Degenerative changes occur in the body of every person with age, useful substances are poorly absorbed and quickly lost. Therefore, taking vitamins after 40 is no less important for men than for women. Taking them will help strengthen he alth and immunity, restore male strength and provide energy for many years.

The composition of such vitamin complexes contains the same substances as for women, they differ in the amount of useful components per body weight.
What vitamins does a man over 40 need?
What vitamins should a man drink after 40? Due to the fact that the absorption of nutrients is reduced several times, the body needs help in obtaining vitamins. Be sure to make up for the lack of vitamin D, which helps in the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the formation of the skeletal system. Mineral deficiency leads to:
- to osteoporosis, periodontal disease;
- destruction of teeth and nails;
- to problems with the cardiovascular system;
- to stressful tension;
- premature aging of the body.
Vitamin D is replenished with an integrated approach, it is necessary to increase the amount of timesun exposure and include appropriate foods in the diet. The vitamin is found in fish oil, egg yolks, butter, herring, beef liver, chicken, fish, pork.
For a mature man, it is important to take vitamin B12, which also begins to be poorly absorbed in middle age. The lack of this vital component leads to anemia, dementia, memory impairment, and limited mobility. Vitamin can only be obtained from animal products.

Vitamins A, C, E slow down the aging process, reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Vitamin deficiency results in:
- irritability;
- weaknesses;
- fatigue;
- insomnia;
- weakened immunity and many other disorders in the body.
Vitamin N protects the body from hepatitis and cirrhosis, especially lipoic acid is necessary for male smokers to protect the liver from the harmful effects of nicotine.
Real "male" vitamins
Vitamin E is responsible for the production of sex hormones. A sufficient amount of these useful elements is a guarantee of the preservation of reproductive function. These vitamins after 40 for men are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, they make the walls of blood vessels elastic, and prevent the formation of blood clots. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, slows down the aging process, prevents the occurrence of:
- atherosclerosis;
- stroke;
- heart attack.
This component can be obtained from vitamin complexes or products containing it. A lot of useful substances are found in olive oil, milk, cheese, dairy products, herbs, nuts.

Vitamin intake is separately prescribed by a specialist after examination and testing. It is necessary to take different vitamins for men after 40, which means - the doctor prescribes.
Vitamins for fatigue
When the lack of a vitamin does not reach a critical level, doctors advise simply adding olive oil and nuts to the diet. If it is not possible to use such products, a complex of vitamins for men after 40 years is prescribed. From fatigue - Vitrum Life. Vitrum Memory will relieve mental fatigue. Vitrum Performance will improve blood circulation, relieve physical fatigue, increase mental activity and help with sexual impotence.
Men's anti-stress vitamins
Daily psycho-emotional stress, or, as we used to say, stress, absorbs vital elements. Deficiency of these substances depletes the nervous system, increases the risk of myocardial infarction, hypertension, and insomnia. First you need to review the diet and add to it foods rich in B vitamins that stimulate the brain:
- B3 (nicotinic acid) is involved in energy synthesis.
- B5 stimulates the heart.
- B6 (pyridoxine) normalizes metabolic processes.
- B12 regulates metabolic processes innerve cells.
- Magnesium prevents overstimulation.
In the fight against stress, vitamins for men over 40 have proven themselves well - B and omega-3, fish oil. Vitamins containing polyunsaturated fatty acids are taken after meals for better absorption.
Complex "Antistress"
Natural Antistress complex today is one of the most effective and safe ways to cope with stress and anxiety.

The action of the complex is based on herbal ingredients that provide maximum efficiency. The drug quickly fights stress, normalizes sleep, restores mental activity, relieves emotional stress.
Vitamins for hair growth
It is important to take vitamins after 40 for men against baldness. The effect of androgens on the hair follicles is the cause of baldness in men over the age of 40. The bald back of the head in a middle-aged man speaks of a large amount of male hormones, this ailment cannot be treated, but you can stop the process if you take care of yourself and at the first signs of loss, using various means, stop the process.
Strengthens the roots and stimulates hair growth with vitamin A, but it is only absorbed with vitamin E and zinc. Therefore, retinol is taken to speed up the process of hair formation and improve blood circulation. Vitamin is added to shampoos and sold in ampoules. Sensitive skin may be allergic to the drug, be careful.
Specific vitamins
Men engaged in heavy physical labor consume nutrients from the body very quickly. There are good vitamins for men after 40 years old, necessary for the normalization of exclusively male physiological processes:
- prostate work;
- production of male hormones;
- spermatogenesis.
Often, vitamins after 40 years for men are taken when their deficiency becomes clearly noticeable and the body becomes depleted. They are rarely taken for prevention purposes.
There are classic multivitamins designed for prevention:
- "Vitrum";
- "Bio-Max";
- "Supradin";
- "Centrum Multivit" (complex from A to zinc);
- "Doppelhertz" (from A to zinc);
- "Complivit";
- "Multi-tabs Classic".
Vitamins for men over 40 may have a narrow focus and be designed to increase potency, build muscle tissue, increase overall body tone, strengthen immunity, improve the functioning of the circulatory system.

