Adsorbent - what is it? Drug names

Adsorbent - what is it? Drug names
Adsorbent - what is it? Drug names

Adsorption is the process of typical absorption of gases by another solid or liquid body. All absorbent elements have a very interesting property: they rapidly absorb and then absorb the inflammatory fluid, which manifests itself both in allergic and other negative reactions of the body when the external environment is opposed. As a result, troubles and he alth problems in a person can arise quite suddenly, so it is very important to be prepared for anything, as well as to know the basic rules for influencing the body in case of poisoning and intoxication. Every person at least once in his life, but felt these incredibly "wonderful" conditions: diarrhea, frequent vomiting, spasms and sometimes even unbearable pain. The unmistakable timely provision of first aid contributes to the rapid recovery and speedy recovery of the patient.

Signs of excessive slagging (intoxication) of the body

what is adsorbent
what is adsorbent
  1. Skin rashes. Toxins and other harmful substancesproduce high levels of sebum, leading to clogged pores, breakouts, and a dull complexion.
  2. Frequent and abrupt mood swings. In a state of oversaturation with toxins, the body's resistance to stress is significantly reduced. This can be explained by disturbances in the hormonal function of a person. Relaxing techniques, such as meditation, yoga, relaxation, will help reduce the amplitude of mood fluctuations.
  3. Chronic lethargy, fatigue. Obvious indicators of the excessive content of toxic substances in the body are lethargy, decreased attention, drowsiness, apathy to everything that happens, weakness, impotence and lack of energy for normal life.
  4. Disturbances in the processes in the work of the intestines. Improper and unhe althy nutrition, such as fast food, fatty and carbohydrate foods, adversely affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - intestinal motility decreases, constipation may occur. The produced bile acids and excess cholesterol are not excreted from the body within the allotted time, they linger in it and are absorbed into the bloodstream, poisoning the liver. In addition, junk food causes addiction, leads to obesity, diabetes and other he alth problems.

What are adsorbents

adsorbents preparations
adsorbents preparations

In the beginning, we have already de alt with the concept of "adsorbent". What is it in terms of drug treatment? An adsorbent is a separate group of medical preparations that adsorb various toxins, pathogenic microelements,regarding pathogens, gases and other allergens. Adsorbents activate he althy intestinal microflora, normalize the performance of its organs, lower the composition of urea and bilirubin in the blood. They may differ from each other, as they have several varieties. Basically, everything depends on the form of their interaction:

  • Come into an organic bond with the substance that they absorb.
  • Form a special solution.
  • Muffle the absorbed agent.

Now adsorbents are usually referred to the class of drugs that have amazing positive functions that allow them to be used for quick and effective treatment. They are quite capable of dealing with all kinds of poisonings of any complexity.

The main feature of sorbents

coal adsorbent
coal adsorbent

Pharmacy medicines, as it were, collect substances that have a negative poisoning effect, and also eliminate their activity. By binding them, accumulated toxins are removed from the body, relieve unbearable, excruciating pain symptoms, and also bring the general condition of a person back to normal. So, as you already understood, the sorbent is the same adsorbent. We figured out what it is, it remains to understand under what anxiety and painful conditions they will be useful and help them to defeat:

  • Acute food poisoning.
  • Intoxication with alcoholic beverages and their substitutes.
  • Intoxication with drugs, poisonous medicines, chemicals or drugs.
  • Release from the state of withdrawal.
  • All kinds of deviations and more.

Anatomical-therapeutic separation of adsorbents

Doctors still recommend using medications - adsorbents. The drugs below are considered the most effective:

  • "Smekta".
  • Activated or white charcoal.
  • "Polifepan".
  • "Enterosgel".
  • "Polysorb".
  • "Sorbex".
  • "Sorbolong".

Nowadays, all of the above funds are actively used by buyers. But before taking any remedy directly, the patient basically needs to consult with a qualified specialist. Such an integrated approach will help solve a lot of problems that are somehow associated with the irregular and insufficient functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Adsorbents are available both in powders and in the form of tablets, granules, oils, gels and various pastes. The type and form of release of funds is appointed by the doctor after passing the diagnostics in a manner that takes into account the personal characteristics of the human body.

What can cause an overdose or illiterate use

name of adsorbents
name of adsorbents

The wrong approach to taking drugs can cause various side effects. As you understand, each pharmacy sorbent has its own name. There are a lot of adsorbents now presented, but we will analyze the possible side effects only from the most popular remedies.

