Often the pediatrician prescribes the drug "Akvadetrim" for babies. At the same time, an analogue is very rarely recommended, since the doctor does not particularly care about how much you will give at the pharmacy. Today we will analyze in detail what this drug is, how it affects the body and why it is so popular among pediatric doctors. In addition, we will offer the reader a number of analogues to choose from, which differ from the original only in price.

Aquadetrim preparation
If your baby was born in winter, the doctor will definitely prescribe you to take this drug. In the cold season, there is little sunlight, respectively, vitamin D, which is produced in the body precisely under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, is practically not formed. This is not critical for an adult, but rickets develops very quickly in babies. If it is impossible to take natural sunbathing or visit a polyclinic for ultraviolet irradiation, then the Aquadetrim drug is prescribed. A pharmacist at the pharmacy you contact can tell you an analogue, but we will consider the most popular ones today. All thisthe line of products has the same effect - by filling the deficiency of vitamin D, calcium and phosphate metabolism is regulated.
Form and composition
The first thing parents are interested in is the composition of the drug that was prescribed to their baby. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor about this, he will dispel doubts. What can replace the drug "Aquadetrim"? The analogue is available in the form of transparent drops for oral administration. They are characterized by a sharp anise smell, which the baby may not like. The vials contain 10 ml of the drug, which is enough for the child for the entire course of treatment. A convenient dropper stopper allows you to dose the medicine without risk to the he alth of the crumbs.

What is included in the preparation? In 30 drops, which is equal to 1 ml, contains 15 thousand IU of colecalciferol, in simpler terms, vitamin D3. All other substances included in the composition have only an auxiliary effect. These include: sucrose, citric acid, alcohol, anise flavor and water. There is nothing dangerous for the baby in this, the main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosages, then the Aquadetrim drug will simply become indispensable for you. The analogue does not differ in composition from the original.
Pharmacological action
As follows from the above information, the active ingredient of the drug is vitamin D, which regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism. Synthetic vitamin D is absolutely similar to natural (endogenous), which is formed in the body in summer under the influence of sunlight. At the same time, inThe composition of the drug uses D3, which is known for its greater physiological activity. The earlier the baby begins to receive a prophylactic dose of the drug, the faster the normalization of calcium and phosphate metabolism in his body occurs. As a result, the correct formation of the bone skeleton and the preservation of the tissue structure occur.

Not only the preventive properties of the drug "Akvadetrim". How to give babies such a medicine, the pediatrician will tell you. It is usually suggested to dilute 2 drops of the product in breast milk or water, however, some doctors advise dripping it directly onto a pacifier. If time has already been lost, and rickets has begun to progress, then the drug will contribute to a speedy recovery. Your doctor will adjust your dosage as you recover.
Complex effect on the whole body
Man is a complex system that exists due to interrelated processes. Therefore, it is impossible to assess the benefits of taking the drug "Akvadetrim" so unambiguously. You already know how to give babies such a remedy, now we propose to analyze its effect on a growing body in more depth.
Without vitamin D, the full functioning of the thyroid gland is impossible, that is, the entire endocrine system, which regulates, among other things, growth rates, depends on this essential element. The state of the protective forces of the child's body worries every mother. In order for the baby to be he althy, you need to regularly take Aquadetrim for babies. Doctors' opinions suggest thatthe drug affects the production of lymphokines, that is, it participates in the formation of nonspecific immunity.

Under the influence of this drug, the content of calcium ions in the blood is normalized. This leads not only to maintaining normal skeletal muscle tone, but also regulates the function of the heart. Another important point is the normalization of the conduction of nerve impulses, as well as a positive effect on blood clotting. The key to future he alth is the Aquadetrim drug for babies. Reviews of mothers speak of good performance and a quick cure for rickets.
Indications for use
Today, pediatricians, despite the time of year in which the baby was born, prescribe the drug Aquadetrim (vitamin D3) for prevention. The instruction tells us that the drug allows you to enhance the absorption of phosphate and calcium in the intestine, and also promotes bone mineralization and ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Since the skeleton is actively developing in children, and teeth are being formed, this is a very important point. It is now that the foundations are being laid, the course of development of the whole organism is being determined.
What is especially nice is that such a useful prophylactic is quite inexpensive. It is desirable to provide its reception to each child. But especially the drug "Akvadetrim" (vitamin D3), the instruction recommends in the following cases:
- rickets;
- vitamin D deficiency;
- specific and endocrine diseases.
The drug "Akvadetrim" is used not onlyfor babies. People over 50 and menopausal women often suffer from osteoporosis. Aquadetrim is not able to completely cure this formidable disease, therefore it is prescribed as part of complex therapy.
Methods of application and doses
Use the medicine orally. Especially often prescribed the drug "Akvadetrim" for children. Instructions for use recommends diluting one dose in a tablespoon of water. Before treatment, you need to consult a doctor. One drop of the drug contains 500 IU of vitamin D3. Newborn babies are prescribed one drop per day, and children living in adverse conditions, 2-3 drops. In the summer, provided there is sufficient outdoor time, this dosage can be reduced to a prophylactic dose of 1 drop.