Before using drugs, you need to read the instructions, which indicate contraindications and dosages. Among the former, individual intolerance, cardiosclerosis and a post-infarction state are often indicated. Vitamins should be taken only after meals for better absorption. It is not recommended to use twomore vitamin complexes at the same time, because some supplements may not be compatible.
Sources of vitamins
After 40, men should pay more attention to their diet, which ideally consists of fresh, environmentally friendly products, vegetables, steamed or baked in the oven. However, one balanced diet is not enough, doctors and nutritionists recommend vitamin complexes for use. An overdose of drugs leads to unpleasant consequences for the body, so it is important that the complex is selected by a doctor.
For men over the age of 40, the Senior complex is very useful. It normalizes the work of all systems in the body, including the intestinal microflora.
Chromvital+ will help fight severe morning fatigue. All components of the complex consist of natural plant nutrients. The drug charges every cell of the body with energy.
Ursul helps fight the symptoms of urethritis, prostatitis and pyelonephritis.
Phytocomplex "Artum" relieves pain associated with prostate adenoma and prostatitis. The drug relieves swelling, inflammation and normalizes urination.
These vitamins for men over 40 reviews and recommendations are numerous and mostly positive. It is important to read the instructions and take into account the individual characteristics of the body.
Food vitamins
If a man's daily menu contains fatty, fried, spicy foods, he will not receive the necessary vitamin composition. Food should contain everything important forvital activity of the substance, for this you need to eat more cereals, seasonal fruits and vegetables, dairy products, low-calorie meat and fish. The best vitamins for men over 40 can be obtained from natural and fresh products. It is necessary to strictly ensure that there are fewer smoked and fried foods in the diet.

Important vitamin components of groups C, A, E are best obtained from natural he althy foods, but few people want and can refuse sandwiches, fried chicken and carbonated drinks. But there are situations when it is necessary to take a complex of vitamins. For example, a lack of vitamin E will cause constant fatigue and reduced performance and must be replenished.
Prescribing vitamins after 40 for men should only be done by a specialist individually, since an overdose is also dangerous for the body. The drugs are no longer the same that were prescribed at a young age, each of them must complement the other.
Animal and vegetable fats
The consumption of animal fats should be kept to a minimum, as their excessive amount stimulates the development of cancer cells. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of meat products, replace milk with kefir or fermented baked milk. Vegetable fats needed at this age are found in seeds, nuts, vegetable oil, avocados.
Storehouses of vitamins are fruits, lemons, oranges, grapefruits. Cranberries contain a large amount of vitamin C, it slows down the aging process of the male body, restores strength andprevents many diseases associated with age-related changes.
General recommendations
What vitamins a man should take after 40 depends on the individual requests of the state of the body. At this age, it is important to maintain good vitality and energy, vitamins A, E are needed to maintain potency, C - to strengthen immunity, N - for baldness. Vitamins D, B12 are important for the skin.
A doctor's consultation is necessary for the correct selection of the complex. Depending on how much the body is weakened, one drug or complex will be prescribed.
Importance of consulting a doctor
Vitamins are divided into prophylactic, drug complexes, multivitamin complexes and minerals, biological supplements. In order to correctly choose the appropriate complex and not harm your he alth, since some components may be incompatible, you need to consult a specialist. It is very difficult to independently assess the usefulness of a particular composition.
After the examination, the doctor will determine the state of the body and prescribe procedures to strengthen, restore or treat it. The state of immunity, circulatory system, muscle and bone tissue is assessed.
When choosing measures to improve the condition of the body, experts also focus on the composition of the vitamin complex and the planned effect of its use.
The best vitamin complexes
The following vitamins for men over 40 are considered the most popular for restoring and maintaining vitality (the name and a brief description of each are given below):
- "Alphabet". For ease of use, the tablets have a different color. Each tablet is a separate vitamin and mineral complex.
- "Duovit" - a source of essential nutrients.
- "Vitiron Suscaps" - the optimal combination of amino acids, micro and macro elements.
- Orange Triad Controlled Labs - the complex includes the most essential vitamins and nutrients.
- "Oligovit" contains the most important elements for the normal functioning of internal organs.

A man over 40 is still young, and his body has great potential. But for many, at this age, worsening of digestion, pressure drops, sharp pains in the lower back and much more begin. Therefore, keeping yourself in good physical shape is very important. He alth and energy depend on the responsibility of everyone.