The period of bearing a child is a special period of time when it is necessary to avoid the effects of potent drugs on a woman's body. But viruses and infections do not sleep and attack daily. Therefore, no woman is immune from diseases during pregnancy. When possible, physicians prefer topical formulations for therapeutic purposes because topical formulations are not likely to cause as many side effects as oral medications. Choosing an effective remedy for the treatment of dermatological pathologies, expectant mothers often ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to use Triderm during pregnancy?”

Ointment or cream "Triderm" for pregnant women is prescribed by the attending physician in special cases. Since the active composition of these drugs includes hormonal components that can have a toxic effect on the internal organs of the patient. Uncontrolled use of the drugbecomes a prerequisite for the development of unexpected consequences. Therefore, before using the medicine, especially during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult your doctor.
"Triderm" during pregnancy and lactation
Pregnancy is not listed in the list of restrictions to "Triderm". It is known that during the medical studies of the drug, its teratogenic effect on the fetus was not revealed, in other words, "Triderm" should not affect intrauterine development.

However, the hormonal components contained in the ointment and cream adversely affect the growth and development of an already born child. The active ingredients have been found in mother's breast milk and in the blood of a newborn baby. Since in the latter case the concentration of substances is low, it does not pose a particular danger to the development and he alth of the child. The likelihood of complications is reduced to zero.
Meanwhile, in breast milk, the concentration of active elements can accumulate, which increases the level of danger. Therefore, during lactation, the use of "Triderm" in the form of ointment and cream is prohibited. In the case when therapy is based only on the use of this agent, breastfeeding is suspended.
During pregnancy, "Triderm" in the early stages is prescribed exclusively for he alth reasons. Because it is during this period that the internal organs develop in the embryo and the future circulatory system is laid.
Whichcases prescribe drug
Pregnancy takes a heavy toll on a woman. Her body undergoes daily changes, not always positive. Bursts of sex hormones that occur daily actively affect the psycho-emotional state. The gradually increasing weight of a woman negatively affects the joints, overloading them. An enlarged uterus puts pressure on other internal organs. Therefore, it is not surprising that chronic conditions exacerbate in a pregnant woman, especially dermatological diseases such as:
- eczema;
- allergic dermatitis;
- neurodermatitis.
As a treatment for such pathologies, "Triderm" is prescribed during pregnancy. Dosage for external use is assigned the minimum.

Unstable levels of hormones cause a decrease in the protective functions of the body, there is a weakening of the immune system. The resistance of the female body to all kinds of infections is noticeably reduced:
- viruses;
- pathogenic bacteria;
- pathogenic yeast-like fungi.
If you suspect one of the described infections, it is recommended to seek the advice of a doctor for a diagnostic examination. As a rule, for the treatment of candidiasis, the use of "Triderm" during pregnancy is not primary. For its treatment, antifungal drugs with the least degree of toxicity are prescribed.
What is the danger of using the drug
Preferringas the main treatment for "Triderm" during pregnancy, many conditions must be taken into account. The attending physician takes into account the general condition of the patient, including medical history. Both the benefits for the expectant mother and the possible dangers to the fetus are on the scales. In total, there are three active components that can aggravate the course of pregnancy:
- Gentamycin sulfate is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it can seep through the placental barrier into the bloodstream to the fetus. In medical practice, episodes are known when gentamicin adversely affected the hearing apparatus of the fetus. In this regard, a certain number of newborns were diagnosed with congenital deafness.
- Clotrimazole is a synthetic antifungal compound. Enters the bloodstream in minimal amounts. However, the teratogenic effect of this compound has not been fully investigated. Therefore, it is possible that under the influence of other components of the drug "Triderm" the effect of clotrimazole is enhanced.
- Betamethasone is a synthetic compound that has a vasoconstrictor effect. Ingestion of a substance inside affects intrauterine development, disrupting it. External use minimizes this side effect. However, there is always an objective possibility of an unfavorable outcome.
Because some of the components are still able to penetrate into the bloodstream, the risk of episodic side effects increases.
Without endangering the he alth of the unborn child, doctors prefer to use otherdrugs. The patient receives the appointment of "Triderm" only in case of ineffectiveness of other means.
Medication description
The medicine has two forms of release: ointment and cream.

Ointment of a thick consistency with a greasy and oily structure, translucent.
The cream has a light texture, more like jelly. After application, it is quickly absorbed, leaving no residue on the skin and clothes. Both dosage forms do not have a specific smell. When prescribing one of the forms of the drug, the doctor takes into account the properties of both:
- In the primary stages of the development of the disease, it is preferable to use a cream. Rapid absorption makes it easy to influence inflammatory foci of skin lesions. The cream does not block the supply of oxygen to damaged tissues, so their recovery does not slow down.
- Ointment is effective as the final stage of therapy. Therefore, one of its properties is the formation of a protective layer on the dermis, which inhibits re-infection. Through the formed film, the components of the ointment are released moderately. This guarantees its uniform healing effect.
Action "Triderm" is aimed at eliminating allergic reactions, skin rashes, swelling of soft tissues and redness. The antifungal ingredient in its composition effectively fights infection.
Pharmacological action
"Triderm" - a combined preparation for external use, which is prescribed for the treatmentdermatological pathologies. The following active components of the composition are responsible for its therapeutic characteristics:
- Betamethasone is an artificial analogue of the human hormone produced in the adrenal cortex. Its production in the body begins in the presence of inflammatory processes. The properties of the synthetic analogue are to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
- Clotrimazole is a component that ruthlessly destroys pathogenic fungi. The component reduces the rate of production of building material of fungi, as a result of which their ability to multiply is sharply reduced, and they themselves die.
- Gentamycin sulfate is an antibiotic that can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria while healing the affected areas.
Under the action of the active components of the drug "Triderm" in patients, itching and irritation on the skin quickly disappear. The blood supply to the soft tissues is restored. There is a rise in local immunity, and the risk of an exacerbation is noticeably reduced.
Form and composition
Packaging cream and ointment is presented in the form of an aluminum tube, which is enclosed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use. The volume of the tube can contain 15 or 30 grams of the drug.

