bacteria and fungi. It was on this technology that the developer defended his dissertation at the Faculty of Biology. 8 patents, so serious.
However, there are contraindications for taking Laktomarin. Officially, it cannot be used in two cases - with individual intolerance to the components of the product and hypersensitivity to iodine. However, hypersensitivity can include a number of conditions: hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis), chronic autoimmune thyroiditis in the hyperfunction phase, iodine allergy. In the guidelines for the product, among the relative contraindications, acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys are indicated (these include acute pyelonephritis, and acute glomerulonephritis, etc.).
A little about advertising
Advertising for the product "Lactomarin" speaks of numerous studies, as a result of which it was found thatwith regular use, after 3 days, belching, heartburn, nausea, a feeling of intestinal fullness will decrease, stools will normalize (even if this is your long-term problem), bad breath will disappear, and after 8-10 days fatigue and chronic weakness will disappear, then completely flatulence, irregular stools, with a tendency to constipation, epigastric discomfort, etc. will disappear. With the regular intake of this gel, you will have a decrease in cholesterol and other “harmful” lipids, an improvement in the detoxification function of the liver and a picture of peripheral blood. Isn't it a miracle?
Under current advertising law, it's nearly impossible to promote anything without having all the wow-effects backed up by research. If earlier it was possible to compose fairy tales and fables about healing effects without them, then today the situation is as follows: if you praise your product, prove it. No proof - goodbye. This happens on TV, and on radio, and in the newspaper, and on the Web. So if these healing claims come and go for a long time, there is serious research behind them.
Based on the foregoing, the opinion of doctors is unequivocal: "Lactomarin" is a remedy that you can use for diseases of the stomach and intestines, heart and blood vessels, to improve carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the functioning of the thyroid gland and in other conditions, provided that it is not contraindicated for you. This is a he alth food, not a panacea.