If the drug is prescribed for treatment, then the dosage is 2000-5000 IU per day. In the case of treatment of rickets, a course of 4 weeks can be prescribed. With a daily intake of 40-60 drops, constant laboratory monitoring is required.
You need to know about them if you decide to take Vigantol or Aquadetrim. In general, these drugs are very well tolerated, as long as the recommended dosages are not exceeded. Before prescribing the drug as a treatment, it is necessary to conduct an examination to identify possible hypervitaminosis D and hypercalcemia. With urolithiasis, a specialist consultation is needed, especially when calcium stones are formed in the kidneys. Any diseases of the kidneys and liver arealso a reason to investigate. A direct contraindication for admission is an active form of pulmonary tuberculosis. The medicine is not prescribed for children under one month of age.
With caution, the drug should be administered to patients in a state of immobilization. During the course of treatment with thiazides and cardiac glycosides, doctors do not advise taking vitamin D. Aquadetrim is not prescribed for infants with a tendency to premature overgrowth of the fontanel. This indicator is tracked by the pediatrician at each appointment.
In the right dosage, Aquadetrim, familiar to all mothers, is usually well tolerated. Analogues for children are produced with a completely identical composition, so you only need to follow the doctor's recommendations. If you overdose, you may notice typical signs of hypervitaminosis D in your baby. Depending on the severity, this can manifest itself as follows:
- loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, headaches, muscle and joint pain;
- constipation, weight loss;
- dry mouth and urination problems;
- weakness and sleep disturbance;
- mental disorder, depression;
- increase in temperature and calcium levels;
- increase in urine protein and leukocytes;
- calcification of blood vessels, kidneys and lungs.

Any of these deviations is a signal for immediate discontinuation of the drug. To normalize the condition, intramuscular administration of vitamins A, B and C is prescribed.
On the market today there is not only Aquadetrim. Russian analogues completely repeat the composition of the original drug, but save money for parents. And some of them are considered more progressive. For example, Vigantol is oil-based, which ensures better absorption. There is "Vitamin D3" dry, it is suitable for adolescents and adults and is consumed in the form of an aqueous solution. You can also note the Russian "Vitamin D3" oil-based. Any pharmacy will also offer you Swiss and French preparations called "Vitamin D3". There are dosage forms for intramuscular injection.
Special Instructions
You should not self-prescribe this drug. Only a doctor can evaluate all possible sources of vitamin D intake into the body. Reception should take place under the regular supervision of a specialist, especially for children. In this case, the treatment regimen can be adjusted. Start taking with small doses, gradually increasing them. Long-term use of unreasonably high dosages can lead to chronic hypervitaminosis D. It is not recommended to take calcium simultaneously with Aquadetrim. Constantly during the course of treatment, you need to control the level of calcium in the urine and blood.
During pregnancy, taking the drug without the recommendation of a gynecologist is not recommended. Only the doctor decides on the need to prescribe the drug. High dosage may lead to impaired fetal development. A teratogenic effect may occur with a systematic overdose. Babyis born with vitamin D hypersensitivity, thyroid dysfunction, pixie-like appearance syndrome, aortic stenosis, and mental retardation. In most cases, doctors will recommend that a pregnant woman limit herself to outdoor activities or a special UV treatment.
Interaction with other dosage forms
There is a list of drugs taken, which involves the abolition or postponement of the reception of Aquadetrim. Instructions, reviews of pediatricians and therapists fully confirm the need for such caution. Be sure to tell your doctor if you use oral tetracyclines, he will prescribe you a special treatment regimen so that the interval between taking these two drugs is at least 3 hours. With the simultaneous use of sodium fluoride, the interval should be at least 2 hours. Taking antiepileptic drugs slightly reduces the absorption of Aquadetrim.

Don't forget to also evaluate the diet. Vitamin D is found in large quantities in dairy products, cottage cheese and cheese, vegetable and butter, raw yolks, fish and seafood. Good nutrition during the summer reduces the need for additional intake of vitamin D supplements. Failure to do so can trigger the development of hypercalcemia.
Storage conditions
This item is very important, as many do not read the instructions to the end. The drug should not be left in the open sun. In this case, he quicklywill turn into ordinary water, absolutely harmless and useless. Be sure to put the bottle in the refrigerator on the bottom drawer of the door. The optimal storage conditions are a temperature of +5 degrees and the complete absence of direct sunlight. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. A child for a prophylactic course usually needs half a bottle.