The composition of "Triderm", in addition to active ingredients, includes the following auxiliary ingredients:
- The ointment contains liquid and soft paraffins.
- In the cream - vaseline,water, macrogol, phosphoric acid, paraffin, alcohols.
The expiration date indicated in the instructions for the ointment is 24 months. The cream is allowed to be stored a little longer: 3 years. An opened tube of the drug should be used within 30 days. The optimal storage temperature is room temperature and the place is dark.
Instructions for use
The dosage of the drug and the duration of the therapeutic course are set by the attending physician, based on the degree of damage to the skin and the stage of development of the disease.
If after 3-5 days from the start of treatment the intensity of lesions and inflammation has not subsided, then a second consultation with the attending physician is necessary. Perhaps the dermatologist will adjust the dosage or change the drug.
The most "harmless" time of application is the second trimester of "Triderm" during pregnancy. You can use the drug without fear for your he alth and the he alth of your unborn child, observing the indicated dosage.
In addition, it is not recommended to apply "Triderm" on the face, mammary glands and open wounds.
Indications and contraindications
"Triderm" is a drug that is used to treat patients in case of damage to the skin by pathogenic microorganisms. The hormonal drug rapidly relieves the symptoms of atopic and allergic dermatitis, soothing the skin. Also indications for the use of "Triderm" are lichen and eczema.

Contraindications include:
- tuberculosis of the dermis;
- rash caused by syphilis;
- herpes skin lesions;
- chickenpox.
It is also forbidden to use the drug for the treatment of children under 2 years of age and with individual intolerance to its components.
Scheme of application of "Triderm" during pregnancy
Before using the remedy, it must be borne in mind that the appointment of "Triderm" in the first trimester of pregnancy tends to adversely affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. In the case when the attending physician recommends this particular medicine, the therapeutic dosage is determined in the minimum amount.
During pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, "Triderm" is also prescribed in minimal doses.
Method of application: cream or ointment is applied to the affected area of the skin 1 or 2 times a day. It is preferable to do this in the early hours and some time before bedtime.
The duration of the course is set by the doctor, as a rule, treatment lasts no more than a month. However, during pregnancy, "Triderm" is used no longer than 2 weeks.
Possible side effects
In addition to the glucocorticosteroid betamethasone, an antibiotic and an antifungal component can damage the he alth of the mother and unborn child. These two substances freely enter the bloodstream, bypassing the protective barriers of the body. Against this background, episodic side effects develop:
- appetite suppression occurs;
- sudden bouts of nausea and even vomiting occur;
- excessive gas.
The described conditions that can provoke the use of "Triderm" block the full supply of nutrients to the fetus.
Applying a cream or ointment to open wounds increases the chance of side effects.
The occurrence of local allergies after using the drug is not so uncommon. It manifests itself with rashes on the skin and irritation.
Pregnancy Precautions
To minimize the occurrence of adverse effects from treatment with Triderm, it is advisable to avoid applying the drug to large areas of the skin.

It is not allowed to use the drug with existing microtraumas, such as cuts or cracks in the skin. Because through open wounds, the active components penetrate into the mother's blood in the highest concentration, which can be dangerous for the fetus. This is stated in the instructions for use "Triderm" and in the reviews of doctors.
By the end of the third trimester, Triderm therapy is minimized or completely completed. In the last weeks of bearing a child, the active components of the drug can accumulate in the mammary glands. The source of their output is colostrum at the first feeding, which is in the body of a newborn baby.
According to the composition specified in the instructions for "Triderm", the analogues of the drug are:
- "Akriderm GK" - a combined remedy with an antifungalaction for external use. Its use is acceptable in early pregnancy, when the benefit to the mother is higher than the negative impact on the fetus.
- "Triacutan" is an antifungal drug for external use in the form of an ointment and cream, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammation and itching. Its use during pregnancy is allowed, but in minimal quantities.
If we talk about analogues similar in therapeutic effect, then they are recognized:
- "Beloderm" is a hormonal remedy used for skin inflammations.
- "Belosalik" - a drug for the elimination of dermatological diseases.
- "Lokoid" is a hormonal anti-inflammatory drug for external use.
Replacement of drugs is carried out only by a doctor, especially this rule applies to pregnant women.
Patient testimonials
Reviews about "Triderm" during pregnancy are completely contradictory. Someone admires the drug, and someone is extremely dissatisfied with its therapeutic effect. Such fluctuations of opinion are due to the fact that each organism is individual. For one patient, "Triderm" is able to help cope with a painful illness, while for another, it only worsens the situation. The latter option, as a rule, is due to the uncontrolled use of the drug and unauthorized prescription, which leads to complications.
Doctors confirm that "Triderm" is effective against various dermatological diseases and allergic skin lesions.