White coal (adsorbent), or rather an overdose of it, is not so dangerous. The only thing you should pay attention to is the likelihood of allergic reactions. Allergy sufferers should pay special attention to this.

"Sorbex". As a side effect, severe nausea, unbearable pain in the abdomen can occur. As a result of taking Sorbex for too long, it can cause constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, which can only be de alt with by completely stopping the use of this drug. It is undesirable to use this remedy for more than 14 days, because there may be a problem with the absorption of vitamins and various micro and macro nutrients.

"Smecta" is a fairly popular drug. The main form of release is powder. Over a long period of use, it can cause prolonged constipation, activate the development of beriberi, due to impaired absorption of essential vitamins and minerals into the body.

If we talk about black activated carbon (adsorbent), then in large quantities it can cause disturbances in the digestive system. The patient may experience constipation, the stool is often painted black, and diarrhea is likely. It is worth noting that the use of activated charcoal along with other drugs can significantly reduce its effectiveness.

"Enterosgel", in turn, can lead to flatulence and copious gas formation in the intestines. Spasms, colic, vomiting - all these symptomscause almost instant disgust for the medicine, and, as a result, the body refuses to take it at all.

"Polifepan" is a natural adsorbent. What is it - polyphepan? Immediately I want to note that this drug is very unpleasant to take. It has a loose texture, there is practically no smell, but the taste of this tool is even somewhat disgusting. As a result of too long use of "Polifepan" can cause a deficiency of minerals in the body, the patient's immunity is sharply reduced, and he is no longer able to fight various negative influences. That is why experts recommend taking polyphepan along with various vitamins, such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and so on.

"Atoxil" or "Polysorb" as a result of prolonged use can cause excruciating constipation, accompanied by colic and painful sensations.

Natural natural sorbent - pectin

adsorbents drugs names
adsorbents drugs names

Having studied pharmaceutical adsorbents, drugs, names and their features, let's move on to natural remedies. Let's start with pectin, a vitamin found primarily in fruits and vegetables.

This sorbent is completely natural, so it is able to save the human body from exposure to toxins and chemicals. In addition, pectin has the unique property of binding bad cholesterol and heavy metals such as lead and mercury. In the future, all these negative elements are completely eliminated from the human body. Thanks toThis prevents various poisonings and pathologies of the human cardiovascular system.

In addition to medicines and other therapeutic agents that are used for various poisonings of the body, another very useful product is natural fiber. It is able to remove harmful substances, accumulated chemicals and toxins from the human body in the shortest possible time and with maximum benefit.

What foods contain fiber

activated carbon adsorbent
activated carbon adsorbent

Above is information about what sorbents and adsorbents are mainly in a pharmacy. But some food products can also act as an adsorbent. What it is? What foods make great replacements for medications?

You probably know that now in the store you can buy fiber in any form: whether it is loose substances or in the form of small balls. However, experts still recommend eating fiber from fruits and vegetables. It is she who is just an excellent sorbent. The following is a list of foods that are rich in fiber:

  • Raisins, candied fruits, nuts.
  • Berries such as gooseberries, prunes, red and black currants.
  • Grains: oatmeal, barley porridge, buckwheat porridge.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Melon, bananas, apples, pumpkin.

Spices - analogues of adsorbents

To cleanse the body, adsorbents such as coriander and garlic are also very well suited. Let's analyze the benefits of each product in more detail. Have you ever thought about the healing properties of coriander? Many do not give itof special importance, but this is a big mistake, since coriander essential oil can relieve cramps and improve appetite. For people who suffer from digestive disorders, coriander will also be a great helper. In addition to all of the above, this spice also does an excellent job of cleansing the body of heavy metals.

Now let's talk about garlic. We are all used to adding garlic to various dishes just to improve their taste and aroma. However, garlic is a valuable vegetable that can force the liver to produce enzymes that help remove residual toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. And among other things, this product has a pronounced choleretic effect, which means that it is able to improve digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients in the human body.

A little about the healing properties of green tea

the best adsorbent
the best adsorbent

As you know, it is green tea that is the best way to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins. Perhaps this is the best adsorbent. No herbal tea can do this better than green tea. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants, including catechins, which affect the functioning of the liver. As a result, the work of the organ improves significantly, and the body quickly partes with the substances that have accumulated in it, which have a negative effect on it.

Thus, all natural adsorbents are great for cleaning, as they are truly the best products for removalchemicals and toxins from the body.
